Not that I've *ever* been particularly silent about anything I disagreed with.... but stating an obvious point that needs to be made. I've had it past my eyeballs with the jerkweeds of the main scream media who rail against the members of the TEA party movement. Calling them "tea baggers" is vile beyond belief.
What amazed me (and eludes them) is that WE on the right had to run to our new urban slang dictionaries to find out what a "tea bagger" even was! Yet... this activity was something that the left seemed to know about almost instinctively. I think that speaks volumes about them.
The left and the media (OOPS!! Same thing!) is also in the obnoxious habit of calling the TEA party people violent and offensive..... a "mob" of lawless radicals who need to be clamped down on hard. The reality is 180 degrees out from the image projected.
Did you know that members of the TEA party actually held a rally where they came ARMED? Yep! Packing heat in plain sight of everyone! Know what happened? Know what kind of carnage was dispensed by this out of control mob or gun toting kooks? Nothing. Zip..... Zero..... Nadda. As a matter of fact the more gun toting "Protesters" that showed up.... the MORE relaxed the police became!
Why do you suppose that was? Answer. The members of the TEA party are law abiding citizens who know their rights and support the constitution. If you study the pictures of a TEA party rally site you'll discover that it is cleaner AFTER a rally than before! Try making that point anytime the left holds a rally.
Well.... lets just make that point right now, shall we? I'll let you pick the site of ANY genuine TEA party gathering..... any one you like. Now then.... I'll pick a recient example of the left getting together to make their voice heard. Let's take a look at the following headline:
PHOENIX (AP) - the conflict over a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona intensified Monday as vandals smeared re fried beans on the side of the State capital Building in the shape of swastika.
Don't you just love those fun loving peaceful folks on the left when they come out to protest? Gee... I know *I* sure do! They are so peaceful and law abiding..... never have to worry about them doing anything to break the law or be uncivil. Imagine how much more peaceful and non-violent their rally could have been if *they* had come armed? Oh.... wait..... they *did* throw rocks and bottles and everything else they could get their hands on at the police who were attempting to maintain order. Probably a good thing that only evil violent members of the TEA party show up at rallies with fire arms.
And while, if you watched FOX news, you could see the protest in context.... and how uncivil the protesters were..... I had to read 4 pages of material from the AP to find that one lone mention of anything out of the norm about the day. No mention of the violence towards the police.... no mention of the name calling..... no mention of the threats of more violence. The AP and every other left wing rag simply glossed over those minor details and said instead that the rallies were "mostly peaceful'"
Well HELL! By that definition.... World War was "mostly peaceful" since it was often days or weeks or months between major confrontations. Yet.... when the TEA party holds a rally we are warned by the media... even by current and former Presidents.... that violence is looming just under that calm appearing surface. That we ought not let the kindly faces of all that grandpa's and grandma's lull us into a false sense of security. They are just waiting for the right moment to explode into violence against the state!
Let's review. One day..... yesterday the 25th of April in Phoenix Arizona..... the left holds a "protest" described BY the left as "mostly peaceful." We have "thousands of protesters and ONLY 5 arrests." Not bad folks on the left! Contrast that good behavior with with those evil TEA party mobs of angry out of control anti-government kooks. All together something on the order of over 5 million "protesters" gathering in multiple cities around the country over months and months..... and one rally where they came ARMED even! My GOD! The carnage!! Oh..... wait....... Hmmmmm...... not so much as a ticket for J-walking. Absolutely nothing!
As usual it seems that you can't actually believe a damn thing the left wing media tells you about anything. (what's new there?) And just for the record.... we're told (by the left) that it's not nice for the TEA party to be out there protesting against the state. They are labeled "Anti-Government" by Obama and the leftists of the government controlled media.
But let's think about that for just one little minute here... shall we? Obama and the media (now that THEY are in power) tell us that "anti-government" is now wrong. Then aren't all those protesters in Phoenix also WRONG because the Governor of the state passed a law letting the police now ask about the immigration status of someone in a routine traffic stop or other police activity. Since it's a LAW that makes it GOVERNMENT.... so if you protest it.... aren't you by definition now "Anti-Government" too?
Not to worry.... it's just that old Liberal double standard still alive and well. Like the "Chicken Heart" of the old Bill Cosby routine...... that double standard's heart is still beating and won't die. Okay for the left to do something.... EVIL if we on the right do the exact same thing... only peacefully.
Here is the problem. NO ONE in Washington D.C. wants to do what has to be done to secure our borders! THAT is the problem pure and simple. Why? It's called pandering for votes. So called immigration reform is nothing more than attempting to grant citizenship to over 12 million people here against our laws.... so they have the right to VOTE just in time for the next election.
Now to whom do you suppose the majority of those votes will go? Might it be to those wonderful people in Washington D.C. who are giving them all sorts of goodies for FREE? Ya think?
