It sure looks like the Neo-Dem's are actually correct, for a change. For months I've been hearing the Neo-Dem's telling us that the war on terror is nothing but "Bush's Vietnam" and there is NO way we can possibly win. I have to admit that the Neo-Dem's seem to be accurate on both counts.
Much like Nixon, President Bush inherited an armed conflict. While Eisenhower had sent advisers to Vietnam it was Kennedy who ramped things up and started sending combat troops. (A minor fact that brother Teddy always seems to forget) In the current situation Bush 43 had the war passed through President Clinton (largely untouched). Bush 41 had success at the start of the war but had a limited mandate which crippled the military and prevented us from taking Saddam out in the early nineties. What the Neo-Dem's always forget to mention is that the initial conflict ended in a cease-fire rather than any sort of genuine capitulation by Iraq. A cease-fire means exactly that. The warring parties agree to stop shooting at each other. THE WAR DOES NOT STOP AND IS NOT OVER!!! The "bad guys" kept shooting at our aircraft for the next dozen or so years while ignoring sanction after sanction by the United Nations. Bottom line, President Bush did not START the war. It was ongoing when he took office. He simply elected to resume military action after Iraq's own actions and stated intentions left no other viable option.
Also, much like Nixon, the mood of the congress and senate changed when Nixon was elected. Kennedy and Johnson had opposition but it was minor and mostly on college campi. Politically the Dem's of the day fell in line behind their presidents and didn't make waves. They wanted a successful outcome BUT they started thinking they were qualified to be Generals. They started trying to run the war from Washington. When Nixon took power the Dem's of the day turned rabid and suddenly opposed everything Nixon tried to accomplish. It would not look good for them if a Republican had success with the war when the two Democrats prior had not been able to gain victory. The arm-chair generals in the House and Senate kept imposing themselves on the conflict effectively tying the hands of the troops on the ground behind their backs. Before I left country it was bad enough that we were expected to hold position while under fire, radio back to HQ and get permission to return fire in defense of our own lives!! This is the same tact that they are trying to put in place in Iraq. Finally they defunded the war and we had no choice but to get out fast leaving hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment behind. The result of that myopic decision was over 250,000 Vietnamese murdered and over 2,000,000 Cambodians slaughtered. Some victory. Kennedy keeps asking "Did we learn nothing from Viet Naaaaam? My reply to him would be "No, you didn't!"
Why, after seeing what happen there due to their lack of spine and commitment, do they want so badly to repeat that failure? The lesson of Vietnam is crystal clear. Leave the fighting to the commander-in-chief and the generals on the ground. The House and Senate have NO business sticking their collective noses anywhere near the conflict unless they want to put on body armor and go at it shoulder to shoulder with the troops at the front. Just as in Vietnam the Neo-Dem's of today want to divide the nation down political lines because they think it serves their ends. They hobble the troops on the ground and undermine both them and their CIC. Their myopic view does not permit them to see past their own political goals into the future of the region.
Here is how failure in Iraq will play out for the region and America: Because the fledgling Iraqi government has not been given the time to ensure that it is stable and has the necessary military strength to protect itself, it will fall in short order under a combination of the terrorist activities and active military intervention from Iran. This places the worlds 2nd and 3rd largest oil reserves under the control of a lunatic bent upon starting WWIII to bring back the 12th Imam. Afghanistan, although it has almost nothing to offer, will become the next hot spot. The reason for this is simply to defeat the Americans and run them out. With about 1/3 of the worlds oil under the control of Iran and it's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, terrorist organizations around the world will now have an almost unlimited amount of money to fund their destructive activities. Iran will press forward with it's desire for nuclear weapons. The Sunni sect of Islam comes into power and the roughly 14,000,000 Shi'i are either slaughtered outright or dealt with piecemeal as Saddam did. Any hope these people might have held for living a free and peaceful life is over. Ahmadinejad either builds or buys the nuclear weapons he wants. Next news headline reads something like "Nuclear device detonates in Tel Aviv! Millions believed dead!" This will be followed by video of Muslim nations where people are "dancing in the streets" in disgusting joy as they "celebrate" the "victory" over the Jews. (Much as they celebrated at the attack on the World Trade Center) At this point the fuse of the bomb will just have been lit. Israel will not take this in stride. They will arm all warheads and take Tehran off the face of the earth along with it's 7.1 million people. This will, of course, "stun the civilized world" and the UN will want to have Israel dealt with for it's aggression. (never mind they were hit first) There will be a rift between members that will divide along ideological lines..... although if the Neo-Dems are in charge at the time there won't be that much difference between their goals and those of the Chinese or the Russians. That aside, the words of the old CCR tune, Run through the jungle, come to mind...... "two hundred million guns are loaded and Satan cries free game." Needless to say the result of following the Neo-Dem's tuck tail and run like hell strategy is nothing short of a global disaster. Unfortunately they are too short sighted to see any farther than their next political stick in President Bush's eye. Political power is ALL that they care about.
