Greetings boys and girls! In the next few posts I'm going to take a look a the late great United States of America. The purpose is to illustrate how liberalism and it's partners Socialism and Communism have gradually pushed the nation to the brink of destruction.
The evidence of this destruction are everywhere. Look at how people behave in stores and restaurants. Look at how the nation is covered in litter. Look at what passes for entertainment on the television these days. Look at the books that get rave reviews versus those the "mainstream" media won't even make an effort to review. Look at the condition of our schools and the competency level of those who "graduate" at both the secondary and college level. Look at the business environment and the massive unemployment level. Look at the housing market.
The only two ways you cannot see the damage being done by liberalism is to either be completely deaf and blind...... or to be a liberal.
The thing that gives liberalism it's massive power to change things is time and patience. With the exception of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt no other Presidents in the history of the nation have moved us so far left so fast.
Obama has the singular distinction of driving the nation further into debt than all the other Presidents combined. Yet, even with the trillions he's already spent, he is now threatening seniors and the military with no pay if he is not permitted to push the nation even further into debt!
Liberalism is like any addictive drug. Once under its spell a person undergoes a transformation that is mainly mental. In fact liberalism has been called a mental disorder by more than one member of the psychological field.
Liberalism seems to always be associated with a heightened sense of self worth and a desire to control people who do things which they don't like or approve of. There is a superiority complex. Liberals always consider themselves above the "common" man and thus always think that they know what is best for everyone.
Liberals are also always telling us about "fairness" and "tolerance" too. For them it's all about equality of outcome. Never mind that two different people have two different work ethics and two different sets of leadership skills. No... those things don't matter. Everyone should achieve the same outcome if they are doing the same thing.
Where has this ignorant idea taken us? How about the kids sports teams and the "adults" saying that it's not "fair" to keep score because then some kids have their feelings hurt? How about the quota system for college placement and even placement in medical schools? Some kids are better at sports then others.... it's a FACT! Some kids understand the team player concept better than others. Thus some teams are better than others.
For a liberal that's just plain unfair. So what if some kids can't play well. So what if some grandstanding kid hogs the ball and causes his team to loose. Loosing is a negative emotion and, since liberals are highly emotional creatures, negative things must be avoided at all costs.
To that end the "adults" decided that keeping score was bad so the kids play and everyone wins! Isn't that just wonderful? That's not how the REAL world works is it? What then are we teaching the kids by not keeping score? Do you honestly believe the kids are NOT keeping score in their heads? If you do then you're probably in need of some therapy.
This brings me to another consistent thing about liberals. They all seem to be delusional to one degree or another. Since reality seldom comports to their odd way of seeing the world they tend to ignore reality and replace it with a mental construct of the perfect world and live there instead.
It's like that guy on Myth Busters said during the introduction to the show.... "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Of course he was joking. For liberals, however, that is a way of life.
Take the current debt ceiling battle. The adults in the game want to put a cap on the debt ceiling and leave it right where it is. They want to cut spending and they want a balanced budget amendment passed. The left screams "FOUL" and rejects the plan. Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader called the bill "The most irresponsible piece of legislation he had ever seen." and had the bill tabled rather than leave it open for debate. (This from a man who approved of Obama Care without even reading that bill)
SO! What are we to make of this? Well.... it seem that in Mr. Reid's household..... if you are maxed out on all your credit cards simply tell the bank to increase your credit limit so you can go out and buy more stuff! If they ask him how he is going to pay the bill his response would be something along the lines of "I plan to buy one less double mocha latte at Starbucks this year." I know MY bank would be fine with that plan..... just like yours.... right? The bad news? We're the bank, boys and girls. Remember... they are spending OUR money.
As far as tolerance goes it is like so many other things Liberal. That means it's a case of do as I say and not as I do. For example..... to disagree with President Obama in any way and on anything is to be a racist. If, however, you're a member of the media and you referred to the previous President as "Hitler" or described him as "stupid" or "un-curious" then you were simply being an "enlightened" member of the press whose thinking was far above that of the common man.
