I've been out of the political loop for a while. Still monitoring the situation but too busy driving to have time for meaningful commentary. Unfortunately the driving is at a halt right now. ALL work is at a halt due to a ruptured disc in my back at the L4 location. This causes massive waves of pain to radiate down my left hip and leg. From what research I've done via the Internet about 90% of the people with this problem recover after 4 to 6 weeks of rest. That last 10% can require surgery to correct the problem.
I have a 4mm bulge which is pinching off two main nerves. We've tried decompression therapy with no positive progress. We've also tried adjustments to the spine which did help eliminate my frequent headaches and also reduced the lower back pain. However it could not reduce the size of the bulge in the disc... so the pain in the hip and leg persist. Rather than keeping me on short term disability my company (J.B. Hunt) elected to terminate me the very day my insurance coverage was to begin. Actually the decision was made by my dispatcher who is a wet behind the ears punk with too much power and too little experience. Life has a way of balancing the scales on things like this so sooner or later he will receive back in kind that which he has sewn.
Politically it's been an exceptional season. The Obama campaign has been a media driven bag of nothing since the beginning. The candidate himself has so little actual experience that it is inconceivable he is even running. He can, however, read and deliver a speech quite well. I'd also like to point out that when he has no speech to read.... he makes about as much sense as the drooler at the end of the bar. The man cannot make a coherent sentence when on his own.
The second item that just blew my mind was the appointment of Joe Biden as the number 2 guy on the ticket. Joe Biden? My God what were the democrats thinking? "Plugs" Biden brings absolutely nothing to the table for the democrats. Not only does he have no executive experience (like Obama) he has a track record that any sane person would run from. But he is a true democrat. He is in favor of higher taxes, higher energy prices, more restrictions on freedom and liberty, more restrictions on energy production, more destruction on the constitution and the bill of rights and a never ending assault on America itself.
On the right I have to admit that John McCain was not my candidate of choice. Point blank he was selected for us by the media via their attacks on every viable offering on the right. When all the dust they had stirred up had settled McCain was the only person left standing who they had not leveled. Okay.... so we're stuck with an aging war hero..... we could do worse. Once John was the candidate, however, he quickly discovered that his favor with the media was at an end.
Notice how quickly the media turns on anyone they no longer agree with or who cannot do something for them towards destroying the republicans. The democrats are the same way. Joe Lieberman has been removed from all democratic functions and activities in Washington for the crime of exercising his freedom of speech rights at the republican convention. How tolerant. With behavior like that why would anyone with half a brain cell want democrats in charge of anything?
McCain did something I had hoped he would do since the early part of this race. He picked Sara Palin as his running mate. I was aware of this lady early in the year. Her name surfaced very early as a possible but quickly faded in favor of more well known people. While the media was busy running around running down every possible vice presidential candidate Sara remained under the radar.
She has got more executive experience than both Obama and Biden combined! She can form complete sentences on the fly and off the cuff all the while making complete sense. While the media joked that Sara was only as good as her speech writers they failed to make the same comment about Obama. Also.... did the media happen to mention that who ever was running the teleprompter at the convention FAILED to stop it during the applause? Yep! So basically from the first huge round of applause on Sara was speaking off the cuff as the teleprompter was far ahead of where she left off. She still made more sense than anything Obama or Biden said..... with or without a teleprompter.
What this is all going to boil down to is what kind of America do you want to live in down the road? Look at what the democrats have been trying to give us for the past seven years. At every turn they want to raise your taxes. Don't you pay enough already? They tried for the last seven years to undermine our troops, cut their funding and meddle in the conduct of combat operations. Did we not learn anything from Vietnam when they did the exact same things? Since the days of Jimmy Carter they have fought energy production in the United States and joined with the environmentalists to stop the construction of new refineries. If nothing else the Carter years should have taught us the NEED for our own energy production and the wide spread distribution of our refining capacity so a majority of it can stay on line even during hurricanes. They think the constitution should be a "living breathing" document so it can change with the times rather than be strictly interpreted. Would you want to play poker with me if I kept changing the rules to suit the hand I held? Hell no! The rules are what they are to keep things fair for everyone. The Constitution is no different. Look at the treatment of Joe Lieberman and any other democrat who fails to toe the party line. Do you want this kind of intolerance to spread throughout the country? I can live without it... how about you?
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