Monday, April 27, 2015

Entropy - the Liberal Path for America

I thought this would make good reading to start out a work week. Keep in mind that there are TWO distinct opinions woven throughout this article. (Link at the bottom of the page) The first is that of the author, Matt Barber, and the one he is commenting upon being that of Mr. Jeffery Taylor who writes for The Atlantic. (which, to me, seems like a good reason to never read The Atlantic) As Matt points out...... since ALL of liberalism, progressivism, etc. is a lie.... it has to be disguised as something more palatable for the masses to consume it willingly. Thus we end up with nice sounding things like "Net Neutrality" which translates into three leftist democrats in Washington DC deciding, in a completely unbiased way I'm sure, the content and speed (among other things) of the Internet. [ in the real world the same law is called the solution without a problem] 

Every now and then the liberals forget that they live in a masquerade world of their own making...... and drop the masks. It is in these rare moments that we get to see the true face of liberalism.... and it's NOT pretty. They actually say about us first hand what they say to each other behind closed doors. Many of you will, no doubt, think the symbol in the graphic below is a bit over the top. I can assure you it is not. ALL despots and their rabid followers use exactly the same methods to achieve their goals. It matters not if we're talking about the Roman Empire or the Ottoman Empire or Genghis Khan's rule over most of what is now China and Russia, Mao's rule in China, Hitler's designs on Europe and the rest of the world or ISIS and their bloody continuation of Muhammad's evil quest for the global domination of Islam. They will all ram down our collective throats the correctness of their plans and schemes...... the utter ignorance and stupidity or all who think otherwise........ their superiority over everyone and everything including God Himself...... and the demonization and persecution of any and all who stand between them and their goals.

Their goal? To redistribute wealth on a global basis by using a naturally reoccurring event to instill fear and bring about compliance through guilt. Their tool? Global warming / Climate change.  All who fail to fall in lockstep with their scheme are labeled as "Deniers." The more rabid among them call for deniers to be rounded up and executed.

Their goal? To weaken America through the elimination of morality. Their tools? The LBGT agenda. Gay rights. Same sex marriage. Unisex restrooms in schools and public places. Forced approval of homosexual behavior in public schools and organizations such as the boy and girl scouts. (As well as a litany of other attack fronts) All who fail to comply with their agenda are labeled as bigots, sexists, homophobes and haters of other types. The more rabid of their followers call for those people to be FORCED to conform, arrested, financially ruined, fined, confined or executed.

Their goal? The elimination of true religion in America to be incrementally replaced with total dependence upon government. Their tools? The welfare state. Open attacks on churches and their works. The demand that Ministers submit their sermons to government for review and approval. The attempt to control what may and may not be said from the pulpit by way of political commentary. The demand that "religious symbols" be removed from ALL public places so as to not offend those who might not have a religious belief system. The demand that the Ten Commandments NOT be posted in any US Court building...... again so that whose who have broken the laws of man not be offended by seeing they have also broken the laws of God too. Making charitable works by the church illegal via using local laws and statutes to persecute them. An example? Arresting people for handing out sandwiches to the hungry. (If they want food let them apply for food stamps.... you are NOT your brothers keeper!)  Again.... the list goes on and on. Anyone who fails to agree with this attack on religion is also labeled as being a hater...... or bigot..... religious zealot....... religious fascist or Nazi...... anti-government extremest..... or something containing the label "right wing."  Since religion and a belief in ANY power higher than government and liberalism runs counter to their agenda..... True Religion must be suppressed and eliminated. Outright hatred, ridicule, mockery and denigration of any and all religious expressions or practices are the weapons used against us.

Their goal? The elimination of Patriotism from the American culture. Their reason? Patriotism instills a love of country and a pride in America in people exposed to it. This is a threat to liberals and leftists who want to see a love of country replaced by a love of government instead. Their tools? The primary tool is the leftist rewriting of history. You cannot learn from the past if you have no idea what the REAL past even is.  So the departure of the Pilgrims from Europe is bastardized...... or Founding Fathers twisted into being evil slave holders who only wanted to keep slaves forever....... Americas roll in freeing people all over the world warped into those liberation's being nothing more than "colonialism" and greed. The lies about our nations past literally fill books now........ "History" books used in schools to indoctrinate future generations of good obedient little liberals. Once again labels are the big weapon used against those who don't willingly drink the leftist kool-aide. Again we are deniers..... we're bigots, racists, redneck hicks, right wing extremists, gun loving nut cases.... "bitter clingers" and other derogatory terms. Look at how the Veterans Administration treats the very people it was created to care for!!

In the most simple terms possible........ we're at war.... and have been since the nation was founded. In another post I refer to the Founders being aware of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics..... which is Entropy. All things moving from a condition of order to one of disorder over time....... or high energy to low energy. The reason I said that is this........ it takes EFFORT to comply with the Constitution and to maintain the rule of law in America. It takes EFFORT to maintain our religious foundations and to promote morality throughout the land. It takes EFFORT to prevent people from erasing the history they don't like and replacing it with a version that promotes their agenda instead. It takes EFFORT and the risk of ridicule for our elected representatives to stand up for the Constitution and Rule of Law while in office. It takes EFFORT to do our due diligence...... to thoroughly vet candidates for office to make SURE they are qualified...... that they support the Constitution and our values..... and to hold them responsible if they don't. It takes EFFORT to KNOW the candidates and elected officials.... to know where they stand on the issues which effect us....... to write and call and make your voice heard in the halls of power.

All that input of EFFORT is what prevents Entropy from taking place. To maintain the system in the orderly fashion it which it was designed to operate...... EFFORT (energy) must be constantly added or decay will naturally result. IF enough effort and energy is withheld from our form of government...... we end up with what we have today.  It is said that liberalism is the most gutless political choice one can make. Liberalism requires no effort. Liberalism requires no morality or standards. Liberalism eliminates all other belief systems and substitutes itself. Liberalism doesn't require deep thought or logic or reasoning....... only acceptance and obedience. Liberalism is the organized LACK of energy input into the system so as to create decline into a disordered state.

America is at a tipping point in history. I have two quotes from two radically different people for you to contemplate as I wrap this up. View these quotes as a fork in the path of our nation. One quote moves us to the right and back to abiding by the Constitution and the will of the people........ the other steers us farther to the left and ultimately to the liberal dystopian dream.  Our choice is to be asleep at the wheel and let the ship of state veer left...... or expend some effort and get the nation back on it's intended path to the future. In the words of Detrich Bonhoffer...... "To not speak is to speak....... to not act is to act."  And now... those contrasting quotations.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  - Josef Stalin

Your dilemma?  Choose which course America follows. Then..... either do nothing or expend some effort to make a change

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