Okay freedom lovers.... time for another dose of reality. All these riots around the world and now in our own back yard got me to the point where I had to lay in another several hundred rounds of ammo! What's the message there? Your freedom to be a jerk.... riot and destroy other peoples stuff ENDS at my property line. I didn't devote my life to military service defending the Constitution of the United States just so some pissed off union thug or other jerk-weed could trample all over me, my family or my property.... PERIOD!
Now that that's out of the way let's turn an eye upwards towards the frosty north and the beautiful state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin is a perfect example of exactly how the LEFT plays the game of politics and government. Further it is a prime example of how they (mis)behave when they fail to get their way. What I like best, however, is that it is also a template of how the RIGHT should respond to their tactics. Let's look at these in order.
In the political area Wisconsin is the victim of liberal over spending. (I know... whats new about liberals and over spending.... I get it) Anyway.... Governor Scott Walker decided that it was time to reign in spending and the best way to tackle that was to deal with the issue of the public service unions and their "entitlement" and pension costs. (Please remember the term "Public Service" as we proceed)
Governor Walker proposed and end to collective bargaining by the majority of union workers. Police and Fire were exempted in the area of hazardous duty pay and teachers were exempted for class size. Further the state would no longer deduct union dues from the worker pay and send that into the unions. When the bill became law it was now the responsibility of each union worker to write out a check and mail in their dues themselves. (This is a wonderfully clever device too!) Additionally union workers would now have to contribute more towards their health care and to their retirement fund. (BTW... in total both increases would still amount to less than half of what the public has to pay for their health care and retirement.... while also supporting the unions workers who think that making *them* pay for their own benefits is unfair!)
As written the legislation contained both new laws, rules and regulations. It also contained funding appropriations for various related items. Well!! The democrats were not about to vote against their union sacred cow... and all those campaign dollars.... so they played it safe and hauled ass to Illinois.... all 14 of them. The reasoning behind this move was simple. Any legislation which contains spending measures can only pass if at least one member of the minority party votes with the majority. Thus if you eliminate the possibility of anyone voting Yea! then the bill cannot proceed. Brilliant! Yeah... about as brilliant as a firefly's butt when viewed from 50 miles.
So for 21 or so days the democrats hid like little children from their lawful obligation to be in the state capitol representing their constituents. They were terrified of the evil boogieman called responsibility. All the while the liberal media is doing cover stories about how "brave" they were for running away from their duties and obligations. Poor babies.
Meanwhile, back at the capitol, union thugs have whipped the workers into a lather by telling them that the evil republicans want to take away ALL their rights! You'll be no more than underpaid slaves if Walker gets his way. You must RIOT and scream and chant and disrupt and destroy things!!!
Also back at the Capitol the adults are calmly going about the business they were elected to do. The governor is offering deal after deal to the runaway democrats but they will not budge an inch. The unions have to get everything they want all the time or we'll hide out forever. So be it.
Well some learned parliamentarian studied the state constitution and discovered that if the spending part of the bill is removed then a simple majority can pass legislation. So bill by bill all the spending items were removed to amendments to be voted on later and the main legislation brought up for a vote. Bill by bill the Republicans did what they were sent to the Capitol to do.... while the democrats hid like the cowards they are.
Meanwhile, also at the Capitol, the union thugs and their useful idiots are storming the building, blocking halls and stairs, destroying landscaping and property.... to the tune of about 7.5 million dollars. What lovely people! Perhaps they didn't hear President Obama when he made that speech about the need for civility. Pity. I also noticed that, rather than condemning the actions of the mob, Obama actually supported them! What a guy! (Yeah... the very same civility speech Obama)
Meanwhile the mainstream media (that's everyone BUT Fox News and Fox Business) is coddling the runaway congressmen as if they were driven from their home.... rather than the reality which was they CHOSE to run away from their duty. As always the democrats are the victims and we must feel sorry for them and have pity and understanding. Cry me a freaking river! In the military if you run from battle you are a deserter..... you can be SHOT for that! What is the difference other than no one was shooting at these people when they ran from duty? These people are nothing but cry baby cowards supported by a bunch of brain washed useful idiots as Marx called them. (That's Karl not Groucho)
In the end, however, Wisconsin got what they needed and that is some help at getting their budget back down to earth. How much closer to being balanced I do not know as those figures haven't been released yet. One thing is certain though..... the days of organized public sector workers are clearly numbered. One can remain in denial as long as they wish but it won't alter that fact. The public is sick and tired of sacrificing, scrimping and corner cutting while their tax money goes to their servants who are making more than their masters.
