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Since agenda based "reporting" has been the norm for several decades now, what do we have here? We have a collection "facts" which are used to promote the leftest agenda of banning coal. That part is so obvious that it's painful for people who can think and see through the liberal content filter. BUT! What if there is another agenda going on here that leftist blinders keep the "reporter" from considering?
What is the primary agenda of both the United Nations (with it's Agenda 21 effort) and Dear Leader (BHO) as enunciated at the recent Coast Guard Academy graduation? I'm glad you asked! It's population control via the constant fear-mongering about "climate change" and "global warming." Okay..... that's *their* agenda....... but what is China's agenda? Frankly...... China is tired of playing second or third fiddle to the United States and they would like to be in the number one spot. Their recent work with the reserve bank to displace the Dollar and use the Yuan for the standard currency of global trade is a step down that road.
Communist countries tend to be fairly patient when it comes to getting things done. The old USSR used to announce their 5, 10, 15 and 20 year plans for their top down managed society. So..... how do these different factors combine into the story that the "reporter" who wrote this....... missed? Stopping "global warming"....... we are told..... depends upon the reduction of CO2 emissions. Don't know how it was in your part of the world but one week from the start of June we woke up to a 53 degree morning in Texas. Fact is that there has been NO increase in global temperatures in the past 17 years. In 1965 TIME magazines cover warned "The Coming Ice Age". I'm a realist. Climate changes...... and neither SUV's or burning coal got us out of the last ice age. It's a cycle.... deal with it.
SO! China would like to be the worlds super power....... our president thinks global warming is the worlds biggest threat....... global temperatures are not going up as it is..... and the worlds biggest polluter is cutting emissions like crazy. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of Americans have never known hardship...... go into clinical withdrawal if they are deprived of their cell phones...... can't walk around the block without their GPS...... think that all food originates in the local supermarket..... and have absolutely NO freaking idea what makes their car work...... and those things all add up to make America VERY vulnerable should something like......... electricity, for example...... be suddenly removed from our society.
Think about this. How would a place like..... Wal-Mart, for example...... sell you something if the power went out? How would you pump gas? Get money or do any of the things you consider normal daily events? How would you cook? How would you keep your food cold or heat your water to wash or take a bath? And forget about Facebook and your e-mail...... they're toast. Everything that we have become used to having will be gone. Biggest thing gone for a lot of folks? A way to heat their homes. Compound that with our own war on coal...... and the EPA deciding to ban wood burning stoves....... and you have an instant population reduction program ready to go.
One last fact. China has had it's hacker brigade working on finding ways to access the systems which control our power distribution grid for the past decade at least. If we add things up we have a liberal culture that is working it's butt off to eliminate all forms of fossil fuel usage......... an out of control EPA that bans wood burning stoves........ an actual documented cooling trend in the weather patterns......... current flooding in much of the country which will result in...... a decrease in agricultural output which results in..... food shortages........ which can result in civil unrest...... JADE-HELM 15 already rolling war materials into place for their upcoming "training mission" in key southern states........ and the nation of China which can cripple our electrical power distribution grid with a cyber attack and you have just combined all the ingredients to make for the collapse of civilization in America. We are putting equipment and troops into place ahead of that collapse so martial law can be invoked almost instantly.
I'm not saying this is what WILL happen....... just that it could VERY easily end up this way...... especially when we have an avowed America hater in the top office who is surrounded by a bunch of 60's radicals who also hate America and want nothing more than to see it torn down so it can be remade as a communist state.
We here in Texas are fortunate in that, before he became Governor, Greg Abbot made sure that our electrical grid could be isolated from that of the rest of the nation should the need arise. We'd still have problems for a while but we'd recover more quickly than the rest of the nation. We are independent as far as energy production goes with more wind generating capacity than even California. We have oil, gas, coal and the refinery and distribution system to keep it all working. We have International airports...... sea terminals for trade and shipping.... a huge farming industry and everything else we need to survive as The Republic of Texas once again. Would we do okay? Actually.... we'd enter the world on day one of being a free and independent Republic as the 11th biggest economy in the world. Not a bad starting point.
