Sunday, October 31, 2010

Elections have consequences

As we all learned from the ever so humble and modest democrats a couple of years ago.... Elections have consequences! Boy.... do they ever! Don't study.... don't research..... don't pay any attention to *anything*..... buy into the smoke & mirrors rhetoric and simple minded slogans.... then vote.... and then begin instantly suffering the political version of buyers regret.

Okay. So as the popular question goes.... "How's that hope and change working out for you?" If you're a liberal and voted for all that crap then I suspect you're also too dim witted to have yet figured out that you're the frog in the pot of gradually warming water. You, my hapless friends, are still 4 to 6 years away from that "deer in the headlights" stare that results from the sudden realization that everything you thought was going to happen was a lie that you bought into. YOU, sir or ma'am, have been HAD!

You've suddenly figured out that *you* are the evil "rich" you wanted to see punished so much when you voted democrat. Grandma sadly passed away in 2011 rather than 2010 and you screamed "That's not FAIR!" as the government stepped in, right after the funeral, and demanded 55% of everything she had worked her entire life to attain. Sad thing is that you're correct.... it's NOT fair! It's robbery pure and simple..... and YOU voted for it so shut up and fork over the bucks, buddy.

You've also figured out..... or at least I hope you have..... that all those "evil corporations"..... you know.... the ones who only care about themselves...... actually EMPLOYEE people!! (Yeah I know that's a huge shock to your system.... but man up and deal with it) No... they didn't exist solely for the reason of giving you health insurance dim wit. It's an old concept called "Providing the goods and services someone wants, needs or desires at a fair price in order to make a profit." Well.... by "Punishing" those "Evil Corporations" your elected representatives have succeeded in causing over 43,000 of them to close their door and go out of business. Here anyway.

GOOD! You proudly proclaim. Okay hero.... light math time. We'll just keep the 43,000 number to make it simple. Now assume that each of those evil companies had (note the tense) only 50 employees. (formerly the "oppressed worker") Okay... for the math impaired... 43,000 times 50 equals 2,150,000 lost jobs. (which is a conservative estimate)

But that's NOT the true number. That ONLY represents the jobs lost at those 43,000 companies. Those companies had suppliers..... paid utility bills..... paid taxes..... hired maintenance people to fix machines, clean offices and keep the lawn mowed. In turn all those people went out into their local communities and did business too.

They bought food and clothing... went to restaurants, bought automobiles, paid taxes on their wages, etc. The ripple effect fans out once the doors slam shut hurting not only those people who used to work at that company but also those who make part of their living from serving those people and that company. One could modestly estimate another 25 people affected by each closing.

So.... let's do that math again. 43,000 times the primarily affected 50 PLUS an additional 25 collateral damage losses for a total of 75. That now equals 3,225,000 people either completely out of work or making significantly less than they were before. Happy now that your liberal buddies in Washington DC have been so effective at punishing the evil rich and going after those greedy corporations? You likely never even thought through the results of your wishes that a select few be singled out for such political punishment though. Consider this your wake up call.

The truly "funny" thing is that all the while the government is "getting even with" those evil corporations and raising taxes on the dead and the wealthy.... they are bitching about the job losses and need for more taxes. It's like it's the dead of winter with a blizzard blowing outside..... they throw a hammer through the living room window then simply cannot figure out where all the heat went and why there is snow in the house! This stuff doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.... only someone willing to think beyond political rhetoric and class warfare dogma.

For a further wake up call it's time you also realized that both the administration and the government controlled media have been feeding you the pablum of propaganda with a decidedly left hand spin. The "real" problem is..... "Those evil do nothing Republicans who have been blocking all our efforts at progress." says the Obama administration.

Oh Please! Wake the hell up and smell the BS. Simple fact of life number 307..... the republicans don't have enough seats in either the House or the Senate to stop the democrats from doing a damn thing. Deal with it! Their real problem is the very few democrats who don't like the socialist left turn their country is trying to take and are voting like Americans rather than Liberals. Thank GOD too otherwise the damage could have been much worse than it already is.

