Hey gang. It's been awhile again. Frankly I've been hoping to wake up and all those communists and socialists occupying our government would be gone and *real* Americans would be in charge. However I'm awake and my beloved country is being whittled away and destroyed more and more each and every day. Come to think of it the same thing is happening to all of our rights!
The challenge for you today.... your homework if you will.... is to scour the Constitution and point out exactly where in that document it says the the government not only has the right to mandate health care for all citizens but also has the authority to fine and imprison anyone who refuses to bow to their mandate.
Oh yeah... you hear me right. In bold up there is really does say fine and imprison. The so called "government option" is really a mandatory government dictate. There is actually NO option at all in their scheme. When ANY change in the health insurance plan you are paying for now occurs your are REQUIRED to move into the "public option" rather than keep your plan. (Some option, huh?) If you *refuse* to take the government insurance you will be fined 2% of your gross income. (that's 2% of all the money you made... not what's left over after taxes and bills.... okay)
You also don't have the option of not paying that fine because the health care bill also contains 13 pages of changes to the IRS... one of which gives them direct access to your bank accounts! So you can refuse to pay... and they will suck all your bank accounts dry until they have their pound of flesh.... and too freaking bad if you can't pay your rent or buy food.
If you haven't learned your lesson yet and still refuse to comply with the dictates of our "we know what is best for you" government.... your next lesson in obedience is a $250,000 fine accompanied by 5 years in Federal Prison. (Where at least you WILL get government health care like it or not)
Perhaps you'll choose to do what I do and rail against these communist policies via the Internet. Well... enjoy *that* right while we still have it. There is something called the "Net Neutrality Act" working it's way through the darker passageways of Congress. You see.. for some reason or other our lawmakers think that the Internet just isn't fair.
Hmmmm.... you can get on it anywhere from Arabia to Zimbabwe so long as there is at least a phone line handy. You can pretty much search for and do anything you like... except for in China where they control access to content for their citizens already. So except for China.... what is NOT fair about the Internet?
Basically it boils down to being a control issue. Independent companies provide access to the global network which means that the Government has no control over that access. So Net Neutrality not only transfers access control from private hands to the government but also gives them total control over everything you are permitted to do on the Internet. Go ahead... post an anti-government comment on your blog.... IF you want that knock on your door in the middle of the night.
And don't think they have forgotten about conservative talk radio either. While the "fairness doctrine" may have gone down the toilet they can still shut things down via other routes. The new "Diversity Czar" at the FCC proudly proclaims that Hugo Chavez (and his dictatorial policies) is one of his role models and heroes! He admires the way Chavez took over all the radio stations in Venezuela so HE could "control the message." Geee... there's that word again... control. There seems to be a pattern developing here.
In this case the FCC will claim that IF a radio station is broadcasting Rush Limbaugh, for example, then doing so is taking away from what should be the "local content" of the station. Subjecting listeners to a nationally syndicated program is a "disservice" to them and must be countered by someone locally with a different opinion.
Now if you are either the owner of this station or the director of programming you just got a big nightmare dropped in your lap. You signed on to carry Rush because people *listen* to him and therefore also listen to the advertisements you run during his 3 hours. That generates money for your station AND the people who pay to run those ads.
Now... who is going to pay good money to buy ad time on a local content program hosted by someone who will likely come off as an uninformed dingbat compared to Limbaugh. No one. Thus you end up with having to program 3 hours of air time that generates no money for your station. BUT... if you drop Limbaugh then you can maybe find something else to run.... like "Suzie talks Sewing" or perhaps something even more exciting like "Carl's Crappie fishing tips."
Check your history books.... one's not rewritten and revised by leftists.... and you'll discover there is nothing new about the government trying to control radio. They passed a "fairness doctrine" in the 60's and radio sucked stagnant pond water as a result. There was music and then talk about raising hogs and making quilts.... it sucked. Then Ronald Reagan ordered that law rescinded and we've had truly free and fair radio since then.
There is also the "Cap and Trade" bill to worry about. That will basically double all your energy costs... yes... including all your utility bills for your home and the gasoline you put into your car. The higher energy costs... ostensibly mandated to lower our carbon emissions..... will mean that companies will have to figure out how to cover their increased operating costs. Fastest way to have more money available.... fire people. So prices go up, production goes down and unemployment goes up. Yeah... I can see how that's going to be good for America!
