Nearly a full year after the second coming was elected Americans have one burning question. Can liberals think and reason? More and more it seems that the answer is a resounding NO!
Today's "job summit" at the White House was a prime example of the lefts complete failure to generate a cogent thought. The "alleged" reason for this summit was to figure out (firstly) Why the economy isn't generating more jobs and (secondly) what can be done to fix the problem?
Now with that agenda would you not think it a good idea to perhaps include *business* people or their representatives in such a meeting? Of course you would because *you* can think and reason! However we're talking Uber Liberals here... not real Americans. So organizations like the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce were......... Dis invited. No need for their slanted form of input.
Oddly enough the President actually manged to state the problem accurately. Businesses are struggling in uncertain times and growing financial obligations. (Taxes to you and me) As for the uncertain times.... we've got the possibility of "cap & trade" still looming large.... the massive government takeover of the health care industry..... Obama potentially signing on to some sort of global climate change pact in Copenhagen.... all of which mean HUGE tax increases.... and uncertainly is damn near an understatement!
SO! The Obama solution to these fairly obvious problems? Blame business for operating under conservative business models, reducing costs and trying to stay open and productive! "Whaaaaaaa! I'm responsible for creating all these problems.... but I'm not man enough to nut up and admit it so I'm going to blame the victims of my stupidity instead!" Obama.... the man-child wimp in Chief.
How about we take a look back at history, shall we? When were the last two times that our economy took off and things were booming? Come on.... you can do it.... you know the answers. As a hint I'll tell you that one President was a Democrat and the other was a Republican. Got it now? Okay..... the economy took off after the elections of John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.
What do those two presidents have in common? Two things. 1st they both had uncommon faith in the ability of the American people to achieve if unshackled by government. 2nd they both were bright enough to CUT TAXES and free the economic engine of this great nation. So with money to invest and government not throwing up roadblocks.... America's economy went gangbusters. If liberals could think and reason the answer to the current economic decline would be slapping them in the face.
Sadly.... they *know* the answers and they *know* that they work every time they are tried. So why not implement them you ask? Simple really. The solution runs counter to the objective of the left. You remember Obama's campaign promise "To fundamentally remake America"? IF we had a thriving conservative capitalist system before.... and you fundamentally changed that... what's left?
You have three choices.... Socialism, Communism or Fascism. If you want another option it's Totalitarianism. All systems that have enslaved people, broken wills and spirits and destroyed economies every single time and place they've been foisted upon a people and a land.
And looking at history again (something the left never does... or if they do they never seem to learn from it) I ask... who does benefit from any of those systems? Hint.... it's not the people. Nope... it's the masters... those at the very top.... the ones "better and smarter" than the common folk they enslave. The Elite. (By their own proclamation.... not ours)
So the complete and total destruction of the American economy means nothing to them so long as they remain in power. And, oddly enough, destroying the economy is exactly how they plan on staying in power! How so? you might wisely ask. If you are out of work.... don't have a support network of family or friends.... what are your choices?
Unemployment "insurance", food stamps and welfare. And *those* all come from..... Government! Oh JOY!! And you quickly forget that Government stupidity was responsible for your quandary.... and all you know is that Government is giving you a place to stay... putting food on the table.... and a few bucks in your charity donated pants. Lucky you! And just think... to keep all this wonderful stuff..... all you have to do it keep voting democrat. Then you can kick back and enjoy your pointless dead end life and watch your children grow up to be perpetual wards of the state. Yippie!
Plain and simple... that is exactly their plan and the election of Obama is their one big chance to get it all done after nearly 90 years of incrementalism. Haven't you noticed how everything HAS to be done RIGHT NOW? Read the legislation? Who has time to do that? This is too important! Have to pass the "stimulus" (porkulus) bill! Have to pass Cap & Tax..... errrr Trade! Have to pass Health care reform! Have to sign our country away to the globalists at Copenhagen! It all has to be done NOW because the left may not have a chance later. THIS is their golden opportunity to socialize America.
As Rahm Emanuel said: "We can't afford to let a perfectly good crisis go to waste!" A crisis of their making.... but a crisis none the less. And exactly what has been the direct result of all their *have to do it NOW!* legislation? More spending than all the other presidents combined, for starters. A doubling of the national debt in less than 6 months in office. A take over of two out of three of the major U.S. auto makers. The planned take over of 1/6th of the nations economy if health care passes. A take over of large portions of the financial sector. Government take over of a large chunk of the housing market. The destruction of the economy if cap and trade becomes law and that destruction enhanced if the accords in Copenhagen are signed! Good enough for starters?
Oh... and by the way... the ONLY U.S. auto maker to show a profit in the third quarter of 2009? One guess.... and it's NOT Government.... I mean General Motors or Chrysler. Yep! FORD! capitalists building cars that consumers want.... NOT what government says they have to build. Imagine that! Pretty much pokes a stick in the eye of all those liberals who keep telling us capitalism is a failed model, doesn't it.
There are two sides in this battle for freedom and they are not republican and democrat. Nor are they liberal vs conservative. It's a battle between lies and the truth. One side has to lie to hide who they are and what they want. The other side doesn't. One side cooks the books (see the CRU meltdown) to falsely "prove" their side while the other side only has to point to history. One side has to be constantly propped up and covered for by a subservient media and a co-conspiritorial education system..... the other doesn't. That makes it an easy choice. Cast your allegiance and your future fate with the liars..... or with those who have no need to lie. Let your conscious be your guide.