Since agenda based "reporting" has been the norm for several decades now, what do we have here? We have a collection "facts" which are used to promote the leftest agenda of banning coal. That part is so obvious that it's painful for people who can think and see through the liberal content filter. BUT! What if there is another agenda going on here that leftist blinders keep the "reporter" from considering?
What is the primary agenda of both the United Nations (with it's Agenda 21 effort) and Dear Leader (BHO) as enunciated at the recent Coast Guard Academy graduation? I'm glad you asked! It's population control via the constant fear-mongering about "climate change" and "global warming." Okay..... that's *their* agenda....... but what is China's agenda? Frankly...... China is tired of playing second or third fiddle to the United States and they would like to be in the number one spot. Their recent work with the reserve bank to displace the Dollar and use the Yuan for the standard currency of global trade is a step down that road.
Communist countries tend to be fairly patient when it comes to getting things done. The old USSR used to announce their 5, 10, 15 and 20 year plans for their top down managed society. So..... how do these different factors combine into the story that the "reporter" who wrote this....... missed? Stopping "global warming"....... we are told..... depends upon the reduction of CO2 emissions. Don't know how it was in your part of the world but one week from the start of June we woke up to a 53 degree morning in Texas. Fact is that there has been NO increase in global temperatures in the past 17 years. In 1965 TIME magazines cover warned "The Coming Ice Age". I'm a realist. Climate changes...... and neither SUV's or burning coal got us out of the last ice age. It's a cycle.... deal with it.
SO! China would like to be the worlds super power....... our president thinks global warming is the worlds biggest threat....... global temperatures are not going up as it is..... and the worlds biggest polluter is cutting emissions like crazy. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of Americans have never known hardship...... go into clinical withdrawal if they are deprived of their cell phones...... can't walk around the block without their GPS...... think that all food originates in the local supermarket..... and have absolutely NO freaking idea what makes their car work...... and those things all add up to make America VERY vulnerable should something like......... electricity, for example...... be suddenly removed from our society.
Think about this. How would a place like..... Wal-Mart, for example...... sell you something if the power went out? How would you pump gas? Get money or do any of the things you consider normal daily events? How would you cook? How would you keep your food cold or heat your water to wash or take a bath? And forget about Facebook and your e-mail...... they're toast. Everything that we have become used to having will be gone. Biggest thing gone for a lot of folks? A way to heat their homes. Compound that with our own war on coal...... and the EPA deciding to ban wood burning stoves....... and you have an instant population reduction program ready to go.
One last fact. China has had it's hacker brigade working on finding ways to access the systems which control our power distribution grid for the past decade at least. If we add things up we have a liberal culture that is working it's butt off to eliminate all forms of fossil fuel usage......... an out of control EPA that bans wood burning stoves........ an actual documented cooling trend in the weather patterns......... current flooding in much of the country which will result in...... a decrease in agricultural output which results in..... food shortages........ which can result in civil unrest...... JADE-HELM 15 already rolling war materials into place for their upcoming "training mission" in key southern states........ and the nation of China which can cripple our electrical power distribution grid with a cyber attack and you have just combined all the ingredients to make for the collapse of civilization in America. We are putting equipment and troops into place ahead of that collapse so martial law can be invoked almost instantly.
I'm not saying this is what WILL happen....... just that it could VERY easily end up this way...... especially when we have an avowed America hater in the top office who is surrounded by a bunch of 60's radicals who also hate America and want nothing more than to see it torn down so it can be remade as a communist state.
We here in Texas are fortunate in that, before he became Governor, Greg Abbot made sure that our electrical grid could be isolated from that of the rest of the nation should the need arise. We'd still have problems for a while but we'd recover more quickly than the rest of the nation. We are independent as far as energy production goes with more wind generating capacity than even California. We have oil, gas, coal and the refinery and distribution system to keep it all working. We have International airports...... sea terminals for trade and shipping.... a huge farming industry and everything else we need to survive as The Republic of Texas once again. Would we do okay? Actually.... we'd enter the world on day one of being a free and independent Republic as the 11th biggest economy in the world. Not a bad starting point.