Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shooting holes in Democrat talking points

We received a handy little flyer in the mail today. It encouraged participation in the early voting process and listed locations for that. This is helpful since only about 10% of the voting locations used on November 4th are utilized for early voting. On the back it urged in underlined caps to vote a straight democrat party ticket then listed the party talking points. It was at this point the flyer stopped being helpful.

Talking point number one stipulated that democrats favor "A strong economy that works for the people, not against them." Oh, really? Let's examine that point logically, shall we? Democrats have promised higher capital gains taxes. This adds money to Washington D.C. at the expense of business therefore slowing business growth. Without money to invest back into the company production stagnates as equipment wears out. Stagnate or lower production means the same or fewer jobs and stagnant or even lower wages. Wages being spent are what drives the economy especially in the durable goods sector.

Still on this point democrats have also promised tax cuts for people earning less than $250,000, $200,000, $150,000 and, after finally getting Biden and Obama on the same page, back to $250,000 a year. They state a tax cut for 95% of Americans. When one considers that over 1/3 of Americans don't pay any income tax (they pay payroll tax all year long but don't meet the threshold for actual payment when they file their federal return.... so they get all their money back) that's going to be difficult to pull off.

Using the latest available government figures the top 50% of wage earners in America pay 96.54% of all taxes. If you'd care to check the numbers then please see the link below:

So it seems that the democrat vision of a "strong economy" is largely based upon giving "tax cuts" to people who already don't pay any taxes. To use one of their phrases.... "How are we going to pay for that tax cut?" Oh! Let's not forget that if the democrats assume power they have NO plans to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. This means a one TRILLION dollar tax increase.... or roughly an additional $4000 in new taxes per household each year.

Moving on to talking point number two we find: "Energy policies to curb gas prices, reduce dependence on foreign oil and keep our environment clean." The fact of the matter is that democrat energy policies are what have us in this mess now!

The Carter years should have been the wake up call but environmental groups already had a grip on the party. The *newest* refinery we have in America was finished BEFORE the Carter presidency! Not even long lines, gas rationing and NO gas could get democrats to risk pissing off the environmentalists and loosing their votes. Their solution to the need for America to import most of it's oil now is to NOT drill for more domestic oil and NOT construct more US refineries. Rather they say alternative energy will solve all our problems. Further they say they will fund this alternative energy initiative by adding additional taxes on oil companies.

Let's look at that another way. You have a nice yard except that there is no grass on half of it. The logical fix is to prepare the soil (explore), plant some grass seed (drill) then keep it watered so it can grow (refine and distribute the product). The democrat solution is to leave the dirt alone so we don't harm the environment. Rather than planting potentially harmful grass seed we'll instead spend billions of dollars exploring alternatives to grass. Finally... rather than enjoying our new yard.... we'll continue to dump billions of additional dollars into exploring newer alternatives to grass while investigating why half the yard still has grass in spite of our anti-grass decision process.

Folks.... America is literally floating on a sea of oil. In the Bakken field alone there is estimated to be nearly 3 TIMES more oil than in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's drill into their oil deposits, refine that oil and their citizens pay 25 cents a gallon for gasoline. Democrats say we can't drill anywhere, refuse to allow any new refineries to be constructed.... then haul oil executives before congressional panels to explain why our gasoline prices are 8 times higher. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

Talking point number 3 states: "A strong educational system that prepares our children for the future." This one frightens the hell out of me!

Right now America ranks among the highest in the world for dollars spent per student. America also ranks near the bottom when those students are tested against others around the world. Democrats have been in iron fisted control of the educational system for over 50 years now. The teachers union is among the largest and most powerful in the nation. Yet we continue to generate college graduates who cannot even locate North America on an unmarked globe.

Democrats simply don't want graduates or students to be TOO educated. Critical thinking isn't taught as it once was. Schools are a place where young minds can be shaped by liberal instructors with liberal ideas in the hope of generating lots of good little liberals in spite of the political background of the children's parents. To do this effectively it is necessary to start as early as possible so the child's mind doesn't have a chance to jell in an oppositional ideology. Even now democrats are advocating mandatory PRE-school for all children.

Year after year we pour more and more money down the rat hole that has become the educational system in America. The trend towards complete nationalization is almost complete yet, with every new layer of government bureaucracy, we see fewer positive results for the investment. More government has never been the right answer.

The fourth talking point was: "A real solution to healthcare that provides for everyone and puts people above profits." All together now.... can you say "Socialized medicine?"

I've been a victim (patient) in the governments existing socialized medicine system for over 20 years now. If you want to see the future the democrats have planned for you just visit your local Veterans Administration hospital. Just keep this in mind no matter how wonderful they make their plan sound..... Once the choice of how your healthcare is provided is removed from you, your health is completely at the mercy and whim of the government. Perhaps it has been your choice to smoke. Because of that choice government may decide that it's simply going to be too expensive to treat you.... so you are denied care because they didn't like the choices you made. Perhaps you weigh too much..... or don't eat the right foods.... or don't exercise like they want you to. ANY reason they wish to invoke can be cause to deny you medical care.... for the "good" of society as a whole. It like the old saying goes.... "Any government big enough to give you everything you want.... is powerful enough to take everything you have."

As you think about voting this election cycle.... here are some things to think about. See how many the democrat party are trying to get accomplished right now.