To those on the left being "tolerant" means that you always agree with them. Their ideas and plans are superior and you should be intelligent enough to see that and accept it. If you point out the errors of their ideas and plans then you are NOT being tolerant! In fact some would say that you are practicing "Hate speech!" (Hate Speech is anything that the left doesn't approve of)
The odd thing is that there is no reverse side of that coin. Only the "right" or "Conservatives" can be guilty of "Hate Speech." Anything said by the left is okay and we are chided to be "tolerant" and understanding..... to open our minds to their brilliance. (Remember... no one can be smarter than a liberal)
The war on America that is being waged here is mostly an information war. The left controls more than 90% of the news that reaches the average citizen. We are constantly bombarded with leftist thoughts and ideas in the news. Stories are cherry picked to show liberalism as this super noble ideal that we should all aspire to and conservatism as an evil that will destroy everything it touches.
Television programming is constantly dumbed down so as to reach the uneducated or under-educated. (ie graduated of liberal colleges) Sit-coms depict conservatives as bumbling fools who constantly do stupid things which liberals, in their infinite wisdom, have to fix.
Even the cartoon shows our children watch have a left wing slant built it so as to begin the indoctrination as early as possible. "Captain Planet" and his rangers battling evil "big business" who wants nothing more than to pollute the planet for their own greed and profit. The brainwashing is subtle and it starts very early.
The objective is clear. Get the liberal message out early and often. Convert entire generations of citizens to the liberal way of "thinking" and, sooner or later, all those who remember conservatism and liberty and freedom will die off leaving the nation in their control.
Fortunately for our side once the light of truth shines on liberalism it crumbles under the weight of the lies it is built upon. The truth of the Founding Fathers vision for America is still like a beacon in the darkness the liberals try to cover the world with. As the old saying goes though... there is not enough darkness to extinguish the light of a single candle. Your job from this moment forward is simple. Be a candle.
More to come.......
The evidence of this destruction are everywhere. Look at how people behave in stores and restaurants. Look at how the nation is covered in litter. Look at what passes for entertainment on the television these days. Look at the books that get rave reviews versus those the "mainstream" media won't even make an effort to review. Look at the condition of our schools and the competency level of those who "graduate" at both the secondary and college level. Look at the business environment and the massive unemployment level. Look at the housing market.
The only two ways you cannot see the damage being done by liberalism is to either be completely deaf and blind...... or to be a liberal.
The thing that gives liberalism it's massive power to change things is time and patience. With the exception of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt no other Presidents in the history of the nation have moved us so far left so fast.
Obama has the singular distinction of driving the nation further into debt than all the other Presidents combined. Yet, even with the trillions he's already spent, he is now threatening seniors and the military with no pay if he is not permitted to push the nation even further into debt!
Liberalism is like any addictive drug. Once under its spell a person undergoes a transformation that is mainly mental. In fact liberalism has been called a mental disorder by more than one member of the psychological field.
Liberalism seems to always be associated with a heightened sense of self worth and a desire to control people who do things which they don't like or approve of. There is a superiority complex. Liberals always consider themselves above the "common" man and thus always think that they know what is best for everyone.
Liberals are also always telling us about "fairness" and "tolerance" too. For them it's all about equality of outcome. Never mind that two different people have two different work ethics and two different sets of leadership skills. No... those things don't matter. Everyone should achieve the same outcome if they are doing the same thing.
Where has this ignorant idea taken us? How about the kids sports teams and the "adults" saying that it's not "fair" to keep score because then some kids have their feelings hurt? How about the quota system for college placement and even placement in medical schools? Some kids are better at sports then others.... it's a FACT! Some kids understand the team player concept better than others. Thus some teams are better than others.
