Hey gang! Been busy trying to keep Honey patched together long enough to beat this second round of cancer. Since Honey comes first..... this and everything else goes on hold. The good news is that we beat the breast cancer in her breast. The bad news is that while we were doing that some of it managed to spread to three bones in her spine and the ball of her left hip and the socket of her right hip. She had her first radiation therapy today and we're hoping that it will help mitigate the non-stop pain she has been suffering for some time now.
So many things going south that it's hell just figuring out where to start today. The one thing I have come to realize, however, is that if we want lower unemployment, an end to the deficit problem, better standing in the world community and a return to the stature America has had for over a century then we simply need to listen carefully to Obama and his administration and execute a strategy which is exactly 180 degrees from that. *Everything* this imposter has done since taking office has failed to do a damn thing to result in a nation better than the one he inherited.
Bin Laden has reached room temperature and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving individual! Many congratulations and much gratitude to the members of ST6 for another mission accomplished with the impressive precision only a well trained and dedicated force can achieve.
By their very nature SEAL teams live a rather secretive existence. Each member is a world class athlete who works on maintaining the highest level of fitness 6 to 8 hours each day. Teams 1,3,5 & 7 are based on the West coast while 2, 4, 6 & 8 operate from the East coast. There is a 9th team which is the SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team and operates world wide to support both covert operations and intelligence gathering.
Team 6 specializes in anti-terrorist operations in conjunction with other equally elite operators from other branches and nations. While there were a lot of folks questioning the killing of Bin Laden..... this was never planned or conceived as a snatch and grab mission. From day one it was a kill mission and was successfully executed as such.
Moving on..... the debt ceiling. I'd say put a concrete cap on that sucker so it can't be raised to permit so much as one penny of spending which is not fully funded beforehand. Those on the left have taken to labeling and name calling again. I mean.... if it's all they've got then let them rant as it serves only to point out the vapid nature of their argument. Anyway..... those of us with common sense are now called "Default Deniers" by the left.
News flash, lefties. We take in enough revenue to pay all of our debt obligations without a problem in the world. There is NO, ZERO, NADA possibility of defaulting! NONE!! Of course once that bill has been paid there is damn little for all the other things the big government type want to piss away. THAT is the real problem.... no matter what the left says or how much misdirection they attempt to inject. They want their PLAY MONEY so the population of America is simply supposed to bend over, grab the ankles.... and turn over more of our income. Hopefully the TEA party candidates will all toe the line and refuse to agree to an increase in the debt limit. I mean how much debt is enough? 14 TRILLION dollars is MORE than enough! No one in the history of the world has spent as much money as fast as Obama and the democrats since his election.
Unions. Point blank unions are as practical today as a three masted wooden sailing ship 87 feet long is to one of our modern cruise ship lines. (The wooden ship above is the size of the Santa Marie Columbus sailed upon..... just for the record) Many many years ago when there were far fewer regulations unions did serve an important function. Without them it would have taken far longer to improve working conditions in mines and factories and textile plants closer to the turn of the century. Government regulations has rendered them to the land of Dinosaurs..... but they still keep hanging around.
In 2011 unions exist for two main reasons. #1 is power and #2 is democrat power. #1 is power for the union bosses. These people are leaches with a good platform from which to deliver a well crafted line of lies. Thus they remain dues collecting wealthy elitists. #2 is achieved because #1 was. Now that the union bosses have all that manditory dues money.... they can grease the palms of the people who make their continued existence possible.
Thus it becomes a giant LEGAL money laundering operation. Liberals make sure that so much of the economy is controlled by unions. Public sector unions (teachers for example) are paid by the state.... but only after the people of the state have been taxed enough to make that possible. Part of their pay is then held back (mandatory union dues) and forwarded to the union bosses. the Union bosses then make massive donations and contributions to liberal politicians.... and we're right back where we started. The part of this which is illegal (yet is never prosecuted) is that union dues are NOT legally supposed to be used for political reasons. This is because it's not the member deciding whom to support.... it's a union boss with an agenda. Unions must die and the sooner the better!
