Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a while. I switched professions and drive one of those big rigs now. Mama says I drive a big rig at home too.... but that's for a different blog. Anyway..... not a whole lot of time to write lately, due to the new job, but I'll post when I can.
This election cycle is both hysterically funny and a frontal assault on basic common sense. It's funny to watch the liberals running around as if they have already won. Miss Pelosi, next speaker of the house, is already measuring her new digs for drapes. Charlie Rangle has already stated that all the "Bush tax cuts for the rich" will be cancelled immediately after the Democrat victory. Damn! There's a great reason to vote Democrat! More money out of your pocket so Washington can piss it off any way they want to. Makes me want to vote them in!
Let's recall the last "savior" to be elected..... Bill Clinton. Mr. ,stick your finger in the air (and other places) to see which way the wind is blowing today, gave us the biggest tax increases in the history of the nation. No one was safe. Clinton even raised taxes on the retired community by increasing the tax on their social security checks. If you made a penny Clinton made damn sure that big government got their share..... fair or not. And when they had taxed us so much that they couldn't spend it fast enough a "surplus" developed. Clinton had the audacity to go on television and state "We could give you your money back....... but we can't be sure you'd spend it right." WHAT??? That's the democrat way of thinking. YOU are too damn stupid to even know on what to spend the money you bust your ass to earn. Only they know what is best for you and your money. Actually.... only your money.... they could care less about you. Now they want us to put them back in power in Washington. God help us.
While driving the other day I saw a sign along the side of the road that said: "Had enough? Vote Democrat!" So I ask myself, enough what? Had enough of the highest stock market in the history of the nation? Had enough of the lowest unemployment in the history of the nation? (Yes Libs.... a full percentage point lower than any time under Bill Clinton) Statistically speaking it's full employment. Had enough of lower taxes, more take home pay? Had enough booming economy? Had enough low interest rates? Had enough of freedom of terrorist attacks on our own shores? If so.... by all means put Democrats in power and all those things will go away quickly.
The media is playing their roll as the second wing of the Democrat party too. And please.... if you honestly still think that the media isn't hugely bias towards liberal democrats you haven't been paying attention for the last 50 years. They have been carrying the water for the democrat party for ages. The only thing that has changed in the past 12 or so years is that they no longer hold a monopoly on what information and "news" reaches the citizens of these United States. That aggravates them more than they can stand. The FOX network...... far from right wing but more balanced than the old media giants..... is referred to as the "F-word network" by the others. They hate FOX for daring to broadcast both sides of the issues and present to the public anything other than the singular media opinion they share. Some night try switching channels on your TV. ABC..... CBS....... NBC...... CNN....... try them all and see if you can tell the difference. Often when I do this they are so coordinated that the same story is running at the same time and with the exact same wording and slant. It's amazing! What gets to me the most is watching those programs and listening to all the lies. They are masters at just plain making stuff up if it will serve to advance their agenda. In the old days they got away with that. Now days there is an alternative out there and they can't get away with it cleanly any more.
Everything I see and hear on the usual media is slanted against the conservatives. Republicans are going to loose here and there...... Conservative ideas are rejected by a majority of people polled...... (I'll get to polls later) Republicans are going to stay home this election because they are tired of how the country is being run. They keep doing all they can to force Democrats down our throats but all that does is make me puke them right back up. When was the last time you saw or heard anything on the big media giants negative towards the democrats? How about even slightly negative? Nope! When democrats screw up that gets ignored. What the democrats stand for isn't mentioned at all. They break out the smoke and mirrors and misdirect or blame republicans for their failings. Democrats fail and somehow Republicans are always to blame. It's never that the Democrats have bad ideas or that they are consistently rejected by the majority of rational thinking Americans. It's always a dirty Republican "vast right wing conspiracy" plot and the democrats never got a fair deal. No.... they got a fair deal that they got rejected. Their problem is that they refuse to admit that their ideas are not selling. It's YOU that are too damn stupid to realize just how brilliant and superior they truly are! In reality you are too damn smart to buy their line of BS any more.
And those polls. I am sick to death of freaking polls. If you have ever participated in a poll you know that the questions are designed and worded in such a way as to get the answer that the people paying for the poll desire. For example..... I'm paying for a poll and what I want is an end to trout fishing. So, for example, a question might ask.... "Do you favor an end to Trout fishing or would you rather see all Trout vanish from our streams and lakes?" That's how polls work so it's no wonder that the media is in absolute love with polls. They choose a position that they support then contrive a poll worded in such a way as to bring back the desired result. THEN the result of the poll becomes the news of the day! How many times have you heard the evening news start out something like this?: "ABC poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans don't like how Bush is running the country." They hate Bush and they want the rest of the country to think that everyone hates Bush..... so they create a poll designed to return that sort of result. Certainly if you ask enough democrats you'll get that result.... they live to hate. Polls are not the news but the media makes it the news because they have little else to do considering how well things in the country are going. The LAST thing you are going to hear or see on main stream media is a story on how well things really are going in this country and in Iraq. That doesn't fit the media template which is "America sucks and we shouldn't be in Iraq."
I've rambled quite a bit here but there is a point (or several) buried in here too..... you just have to look for them. That might require actual thought so, naturaly, I don't expect any lib reader to get it. The rest of you...... you are the hope for this country so you damn sure better be able to figure it out.