It's been a while since my last post. I made an attempt a while back but encountered some sort of programming issue that I just could not circumvent. For some reason or other the program seemed to think there was an invalid URL in my posting. Why? Beats the hell outta me. I gave up and deleted the posting after roughly two hours of frustration.
Otherwise I've been astounded by the speed at which the left has our nation heading toward socialism. The American people ARE speaking out and they are attempting to make their voices heard. The problem seems to be that those on the left have all gone stone cold deaf.
I find it amazing that the liberals can dispatch a TV crew on a two hour one way drive to cover 3 people protesting Glenn Beck getting the keys to his home town in Washington state. Yet that very same media somehow managed to miss the million plus folks who turned out in Washington DC. FOX news didn't seem to have that same problem though.... so the word did get out that the people of this country DO NOT like all these "changes" the left wants to make.
Even democrats were at the protest! They say they did want change but Obama is going way beyond what they thought they were voting for. OH... another minor point about this protest gathering. After the inauguration of Obama it took well over a week to clean up the massive mess the liberals left in their wake. After the 9/12 protest march you couldn't even tell it had happened. No trash.... no mess..... and not one single arrest or incident of any type.
I think that serves to illustrate the fundamental difference between those on the left and those of us on the right. Their side lacks respect for anything. They openly hate anyone who disagrees with them. They lack respect for our country and our laws. They refuse to engage in any type of rational discussion on the issues. They run out of intellectual ammunition quickly and resort to either repeating liberal talking points or disintegrate directly into name calling.
Those of us on the right are grounded in the principles which our founding fathers believed in. We believe in the fundamental ability of free men to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. We believe in Government that is constitutionally limited and performs only those functions granted by the constitution. We believe in the basic goodness of our fellow man and their natural tendency to do the right thing. We have respect for the constitution and this great country. In short we are the polar opposite of those on the left.
Since Obama was elected those on the left have demonstrated repeatedly that they have NO respect for this country, the Constitution or the American people. No matter what "We the people" have to say they dismiss us and do what ever they want. It is clear that an overwhelming majority of American people DO NOT want their health care system messed with.
Yet the left refuses to listen and seems intent upon passing a health care "reform" bill no matter what we tell them. And as usual they quickly run out of intellectual ammunition and even the speaker of the house resorts to calling American citizens "Nazis" who bring "swastika" to protest meetings. That is the level of "respect" the left has for *anyone* who dares disagree with them. They will not discuss. They will not debate. They will not listen. Miss Pelosi has, in fact, killed every single republican attempt to debate health care and banned them from all meetings on the subject. That's how "bi-partisan" works when the left is in charge.
The more the left ignores the American people.... and the more they try to ram their warped political agenda down our throats... the more the resistance grows. The march on 9/12 was peanuts compared to what is coming. This is a center-right nation.... NOT a left leaning on as the left thinks. We WILL NOT be making the trip to socialism no matter what they do. If nothing else the left has clearly demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with power. They cannot be trusted with the defense of this nation.... and they cannot be trusted to chart our future path. The sooner they are removed from office the better.
Otherwise I've been astounded by the speed at which the left has our nation heading toward socialism. The American people ARE speaking out and they are attempting to make their voices heard. The problem seems to be that those on the left have all gone stone cold deaf.
I find it amazing that the liberals can dispatch a TV crew on a two hour one way drive to cover 3 people protesting Glenn Beck getting the keys to his home town in Washington state. Yet that very same media somehow managed to miss the million plus folks who turned out in Washington DC. FOX news didn't seem to have that same problem though.... so the word did get out that the people of this country DO NOT like all these "changes" the left wants to make.
Even democrats were at the protest! They say they did want change but Obama is going way beyond what they thought they were voting for. OH... another minor point about this protest gathering. After the inauguration of Obama it took well over a week to clean up the massive mess the liberals left in their wake. After the 9/12 protest march you couldn't even tell it had happened. No trash.... no mess..... and not one single arrest or incident of any type.
I think that serves to illustrate the fundamental difference between those on the left and those of us on the right. Their side lacks respect for anything. They openly hate anyone who disagrees with them. They lack respect for our country and our laws. They refuse to engage in any type of rational discussion on the issues. They run out of intellectual ammunition quickly and resort to either repeating liberal talking points or disintegrate directly into name calling.
Those of us on the right are grounded in the principles which our founding fathers believed in. We believe in the fundamental ability of free men to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. We believe in Government that is constitutionally limited and performs only those functions granted by the constitution. We believe in the basic goodness of our fellow man and their natural tendency to do the right thing. We have respect for the constitution and this great country. In short we are the polar opposite of those on the left.
Since Obama was elected those on the left have demonstrated repeatedly that they have NO respect for this country, the Constitution or the American people. No matter what "We the people" have to say they dismiss us and do what ever they want. It is clear that an overwhelming majority of American people DO NOT want their health care system messed with.
Yet the left refuses to listen and seems intent upon passing a health care "reform" bill no matter what we tell them. And as usual they quickly run out of intellectual ammunition and even the speaker of the house resorts to calling American citizens "Nazis" who bring "swastika" to protest meetings. That is the level of "respect" the left has for *anyone* who dares disagree with them. They will not discuss. They will not debate. They will not listen. Miss Pelosi has, in fact, killed every single republican attempt to debate health care and banned them from all meetings on the subject. That's how "bi-partisan" works when the left is in charge.
The more the left ignores the American people.... and the more they try to ram their warped political agenda down our throats... the more the resistance grows. The march on 9/12 was peanuts compared to what is coming. This is a center-right nation.... NOT a left leaning on as the left thinks. We WILL NOT be making the trip to socialism no matter what they do. If nothing else the left has clearly demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with power. They cannot be trusted with the defense of this nation.... and they cannot be trusted to chart our future path. The sooner they are removed from office the better.