Here's to the next Vietnam!!! Neo-Dem's and their blind Stalinist followers are trying to relive the glory days when they were able to defeat America without firing a shot. They live for the defeat and humiliation of America. Their loyalty is to PARTY and not country.
Sometimes I wish there were the two America's that John Edwards talks about. I want one America (Amerika?) where the Neo-Dem's are in charge and all their brainless followers are with them in wonderful bliss. (Ignorance is bliss..... remember?) I want them to have taxes that are right through the roof.... just like they want. I want unions in charge of everything from education their children (Although I think they really ought not breed) to caring for their sick and elderly. (Provided those segments of society are permitted to live at all) I want them all to drive Neo-Dem approved ecologically safe vehicles. I want them all protected by government from cradle to grave. (Provided they are allowed to make it to the cradle) I want them all housed in their little government approved cookie cutter houses made out of 100% recycled whatever. I want them eating what big government says to eat, exercising when big government says to, separating their trash into neat little containers for recycling and making sure that they have the smallest possible carbon footprint. I want all of them to line up for government approved health care too! And all pay for government mandated health insurance. I want them all to be taxed more to cover the cost of caring for all the illegal immigrants who want to live there for free. Pure socialist joy and harmony.
In the other America I want all true Americans, conservatives and patriots. I want federal government limited to what the Constitution spells out. Protect our borders, maintain a strong national defense and regulate inter-state commerce. All power not specifically given to Federal government rests with the states. Education of our children is the responsibility of the local communities. We'll have independent school districts once again. Our America trusts in the power of the people to get things done. Rugged individualism has merit and value again. We do not need unions for anything in this America. They are a concept whose time has come and gone. We'll probably need a tax too but we'll opt for either a flat tax or a national sales tax. I actually prefer the latter. This America understands that conservation is necessary but we don't make it a religion and don't jam it down peoples throats. Simply be responsible about how you do things and take responsibility for what you do. If this America wants to drive little eco-friendly cars then that is what will win in the market place. If we want big honkin' SUV's then those will also win in the market place. Neither will be forced upon us and they might well park side by side in our parking lots and garages. We will drill for what we need where we find it and refine what we need on our own shores. But ours is also a country open to new ideas and new options so expect to see giant wind farms harvesting energy where practical. Not because government says so.... but because there is a market for that sort of thing and it makes sense. Our America has a respect for the rule of law again. We turn our values clock back to the 50's where you could leave your house unlocked and never worry about it. Where you could put that refrigerator out by the road with the sign on the door that says "Eggs.... 50 cents a dozen" and know that at the end of the day the number of eggs left and the money in the cigar box would balance. A time when if you saw several kids walking through town carrying guns you didn't give it a second thought because you knew that (A) they were responsible and (B) they were heading to the woods or river to do some "plinking" and have a bit of fun together. I remember walking right down main street with my 22 bolt action..... even taking it into the hardware store to buy ammo...... and NO ONE even looked twice at me for doing either. People in my America don't fear guns or the responsible ownership of them. We honor the flag and pay tribute to our veterans. The contrast between the two countries is striking. Anyone care to make a wager on which would be doing better after 10 years..... 100 years?? If you're a Neo-Dem.... put your money where your rhetoric is!
