An open letter to President Obama and the Statists on the left.
Dear President Obama et. al.
Please destroy my country. Freedom, Liberty, Justice and the Rule of Law are all outdated concepts and obviously have no place in the "progressive" world of today.
Please destroy my country. The Founding Fathers were nothing more than greedy white people who only came here from England to subjugate the native people, exploit the natural resources and pollute the environment.
Please destroy my country. All those brave men and women who gave their lives for this great experiment called The United States of America meant nothing and were given in vain.
Please destroy my country. The nation that has done more than any other in the entire history of the world to promote world peace, equality and freedom has obviously been wrong in advancing these causes. Clearly we were never fit to lead the world and deserve to be cut down to size.
Please destroy my country. The nation who has lead the world in technological advances, put men on the moon and is the Mecca for the best in health care has accomplished all this for the wrong reasons and should be punished.
Please destroy my country. Those of us known derisively as "conservatives" have been wrong in asserting that life is sacred. We now realize that the unborn citizens of this formerly great nation have NO inherent right to be born. In fact it's now clear to us that they may be killed without guilt or consequence at any stage of their pointless existence just as long as it's convenient for us.
Please destroy my country. The individual right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer applies as those "rights" do not fit into the greater needs and goals of the collective.
Please destroy my country. What were the Founding Fathers thinking? Government was supposed to be a servant OF the people and not their master? What do common people know about what's best for them? Clearly we've been deceived and need much more government control in our lives... not less.
Please destroy my country. Make us less dependent on foreign energy by NOT allowing us to drill for and produce our own oil... by demonizing our greatest resource, coal, and by taxing carbon dioxide as a "pollutant" even though all living creatures exhale this gas.
Please destroy my country. Free markets and free enterprise... concepts which made American the greatest and most powerful nation in the history of the world... were obviously wrong. That which has failed everywhere it's been tried, socialism, is clearly the path we must now take. How could we have not realized this sooner?
Please destroy my country. When rogue nations are trying to build nuclear weapons and construct missiles to bring them to our shores.... condone the weapons and de-fund our missile defense shield. Don't make anyone "mad" at us.
Please destroy my country. For far too long we have been able to work towards our own self interests... to earn and save money... to acquire that which makes our lives and the lives of those we care about comfortable and worth while. This has clearly been selfish. We should have been laboring for the benefit of those who lack the drive and ambition to better themselves and improve their lives on their own.
Please destroy my country. Though founded and grounded in free men freely practicing religion on their own.... free of government prohibition or mandate... America clearly has no need for these beliefs today. What god do Americans need beyond Government? What need is there of morals and morality when government and statists will gladly tell us how to live our lives?
Please destroy my country. My grandfather fought in World War I. My father arrived at Pearl Harbor while it was still smoking and fought in the Pacific in World War II. I fought in the Vietnam War and served in many countries including Germany until medically retired. Both my sons-in-law served in Iraq with a total of 6 tours between them. One son-in-law still serves in the US Air Force today. Clearly we were all wrong to have thought that silly notions like freedom and liberty were worth risking our lives over. We obviously have no need for such things and have no right to try to bestow those blessings upon any other people of the world. All anyone needs is government.
Clearly the Founding Fathers had it all wrong as you and your statist allies are happily pointing out to us all now. We had no need for the Declaration of Independence because you are showing us that we must ALL be dependent upon Government for everything. Nation states are pointless. We need One World Government to best serve the collective needs of the world population.
The Constitution of the United States is an old out dated document which has no real value today. It was written by a bunch of greedy Europeans who made it too limiting on government and too difficult to change as times changed. Clearly all the statists in Washington DC today know FAR better than the founders so they should be able to ignore the Constitution if it better serves their needs to do so.
While it's sad that everyone from the Founding Fathers to the men and women in uniform today all had it wrong... Fighting and dying for silly concepts like freedom and liberty for over two hundred years. Thank Government that Obama and his Statist buddies are in power now and more than willing to reverse those two hundred years of pointless folly.