Mid Term elections are two days distant and it's time for a BIG bucket of Cuban style hot coffee coursing through your veins kind of wake up call in America. Can the complacent crap and VOTE..... but please do it with your eyes wide open and your brain fully functional. If you are just going to walk in there and pull a straight party lever..... kindly stay home and watch Oprah. Yeah that goes for you Republicans too!

Simple fact of the matter is that Washington DC has become a one party town. These days Republicans and democrats are nothing more than different sides of the same coin.... not a whits worth of difference between them. One is socialist/elitist heavy.... the other is the light version. Both are taking us down the same destructive road..... one is just standing on the throttle while the other is about halfway to the floor. However the Constitution says that government functions via the consent of the governed. Time for the governed (that's US) to take control again.

Here's a secret.... you don't have to vote for everyone on a ballot! Nope! Do, however, study and vote for those people who, by being in high office, can affect your life and the direction of this ship of state. You need to find out what district you are in and study the candidates for that district. Vote for the one whose vision for America most closely matches yours and is in keeping with fiscal responsibility and Constitutional limitations. If it really doesn't matter to you who the heck the dog catcher is.... you can just skip over that.... okay?

America has a Constitution for a reason. It's the guidelines that are supposed to give maximum freedom to the people while putting their government in a framework of limitations so it doesn't get out of control and become too powerful. Obviously if you routinely ignore the Constitution and put activist judges on the Supreme Court who are willing to look the other way on Constitutional issues...... you'll end up exactly where we are right now. Time to dismantle a LOT of what Government has become and return to the simple roots the Constitution put down for us.

Folks..... we're at a crossroads of history right now. There is a right way to go forward.... and a wrong way. (I would have said left way.... but that was too obvious) It's basically a choice between heading down a very rough and rocky road towards the interstate highway..... or veering even farther left and heading over a cliff. Makes a cool looking ending shot for Thelma and Louise..... not so cool for the nation as a whole. THINK! Then vote. If you can't do the first... Please don't attempt the second.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The seasons are changing

Okay, gang. Fall is here, winter is coming and it's time to get the hell out of the kiddie pool. Mister "I love ME but hate this stinking country" Obama and his gang of thugs from Chicago have spent the last two years pissing in the pool while telling all of US that the water is just fine. Well the independent water test results are in and the pool is toxic as hell. Time to not only get out of the pool but get rid of all those nasty folks who've been fouling the waters too.

Many moons ago (a little Native American lingo there) I warned you about Obama. Way back then he was selling smoke and mirrors to everyone stupid enough to buy. Unfortunately, due to the efforts of the teachers unions, enough of the population was uneducated enough to fall for the sham hook line and sinker. I told you that elections had consequences. The shambles this once great nation finds itself in today are the consequences of that very poor choice last election.

While we were all told what a tyrant "W" was and that we HAD to have change...... the nature of the change was never actually defined. Those of us with an older, educated and analytical mind were paying attention. When someone running for the highest office in the land states that he wants to "fundamentally transform America" we were bright enough to figure that out.

The fundamental foundation of the nation is comprised of two establishing documents. First is the Declaration of Independence and the second is the Constitution. IF you are versed on the basics of writing then we can say that the Declaration of Independence is the preamble for the Constitution. Knowing that fact one can make the educated conclusion that to fundamentally transform America means one intends to find some way around the limitations to government those documents put in place.

While "W" was constantly being attacked by the media for being a "Tyrant" how about we take a look at what Obama has done.

In the first 12 months in office he managed to spend more money than all other Presidents in the history of the nation including G.W. Bush!! That in itself is one hell of an accomplishment.... but he was far from through.