Mostly things of a political nature. NOT politically correct and never will be! I say what I think and if that runs against popular opinion that's too bad. It will make you think! (possibly painful if you're a liberal)
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
My reply to Senator Barbara Boxer
Senator Barbara Boxer (D, California) was among a panel that "grilled" (grandstanded in front of) Secretary of State Condolezza Rice. Her most repugnant question was "Who pays the price" for the decision to continue the war in Iraq. She didn't mean who ponies up the bucks either. It was a question intended to make herself and all the other war desenters look noble and concerned. Like they are all concerned about US Troops dying. Odd that I've never heard that question asked of anyone when a Democrat was Commander in Chief. Oh..... as a reminder to those of you who still are head over heals in love with our last Democrat President...... as of 2007 we STILL have over 1500 troops in Bosnia. Equally odd that I never hear the Democrats doing a BMW (Bitch, Moan & Whine) job about getting THEM out a quickly as possible. That aside I'd be more than happy to answer the question posed by Senator Boxer. This is the text of a letter I sent to her Senate office.
"Madam Senator,
In answer to your question to the Secretary of State I have this to offer by way of a reply for her; I'll pay the price.
I'm a medically retired combat veteran of the Viet Nam war. I volunteered for the Navy in 1967. I did not fear the draft because I love my country! Rather than go to college with the majority of my High School class I chose to serve my country.
I trained in San Diego California, at Coronado Island and Camp Pendleton and other places. I operated from DaNang north to the DMZ. Conditions for us constantly declined as the Congress and Senate got more involved in running (ruining) the war rather than leave combat operations to the military. "Rules of engagement" got so restrictive that we were actually expected to hold our position, while under fire, and radio back to HQ for PERMISSION to return fire in defense of our lives! Now you do the same thing to our troops in Iraq. Kindly lead from the front! If you can't, or are unwilling to do that, then do NOT presume to lead from the safety of the rear.
I left the Navy after four years. When I returned to my beloved country I was spat upon by the grateful citizens of your fine state. I see that most there still have no true appreciation of the freedoms they bask in or exactly how they came to be able to enjoy those freedoms. After a "break" of 16 months I enlisted in the Army and served world wide until my medical retirement.
Who pays the price, Senator Boxer? Patriots! People who truly LOVE this magnificent experiment in Democracy called America. People from all parts of this grand country. People of all race, color, creed, religion and economic strata. People who understand that freedom isn't free and that we must be on eternal guard to protect and defend our right to be free. People who all realize that in defense of that freedom we may be called upon to surrender our freedom and possibly our very lives. Yet, we never falter and we never loose faith in our country, our mission and our sacred duty.
If only our elected officials had the level of faith in us and our ability that we have in our country and our appointed leaders. We trust in our military leadership, right to the Commander in Chief, to do what they believe is right and in the best interest of the country. We do our best to accomplish our missions under conditions you cannot even conceive of. Sometimes in sweltering heat bitten by insects, skin irritated by sweat and salt in the uniform fabric. Other times we are soaked to the bone, freezing cold, hungry, dog tired and without sleep for several days. Yet, our faith in our leadership, our mission and our country never dims and we drive forward sure in our ability to overcome any challenge and defeat any enemy under any conditions.
Even knowing the level to which certain elected officials have gone to, and will sink to, to undermine the troops, their mission and their leadership in the Iraq war, I'd still put on the uniform, shoulder a weapon and head for the front in a heartbeat if I could. I have two son-in-laws. One served a tour in Iraq and the other just returned from his third! I have more pride in these two fine young men than you can understand. They both understand what is at stake every time they look at their children and my grandchildren. Like me they realize that freedom isn't free and that. from time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots.
If not for people like me, the millions of proud patriots who came before us that those who will follow there would be no United States of America. Those who will not FIGHT for their freedom and their liberty will not have it for long. It doesn't matter if it's the playground bully who tries to take your lunch money or the despot on the other side of the world slaughtering his citizens, people of honor and good heart have to take a stand for the weak and oppressed who cannot, or will not, stand up for themselves.
The road that the weak of heart in the House and Senate want to drive us down is the same road of failure they achieved so proudly in Viet Nam. That grand plan lead to the murder of over 250,000 Vietnamese and over 2,000,000 Cambodians. Democrats are proud they got us out of Viet Nam but they take NO responsibility for the consequences of that politically myopic act. A recent CIA study concluded at our loss in Iraq would have far ranging negative consequences for the region and the world. Yet you seem to be blind to the facts and care more about a political victory over "Bush" (as he is so insolently referred to) than our military and their mission.