For a liberal that's just plain unfair. So what if some kids can't play well. So what if some grandstanding kid hogs the ball and causes his team to loose. Loosing is a negative emotion and, since liberals are highly emotional creatures, negative things must be avoided at all costs.
To that end the "adults" decided that keeping score was bad so the kids play and everyone wins! Isn't that just wonderful? That's not how the REAL world works is it? What then are we teaching the kids by not keeping score? Do you honestly believe the kids are NOT keeping score in their heads? If you do then you're probably in need of some therapy.
This brings me to another consistent thing about liberals. They all seem to be delusional to one degree or another. Since reality seldom comports to their odd way of seeing the world they tend to ignore reality and replace it with a mental construct of the perfect world and live there instead.
It's like that guy on Myth Busters said during the introduction to the show.... "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Of course he was joking. For liberals, however, that is a way of life.
Take the current debt ceiling battle. The adults in the game want to put a cap on the debt ceiling and leave it right where it is. They want to cut spending and they want a balanced budget amendment passed. The left screams "FOUL" and rejects the plan. Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader called the bill "The most irresponsible piece of legislation he had ever seen." and had the bill tabled rather than leave it open for debate. (This from a man who approved of Obama Care without even reading that bill)
SO! What are we to make of this? Well.... it seem that in Mr. Reid's household..... if you are maxed out on all your credit cards simply tell the bank to increase your credit limit so you can go out and buy more stuff! If they ask him how he is going to pay the bill his response would be something along the lines of "I plan to buy one less double mocha latte at Starbucks this year." I know MY bank would be fine with that plan..... just like yours.... right? The bad news? We're the bank, boys and girls. Remember... they are spending OUR money.
As far as tolerance goes it is like so many other things Liberal. That means it's a case of do as I say and not as I do. For example..... to disagree with President Obama in any way and on anything is to be a racist. If, however, you're a member of the media and you referred to the previous President as "Hitler" or described him as "stupid" or "un-curious" then you were simply being an "enlightened" member of the press whose thinking was far above that of the common man.
To those on the left being "tolerant" means that you always agree with them. Their ideas and plans are superior and you should be intelligent enough to see that and accept it. If you point out the errors of their ideas and plans then you are NOT being tolerant! In fact some would say that you are practicing "Hate speech!" (Hate Speech is anything that the left doesn't approve of)
The odd thing is that there is no reverse side of that coin. Only the "right" or "Conservatives" can be guilty of "Hate Speech." Anything said by the left is okay and we are chided to be "tolerant" and understanding..... to open our minds to their brilliance. (Remember... no one can be smarter than a liberal)
The war on America that is being waged here is mostly an information war. The left controls more than 90% of the news that reaches the average citizen. We are constantly bombarded with leftist thoughts and ideas in the news. Stories are cherry picked to show liberalism as this super noble ideal that we should all aspire to and conservatism as an evil that will destroy everything it touches.
Television programming is constantly dumbed down so as to reach the uneducated or under-educated. (ie graduated of liberal colleges) Sit-coms depict conservatives as bumbling fools who constantly do stupid things which liberals, in their infinite wisdom, have to fix.
Even the cartoon shows our children watch have a left wing slant built it so as to begin the indoctrination as early as possible. "Captain Planet" and his rangers battling evil "big business" who wants nothing more than to pollute the planet for their own greed and profit. The brainwashing is subtle and it starts very early.
The objective is clear. Get the liberal message out early and often. Convert entire generations of citizens to the liberal way of "thinking" and, sooner or later, all those who remember conservatism and liberty and freedom will die off leaving the nation in their control.
Fortunately for our side once the light of truth shines on liberalism it crumbles under the weight of the lies it is built upon. The truth of the Founding Fathers vision for America is still like a beacon in the darkness the liberals try to cover the world with. As the old saying goes though... there is not enough darkness to extinguish the light of a single candle. Your job from this moment forward is simple. Be a candle.
More to come.......