Protecting the planet. Please.... can we get over our massive out of control egos for a minute here? Planet earth..... been here for 13.5 billion years.... give or take several hundred million. Human race..... been here for barely the blink of an eye. For comparison..... if you consider the age of the planet as one calender year...... we humans have been around for about the last second and a half of that entire year. We can stroke our massive egos and *think* that we can affect the planet..... but the facts don't quite bare that out.
We can be wiped out by freaking microbes while the earth has survived being hit by objects larger than our moon! The asteroid which hit the earth and closed the book on the dinosaurs........ that rock...... while the leading edge was hitting the water off the Yucatan peninsula..... the trailing edge was still 9 MILES out in space! I just stomped my feet on the ground and sure enough.... Earth is still here and doing fine and dandy.
Why the harping on that? The last day of December 2011 is the last day an asthma sufferer can buy a Primitine mist rescue inhaler. Why? Well.... factions within our wonderful government have decided that these little life savers are a danger to our planet!! Yep! Kazillion ton Asteroid can't destroy the planet but asthma rescue inhalers damn sure can. Amazing! The reason? The insignificant amount of CFC used to propel the life saving mist out of the container. "Why.... CFC's destroy the ozone layer you know!" the wisest of the wise tell us.... and of course we are compelled to believe!
Okay.... research time...... go check and see how many people have died in the last quarter century due to the depletion of the ozone layer. Now go see how many people died in 2010 from complications of asthma. Okay.... I'll help you out. The number of people who have died EVER from the depletion of the ozone layer is........... Zero. That's a total of zero for all of recorded history. Number of people who die from asthma each year?
How about 255,000? Yep.... over 1/4 million people each and every year die from asthma while NONE have died EVER due to ozone depletion and the release of CFC's. Now remember... that's 255,000 dead WITH rescue inhalers widely available and being used! How many more will die as a result of our over zealous and incredibly stupid government attempting to save the planet? The best thing that government can do to help us all..... is to STOP trying to help us all!!!
Foreign policy. My God where the hell to start on this area? Maybe at the beginning when the man child ordered the return of the Winston Churchill bust to England. Talk about keeping those bonds with our strongest ally in good repair! Then there was that classy gift of all those great American movies to the British P.M. ....... all in the wrong format so they cannot be viewed in Europe. (And the left constantly told us how stupid Bush was? HA!) Then where was the even MORE classy gift to the Queen herself..... when good old Berry gives her an IPod fully loaded with all of his best speeches!!! My God.... how thoughtful.
Then little Berry goes all around the world telling anyone who will listen just how rotten America is and how we've been too big for too long...... and we need to be cut down to size. I guess he thought that's why he was elected because it's been his biggest project since taking office. He's sold Israel down the river.... ignored Japan after their disaster..... and driven his own nation into debt at a rate at which has never been seen before. Berry has spent more money in two years..... than ALL the Presidents who preceded him!!!
He has assembled the biggest group of left wing radicals the world has ever seen..... and positioned them all at the highest levels of government. These people are at work daily..... not planning on how to make America greater or how to strengthen our alliances abroad. No. These people plot and plan the destruction of the nation they all hate so very much..... America. They have waited for nearly 100 years to be where they are today.... and they are nearly at the point of achieving their collective dream..... seeing America humbled and on her knees.... at the mercy of the jackals of the world. Until we are less than a 3rd world country this group will not be satisfied nor will they stop working towards our destruction.
I don't know about you but I'm in the process of hardening the old homestead. New security fence goes in in June with steel entry doors to follow. Still looking to add that Zestava AK-47 to the weapons locker and a couple thousand rounds for it as well. I already have a 20X50 scope so that I can more accurately reach out and touch those intent upon doing us harm. We add to the food cache still and are fairly well stocked there. I still plan on sinking a well in back to insure a source of water. Should infrastructure fail there is still a functional septic tank system available as a backup. Limited solar and battery backup electricity will be in place by August. It will be enough to keep a freezer and refrigerator operational with some capacity to spare.
