Friday, May 09, 2008

Semi-Annual Update

It's not that there hasn't been a great deal happening out there. It's happened but I've been too busy to comment. Those of you who are totally outraged over this may comment at: "" where everything instantly disappears down a quantum black hole I keep in a nuclear powered gravitational containment field. The rest of you may continue reading happily.

Politics has been the main topic driving the main scream media these past several months. Naturally those folks have been in the tank for the two Liberal candidates which has them in a tizzy. What are they to do? There is the opportunity to elect the first woman president. There is also the opportunity to elect the first black President. (Bill Clinton gets kicked off top billing there if that happens) Unfortunately the woman and the black aren't the same person so they are forced to choose between them. That means making some sort of decision... which is similar to passing judgment. This, of course, means their heads are about to explode since being judgmental is not politically correct.

On the other side of the isle is John McCain who is basically just another liberal democrat. The only difference is that he's wearing a bad fitting elephant suit and is older than the other democrats. We had several viable candidates at the onset of the political season. McCain was anointed by the media (proving he's a liberal) while all the others were either ignored to death or had the typical media hatchet jobs run on them. (Proving they were viable candidates) Media has become just another wing of the democrat party and they really make no bones about that fact. Why this is permitted to continue is beyond me.

The economy has been another driving issue for the media. The more one listens to the main stream media the more one realizes (if their brains still work) that their template is based on WW2 German propaganda. "Tell a lie, tell it often enough.... and it becomes the truth." Every single day the media tells horror stories about how bad the economy is. "Stories" is the optimum term here since there are NO facts to back up anything they say.

Any of you drive a car? Been more than 100 miles from your house lately? Seen any cranes putting up new buildings on your drive? Here in Dallas there were 18 cranes in the downtown area alone earlier this week. In the outlying areas and suburbs the count goes far higher and the total number of square feet of floor space under construction is staggering!

Now then... lets do a simple exercise in economics. (I promise this won't hurt) As a business your main goal is to make a profit for your company and (if applicable) your share holders. Thus you make your business decisions based on the potential to generate a profit. So ask yourself this simple question: IF the economy is really as bad as the media says.... WHY is so much new construction going on? Wouldn't weak economic indicators tell managers and CEO's that it's not a favorable time to make capital investments?

The only conclusion one can come to is that managers and CEO's are seeing a vastly different picture than the one the media is attempting to paint. I've outlined the stock market rise before. The short version is that the market has risen more in 6 years under George W. Bush than is did from its founding until the time he took office! Markets don't do that if there is a giant whirlpool out there sucking the economic life out of the country. Truth is... the economy is going gangbusters! It's so strong it might even be able to withstand a democrat being elected President. (perish the thought!)

"Global Warming" has wained somewhat and is gradually being replaced by the term "Climate Change" since that is far less limiting. Kinda like the difference between having to make a basket from half court or standing on the rim of the grand canyon and seeing if you can hit the hole. Climate Change encompasses literally everything happening globally so far a climate is concerned. What still amazes me that the number of otherwise intelligent people who buy this line of tripe as if it were gospel. (some liken the Global Warming and Climate Change crowd to a religious movement due to their belief in things they cannot prove)

Okay.... another pain free short course on the climate. IT CHANGES! I know... you're all shocked.... but that's just the way it is. Been that way since the necessary gases needed to form an atmosphere accumulated around a cooling chunk of rock soon to be called Earth. SO! We have a group of radicals who realize that the climate changes.... and figure out a way by which they can dupe a percentage of the inhabitants of the Earth into thinking that THEY are to blame and can actually do something to change things. As you might rightly suspect the vast majority of the duped are liberals who just love to feel guilty. They also like to feel important... show people that they care... so they pile on the band wagon. (Think Ford T-Bird in Thelma and Louise)

Here is a little test for you climate change idiots. The global climate is such a huge complex thing.... I won't make it that difficult for you.... we'll work on a smaller scale. I live in tornado alley so that's a nice place to start. You say that if we all do our part we can change the climate on a global scale..... or are guilty of already having done that. If you believe that mankind can change climate.... prove it to me. Pick a thunderstorm..... make it easy on yourselves and pick a small one. Now then.... stop it. Nothing fancy... just simply stop one little bitty thunderstorm. If that's too tough.... just steer it clear of populated areas so as to minimize damage. What? You can't do that? You can't alter the course or duration of ONE little bitty storm yet you are arrogant enough to want us to buy the notion we can somehow affect the climate of the entire planet?

While we can terraform the Earth, reshape coast lines and do a number of other interesting things... we're not yet omnipotent enough to affect climate much beyond the micro level. Take Dallas/Fort Worth for example. In the winter it rarely snows here even though it may snow all around the metroplex. Why? Micro-climate. We've altered the natural terrain enough so as to capture more of the suns energy in our roads, parking lots and buildings. This captured heat keeps the air around it slightly warmer which makes meaningful snowfall fairly difficult. The Dallas area usually gets freezing rain or drizzle rather than snow.... until such time as those heat sink surfaces have cooled enough to minimize the impact on the local micro-climate. Beyond this micro level we have about as much impact on the global climate as a fart in a hurricane.

Okay.... for however many of you are out there reading this... I'll be getting back into the habit of commenting more frequently.... so strap yourselves's going to be a rough ride!

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