It would be refreshing to see AMERICANS who happen to be of different political ideology all working together for the good of the nation rather than polititicans striving for their own or their parties insignificant victories over each other. If we loose this war on terror as a nation politics won't matter a whit.
"Madam Senator,
In answer to your question to the Secretary of State I have this to offer by way of a reply for her; I'll pay the price.
I'm a medically retired combat veteran of the Viet Nam war. I volunteered for the Navy in 1967. I did not fear the draft because I love my country! Rather than go to college with the majority of my High School class I chose to serve my country.
I trained in San Diego California, at Coronado Island and Camp Pendleton and other places. I operated from DaNang north to the DMZ. Conditions for us constantly declined as the Congress and Senate got more involved in running (ruining) the war rather than leave combat operations to the military. "Rules of engagement" got so restrictive that we were actually expected to hold our position, while under fire, and radio back to HQ for PERMISSION to return fire in defense of our lives! Now you do the same thing to our troops in Iraq. Kindly lead from the front! If you can't, or are unwilling to do that, then do NOT presume to lead from the safety of the rear.
I left the Navy after four years. When I returned to my beloved country I was spat upon by the grateful citizens of your fine state. I see that most there still have no true appreciation of the freedoms they bask in or exactly how they came to be able to enjoy those freedoms. After a "break" of 16 months I enlisted in the Army and served world wide until my medical retirement.
Who pays the price, Senator Boxer? Patriots! People who truly LOVE this magnificent experiment in Democracy called America. People from all parts of this grand country. People of all race, color, creed, religion and economic strata. People who understand that freedom isn't free and that we must be on eternal guard to protect and defend our right to be free. People who all realize that in defense of that freedom we may be called upon to surrender our freedom and possibly our very lives. Yet, we never falter and we never loose faith in our country, our mission and our sacred duty.
If only our elected officials had the level of faith in us and our ability that we have in our country and our appointed leaders. We trust in our military leadership, right to the Commander in Chief, to do what they believe is right and in the best interest of the country. We do our best to accomplish our missions under conditions you cannot even conceive of. Sometimes in sweltering heat bitten by insects, skin irritated by sweat and salt in the uniform fabric. Other times we are soaked to the bone, freezing cold, hungry, dog tired and without sleep for several days. Yet, our faith in our leadership, our mission and our country never dims and we drive forward sure in our ability to overcome any challenge and defeat any enemy under any conditions.
Even knowing the level to which certain elected officials have gone to, and will sink to, to undermine the troops, their mission and their leadership in the Iraq war, I'd still put on the uniform, shoulder a weapon and head for the front in a heartbeat if I could. I have two son-in-laws. One served a tour in Iraq and the other just returned from his third! I have more pride in these two fine young men than you can understand. They both understand what is at stake every time they look at their children and my grandchildren. Like me they realize that freedom isn't free and that. from time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots.
If not for people like me, the millions of proud patriots who came before us that those who will follow there would be no United States of America. Those who will not FIGHT for their freedom and their liberty will not have it for long. It doesn't matter if it's the playground bully who tries to take your lunch money or the despot on the other side of the world slaughtering his citizens, people of honor and good heart have to take a stand for the weak and oppressed who cannot, or will not, stand up for themselves.
The road that the weak of heart in the House and Senate want to drive us down is the same road of failure they achieved so proudly in Viet Nam. That grand plan lead to the murder of over 250,000 Vietnamese and over 2,000,000 Cambodians. Democrats are proud they got us out of Viet Nam but they take NO responsibility for the consequences of that politically myopic act. A recent CIA study concluded at our loss in Iraq would have far ranging negative consequences for the region and the world. Yet you seem to be blind to the facts and care more about a political victory over "Bush" (as he is so insolently referred to) than our military and their mission.
It would be refreshing to see AMERICANS who happen to be of different political ideology all working together for the good of the nation rather than polititicans striving for their own or their parties insignificant victories over each other. If we loose this war on terror as a nation politics won't matter a whit.
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