In addition to that we are preserving the history of the nation as it actually happened.... not as the left has managed to re-write it over the past century. When the dust settles we'll need to begin the re-education of the population that survives..... but they will need to be armed with the truth and not liberal lies and distortions. As a wise man said.... "Liberalism is the easiest and more gutless choice a person can make." Keeping a Democratic Republic running straight and true obviously isn't easy. If it were we'd not be in the mess we're in today.
The founding fathers new it wouldn't be easy and all of them said so too. Washington said before the congress..... "Let us give them a standard to which they can repair." If I may translate for those not sure of what the heck that means...... a "Standard" can be just that.... something set and steady with is largely unchanging in nature.... such as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.... or it can be a flag such as that carried when troops march. And in this case the word "repair" does not mean to fix...... rather it means to go to or to rally around. So what he said was "Lets give future generations something solid and permanent which they can rally around in troubled times" That is what they did too.
After leaving the constitutional convention Mr Franklin was approached by a woman who asked. "Sir! What have you given us?" He replied: "A Republic, if you can keep it!" America was a radical departure from all forms of government which had come before. Americans were not to be ruled by Kings and Queens..... Americans were going to govern themselves rather than BE governed. Obviously that's a point the current bunch in Washington have lost sight of.
And Thomas Jefferson commented that this grand experiment could succeed but only so long as we remained a nation of moral and religious people..... for morality and religion were key to maintaining the humanity upon which the nation was built. Here too the left has largely been successful at kicking out those underpinnings. These are all dangerous trends which can and must be reversed if the Republic is going to stand.
During the riots in Wisconsin union bosses were seen on camera screaming "This is what democracy looks like!" The intent was to paint the elected leaders of that state as somehow being less than Democratic in their leadership. Not true! They were, in fact, functioning as the founders envisioned. The union bosses, however, were 100% accurate in their statement and that's the exact reason why America is a democratic republic and NOT a democracy. Because a democracy is nothing more than mob rule where those not in the majority have no voice at all in the running of government. The Founders were so far beyond wise it's still amazing what they gave us..... but as Franklin said...... IF we can keep it.
So many things going south that it's hell just figuring out where to start today. The one thing I have come to realize, however, is that if we want lower unemployment, an end to the deficit problem, better standing in the world community and a return to the stature America has had for over a century then we simply need to listen carefully to Obama and his administration and execute a strategy which is exactly 180 degrees from that. *Everything* this imposter has done since taking office has failed to do a damn thing to result in a nation better than the one he inherited.
Bin Laden has reached room temperature and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving individual! Many congratulations and much gratitude to the members of ST6 for another mission accomplished with the impressive precision only a well trained and dedicated force can achieve.
By their very nature SEAL teams live a rather secretive existence. Each member is a world class athlete who works on maintaining the highest level of fitness 6 to 8 hours each day. Teams 1,3,5 & 7 are based on the West coast while 2, 4, 6 & 8 operate from the East coast. There is a 9th team which is the SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team and operates world wide to support both covert operations and intelligence gathering.
Team 6 specializes in anti-terrorist operations in conjunction with other equally elite operators from other branches and nations. While there were a lot of folks questioning the killing of Bin Laden..... this was never planned or conceived as a snatch and grab mission. From day one it was a kill mission and was successfully executed as such.
Moving on..... the debt ceiling. I'd say put a concrete cap on that sucker so it can't be raised to permit so much as one penny of spending which is not fully funded beforehand. Those on the left have taken to labeling and name calling again. I mean.... if it's all they've got then let them rant as it serves only to point out the vapid nature of their argument. Anyway..... those of us with common sense are now called "Default Deniers" by the left.