How about a little look at that evil new law that has everyone so pissed off. (with the rare exception of over 70% of the population of Arizona.... but what to *they* know?) Okay.... before.... the police stop you for speeding in Phoenix. You can't speak a word of English.... expect to say that you don't speak English. No big deal. If I was stopped in Mexico I speak only poco Spanish. BUT... our law then said that no matter HOW suspicious things looked... that officer was forbidden from asking anything about your citizenship status. That's correct! It was actually illegal for a law enforcement officer to attempt to enforce the law! (Only in America, folks)
Okay... so why are they all pissed off now? Well gee whiz..... the law basically says that during the course of any routine police activity..... the police can now ask for proof of citizenship if they have reason to believe you may not be here legally. HOW EVIL can you get? Expecting people to actually enter your country legally? Damn! What is this country coming to?
Okay... now... try *this* on for size. Go ahead..... enter Mexico illegally.... see what happens to your ass..... I dare you! Anyone on the left care to take me up on that challenge? I mean... if it's okay for them to come HERE illegally.... they it should be equally okay with Mexico if we go there illegally too. Right?
Uhhh,,,, WRONG! If you enter Mexico without A) a valid drivers license, B) a certified copy of your birth certificate, C) a valid passport, D) stay beyond 72 hours, E) go farther than 20 miles into Mexico..... you are subject to immediate arrest AND IMPRISONMENT of up to two years BEFORE being unceremoniously deported!! And to think.... WE are the ones they say are being too hard in illegals. Imagine that!
Mexico has years of the practice of corruption on us.... but thanks to the Obama administration... we're catching up fast! He openly criticized the Governor of Arizona for passing the "ill conceived" law. Perhaps the alleged "constitutional law professor" should READ the document he is supposed to be so familiar with. The security of our borders and the regulation of interstate commerce are the ONLY two tasks assigned to the Federal Government. Had *any* of the previous administrations taken half of those tasks seriously.... Arizona would not be in the position it's in today. Our southern border looks more like a toll road having a "drive for free" day than it does a secure border.
While Mexico likes their citizens to illegally enter OUR country (They even publish a little booklet telling their citizens HOW to do it) they don't blink an eye at tossing US Citizens in jail for making the trip the other way. And... like the left wing media..... they largely ignore or attempt to gloss over any differences between the laws of the two nations. For example.......
An illegal can openly protest in America with little fear of anything happening. Any foreigner openly protesting in Mexico is subject to immediate arrest. Illegals are encouraged to work in America. In Mexico you have to get special permission from the state to work and it has to be a needed skill. Illegals typically come here damn near broke hoping to earn some money. If you want to go to Mexico to live you MUST provide a bank statement proving that you have the minimum monthly income required. Just remember.... WE are the bad guys. WE are the ones with the harsh unfair laws.
So... repeat after me..... Left GOOD! Right.... EVIL!!! US laws BAD! Foreign laws GOOD! Tea party movement........ dangerous! Any protest by the left..... Peaceful. Now all face Washington D.C. and offer thanks (and all your money) to the great Obama. That's a good little citizen! Either get used to it or be prepared to vote them all out as soon as you can.
What amazed me (and eludes them) is that WE on the right had to run to our new urban slang dictionaries to find out what a "tea bagger" even was! Yet... this activity was something that the left seemed to know about almost instinctively. I think that speaks volumes about them.
The left and the media (OOPS!! Same thing!) is also in the obnoxious habit of calling the TEA party people violent and offensive..... a "mob" of lawless radicals who need to be clamped down on hard. The reality is 180 degrees out from the image projected.
Did you know that members of the TEA party actually held a rally where they came ARMED? Yep! Packing heat in plain sight of everyone! Know what happened? Know what kind of carnage was dispensed by this out of control mob or gun toting kooks? Nothing. Zip..... Zero..... Nadda. As a matter of fact the more gun toting "Protesters" that showed up.... the MORE relaxed the police became!
Why do you suppose that was? Answer. The members of the TEA party are law abiding citizens who know their rights and support the constitution. If you study the pictures of a TEA party rally site you'll discover that it is cleaner AFTER a rally than before! Try making that point anytime the left holds a rally.
Well.... lets just make that point right now, shall we? I'll let you pick the site of ANY genuine TEA party gathering..... any one you like. Now then.... I'll pick a recient example of the left getting together to make their voice heard. Let's take a look at the following headline:
PHOENIX (AP) - the conflict over a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona intensified Monday as vandals smeared re fried beans on the side of the State capital Building in the shape of swastika.
Don't you just love those fun loving peaceful folks on the left when they come out to protest? Gee... I know *I* sure do! They are so peaceful and law abiding..... never have to worry about them doing anything to break the law or be uncivil. Imagine how much more peaceful and non-violent their rally could have been if *they* had come armed? Oh.... wait..... they *did* throw rocks and bottles and everything else they could get their hands on at the police who were attempting to maintain order. Probably a good thing that only evil violent members of the TEA party show up at rallies with fire arms.