Understand that all of these policies are designed to do something else that's not on most peoples radar screens yet. And it's like that frog who is placed into a pot of cold water and then the fire is set to low..... and by the time the frog figures out that there is a problem.... he's dead! Likewise by the time the public figures out what these communists are doing to our nation it will be too late to reverse course.
Dirty little secret time. ALL of their programs and new laws are designed to increase uncertainty, unemployment and fear. Why? So the people will eventually demand the government step in and "solve the problem." (While forgetting or not being fully aware of the fact that it was *government* which created the problem!) The plan is to make more and more people totally dependent upon the government for their existence.
We're already to the point at which nearly 47% of the people in this country literally pay no federal taxes. If they can just make a few million more people unemployed.... they can get that number over 50%. Once you pass that magic 50% point we're going to be a socialist / communist country from that point onward. People who are not paying taxes (remember... they get a refund of what they do pay) are NOT going to vote out of office the people they perceive as "taking care of them."
They get public housing.... food stamps... WIC.... Medicaid... and perhaps even some menial government job. Their mindset becomes.... "Don't rock the boat" and they settle into a life of mediocrity. Rather than being free to strive for better for themselves and their families they become enslaved by government handouts. Rather than thriving capitalism we suffer under the stagnation of socialism and central planning.
You might be old enough to remember how well that central planning thing worked for the old Soviet Union. Oh yeah.... that system failed and collapsed. (sigh) Good thing OUR communists and socialists running the nation now are *much* smarter than that bunch and bright enough to make that failed system work this time. Although *why* they think that, in light of the fact that neither form of government has ever lead to the prosperity America has enjoyed under capitalism, is a mystery to me.
Bottom line tonight.... is that you can either get ready to bend over and grab the ankles..... take that government shafting with a smile.... OR you can nut up and rail against all of their plans to remake our beloved country into some sort of leftist wasteland. I know my elected representatives are probably damn tired of hearing from me lately. But I *do* also write them to give them a pat on the back when they take the right stand too.
If you don't have YOUR elected representatives e-mail address saved in your computers address book.... you need to get it there and start speaking your mind and making your view point known. Remember.... the way our government is constituted.... THEY work for US... not the other way around. Make sure your representative understands that fact. It's only YOUR government IF you make the effort to participate. DO IT!
Y'all have a good evening.
The challenge for you today.... your homework if you will.... is to scour the Constitution and point out exactly where in that document it says the the government not only has the right to mandate health care for all citizens but also has the authority to fine and imprison anyone who refuses to bow to their mandate.
Oh yeah... you hear me right. In bold up there is really does say fine and imprison. The so called "government option" is really a mandatory government dictate. There is actually NO option at all in their scheme. When ANY change in the health insurance plan you are paying for now occurs your are REQUIRED to move into the "public option" rather than keep your plan. (Some option, huh?) If you *refuse* to take the government insurance you will be fined 2% of your gross income. (that's 2% of all the money you made... not what's left over after taxes and bills.... okay)
You also don't have the option of not paying that fine because the health care bill also contains 13 pages of changes to the IRS... one of which gives them direct access to your bank accounts! So you can refuse to pay... and they will suck all your bank accounts dry until they have their pound of flesh.... and too freaking bad if you can't pay your rent or buy food.
If you haven't learned your lesson yet and still refuse to comply with the dictates of our "we know what is best for you" government.... your next lesson in obedience is a $250,000 fine accompanied by 5 years in Federal Prison. (Where at least you WILL get government health care like it or not)
Perhaps you'll choose to do what I do and rail against these communist policies via the Internet. Well... enjoy *that* right while we still have it. There is something called the "Net Neutrality Act" working it's way through the darker passageways of Congress. You see.. for some reason or other our lawmakers think that the Internet just isn't fair.
Hmmmm.... you can get on it anywhere from Arabia to Zimbabwe so long as there is at least a phone line handy. You can pretty much search for and do anything you like... except for in China where they control access to content for their citizens already. So except for China.... what is NOT fair about the Internet?
Basically it boils down to being a control issue. Independent companies provide access to the global network which means that the Government has no control over that access. So Net Neutrality not only transfers access control from private hands to the government but also gives them total control over everything you are permitted to do on the Internet. Go ahead... post an anti-government comment on your blog.... IF you want that knock on your door in the middle of the night.
