Just in case you've made the mistake of tuning into one of the once reliable news networks (like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN et al) you may have missed the nations radical swing towards total socialism and complete government control. The networks mentioned above would not have found anything out of the ordinary going on in Washington. They are already socialists/communists so any movement in that direction would be most welcomed and unworthy of rising to the status of "news" to those people.
President G.W. Bush fires nine federally appointed judges (well within his power as President) and the investigation by the left just concluded this month! (July 2010) Of course there was no wrongdoing found.... which is good because if there was W.J. Clinton would have been in heap big trouble because HE fired all 96 for political reasons. (Which the left managed to overlook)
Think for a moment. The government takes over not one.... but two major US car manufacturers. Obama is in office and the reaction from the left and the media???? Crickets chirping...... Zip...... Zero........ Nadda. Can you even imagine what the reaction would have been if had G.W. Bush been the President?
Continue that scenario with any of the other things the left have foisted upon the American people in the past 19 months. What if G.W. Bush had signed the "health care" bill into law? How about the take over of the student loan program by the fed? "Financial reform" bill? Cap all that off with the BP oil problem....... and "W" would have been hung upside down on the front lawn while democrat senators, congressmen and the liberal media administered the old Chinese 'death of a thousand cuts' during prime time.
Meanwhile the most uninformed and unqualified person to *ever* hold the highest office in the land..... manages to play stealth fighter and stay totally off any negative radar screen and avoid any criticism of any kind. Amazing!
Face it..... what Obama is doing is... 1) totally screwing the American people and living the life of royalty (ie the vacation to France staying at the most expensive hotel in the area and needing only 30 rooms for the stay) while also... 2) disregarding the Constitution and peeing upon the rule of law while pulling an end run around both the House and Senate with all of his personally appointed Tzars...... something no other President has done to such a degree.
What I am expecting.... and preparing for..... is some sort of "crisis" in the country right around election time 2012. They keep playing class against class.... race against race..... religion against religion and putting in any sort of wedge they can between factions of American citizens as a whole. It's the old "divided we fall" strategy and the left is hoping to start the domino's falling right on cue.
IF they can get sociatial instability generated so that the "people" will demand the government take some sort of action to "protect" them. In order to do that government will find it "necessary" to impose martial law "for some short time" in order to restore peace and tranquility. Under martial law..... the President is in TOTAL control..... the House and Senate will have lost their constitutional check on the power of the executive branch. At that point Obama can simply announce that the situation is so big and so dangerous for our great nation.... that he is going to have to stay in office indefinitely so he can properly manage the crisis.
Presto change-o... Instant President for life (think Castro, Mao, Stalin and Chavez) or, as I'm sure he would prefer..... King or Emperor for life. That which the founders gave up everything to bring out of the wilderness that was north America then..... and which became that "shining city on the hill" for Ronald Reagan...... the glorious experiment that is America..... will be over. The warning signs are all there.... screaming at us for attention.
Could we be "happy" under such a system? That depends upon how you define "happy" in the context of your own life. If you can be "happy" turning over control of your life to a bunch of bureaucrats who will decide where you live... the job and wage you will be allowed to have.... what and how much food you can have..... what you can have in your house and what you can't... The kind of house you can live in.... light bulbs you can use..... car you can have... or not... schools you and your children can attend and material you will learn..... even the doctor you can see and level of health care you are permitted to receive...... then yeah... you can be happy.
People in the military live like that every day they are in uniform. Government basically makes all their decisions for them and controls every aspect of their lives both on duty and off. BUT! (and it's a big and very critical but) Doing so is entirely voluntary. It is the price you get to pay for your desire to protect and defend this great nation and it's Constitution. Service people are a *very* special breed of Americans. They will *willingly* pick up and wear the yoke of total servitude so that all the rest of us..... don't have to wear that same yoke involuntarily.
It's that last point which may ultimately be the life ring that saves this nation. How that happens is all summed up in the enlistment oath we all take.
"I, (name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the Officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, so help me God."
What is key above is the last part about regulations and the UCMJ. The word omitted but intended is "lawful." IF.... an order is unlawful.... ie.... "Shoot that child.... he's annoying me!" then the order is required to be disregarded. Likewise if an order is clearly unconstitutional.... it has to be ignored. To do otherwise is in violation of the Oath.
Lastly.... in keeping with the "Posse Comitatus" Act of 1878..... Chapter 263, SEC 15 prohibits the Federal Government of deploying the US Military within the borders of the United States except under the most extreme circumstances and even then it requires a super majority vote by Congress.
So even if Obama or the left wants to use the military in the US to suppress the citizens and enforce Obama's will..... it is the obligation of that same military to disregard the order. Beyond that..... within the borders of the US..... our own military is out numbered and out gunned by a huge margin.... so it is not in their interest to obey. Add to that the fact that America is still a center right nation and all we have to do is continue to stand united.
