There's a reason why I love the loony left so very much. They are an endless source of laughs. I think what is most funny is how, since before World War II, they still refuse to accept reality and see evil for what it truly is. It would be even more humorous if there weren't so damn many of them in power around the world. Liberals in power are ten times more dangerous than an equal number of Soviet reactor malfunctions. What they to have in common is that both will kill you slowly.
Here in America they have been gradually choking the life out of the people. It's strangulation by gradual elimination of rights and freedoms. (which is exactly what they accuse the right of doing) I've always maintained that if you truly want to know what the left is up to..... just pay attention of what they accuse others of doing.
They yell that the conservatives are intolerant!! Oh? Who is it that gave us politically correct speech? Who is it that is doing everything they can to totally eliminate God from the American dialogue? Which side cannot take ANY criticism at all of it's agenda or leadership? Which side demands perfection of others then excuses all it's own wrong doings as if nothing happened?
What is maddening right now is their shrill cry for defeat and withdrawal from Iraq. My ears are ringing from it! No... wait a minute.... My ears are ringing from small arms fire and field artillery and other explosions..... Never mind. You get them point.... but they don't and refuse to even try to understand. In their world THEY are ALWAYS right and you're just dumber than a mud fence if you can't grasp their brilliance. History, however, has proven time and time again that they are usually on the wrong side of the critical issues. (Chamberlain and that pesky war thing)
Islam is, as religions go, about on par with being Hindu, or Christian, or Jewish. In it's base precepts there is the teaching of right and wrong, good and evil and how to live an orderly structured life which is at peace with everyone and the world in general. Then there is radical Islam. These are the militant fanatics who insist that everyone believe as they do or they will die. These are the wonderful people who the left says we have to talk to and understand. We need to reason with them and just let them know that we mean them no harm. Gee! Is that all we have to do to have world peace? Who'd a thunk it? Seems as best as I remember Nick Bird and Daniel Pearl weren't bothering them. Going about their business then the next thing they know they are about to be TV stars. Yep.... kneeling..... hands tied behind their backs so they can't harm anyone..... blindfolded. Yep! Pretty damn harmless. Then the war hoops and some nut job with a dull knife is sawing their heads off.... followed by the traditional chants of God is good. God is, but they sure as hell aren't.
What would just tickle me pink would be to get a few of those sweet Mullah's, a couple of fire brand clerics, toss in three or four of your typical jhaidists. Then mix well with the likes of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, and the rest of the evening news anchors just for fun. Shut the doors and shake well...... see what happens. I'm betting that all the make nice small talk would rapidly degrade to chants of "God is good". What do ya want to bet?
What they fail to understand is that people (and I use the term VERY lightly) like that simply cannot be reasoned with. One needs to have the capacity for reason to do that and those folks lost that years ago. (If they ever had it) What the left refuses to see, hear and understand is that Radical Islam wants us dead. Period. They hate us and everything we stand for. And in their twisted minds anything that they have to do in order to achieve that goal is okay. Yet in the equally twisted minds of the left, it's politically incorrect to even report on their growing acts of violence. It's not proper to target them for special attention at airports or anywhere else. I didn't see any little old ladies or red headed Irish guys among the folks to brought down the Twin Towers..... but those are the people that it's okay to pay special attention to for security. Give me a freaking break!
Here's the deal. If those of us in America want to continue to live any sort of happy and peaceful life then we'd better realize the threat these nut jobs pose and we'd better do it fast. (in this instance I refer to Radical Islam and not the loony left who, while dangerous, aren't out to behead us for our sins.) Radical Islam wants nothing less than the elimination of America from the world map. They also wish to take out England, Israel and any other country they see as "evil". (You can read that to mean successful and non-Muslim) Take a good look at your neighborhood then see the conditions where these folks are in charge. Care to trade? I thought not.
If you buckle and convert to Islam you may keep your head.... but they could change their minds at any time. You'll need to participate in five prayer sessions each day too. Ladies. You fashion decisions just got a whole lot easier. Forget Macy's, Sears and Dillards. They will all be destroyed as symbols of evil. Instead you can choose basic black for all occasions and get them at your local "burka's are us" store. Your children will get a wake up call too. Disobedience to authority is not looked upon with a great deal of joy by these folks. Your lovely wonderful child can be taken from you by force, put in prison and beaten from the bottoms of their feet to the back of their necks. If a boy and girl are caught alone together while not married..... both can be hung for "crimes against chastity." This is true even if they were both fully dressed and only talking. You want intolerant? You've got it. Business owners. They have roving bands of enforcers who make sure you are in compliance with Islamic law. Any violations they find and, at a minimum, they will beat the crap out of you right on the spot. Anything and everything you knew about comfort and "lifestyle" you can kiss goodbye. In this regard they do work like the loony left..... taking everyone down to the lowest common denominator. They remind us that Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth. What they don't tell you is that you either convert or they kill you. Some choice.
Somalia? You remember.... that nice country where they cheered as the bodies of our brave Army Rangers were drug through the dirty streets. In a northern province the hard line cleric reminded the people of a village that Islam demanded five prayer sessions a day. "Failure to pray five times a day as commanded will result in being beheaded." Man. Talk about intolerant.
So America. It's time to figure out what kind of world you want to live in. Sure the war in Iraq is unpopular. Hell... with the old school media running nothing but bad news and hate pieces since it started I'd be amazed if there were any other outcome. Be that as it may, it is a war against the Islamofascists who wish to dominate the globe by any means necessary. While the press has done their best to keep it hidden, these animals do the most unspeakable things to those who oppose them. The beheadings, the mutalated bodies hung from a bridge and burned, bombings of innocent civilians simply living their lives in peace. We either nut up and eliminate this threat from the face of the earth or we decide to live in fear forever. They will not relent and they will never simply let us alone because we mean them no harm. What part of dead does the left fail to understand?
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