News flash, lefties. We take in enough revenue to pay all of our debt obligations without a problem in the world. There is NO, ZERO, NADA possibility of defaulting! NONE!! Of course once that bill has been paid there is damn little for all the other things the big government type want to piss away. THAT is the real problem.... no matter what the left says or how much misdirection they attempt to inject. They want their PLAY MONEY so the population of America is simply supposed to bend over, grab the ankles.... and turn over more of our income. Hopefully the TEA party candidates will all toe the line and refuse to agree to an increase in the debt limit. I mean how much debt is enough? 14 TRILLION dollars is MORE than enough! No one in the history of the world has spent as much money as fast as Obama and the democrats since his election.
Unions. Point blank unions are as practical today as a three masted wooden sailing ship 87 feet long is to one of our modern cruise ship lines. (The wooden ship above is the size of the Santa Marie Columbus sailed upon..... just for the record) Many many years ago when there were far fewer regulations unions did serve an important function. Without them it would have taken far longer to improve working conditions in mines and factories and textile plants closer to the turn of the century. Government regulations has rendered them to the land of Dinosaurs..... but they still keep hanging around.
In 2011 unions exist for two main reasons. #1 is power and #2 is democrat power. #1 is power for the union bosses. These people are leaches with a good platform from which to deliver a well crafted line of lies. Thus they remain dues collecting wealthy elitists. #2 is achieved because #1 was. Now that the union bosses have all that manditory dues money.... they can grease the palms of the people who make their continued existence possible.
Thus it becomes a giant LEGAL money laundering operation. Liberals make sure that so much of the economy is controlled by unions. Public sector unions (teachers for example) are paid by the state.... but only after the people of the state have been taxed enough to make that possible. Part of their pay is then held back (mandatory union dues) and forwarded to the union bosses. the Union bosses then make massive donations and contributions to liberal politicians.... and we're right back where we started. The part of this which is illegal (yet is never prosecuted) is that union dues are NOT legally supposed to be used for political reasons. This is because it's not the member deciding whom to support.... it's a union boss with an agenda. Unions must die and the sooner the better!
Protecting the planet. Please.... can we get over our massive out of control egos for a minute here? Planet earth..... been here for 13.5 billion years.... give or take several hundred million. Human race..... been here for barely the blink of an eye. For comparison..... if you consider the age of the planet as one calender year...... we humans have been around for about the last second and a half of that entire year. We can stroke our massive egos and *think* that we can affect the planet..... but the facts don't quite bare that out.
We can be wiped out by freaking microbes while the earth has survived being hit by objects larger than our moon! The asteroid which hit the earth and closed the book on the dinosaurs........ that rock...... while the leading edge was hitting the water off the Yucatan peninsula..... the trailing edge was still 9 MILES out in space! I just stomped my feet on the ground and sure enough.... Earth is still here and doing fine and dandy.
Why the harping on that? The last day of December 2011 is the last day an asthma sufferer can buy a Primitine mist rescue inhaler. Why? Well.... factions within our wonderful government have decided that these little life savers are a danger to our planet!! Yep! Kazillion ton Asteroid can't destroy the planet but asthma rescue inhalers damn sure can. Amazing! The reason? The insignificant amount of CFC used to propel the life saving mist out of the container. "Why.... CFC's destroy the ozone layer you know!" the wisest of the wise tell us.... and of course we are compelled to believe!
Okay.... research time...... go check and see how many people have died in the last quarter century due to the depletion of the ozone layer. Now go see how many people died in 2010 from complications of asthma. Okay.... I'll help you out. The number of people who have died EVER from the depletion of the ozone layer is........... Zero. That's a total of zero for all of recorded history. Number of people who die from asthma each year?
How about 255,000? Yep.... over 1/4 million people each and every year die from asthma while NONE have died EVER due to ozone depletion and the release of CFC's. Now remember... that's 255,000 dead WITH rescue inhalers widely available and being used! How many more will die as a result of our over zealous and incredibly stupid government attempting to save the planet? The best thing that government can do to help us all..... is to STOP trying to help us all!!!