As the former head of the NEA (National Education Association) said in a speech..... "It was never about the children. It was never about making sure they they had the best education available and the best facilities. It was always about power. And that power came from the hundreds of thousands of people who sent in millions and millions of dollars in dues." Unions today are no different. For them it always was and always will be about money and power. Right now they are starting to feel both slipping away too. Couldn't happen to a better group either.
Now that that's out of the way let's turn an eye upwards towards the frosty north and the beautiful state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin is a perfect example of exactly how the LEFT plays the game of politics and government. Further it is a prime example of how they (mis)behave when they fail to get their way. What I like best, however, is that it is also a template of how the RIGHT should respond to their tactics. Let's look at these in order.
In the political area Wisconsin is the victim of liberal over spending. (I know... whats new about liberals and over spending.... I get it) Anyway.... Governor Scott Walker decided that it was time to reign in spending and the best way to tackle that was to deal with the issue of the public service unions and their "entitlement" and pension costs. (Please remember the term "Public Service" as we proceed)
Governor Walker proposed and end to collective bargaining by the majority of union workers. Police and Fire were exempted in the area of hazardous duty pay and teachers were exempted for class size. Further the state would no longer deduct union dues from the worker pay and send that into the unions. When the bill became law it was now the responsibility of each union worker to write out a check and mail in their dues themselves. (This is a wonderfully clever device too!) Additionally union workers would now have to contribute more towards their health care and to their retirement fund. (BTW... in total both increases would still amount to less than half of what the public has to pay for their health care and retirement.... while also supporting the unions workers who think that making *them* pay for their own benefits is unfair!)
As written the legislation contained both new laws, rules and regulations. It also contained funding appropriations for various related items. Well!! The democrats were not about to vote against their union sacred cow... and all those campaign dollars.... so they played it safe and hauled ass to Illinois.... all 14 of them. The reasoning behind this move was simple. Any legislation which contains spending measures can only pass if at least one member of the minority party votes with the majority. Thus if you eliminate the possibility of anyone voting Yea! then the bill cannot proceed. Brilliant! Yeah... about as brilliant as a firefly's butt when viewed from 50 miles.
So for 21 or so days the democrats hid like little children from their lawful obligation to be in the state capitol representing their constituents. They were terrified of the evil boogieman called responsibility. All the while the liberal media is doing cover stories about how "brave" they were for running away from their duties and obligations. Poor babies.
Meanwhile, back at the capitol, union thugs have whipped the workers into a lather by telling them that the evil republicans want to take away ALL their rights! You'll be no more than underpaid slaves if Walker gets his way. You must RIOT and scream and chant and disrupt and destroy things!!!
Also back at the Capitol the adults are calmly going about the business they were elected to do. The governor is offering deal after deal to the runaway democrats but they will not budge an inch. The unions have to get everything they want all the time or we'll hide out forever. So be it.
Well some learned parliamentarian studied the state constitution and discovered that if the spending part of the bill is removed then a simple majority can pass legislation. So bill by bill all the spending items were removed to amendments to be voted on later and the main legislation brought up for a vote. Bill by bill the Republicans did what they were sent to the Capitol to do.... while the democrats hid like the cowards they are.
Meanwhile, also at the Capitol, the union thugs and their useful idiots are storming the building, blocking halls and stairs, destroying landscaping and property.... to the tune of about 7.5 million dollars. What lovely people! Perhaps they didn't hear President Obama when he made that speech about the need for civility. Pity. I also noticed that, rather than condemning the actions of the mob, Obama actually supported them! What a guy! (Yeah... the very same civility speech Obama)
Meanwhile the mainstream media (that's everyone BUT Fox News and Fox Business) is coddling the runaway congressmen as if they were driven from their home.... rather than the reality which was they CHOSE to run away from their duty. As always the democrats are the victims and we must feel sorry for them and have pity and understanding. Cry me a freaking river! In the military if you run from battle you are a deserter..... you can be SHOT for that! What is the difference other than no one was shooting at these people when they ran from duty? These people are nothing but cry baby cowards supported by a bunch of brain washed useful idiots as Marx called them. (That's Karl not Groucho)
In the end, however, Wisconsin got what they needed and that is some help at getting their budget back down to earth. How much closer to being balanced I do not know as those figures haven't been released yet. One thing is certain though..... the days of organized public sector workers are clearly numbered. One can remain in denial as long as they wish but it won't alter that fact. The public is sick and tired of sacrificing, scrimping and corner cutting while their tax money goes to their servants who are making more than their masters.
As the former head of the NEA (National Education Association) said in a speech..... "It was never about the children. It was never about making sure they they had the best education available and the best facilities. It was always about power. And that power came from the hundreds of thousands of people who sent in millions and millions of dollars in dues." Unions today are no different. For them it always was and always will be about money and power. Right now they are starting to feel both slipping away too. Couldn't happen to a better group either.