Friday, November 11, 2005

BLAM!! The press shoots itself in the foot again.

You know, I really wish I could get off what must seem like a vendetta against the press in this country. I'm probably going to have to force myself to tackle another issue. However, every darn time I unload my weapon in their general direction..... Damn if one of them doesn't grab the magazine, reload it for me and hand it right back. (perhaps with some training and doggie treats I can get them to also slam it home and jack the slide back to chamber the first round)

Tonight our guest of honor in the ol' crosshairs is Mary Mapes. She used to be just about as high up in the ol' boy network she could get at CBS without banging her head on that (not supposed to be there) glass ceiling. Basically she was numero uno in charge of all the news that the anchor person delivers. The former Dan Rather delivered some of her work to the nation. Of course that's exactly why he's the former anchor man at CBS. The now infamous "Burkett memos" were something that passed through her hands to the accomplice anchor man's hands.

For those who have forgotten a Mr. Bill Burkett (sadly from Texas) "discovered" some lost and forgotten "memos" and other "documents" exiting his printer. These "memos" and "documents" had to do with the Presidents national guard service. They were about as genuine as a three dollar bill with former President Clinton's smiling face on the front. Four document experts reviewed these works. Two departed almost immediately since they were obvious fakes. The other two hung around long enough to tell Miss. Mapes that taking these things public would be a serious mistake because they were obviously fake. (One of the biggest clues was that the manual typewriters of that era did not possess the font used and could not deliver the straight lines and uniform spacing these papers demonstrated. Something about them also being printed on paper not of that era was a tad fishy too.) None the less Miss Mapes and others at CBS had an agenda and something as trivial as the lack of authenticity of their latest tool was not going to deter them.

So the chief stooge in all of this, Dan Rather, faces the cameras and reports that newly discovered documents prove that President Bush had people pulling strings to get him into the Air National Guard and keep him out of the war. Within minutes their "evidence" of this eeeeevil plot had more holes in it than a warehouse of aged Swiss cheese. The blogs lit up like a California hillside during brush fire season with Santa Anna winds fanning the flames.

CBS should have quickly tossed Mr. Burkett under a bus, or passing Metro commuter train but instead they stuck with their story. (and now we all know why the news industry calls them stories, don't we) But they did start to waffle after a couple of days of the growing heat. They started to defend themselves with very carefully selected words. They would say that the information in the memo's had not been proven to be false, thereby cleverly overlooking the fact that the entire document was a gross fabrication. And since a lot of America pays little or no attention and only picks up the sound bites what started to stick was that Bush lied. Geee! That sounds exactly like the same line the democrats are still trying to use today. Talk about your broken record. But as we've learned from the CBS debacle.... If you don't have anything you can use against someone simply make it up.

Miss Mapes seems to have found herself in the company of the also unemployed Mr Rather lately. Well... not actually IN Mr. Rather's company.... just equally unemployed. She appeared on the Larry King show the other night. Funny how liberals will not simply let other disgraced liberals quietly fade from memory. Larry asks about the documents several times and Miss Mapes comes out with something that ought to have everyone in the country taking a vow to never watch mainstream news again. "Larry, it's not our job to prove the source material is authentic.... It's up to the other side to prove it's not."

I sure hope to hell that I wasn't the only one to grasp the significance of that statement. For those not tuned in to LibSpeak what she just said was that it's okay for the media to just make stuff up if it helps advance their "story" and their agenda. Normally they advance their agenda by very selectively reporting the "news" to America. For instance.... their anti-war agenda. Please name the last time you heard a positive news report on either Iraq or Afghanistan. Please recount the last time a major media source aired a report showing our troops engaged in building schools (over 350 at last count), rebuilding municipal infrastructure, protecting and treating the hapless victims of terrorist attacks. Keep your eyes peeled for the paid ads run by the people of Kurdistan in northern Iraq TO the people of America! Kurdistan is quiet, peaceful and not one U.S. troop has died in that area since 2003. They just want to say thank you America for our freedom. That should have been a news item on every major network but it wasn't and it won't be either. That's why the people of Kurdistan had to run ads in the American media... so we would know the truth.