1. Abolish property rights
2. Institute a heavy progressive income tax
3. Abolish all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels
5. Centralizing of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation
7. Factories and production facilities owned by the state
8. Equal liability of all labor
9. Abolish the distinction between town and country by more equal distribution of population.
10. Free education of all children in public schools

I'm sure you found several that you recall as being touchstones of the modern democrat party. Many are points being made by the candidate right now as the campaign nears its end. The media has been telling us for many years the wisdom of adopting many of those points. As the population ages and those already educated in the public schools begin to take more and more control over the country.... those who know and remember the truth of those points die off and when they do there will no longer be anyone to stand in opposition or proclaim the truth.

What IS the truth, you ask? The truth is that all those points listed above are an outline that is nearly a century old. They were written by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx as the foundation of the Communist Manifesto.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

HEY! Keep the change!

This election year (seems like YEARS) has been such a media circus that I've not been inclined to comment one way or the other. It does seem, however, that if things continue on this same track it won't be too many more election cycles until we can all just ask the mainstream media who they have appointed for us. This election got frighteningly close to that very scenario.

Very early on it was more than clear Mr. Obama was the media darling. Prior to his rise from nowhere to media pop-star Mrs. Clinton was the shoe-in for the office. Yep! No point in anyone else even running for the office from either party.... Hillary was already President in the minds of the media. Then Ol' Joe Biden made that stupid comment about B. Obama being "the first black who was young and smart and clean and articulate" to run for President. In his mind it was the first time in history all those points had come together in a person of color. Needless to say the likes of Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Shirley Chisholm, Alan Keyes, Carol Moseley Braun and Lenora Fulani would all take umbrage at that remark and Ms Chisholm has the distinction of being the first black to run back in 1972! (Old Joe Biden's tack isn't nearly as sharp as it should be for a man in his position)

WELL! Now the mainstream media really had something! Not only could they still get their socialist President but they could also atone for the sin of slavery by electing the first black! At this point Mrs. Clinton was toast and the only thing not on the scene then was the bus they were going to throw her under. (It was around the corner and picking up speed) As soon as the media climbed on board the Obama train Hillary dropped off the radar screens. Yeah... she *was* the presumed candidate but that was before the age of Obama. The Jr. Senator from New York was just going to have to bite one for the media team.

Unfortunately for the media Mrs Clinton was a woman who was not about to be denied her shot at the power of the big chair her husbands butt had warmed previously. And the nice thing about that was that the nation wouldn't have to wonder if she was getting blow jobs off the oval office while President. (Bill's whereabouts and the exact position of -his- trousers would be another matter) While the media ignored Hillary and downplayed her campaign the liberal women of America were getting ticked off royal. How DARE the media write a WOMAN off in favor of a young inexperienced black male! Ladies.... welcome to the wonderful world of the media driven liberal agenda in action.

About that time Mrs Clinton's campaign got a huge boost from the most unlikely of sources. None other than Rush Limbaugh came riding (on a white horse no doubt) to her political rescue. The tactic was dubbed "Operation Chaos" and it was designed to accomplish two things. Primary was to politically "bloody" Obama's nose and that would be achieved by the secondary goal of keeping Hillary viable in the race. You see by this time the media had declared that anything said about Obama that -they- didn't approve of was an unjustified political *attack* and would not be tolerated! Even using Obama's given middle -name- was deemed an attack! The ONLY person who had the machinery in place to go negative against Obama.... and get away with it... was Hillary. And how was Operation Chaos going to keep Hillary viable? Simple! The right would employ the same tactic the left had used to "select" John McCain for us. Register in the opposite party and vote for Hillary in the primaries!

The tactic worked amazingly well and kept Hillary in the race far longer than the media wished. The old Clinton attack machine.... used so effectively in the past against anyone the Clinton's felt threatened their power.... dug up all the dirt from Obama's past that the media had been struggling so hard to keep buried. Ultimately all it did was expose the dirt briefly prior to the media editing it out of their daily spin on the events of the day. Anything even remotely damaging to Obama was spiked as soon as possible. Never ending glowing praise and mindless worship was all that was permitted to see the light of day by the media. People... it's just this simple.... those who have the power to shape and control the exact nature of the content you are permitted to consume via the three media venues.... print.... radio and television.... have the power to control this country no matter who is in office.

Ultimately Hillary had to drop out but she served her purpose. The truth was now out there and for the liberal media it would be like herding cats to keep things under control. Still the media marches to the tune played by Hitler's Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment who famously decreed: "If you tell a big enough lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." That is exactly what we get day in and day out from the mainstream media. Their version of the "truth" and their "reality" repeated over and over again in never ending sound bites. And it works to this day! Those indoctrinated in the liberal run education system have been conditioned to swallow without question anything the media tells them. Most democrats are no different although some are finally waking up the the reality that the old democrat party they believed in...... kicked them to the curb years ago and has gone pure socialist instead.

Day after day we are told to accept with open arms Obama's "Change we can believe in!" That's IT! That, ladies and gentlemen, is the entire Obama message to the world. Actual specifics have been harder to come by than leftovers at an ant picnic. It's time to lay out some of the "change" the left wants us to embrace but that will take up a lot of space. I'll examine the vision the left has for this country in my next posting.... only without the rose colored glasses. Stay tuned, boys and girls, because it gets interesting from here one out!