Sunday, March 25, 2007

Treason and Fairness

This is another one of those days when, while just setting here, I'm getting dizzy as hell. The reason? All those Stalinist in the House and Senate who are working so very hard towards the complete and total destruction of this country. For the record.... there is a reason why we are called the RIGHT! That's because we ARE!. You folks on the left obviously represent what is left over when you are not right. The dizziness is from watching my beloved country going down the toilet thanks to these anti-American assholes. In honor of our freedom and liberty reaching yet another all time low I celebrated by acquiring another pistol. 15 shot capacity with a laser designator sighted in at a comfortable 60 foot standoff range. The ultimate taking of the last bit of my own personal freedom will not be as easy as the liberals steady erosion of all freedom in general.

The actions of the Neo-Dem's in the House and Senate sink to an entirely untouched level in the history of the nation. For someone with a clear and unclouded view of the world it is beyond comprehension how the Neo-Dem's can keep getting everything so incredibly wrong. I suspect that 99.99% of their myopia is due to pure political blindness. The left never fails to filter everything they encounter through their political agenda. America, it's roll and responsibility in the world and the freedom of it's citizens is subordinated to their political aspirations. Nothing else matters to the Neo-Dem's but their acquisition and maintenance of political power. They would literally destroy the entire nation if, in the end, it would result in them being in power and lording that power over what is left when the dust settles.

I'm someone who has very little regard for politics in general. Politics is, for the most part, a self serving exercise. For those who have the Neo-Dem attitude of supreme self importance the reason for becoming a political animal becomes distorted. Rather than attempting to serve their fellow man and advancing the cause of America and it's interests they instead abandon everything but their pursuit of personal power. This past week in Washington DC serves as an excellent illustration of that corruption.

A very vocal anti-American faction in the House and Senate worked tirelessly to cripple our efforts in Iraq and hand President Bush a Vietnam like defeat. Why? Purely political reasons. IF President Bush and our troops are supported and permitted to bring stability to Iraq then it points to the soundness and validity to his efforts to defeat terrorists around the world. That validation also would point out the wrongheaded thinking and efforts of the Neo-Dem's. Our victory in Iraq would lead to an erosion of power for the Neo-Dem's and that is something that they simply cannot permit. Thus, in order to maintain their power, they must do everything possible to make victory in Iraq an impossible dream. Their short sighted ambitions represent the lowest level to which they can possibly sink. They would gladly welcome another American defeat on the battlefield. They could care less about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens who would be slaughtered at the hands of the Islamofascists from Iran. They care less that the image of America as a strong and faithful ally is utterly destroyed. It matters not to them if their actions leave the world more dangerous or if it greatly increases the likelihood that America will be hit again by terror. What matters above all else is that President Bush leave office as a failure so that they can beat their political drum and herald themselves as having been right all along about the war not being something we could ever win. (Never mind that they never supported it and did everything possible to ensure defeat) Their actions are nothing short of Treason and they need to be called on it and held accountable!

The other comment is about the (so called) "Fairness doctrine". This is another dimension of the Stalinist wing of the former democrat party. Just as in Old Joe's Russia, those seeking to seize and maintain power cannot tolerate any point of view that differs from the party line. Here the Neo-Dem's advance an agenda item and then their faithful friends in the "mainstream" media carry their water in endless sound bites and reaffirming interviews with like minded fellow Neo-Dem's and R.I.N.O.'s. Opposing points of view are rarely heard. If they are given a small voice they are always derided, ridiculed or belittled in some way. At the end of the daily "news" broadcast the Neo-Dem party line has been advanced and all opposing viewpoints have been ignored, buried, played down or just plain distorted beyond recognition. The Neo-Dem's so fear the truth and opposing points of view that they call for FOX news to have it's broadcast license revoked! They also demand this so called "fairness doctrine" to make sure that if a broadcast dare present an opposing view they have to allow someone who toes the party line time to give that view too.

Who is this "Fairness Doctrine" aimed at anyway? Well you can damn sure bet that it's NOT targeting ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, or any of the "mainstream" print media offerings. Those folks are all on board with the Neo-Dem's. In their opinion they are already more than fair in their reporting! (Yeah.... and I'll bet a fish knows it's wet too!) Wait!.... I might have to explain that comment since there might be a Neo-Dem reading this. (Oh, bother) It's an analogy (comparison) used to illustrate that if one (either the fish or the press) has only one frame of reference then it is impossible for them to give an objective assessment or evaluation of a specific state or condition. In the case of the fish, since it has no concept of what dry is it cannot logically comprehend the term wet, or how that term related to its condition or very existence. In the case of the media, since their overall slant and direction is hard leftist, it is impossible for them to give any sort of logical rational treatment to anything that doesn't fit neatly inside that prism or template. Basically they believe and are in lockstep with what the Neo-Dem's are saying so, in their view, they are fair and objective. Those guys say it.... we believe it..... and there just can't be anyone who could possibly disagree unless they are evil, insane or otherwise deranged. The political bias of the media is so flagrant that it's a wonder they have any followers at all except for the left wing Stalinist types.

No.... the "Fairness Doctrine" is aimed squarely at you and me. It is directed at suppression of any and all speech that differs with the Neo-Dem party line as presented by them and advanced by the "mainstream" media. For example it means that, if enacted, we would never hear Hilary Clinton's passionate delivery on the floor of the Senate when she stated that, after looking at ALL the facts, she was absolutely convinced that Saddam (room temperature) Hussein had chemical and biological weapons and was working at acquiring nuclear weapons as well. That we had to use force to remove him from power and she fully supported President Bush! Since that position now contradicts her current position it would be buried. The "mainstream" Media would make sure that such contradictions, by the left, never saw the light of day again. But! Because we still have some freedom left it's still legal for the truth to be told!!! Those who do, however, are under constant attack by the left. Why does the left so fear the truth? Because their power depends wholly upon them being in absolute, iron fisted, control over everything that you get to see and hear. Their agenda..... their views..... their goals..... their version of reality and the truth is all that they will tolerate getting to the people. Let them have their way and we end up like Stalin's Russia or the current mainland China. Remember those video's of the people demonstrating for freedom? Remember the guy in front of the tank? Remember the little statue of Liberty? In Mainland China...... none of that happened. The party says so and their media reports it as such. THAT is what the left wants to do with the "Fairness Doctrine" here in America.

Hey! America!!! Wake up!! There is a fifth column within our borders and stalking the halls of government and the seats of power in all the states that wants to tear you down and replace you with their version of socialism/Stalinism. We either stop them now or everything we know and love about this great nation will be lost forever.

One final thought. When Al Gore was testifying on the floor of the House he said that he'd been trying to get out the message about global warming for 30 years. That makes it 1977. Now in 1975 Time magazine was running a cover piece about the coming ICE AGE!!! Yes.... evidence was coming in SO fast that scientists couldn't tabulate it fast enough. There was "consensus" that we HAD to do something NOW in order to reverse this alarming trend of global cooling or we'd all starve to death or end up as human Popsicles. Yet.... Al (D student in science) Gore knew even then that global warming was just around the corner in spite of all that consensus and scientific data pouring in. Gee..... isn't he the one who NOW says that if you disagree with him that you're some kind of earth hater who wants the planet to burn up? If he thought in 1977 that the earth was really warming up.... wasn't HE disagreeing with the science and consensus of that time? Double standard anyone?