Foreign policy. My God where the hell to start on this area? Maybe at the beginning when the man child ordered the return of the Winston Churchill bust to England. Talk about keeping those bonds with our strongest ally in good repair! Then there was that classy gift of all those great American movies to the British P.M. ....... all in the wrong format so they cannot be viewed in Europe. (And the left constantly told us how stupid Bush was? HA!) Then where was the even MORE classy gift to the Queen herself..... when good old Berry gives her an IPod fully loaded with all of his best speeches!!! My God.... how thoughtful.
Then little Berry goes all around the world telling anyone who will listen just how rotten America is and how we've been too big for too long...... and we need to be cut down to size. I guess he thought that's why he was elected because it's been his biggest project since taking office. He's sold Israel down the river.... ignored Japan after their disaster..... and driven his own nation into debt at a rate at which has never been seen before. Berry has spent more money in two years..... than ALL the Presidents who preceded him!!!
He has assembled the biggest group of left wing radicals the world has ever seen..... and positioned them all at the highest levels of government. These people are at work daily..... not planning on how to make America greater or how to strengthen our alliances abroad. No. These people plot and plan the destruction of the nation they all hate so very much..... America. They have waited for nearly 100 years to be where they are today.... and they are nearly at the point of achieving their collective dream..... seeing America humbled and on her knees.... at the mercy of the jackals of the world. Until we are less than a 3rd world country this group will not be satisfied nor will they stop working towards our destruction.
I don't know about you but I'm in the process of hardening the old homestead. New security fence goes in in June with steel entry doors to follow. Still looking to add that Zestava AK-47 to the weapons locker and a couple thousand rounds for it as well. I already have a 20X50 scope so that I can more accurately reach out and touch those intent upon doing us harm. We add to the food cache still and are fairly well stocked there. I still plan on sinking a well in back to insure a source of water. Should infrastructure fail there is still a functional septic tank system available as a backup. Limited solar and battery backup electricity will be in place by August. It will be enough to keep a freezer and refrigerator operational with some capacity to spare.
In addition to that we are preserving the history of the nation as it actually happened.... not as the left has managed to re-write it over the past century. When the dust settles we'll need to begin the re-education of the population that survives..... but they will need to be armed with the truth and not liberal lies and distortions. As a wise man said.... "Liberalism is the easiest and more gutless choice a person can make." Keeping a Democratic Republic running straight and true obviously isn't easy. If it were we'd not be in the mess we're in today.
The founding fathers new it wouldn't be easy and all of them said so too. Washington said before the congress..... "Let us give them a standard to which they can repair." If I may translate for those not sure of what the heck that means...... a "Standard" can be just that.... something set and steady with is largely unchanging in nature.... such as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.... or it can be a flag such as that carried when troops march. And in this case the word "repair" does not mean to fix...... rather it means to go to or to rally around. So what he said was "Lets give future generations something solid and permanent which they can rally around in troubled times" That is what they did too.
After leaving the constitutional convention Mr Franklin was approached by a woman who asked. "Sir! What have you given us?" He replied: "A Republic, if you can keep it!" America was a radical departure from all forms of government which had come before. Americans were not to be ruled by Kings and Queens..... Americans were going to govern themselves rather than BE governed. Obviously that's a point the current bunch in Washington have lost sight of.
And Thomas Jefferson commented that this grand experiment could succeed but only so long as we remained a nation of moral and religious people..... for morality and religion were key to maintaining the humanity upon which the nation was built. Here too the left has largely been successful at kicking out those underpinnings. These are all dangerous trends which can and must be reversed if the Republic is going to stand.
During the riots in Wisconsin union bosses were seen on camera screaming "This is what democracy looks like!" The intent was to paint the elected leaders of that state as somehow being less than Democratic in their leadership. Not true! They were, in fact, functioning as the founders envisioned. The union bosses, however, were 100% accurate in their statement and that's the exact reason why America is a democratic republic and NOT a democracy. Because a democracy is nothing more than mob rule where those not in the majority have no voice at all in the running of government. The Founders were so far beyond wise it's still amazing what they gave us..... but as Franklin said...... IF we can keep it.