God Bless America..... now more than ever............
President G.W. Bush fires nine federally appointed judges (well within his power as President) and the investigation by the left just concluded this month! (July 2010) Of course there was no wrongdoing found.... which is good because if there was W.J. Clinton would have been in heap big trouble because HE fired all 96 for political reasons. (Which the left managed to overlook)
Think for a moment. The government takes over not one.... but two major US car manufacturers. Obama is in office and the reaction from the left and the media???? Crickets chirping...... Zip...... Zero........ Nadda. Can you even imagine what the reaction would have been if had G.W. Bush been the President?
Continue that scenario with any of the other things the left have foisted upon the American people in the past 19 months. What if G.W. Bush had signed the "health care" bill into law? How about the take over of the student loan program by the fed? "Financial reform" bill? Cap all that off with the BP oil problem....... and "W" would have been hung upside down on the front lawn while democrat senators, congressmen and the liberal media administered the old Chinese 'death of a thousand cuts' during prime time.
Meanwhile the most uninformed and unqualified person to *ever* hold the highest office in the land..... manages to play stealth fighter and stay totally off any negative radar screen and avoid any criticism of any kind. Amazing!
Face it..... what Obama is doing is... 1) totally screwing the American people and living the life of royalty (ie the vacation to France staying at the most expensive hotel in the area and needing only 30 rooms for the stay) while also... 2) disregarding the Constitution and peeing upon the rule of law while pulling an end run around both the House and Senate with all of his personally appointed Tzars...... something no other President has done to such a degree.
What I am expecting.... and preparing for..... is some sort of "crisis" in the country right around election time 2012. They keep playing class against class.... race against race..... religion against religion and putting in any sort of wedge they can between factions of American citizens as a whole. It's the old "divided we fall" strategy and the left is hoping to start the domino's falling right on cue.
IF they can get sociatial instability generated so that the "people" will demand the government take some sort of action to "protect" them. In order to do that government will find it "necessary" to impose martial law "for some short time" in order to restore peace and tranquility. Under martial law..... the President is in TOTAL control..... the House and Senate will have lost their constitutional check on the power of the executive branch. At that point Obama can simply announce that the situation is so big and so dangerous for our great nation.... that he is going to have to stay in office indefinitely so he can properly manage the crisis.
Presto change-o... Instant President for life (think Castro, Mao, Stalin and Chavez) or, as I'm sure he would prefer..... King or Emperor for life. That which the founders gave up everything to bring out of the wilderness that was north America then..... and which became that "shining city on the hill" for Ronald Reagan...... the glorious experiment that is America..... will be over. The warning signs are all there.... screaming at us for attention.
Could we be "happy" under such a system? That depends upon how you define "happy" in the context of your own life. If you can be "happy" turning over control of your life to a bunch of bureaucrats who will decide where you live... the job and wage you will be allowed to have.... what and how much food you can have..... what you can have in your house and what you can't... The kind of house you can live in.... light bulbs you can use..... car you can have... or not... schools you and your children can attend and material you will learn..... even the doctor you can see and level of health care you are permitted to receive...... then yeah... you can be happy.
People in the military live like that every day they are in uniform. Government basically makes all their decisions for them and controls every aspect of their lives both on duty and off. BUT! (and it's a big and very critical but) Doing so is entirely voluntary. It is the price you get to pay for your desire to protect and defend this great nation and it's Constitution. Service people are a *very* special breed of Americans. They will *willingly* pick up and wear the yoke of total servitude so that all the rest of us..... don't have to wear that same yoke involuntarily.
It's that last point which may ultimately be the life ring that saves this nation. How that happens is all summed up in the enlistment oath we all take.
"I, (name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the Officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, so help me God."
What is key above is the last part about regulations and the UCMJ. The word omitted but intended is "lawful." IF.... an order is unlawful.... ie.... "Shoot that child.... he's annoying me!" then the order is required to be disregarded. Likewise if an order is clearly unconstitutional.... it has to be ignored. To do otherwise is in violation of the Oath.
Lastly.... in keeping with the "Posse Comitatus" Act of 1878..... Chapter 263, SEC 15 prohibits the Federal Government of deploying the US Military within the borders of the United States except under the most extreme circumstances and even then it requires a super majority vote by Congress.
So even if Obama or the left wants to use the military in the US to suppress the citizens and enforce Obama's will..... it is the obligation of that same military to disregard the order. Beyond that..... within the borders of the US..... our own military is out numbered and out gunned by a huge margin.... so it is not in their interest to obey. Add to that the fact that America is still a center right nation and all we have to do is continue to stand united.
God Bless America..... now more than ever............