Since congressional approval is required for cabinet level appointments Obama side stepped the approval process by naming "Czars" to control various areas. At last check Obama had circumvented the congressional approval aspect of the Constitution 44 times. That simply means that the President has granted power to control policy to 44 people who have NOT been examined and vetted by our elected officials in Congress...... and are accountable to NO ONE but Obama himself. The Founders warned of the evil of such actions for a reason.

In an action which would have had "W" crucified in front of the White House, Obama has the temerity to fire the legally appointed head of General Motors and put someone in charge of HIS choosing. He oversaw the side stepping of the bankruptcy and reorganization process and poured enough taxpayer money into the corporation to bail out the unions and give the government a 61% controlling interest. NEVER IN HISTORY has a sitting US President taken over a corporation! That is simply NOT a power granted by the Constitution. Obama and the left simply do not care what the Constitution says. To them it is an obstacle to progress.

Next Obama and the left insinuated themselves into the banking industry. Due to the banks having to comply with liberal passed LAW requiring home loans to people who could not even prove an *income*...... they ended up with a lot of "bad loans." (SHEZAMM! Ya THINK?) So first they mandate the banks MAKE bad loans then attack them when everything predictably goes south.

Once again had the Government simply stayed out of things and let the legal system work as intended..... then some banks would have failed....... some would survive reorganized..... and the disposition of the assets would have been sorted out. Presto! The system works.

But no! Obama and his wizards of smart step in and say that some banks are too big to fail. HUH? No one is too big to fail..... simple fact of life numero uno. (A little Spanish lingo there) Anyway... Obama goes back into OUR pockets and decides which banks will survive and which will fail based upon HIS decision and NOT the market or the legal system.

The infamous "Stimulus Bill" was another 1.3 Trillion Dollar transfer of wealth from US to select unions and Obama supporters across the country. That was rammed down our throats as the ONLY way to save the economy. Net result? The economy took a nose dive...... unemployment went from 5.2% to 9.8% (Almost double) and the dirty little secret? Over 3/4 of that money is still unspent! It's just sitting there as a giant Liberal slush fund that they can tap whenever they wish without fund raising or any other effort.

Next the American people take to the streets and rail against the proposed health care reform act. 73% of the people of this nation voiced opposition to the bill! Clearly had congress listened to the people the bill would never have seen the light of day. Yet... in the face of all that opposition we still got to hear the Speaker of the House say the most ignorant thing a political figure has ever said...... "Well..... we have to first pass the bill to see what's IN it!" While not trained by some Ivy League college..... I am still smart enough to figure out that..... if you want to know what is IN the bill.... then READ the damn thing BEFORE you start voting!

The level of arrogance by the Liberal left seems to know no limits these days. Times Magazine published "2009 - The Year in Pictures" It's all about America and everything that happened in 2009. In it.... you will not find one single photo of a TEA Party event...... NOT ONE! There were no protests of the health care bill...... no one complained about the government take over of 1/6th of the nations economy.... and the take over of GM never happened. Feels kinda like being in China after the Tian'anmen Square protest and massacre. According to the State controlled media there.... that event never happened either.

I could probably research and write about the over reaching of Obama and all his leftists thug ally's long enough to write a book. Examples of their misguided actions are legion. Rather than do that.... let me simply let the two sides demonstrate to you how they think care and feel about this nation. Let's suppose someone like..... Glenn Beck held a rally in Washington DC on 8-28-2010. Then.... let's imagine that a group from the left held a "protest" to that rally on 10-2-2010. The Beck group comes together to restore Honor in America. The other group is bussed in and gathers to protest the previous rally and forward socialist and communist ideas. (How American!) Here is a link you can follow for a while..... if a picture is worth a thousand words.... then this short video is priceless.

When you're done watching.... simply ask yourself..... to whom should we trust the care of this nation? If you can't figure that out after seeing this...... you are worse than stupid.... you're totally brain dead. Not to worry though!!! A lot of people on the left are like that and some even get elected to high political office!