That last line is a sad commentary, folks. For several years now I've been mulling over the idea of assigning a rating system to all the media. We could have a "BS" rating for the tabloids for example. We could have a "N" rating for outlets that accurately reported the news. We might have a rating of "VB" for outlets that demonstrated a high degree of bias in their reporting. One could keep breaking it down but that's enough for now. Then I take the rating system one step further. First to have to prominently display your rating on the main page of a print publication and in the lower right hand corner of a TV presentation. I'd like to go one step farther and just flatly forbid anyone from being on TV unless they had an "N" rating but there is that freedom of the press thing. My nifty little system doesn't restrict the freedom of the press though. All it does is warn the public that you just might be on the receiving end of a big steaming shovel full if you don't see that "N" rating. I think that's something everyone in America ought to know!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Democrat Whirlpool

It seems that the democrats are getting motion sickness these days. It's a two part problem for them but fairly easy to explain really. Part one is caused by their heads spinning around. Not unlike the little girl in The Exorcist. While most are likely not possessed by demons there is more than enough evil intent on their side to go around several times. The head spinning is caused by constantly having to change position on the various key issues based upon which special interest group they are addressing. This begins the dizziness. Part two is caused by their 40 year history of absolute control in Washington D.C. slipping further and faster out of their greedy grasp. No matter what trick or scheme they try lately it blows up in their faces. They are in one giant "flush mode" whirlpool and heading down the drain fast! Frankly it's a hoot to watch.

The current democrat party is a party without a solid core. Rather it is a conglomeration of special interest groups which the party leadership must cater to. Even at one of the definitions for cater reads "The legislation catered to several special interest groups." Do those people know democrats or what? John Kerry was a prime example in his doomed run for the top office. In Detroit (New Falluja) Kerry boasted of owning several large SUV's as he addressed union auto workers. A few days later he denied owning any SUV's by stating "I don't own any, my family does." That is a point without any difference.

On my other blog I addressed the waste of time and money this trumped up witchhunt over "spy outting" is. Documentation anyone with a computer can find proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Plame outed herself 6 and 7 years before any of this other stuff surfaced. Her brilliant husband (and media whore) listed her by her cover name and cover company in the bio section of a speakers list when he spoke at a conference on Iraq one full year prior to the current hype. This is just another little "get Bush" gambit and, like all the others, it too is doomed to abject failure.

What the democratic party fails to understand is that under our political system there is no absolute right to govern granted to either party. Every other year it's a crap shoot as to who will gain office be that House, Senate or Presidency. (which I know is every four years) Back when the democrat party had a core and actually stood for things they held sway with a majority of Americans and, as a result, maintained a leadership position for four decades. At this point they really need to rename their party the "Demosaurs" because they are about to meet the big space rock and become extinct.

However, during that long reign of control, the Democrats came to believe that control was their birthright. Right now the party needs to be assessing itself and asking the key question "what is wrong with our position". But to them there is nothing wrong with their position on key issues. When they get rejected the finger pointing begins. It's rigged voting machines. It's evil republicans keeping blacks from the polls. It's that their "message" didn't get out. It's unfair and biased talk radio. The list goes on and on and on. And like one democrat put it after Persident Bush handily won the last election... "How could 51 million Americans be so stupid?" That's right... we the people are too stupid to vote for democrats..... according to them.

Sorry Dem's but the biggest stockpile of stupid is in your backyard not ours. (We have outhouses and old cars in our backyards... no room for stupid) You are the ones who earnestly believe that the American people are instantly going to believe anything you say today. That we don't have a memory. For the last two years we've heard an endless stream of "Bush Lied!" and "there were no weapons of mass destruction!" Frankly it gets tiring and that's another one of your problems. All one has to do is let their fingers trip over their keyboards and there is a wealth of wonderful quotaions on both Iraq and WMD's. Try some of these on for size:

"Without question we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator leading an impressive regime. He presents a particularlly grievous threat because he is so consistantly prone to miscalculation. And now he's miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistant grasp for weapons of mass destruction."

And how about this one:

"If Saddam rejects peace, and we have to use force, our purpose is clear: We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."

And one more just to make my point crystal clear:

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the developement of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."

Yep! Those statements are all on the record and in the history books boys and girls. War mongering republicans you suspect? WRONG!! The first quote is the work of none other and John F. Kerry on January 23, 2003. The second by the king of semen stained blue dresses himself... former President William Jefferson Clinton on February 17th, 1998. And the final quote is given to us by "Queen" Nancy Pelosi on December 16th, 1998. Each and every one a democrat to the bone and each and every one has since accused President Bush of lying about Iraq having WMD's just to get us into a war. Seems a bit two faced if you ask me. The list of famous democrats who made similar statements is lengthy. Too lengthy for me to quote them all here. However I can list a few names of leading democrats who were 100% on board for kicking Iraq's ass because of their WMD programs.