And don't think they have forgotten about conservative talk radio either. While the "fairness doctrine" may have gone down the toilet they can still shut things down via other routes. The new "Diversity Czar" at the FCC proudly proclaims that Hugo Chavez (and his dictatorial policies) is one of his role models and heroes! He admires the way Chavez took over all the radio stations in Venezuela so HE could "control the message." Geee... there's that word again... control. There seems to be a pattern developing here.
In this case the FCC will claim that IF a radio station is broadcasting Rush Limbaugh, for example, then doing so is taking away from what should be the "local content" of the station. Subjecting listeners to a nationally syndicated program is a "disservice" to them and must be countered by someone locally with a different opinion.
Now if you are either the owner of this station or the director of programming you just got a big nightmare dropped in your lap. You signed on to carry Rush because people *listen* to him and therefore also listen to the advertisements you run during his 3 hours. That generates money for your station AND the people who pay to run those ads.
Now... who is going to pay good money to buy ad time on a local content program hosted by someone who will likely come off as an uninformed dingbat compared to Limbaugh. No one. Thus you end up with having to program 3 hours of air time that generates no money for your station. BUT... if you drop Limbaugh then you can maybe find something else to run.... like "Suzie talks Sewing" or perhaps something even more exciting like "Carl's Crappie fishing tips."
Check your history books.... one's not rewritten and revised by leftists.... and you'll discover there is nothing new about the government trying to control radio. They passed a "fairness doctrine" in the 60's and radio sucked stagnant pond water as a result. There was music and then talk about raising hogs and making quilts.... it sucked. Then Ronald Reagan ordered that law rescinded and we've had truly free and fair radio since then.
There is also the "Cap and Trade" bill to worry about. That will basically double all your energy costs... yes... including all your utility bills for your home and the gasoline you put into your car. The higher energy costs... ostensibly mandated to lower our carbon emissions..... will mean that companies will have to figure out how to cover their increased operating costs. Fastest way to have more money available.... fire people. So prices go up, production goes down and unemployment goes up. Yeah... I can see how that's going to be good for America!
Understand that all of these policies are designed to do something else that's not on most peoples radar screens yet. And it's like that frog who is placed into a pot of cold water and then the fire is set to low..... and by the time the frog figures out that there is a problem.... he's dead! Likewise by the time the public figures out what these communists are doing to our nation it will be too late to reverse course.
Dirty little secret time. ALL of their programs and new laws are designed to increase uncertainty, unemployment and fear. Why? So the people will eventually demand the government step in and "solve the problem." (While forgetting or not being fully aware of the fact that it was *government* which created the problem!) The plan is to make more and more people totally dependent upon the government for their existence.
We're already to the point at which nearly 47% of the people in this country literally pay no federal taxes. If they can just make a few million more people unemployed.... they can get that number over 50%. Once you pass that magic 50% point we're going to be a socialist / communist country from that point onward. People who are not paying taxes (remember... they get a refund of what they do pay) are NOT going to vote out of office the people they perceive as "taking care of them."
They get public housing.... food stamps... WIC.... Medicaid... and perhaps even some menial government job. Their mindset becomes.... "Don't rock the boat" and they settle into a life of mediocrity. Rather than being free to strive for better for themselves and their families they become enslaved by government handouts. Rather than thriving capitalism we suffer under the stagnation of socialism and central planning.
You might be old enough to remember how well that central planning thing worked for the old Soviet Union. Oh yeah.... that system failed and collapsed. (sigh) Good thing OUR communists and socialists running the nation now are *much* smarter than that bunch and bright enough to make that failed system work this time. Although *why* they think that, in light of the fact that neither form of government has ever lead to the prosperity America has enjoyed under capitalism, is a mystery to me.
Bottom line tonight.... is that you can either get ready to bend over and grab the ankles..... take that government shafting with a smile.... OR you can nut up and rail against all of their plans to remake our beloved country into some sort of leftist wasteland. I know my elected representatives are probably damn tired of hearing from me lately. But I *do* also write them to give them a pat on the back when they take the right stand too.
If you don't have YOUR elected representatives e-mail address saved in your computers address book.... you need to get it there and start speaking your mind and making your view point known. Remember.... the way our government is constituted.... THEY work for US... not the other way around. Make sure your representative understands that fact. It's only YOUR government IF you make the effort to participate. DO IT!
Y'all have a good evening.