“In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in
man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the
Constitution.” —Thomas Jefferson
Core Principles
While there are several web sites being run under the umbrella of the
political crusade known as the Tea Party Movement, no one entity is
guiding this grassroots phenomenon. Everyday Americans are in charge.
Americans who believe in freedom.
The Tea Party Movement is not a formal political party. It is, in
all actuality, a non-partisan movement based on the philosophy of
classical liberalism, which is the formal name of the political
orientation held by America’s Founding Fathers.
While some of the tea party web sites detail more specifically how
they view the American freedom agenda—with at least one tea party site
listing as many as fifteen principles—there would seem to be three broad
principles that they all share in common: 1) Constitutionally-Limited
Government, 2) Free Markets, and 3) Fiscal Responsibility.
A Basis in Freedom
The Tea Party Movement has been accused by statists of being racist.
But, in reality, a founder of the movement, Niger Innis, is himself
African-American. And Ted Cruz is a darling of tea-party patriots, so
the movement is comfortable with Hispanic-American politicians as well.
If you care to check out your local tea party, you might be surprised.
You are liable find a group that is critical of both Democrats and
Republicans, when it comes to enforcing the Bill of Rights, cutting
government overspending, and keeping Uncle Sam out of the marketplace.
What tea partiers agree on is this: that America has created a recipe
for individual freedom that is unparalleled; that America is
exceptional because of its freedom and the economic blessings that
American freedom bestows; that the American Dream is real for those who
prepare for success and go out to find the opportunities to realize that
success. Tea partiers believe everyone deserves to be free, regardless
of race, ethnicity, or social group.
Classical Liberalism: What Is It, Exactly?
image: http://cdn1.eaglerising.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Tea-Party-Movement-300x285.jpg

liberalism calls for private-property rights for individuals;
free-market trade for consumers; and rule-of-law limits for government.
Constitutional guarantees of freedom for religion, speech, press, and
association are regarded as crucial. Classical liberals—often called
Constitutional conservatives or libertarians—advocate civil liberties
for a civil society, along with the notion that the government which
governs least is the government which governs best. Proponents of
classical liberalism are well-known: Adam Smith, John Locke, Thomas
Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Alexis de Tocqueville, Ayn Rand, Ludwig von
Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Thomas Sowell among them.
Classical liberalism holds individual liberty and freedom from
coercion in the highest esteem. Modern liberals, or progressives, tend
to hold individual liberty in disdain and have no qualms about coercing
people. Ten principles of classical liberalism are listed below. Test
yourself, as you read, to see how you might compare to America's
One: Liberty
Liberty is the top political value. When a political decision is
made, the overriding concern is whether the decision will expand or
reduce individual freedom.
Two: Individual Freedom
Individual rights are respected over collective rights. This is why
the Bill of Rights is all-important; it protects the rights of each
individual over the tyranny of the mob. These rights cannot be
canceled at the caprice of any temporary majority. Ayn Rand once said,
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny
individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
Three: Skepticism of State Power
When politicians tell you they are making a law for
your own good, what they are planning is really for
own good. Classical liberals believe the individual alone is the best
judge of his or her own interests, thus every problem should be solved
with the most freedom possible, to allow each individual latitude to act
for his or her own benefit.
Four: Rule of Law
There is no freedom in a world where the rules can change abruptly.
End-runs by government officials, around established law, makes of the
world an unpredictable and hostile arena. Carefully laid plans can be
dashed in a heartbeat, making life difficult for responsible planners.
Five: Civil Society
Classical liberals believe problems can best be solved by voluntary
associations and actions. Private charities help the poor more flexibly
and responsively than far-away central planners. Parent Teacher
Associations (PTAs) make more relevant suggestions concerning school
governance than any government body. In neighborhoods, solutions to
problems should be sought from among worship communities or other
civil-society groups before state authorities are involved, often
imposing solutions that serve only the purposes of government.
Six: Spontaneous Organization
image: http://cdn1.eaglerising.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Tea-Party-Movement-300x180.jpg

beings can create societal order out of spontaneous interactions,
without government. A woman living in a neighborhood can decide to
organize a community watch group, ask for volunteers, and become, at
least initially, the
de facto leader of the group. A man might
decide to organize a church, synagogue, or charity along the same
traditional lines. Many of the best societal institutions have formed
in this way. The rules of civil society are traditionally
self-structuring and based on real-world, common-sense experiences.
Seven: Free Markets
Economic exchange is a voluntary activity between individuals and can
never be forced, by government entities or anybody else. To mandate
such activity would mean the commandeering of private property for a
state purpose never intended by its owner. Leaving economic interaction
to free markets—rather than government-regulated ones—increases
prosperity and well-being, while reducing poverty and misery. Free
markets promote wealth creation, which, in turn, grows individual
liberty and economic opportunity.
Eight: Tolerance
This is the belief that, as long as an action does not infringe
anyone’s rights, it should be permitted. “I disagree with what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” are the famous
words of Voltaire biographer Evelyn Beatrice Hall. These words, often
erroneously attributed to Voltaire himself, are an example of
tolerance. Government should never regulate free speech, for, in so
doing, it requires that people hold their tongues, out of fear of
government reprisal for any remarks deemed offensive. Political satire,
stand-up comedy, or even a full-on debate of important issues could all
become extinct, reducing the public’s ability to fully air concerns and
solve problems about such important matters as Muslim terrorism or
welfare overspending. (Muslims or welfare recipients might be
offended.) Muslim writer and religious critic Salman Rushdie perhaps
put it best: “Without the freedom to offend, free speech ceases to
Nine: Peace
Peace is not possible, unless all honor the principle of free
movement of capital, labor, goods, services, and ideas. Without
universal respect for this principle, there will always be conflicts
about how money should be used, what goods and services should be
permitted, and which ideas should be allowed into speech or print.
Ten: Constitutionally-Limited Government
There are very few powers that the government should be permitted.
The main job of government is to protect life, liberty, and property,
according to rule of law. Ronald Reagan once clarified this principle,
saying, “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where
government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from
So How Did You Do?
If you agreed with six or more of the above principles, you are
likely a Constitutional conservative who would feel comfortable at tea
party. Or, as Larry Elder might choose to express, “You’re a
libertarian, but you just didn’t know it.”