1. Bill Clinton
2. John F. Kerry
3. Nancy Pelosi
4. Sandy Berger
5. Madeleine Albright
6. Carl Levin
7. Tom Daschle
8. Al Gore
9. Ted Kennedy
10. Robert Byrd

Just to name a few! Each and every one with the very same message. Saddam Hussein is an evil man and a threat to the region and the world because of his persuit of WMD's. Folks it seems to me that if these very same people now are claiming that "Bush lied" to get us into war then wern't they lying to the American people then? Hummmmmm?? You can't have it both ways democrats that that's what's killing them. If anyone is constantly lying to the American people it's the left. They lie about Presiden Bush. They lie about their stated position on the war and on WMD's. They lie about who they are every election cycle. They lie about what they believe and what they truly want for this country.

While they piss and moan about every little bitty thing that doesn't go their way what they are not hearing is the sound of the American people waking up and paying attention. What they are not seeing is that their old ally, the mainstream media, is starting to splinter a bit and isn't always as eager to jump on their bandwagon anymore. Don't get me wrong on that point though. The mainstream media is still a bit to the left of ol' Joe Stallin and they still have their own agenda to advance. They just haven't figured out how to get anyone but democrats to do that for them yet. Thanks to the internet and the FOX network there is now a check and balance to their former total control of the media. Now when they lie all the details hit cyberspace in nanoseconds.

So while I watch the democratic party getting sucked into a black hole of it's own making I'm both elated and saddened. I'm happy because this current bunch is as slimy as dead fish and needs to get sucked apart and squashed into oblivion. I'm sad, though, because at one time this was a pretty great party and actually stood for something. They did do some good in the world and did make a difference. But their entitlement mentality refuses to come to grips with the fact that the American people have heard their "message" and have rejected it. Democrats rail against "christians" and make fun of our beliefs when 84% of the country is christian. Want a good way to stay out of power? Alienate the majority of the voters... that will do it every time. Like someone said.... put a sack of excrement down and a democrat will go out of his way to step in it. They are coming apart at the seams and can't figure that out. They can't look at themselves and see a problem. Obviously we the people have seen a problem with them.

Friday, September 16, 2005

What the hell do you want?

Sheehan: Get troops out of 'occupied New Orleans'Mother of slain soldier decries 'military and governmental fascism'
Posted: September 16, 20053:29 p.m. Eastern
© 2005
Cindy SheehanFresh from a visit to hurricane-ravaged Louisiana, anti-Bush activist Cindy Sheehan is demanding the U.S. military be removed from "occupied New Orleans."
In a
dispatch on leftist filmmaker Michael Moore's website, Sheehan said she was troubled by the "level of the military presence" in the Gulf Coast state.
The above is posted just to remind you of how totally screwed up the radical left really is. Cindy is one of those leftists who was bitching and moaning just a couple of weeks ago that the Federal Government wasn't doing enough or moving fast enough to help the people of New Orleans. Okay. So the Federal Government shows up and now she's bitching and moaning that they are there.... and wants them gone.
Earth to Cindy! Who the hell did you think the Federal Government would send to New Orleans anyway? Perhaps a bunch of clerks from the Congress or accountants from the IRS? There is only one force on the planet that can move equipment and material on the scale necessary to do any good.... and that is the U.S. Military. There is not another single organization on earth that can do what the U.S. Military can do.... Period! From small boats to heavy lift helicopters. From supply ships to Hospital ships. From amphibious vehicles to the largest trained water rescue force anywhere right down to the engineers and equipment necessary to plug dikes and pump out water.
If Ms. Sheehan and her leftist buddies are so damn concerned about who is in New Orleans helping people recover they might get off their sorry butts and volunteer to help! You'll see some leftists show up for photo ops but that's the extent of it. Why? Because the left has consistently demonstrated, over the last couple decades, exactly what it is they do best. What is that? They Bitch. They point fingers, blame the folks trying to accomplish things and complain about everything. All we ever hear from the left is a constant stream of hatred for everything and everyone not them. Never a kind word on any topic.
If the left wants to know why it has lost political power and will likely never get it back all they have to do is look at what they offer the American people. Bitching, moaning, whining, complaining, personal attacks, hatred and loathing. Where is the hope? Where is the optimism? Where is the plan to make things better? Where and the new and fresh ideas? They have been using the same old worn out plan for nearly 70 years and refuse to catch a clue and update their thinking. Who, in their right mind, wants to vote in the party of bigger government, more erosion of personal freedoms and higher taxes?
New Orleans and the State of Louisiana prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Liberalism simply does not work. Controlled by democrats for over 60 years it should have been a utopia if you buy into what liberals say they are going to do. And that is all the liberals want you to do too. Buy into what they say. They themselves often remark, when another of their grand schemes fails, "judge us on our good intentions, not by the results." In other words judge us by what we say not by what we actually do. Just when the good citizens of New Orleans needed their elected liberal democrat leaders the very most what did they get? Abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Consider that a model for the entire nation. Put liberal democrats back in charge and just when you need them the most your ass will be left swinging in the breeze.
I'm sorry this wasn't all that funny.....Except if you consider that the left never knows what the hell it wants to be funny. To use the words of TomDaschlel.... "I'm deeply troubled" that the left just doesn't get it...And likely never will.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Media IS the answer!

