I was sitting around in the basement of my concrete bunker the other day. Naturally in my underwear and scratching various body parts as I took off my mind control blocking tin foil hat when I heard a voice from beyond. (Probably meant that I took off the foil helmet too soon!) Before I could replace the protective head gear my mind was filled with all sorts of wondrous factoids. At my next meeting of the "Reagan in '08" committee (we refuse to let go) I passed along the wisdom imparted unto me that night. We could draw no other conclusion than the big "R" was pulling strings from the other side and controlling the democrats in their quest for power and the White House! The great part is that they seem to be following his instructions to the letter. Let's look at a few examples:
Ronnie knew that America loves a winner and hates a looser. (sounds a bit like Patton too!) For example.... Ever see a self help book in Barnes and Nobel on how to loose? How about those big "I want to be a looser" rallies held in all the big cities? Of course not! Loosing is so easy anyone can do it all by themselves.... they don't need how to books or rallies. It's winning that is hard and takes effort, determination and sacrifice. So when the weak of will and feint of heart are confronted by someone who possesses a clear vision of victory and the iron will to achieve it they go crazy. There is one political party today which has invested so much effort in making sure that our brave men and women in the military are defeated on the battlefield that they should all be on trial for treason. Sadly they have passed laws which make them immune from prosecution no matter how heinous their acts. Had you or I made some of the comments or done some of they things that they have..... we would have already been given the opportunity to play bullet catcher in front of a thick concrete wall while not worrying if that last cigarette was going to give us lung cancer or the last meal clog our arteries with trans fats. Day in and day out they work tirelessly attempting to secure defeat for our troops and our nation. If they worked even 1/4th as hard at securing victory Iraq would be a vastly different place as would Afghanistan. In short they are doing just the opposite of what they need to be doing to warm the hearts of the majority of the American people and secure reelection. One would be hard pressed to believe they thought of that plan all on their own.... Ronnie must be channeling to Harry Reid.
Americans of the Reagan mold love freedom and have a dislike for things socialist or communist in nature. Give us free enterprise and less Government control and we'll do just fine. So what are the Liberals up to? Pushing for National Health Care once again even though it floated like a lead balloon the last time. They claim that good health care has just gotten beyond the reach of the typical American...... and they are right. What they won't tell you is the reason why that has happened. Heavy handed government interference and layers of bureaucratic red tape. Yep! the dirty little secret is that THEY are the reason health care costs have gone through the roof and why you have to pay an arm and a leg for health insurance. The Liberals have make it impossible to secure simple health care insurance. You cannot, for example, buy insurance just to cover you for broken bones. No.... if you're a male and you want to buy health insurance you have to pay for all kinds of things that you neither want, need, or are even applicable to you. Somewhere in your policy will be coverage for mammograms or hormone therapy for your menopause. IF we could simple use a cafeteria approach and pick and choose exactly what we want and need..... costs would drop dramatically. Instead our trusty government has stepped in to help and we are forced to pay higher prices for things we have no use for. For Liberals this is spreading the misery around equally.
Like other businesses, hospitals have entire departments devoted solely to the issue of Government compliance. It's their job to sift through the mountains of rules and regulations and make sure they have dotted all the "I's" and crossed all the "T's" each day. By some estimates the cost of "compliance" is half of the operating expense of the average hospital. Then there is the failure to pass meaningful tort reform to limit the damages of a law suit. This sends medical malpractice insurance costs through the roof.... which also means they have to charge YOU more for your visit! Yep! Here too the dirty little secret is that the reason we have a health care problem in America is that the damn government won't get out of the way and let it work as intended. Nationalized health care is socialism pure and simple. It's not working anywhere else it's the law and it won't work here either. In Europe the latest fad is medical vacations! (holidays they call them) Yep! Need some minor surgery.... dental work perhaps? Book the appointment in another country and have it done OUT of your own nationalized system. Proof that the service is poor I'd say. Besides.... if you have a single payer plan the only way you can stay within budget is to limit services. So perhaps you have smoked and now have breathing problems..... tough shit. It will cost too much to cover your treatment... and besides... the government has been telling you years not to smoke so it's your own fault for ignoring those who know far better than you. Think I'm kidding? In England the government has done exactly that! They have denied care because the patient smokes. So nationalized health care is a good idea how?
Hate mongering. Politics of personal destruction. Two tactics made famous by Clinton Inc. Sadly both work quite well because the sycophantic media (broadcast wing of the Democrat Party) will do everything it can to keep the lies and the hate front and center for as long as it's helpful. They do not investigate on their own and they don't care if what they broadcast or print is total BS. It it helps the liberals it's okay. Besides.... if they have to print a retraction..... isn't that what page zz153 is for? Somewhere between the used elephant foot coffee table and the 1947 Lambretta motor scooter with the broken shifter cable for sale.
Louisiana recently elected the first non-democrat Governor since Reconstruction! He ran on a platform of reform and elimination of the graft and corruption that has gripped the state for decades. He ran on conservative principles and won soundly! The drive by media made passing mention of the victory but had to couch it in racial terms making a huge point of the fact that Bobby Jindal is of Indian decent. (Aren't they the party that keeps telling us race doesn't matter) Since this election reverses decades of Democrat control..... where were all the stories saying that this election might be a bellwether for the upcoming '08 elections? Yep! Complete silence rules the day in Liberal land..... EXCEPT for the smear campaign they whipped up based on one sentence taken out of context from a paper he wrote in College. Even life Long democrats in Louisiana are disgusted with all the lies and fabrications their party is guilty of.... yet refuses to stop doing! These democrats are jumping ship by the thousands.... like the Reagan democrats of the 80's.
Basically.... either Ronnie is upstairs pulling the strings and orchestrating the complete defeat of the democrat party on '08...... or one has to doubt the sanity of the Democrats for thinking up these schemes, executing them.... and somehow believing that the American people will fall for them hook line and sinker. Granted there are a lot of Republicans who fell far from the Reagan band wagon when it went through Washington. Please be my guest and vote them back to where they came from! Total up the useless "R.I.N.O.'s" and you've got perhaps 25 in the house and Senate combined. Total up the Liberals who need to go and Joe Lieberman is the only guy from their side of the isle still holding a job in Washington.
Change is coming to Washington in '08 and it's going to be the 1984 media question of the day all over again..... Every news cast will open with.... "What do the Democrats have to do to get their power back in 2012?"