Friday, September 16, 2005

What the hell do you want?

Sheehan: Get troops out of 'occupied New Orleans'Mother of slain soldier decries 'military and governmental fascism'
Posted: September 16, 20053:29 p.m. Eastern
© 2005
Cindy SheehanFresh from a visit to hurricane-ravaged Louisiana, anti-Bush activist Cindy Sheehan is demanding the U.S. military be removed from "occupied New Orleans."
In a
dispatch on leftist filmmaker Michael Moore's website, Sheehan said she was troubled by the "level of the military presence" in the Gulf Coast state.
The above is posted just to remind you of how totally screwed up the radical left really is. Cindy is one of those leftists who was bitching and moaning just a couple of weeks ago that the Federal Government wasn't doing enough or moving fast enough to help the people of New Orleans. Okay. So the Federal Government shows up and now she's bitching and moaning that they are there.... and wants them gone.
Earth to Cindy! Who the hell did you think the Federal Government would send to New Orleans anyway? Perhaps a bunch of clerks from the Congress or accountants from the IRS? There is only one force on the planet that can move equipment and material on the scale necessary to do any good.... and that is the U.S. Military. There is not another single organization on earth that can do what the U.S. Military can do.... Period! From small boats to heavy lift helicopters. From supply ships to Hospital ships. From amphibious vehicles to the largest trained water rescue force anywhere right down to the engineers and equipment necessary to plug dikes and pump out water.
If Ms. Sheehan and her leftist buddies are so damn concerned about who is in New Orleans helping people recover they might get off their sorry butts and volunteer to help! You'll see some leftists show up for photo ops but that's the extent of it. Why? Because the left has consistently demonstrated, over the last couple decades, exactly what it is they do best. What is that? They Bitch. They point fingers, blame the folks trying to accomplish things and complain about everything. All we ever hear from the left is a constant stream of hatred for everything and everyone not them. Never a kind word on any topic.
If the left wants to know why it has lost political power and will likely never get it back all they have to do is look at what they offer the American people. Bitching, moaning, whining, complaining, personal attacks, hatred and loathing. Where is the hope? Where is the optimism? Where is the plan to make things better? Where and the new and fresh ideas? They have been using the same old worn out plan for nearly 70 years and refuse to catch a clue and update their thinking. Who, in their right mind, wants to vote in the party of bigger government, more erosion of personal freedoms and higher taxes?
New Orleans and the State of Louisiana prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Liberalism simply does not work. Controlled by democrats for over 60 years it should have been a utopia if you buy into what liberals say they are going to do. And that is all the liberals want you to do too. Buy into what they say. They themselves often remark, when another of their grand schemes fails, "judge us on our good intentions, not by the results." In other words judge us by what we say not by what we actually do. Just when the good citizens of New Orleans needed their elected liberal democrat leaders the very most what did they get? Abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Consider that a model for the entire nation. Put liberal democrats back in charge and just when you need them the most your ass will be left swinging in the breeze.
I'm sorry this wasn't all that funny.....Except if you consider that the left never knows what the hell it wants to be funny. To use the words of TomDaschlel.... "I'm deeply troubled" that the left just doesn't get it...And likely never will.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Media IS the answer!

I've been watching all the non-stop media coverage of Katrina and frankly I'd seen enough after 5 minutes to realize that a hurricane had hit New Orleans and the place was pretty much wiped out. However, the media thinks we're all dumb as a mud fence so they have to keep ramming this stuff down out throats around the clock.

During all that coverage a very simple thought occurred to me. Rather than listening to the media keep questioning the response to the storm.... how about the next time a major U.S. city is wiped out... we simply put the media in charge of the response efforts! It's the most obvious and most perfect solution.

At every turn the media constantly questions the type of assistance, the level of assistance, the timing of the assistance and the delivery of the assistance. It's as if they are reading off the play sheet and pointing out all the errors being made by the responders. They have pointed out that the city had no responsibility for taking care of it's own citizens. They don't seem to think that the state of Louisiana bears much responsibility either. IF anything is to be done to help the people of Louisiana and those of New Orleans then it seems to all fall on the shoulders of the Federal Government.

We take you now to the future. We're watching the CBS-BS evening news as they detail the approach of a catagory 4 hurricane to the east coast of Florida. Suddenly there is a disturbance off camera then uniformed troops surround the anchor. A neat looking man in a well tailored suit arrives. "Sir! I'm from FEMA and I'm here to relieve you."
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm right in the middle of the news!"
"We know sir, so if you'll just get up I'll take over and you can be on your way." says the man in the suit.
"Take over? Be on my way where for God sake?" asks the anchor.
"Be on your way to FEMA headquarters of course. Your helicopter is waiting in the parking lot right now." repliies the suit.
"Why in the hell would I want to go to FEMA Headquarters? There is a hurricane heading for Florida and that's big news. I can't leave now!" says the anchor.
"Exactly! The President was so impressed with your network's knowledge of what should have been done after Katrina hit Louisiana that he just signed an executive order placing CBS-BS in total charge of the disaster relief efforts. You're now in charge of FEMA!" smiles the suit.
"But.... I'm a news anchor! I don't know anything about disaster relief or what to do." says the anchor as two large uniformed troops lift him from his well padded chair.
"Boy! You sure had us fooled then. From the way you guys ripped our asses over Katrina we all figured that you guys were all experts in everything from logistics to improvised engineering solutions." the suit replied as he settled into the chair and glanced at the stack of news notes on the desk.

The anchor was still screaming as the troops escorted him and every member of CBS-BS management out of the building and onto the waiting helicopters. The suit looked up at the unblinking eye of the camera and began....

"As the hurricane bears down on the coast of Florida everyone is wondering if the response from FEMA will be any more effective now than it was for Katrina...."

Monday, September 12, 2005


We all know about that other "move on" organization. Yeah, those are the ones... the ones who absolutely refuse to move on or even attempt to catch up with reasoned and rational society. This will be different... a LOT different. Real short on the hate and lothing and other tools of a tired old worn out political party and real long on humor. Some just "in your face" humor and some that you'll have to give some genuine thought to. (No... I don't expect some folks to get that part)

I make no attempt whatsoever to be grammatically correct or use proper punctuation. I'll leave that to the press, who is always 100% correct about everything. Nope! I'm just going to call them as I see them here. Like what you read... fine. Don't like what you read and get all pissed off and bent outta shape..... tough toenails. This is America and you do have the absolute right to be offended here. Enjoy it! I would go ahead and give the basic premise of this blog but if you have a couple of functioning brain cells to rub together you'll probably figure it out soon enough. (I also suspect some folks will never figure it out... probably the same folks scratching their ass about the humor) Likewise I'll probably mess up the spelling of a word now and then. Some of that is my fault for never aspiring to be a journalist, (you remember... the ones who are 100% right all of the time) part is the fault of my fingers which sometimes do things without my orders and part is a very old keyboard which likes to stick sometimes. (But I'll try to catch those for you)

Most of the time I'm just going to take a really twisted look at the world and let you know what I see. This is also like that other move on place but with my head out of my ass which gives me a better view point! Sometimes I'm just going to Poke fun at darn near everything. A sense if humor is vital when the majority of what you are used to getting is negative and dark. So you can view this blog just like life. Don't take it seriously because no one is getting out alive anyway.