And while, if you watched FOX news, you could see the protest in context.... and how uncivil the protesters were..... I had to read 4 pages of material from the AP to find that one lone mention of anything out of the norm about the day. No mention of the violence towards the police.... no mention of the name calling..... no mention of the threats of more violence. The AP and every other left wing rag simply glossed over those minor details and said instead that the rallies were "mostly peaceful'"
Well HELL! By that definition.... World War was "mostly peaceful" since it was often days or weeks or months between major confrontations. Yet.... when the TEA party holds a rally we are warned by the media... even by current and former Presidents.... that violence is looming just under that calm appearing surface. That we ought not let the kindly faces of all that grandpa's and grandma's lull us into a false sense of security. They are just waiting for the right moment to explode into violence against the state!
Let's review. One day..... yesterday the 25th of April in Phoenix Arizona..... the left holds a "protest" described BY the left as "mostly peaceful." We have "thousands of protesters and ONLY 5 arrests." Not bad folks on the left!
As usual it seems that you can't actually believe a damn thing the left wing media tells you about anything. (what's new there?) And just for the record.... we're told (by the left) that it's not nice for the TEA party to be out there protesting against the state. They are labeled "Anti-Government" by Obama and the leftists of the government controlled media.
But let's think about that for just one little minute here... shall we? Obama and the media (now that THEY are in power) tell us that "anti-government" is now wrong. Then aren't all those protesters in Phoenix also WRONG because the Governor of the state passed a law letting the police now ask about the immigration status of someone in a routine traffic stop or other police activity. Since it's a LAW that makes it GOVERNMENT.... so if you protest it.... aren't you by definition now "Anti-Government" too?
Not to worry.... it's just that old Liberal double standard still alive and well. Like the "Chicken Heart" of the old Bill Cosby routine...... that double standard's heart is still beating and won't die. Okay for the left to do something.... EVIL if we on the right do the exact same thing... only peacefully.
Here is the problem. NO ONE in Washington D.C. wants to do what has to be done to secure our borders! THAT is the problem pure and simple. Why? It's called pandering for votes. So called immigration reform is nothing more than attempting to grant citizenship to over 12 million people here against our laws.... so they have the right to VOTE just in time for the next election.
Now to whom do you suppose the majority of those votes will go? Might it be to those wonderful people in Washington D.C. who are giving them all sorts of goodies for FREE? Ya think?
How about a little look at that evil new law that has everyone so pissed off. (with the rare exception of over 70% of the population of Arizona.... but what to *they* know?) Okay.... before.... the police stop you for speeding in Phoenix. You can't speak a word of English.... expect to say that you don't speak English. No big deal. If I was stopped in Mexico I speak only poco Spanish. BUT... our law then said that no matter HOW suspicious things looked... that officer was forbidden from asking anything about your citizenship status. That's correct! It was actually illegal for a law enforcement officer to attempt to enforce the law! (Only in America, folks)
Okay... so why are they all pissed off now? Well gee whiz..... the law basically says that during the course of any routine police activity..... the police can now ask for proof of citizenship if they have reason to believe you may not be here legally. HOW EVIL can you get? Expecting people to actually enter your country legally? Damn! What is this country coming to?
Okay... now... try *this* on for size. Go ahead..... enter Mexico illegally.... see what happens to your ass..... I dare you! Anyone on the left care to take me up on that challenge? I mean... if it's okay for them to come HERE illegally.... they it should be equally okay with Mexico if we go there illegally too. Right?
Uhhh,,,, WRONG! If you enter Mexico without A) a valid drivers license, B) a certified copy of your birth certificate, C) a valid passport, D) stay beyond 72 hours, E) go farther than 20 miles into Mexico..... you are subject to immediate arrest AND IMPRISONMENT of up to two years BEFORE being unceremoniously deported!! And to think.... WE are the ones they say are being too hard in illegals. Imagine that!
Mexico has years of the practice of corruption on us.... but thanks to the Obama administration... we're catching up fast! He openly criticized the Governor of Arizona for passing the "ill conceived" law. Perhaps the alleged
While Mexico likes their citizens to illegally enter OUR country (They even publish a little booklet telling their citizens HOW to do it) they don't blink an eye at tossing US Citizens in jail for making the trip the other way. And... like the left wing media..... they largely ignore or attempt to gloss over any differences between the laws of the two nations. For example.......
An illegal can openly protest in America with little fear of anything happening. Any foreigner openly protesting in Mexico is subject to immediate arrest. Illegals are encouraged to work in America. In Mexico you have to get special permission from the state to work and it has to be a needed skill. Illegals typically come here damn near broke hoping to earn some money. If you want to go to Mexico to live you MUST provide a bank statement proving that you have the minimum monthly income required. Just remember.... WE are the bad guys. WE are the ones with the harsh unfair laws.
So... repeat after me..... Left GOOD! Right.... EVIL!!! US laws BAD! Foreign laws GOOD! Tea party movement........ dangerous! Any protest by the left..... Peaceful. Now all face Washington D.C. and offer thanks (and all your money) to the great Obama. That's a good little citizen! Either get used to it or be prepared to vote them all out as soon as you can.