I've been watching all the non-stop media coverage of Katrina and frankly I'd seen enough after 5 minutes to realize that a hurricane had hit New Orleans and the place was pretty much wiped out. However, the media thinks we're all dumb as a mud fence so they have to keep ramming this stuff down out throats around the clock.

During all that coverage a very simple thought occurred to me. Rather than listening to the media keep questioning the response to the storm.... how about the next time a major U.S. city is wiped out... we simply put the media in charge of the response efforts! It's the most obvious and most perfect solution.

At every turn the media constantly questions the type of assistance, the level of assistance, the timing of the assistance and the delivery of the assistance. It's as if they are reading off the play sheet and pointing out all the errors being made by the responders. They have pointed out that the city had no responsibility for taking care of it's own citizens. They don't seem to think that the state of Louisiana bears much responsibility either. IF anything is to be done to help the people of Louisiana and those of New Orleans then it seems to all fall on the shoulders of the Federal Government.

We take you now to the future. We're watching the CBS-BS evening news as they detail the approach of a catagory 4 hurricane to the east coast of Florida. Suddenly there is a disturbance off camera then uniformed troops surround the anchor. A neat looking man in a well tailored suit arrives. "Sir! I'm from FEMA and I'm here to relieve you."
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm right in the middle of the news!"
"We know sir, so if you'll just get up I'll take over and you can be on your way." says the man in the suit.
"Take over? Be on my way where for God sake?" asks the anchor.
"Be on your way to FEMA headquarters of course. Your helicopter is waiting in the parking lot right now." repliies the suit.
"Why in the hell would I want to go to FEMA Headquarters? There is a hurricane heading for Florida and that's big news. I can't leave now!" says the anchor.
"Exactly! The President was so impressed with your network's knowledge of what should have been done after Katrina hit Louisiana that he just signed an executive order placing CBS-BS in total charge of the disaster relief efforts. You're now in charge of FEMA!" smiles the suit.
"But.... I'm a news anchor! I don't know anything about disaster relief or what to do." says the anchor as two large uniformed troops lift him from his well padded chair.
"Boy! You sure had us fooled then. From the way you guys ripped our asses over Katrina we all figured that you guys were all experts in everything from logistics to improvised engineering solutions." the suit replied as he settled into the chair and glanced at the stack of news notes on the desk.

The anchor was still screaming as the troops escorted him and every member of CBS-BS management out of the building and onto the waiting helicopters. The suit looked up at the unblinking eye of the camera and began....

"As the hurricane bears down on the coast of Florida everyone is wondering if the response from FEMA will be any more effective now than it was for Katrina...."

Monday, September 12, 2005


We all know about that other "move on" organization. Yeah, those are the ones... the ones who absolutely refuse to move on or even attempt to catch up with reasoned and rational society. This will be different... a LOT different. Real short on the hate and lothing and other tools of a tired old worn out political party and real long on humor. Some just "in your face" humor and some that you'll have to give some genuine thought to. (No... I don't expect some folks to get that part)

I make no attempt whatsoever to be grammatically correct or use proper punctuation. I'll leave that to the press, who is always 100% correct about everything. Nope! I'm just going to call them as I see them here. Like what you read... fine. Don't like what you read and get all pissed off and bent outta shape..... tough toenails. This is America and you do have the absolute right to be offended here. Enjoy it! I would go ahead and give the basic premise of this blog but if you have a couple of functioning brain cells to rub together you'll probably figure it out soon enough. (I also suspect some folks will never figure it out... probably the same folks scratching their ass about the humor) Likewise I'll probably mess up the spelling of a word now and then. Some of that is my fault for never aspiring to be a journalist, (you remember... the ones who are 100% right all of the time) part is the fault of my fingers which sometimes do things without my orders and part is a very old keyboard which likes to stick sometimes. (But I'll try to catch those for you)

Most of the time I'm just going to take a really twisted look at the world and let you know what I see. This is also like that other move on place but with my head out of my ass which gives me a better view point! Sometimes I'm just going to Poke fun at darn near everything. A sense if humor is vital when the majority of what you are used to getting is negative and dark. So you can view this blog just like life. Don't take it seriously because no one is getting out alive anyway.