I'm sure by now you folks in the logic free zone have figured out [that] you just had your collective ass handed to you in the last election. Why did this happen?
Sadly the answer had been staring you all in the face for nearly two decades. Your collective problem is that you refuse to accept the answer because the folks on the left tell you it's not the popular thing to do. Election after election you listen to the left... follow their "advice" and consistently loose elections. Do you see a pattern forming here? The answer seems to be no. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Kindly answer the following question. Which recent President won by the largest majority in the history of America? If you guessed Ronald Reagan give yourself a gold star and go to the head of the class. If you answered anything else... please find a history book... NOT written by some revisionist from the left and do some reading.
What made the Reagan era what it was? Simple. Ronald Reagan was an unabashed conservative and a true American. He made no apologies for his political position to anyone. He didn't need to. He instinctively KNEW what worked and made it his mission to sell that point of view to the doubters. Rather than adopt the failed ideology of the left... just because they said it's what should be done... he convinced the American people of his ideals and vision for the nation.
Why did this strategy work so well that it got him a landslide second term? THAT is the key point 99% of the folks who go to Washington D.C. so quickly loose sight of. The point? America was... and IS vastly conservative. How can I say that with such certainty? Have ANY of you looked closely at the county map of the last election? Take a moment and Do that... it will be enlightening I assure you. Well over 85% of the map is RED! CONSERVATIVE! Learn it, Live it, LOVE it!
Our candidate in the last (lost) election was selected for us by the media. They ran hit pieces on all the viable conservative candidates and propped up Sen. McCain. Why? Because he'd already proven that he was a left leaning person and they knew he'd be the easiest one to defeat. Sarah Palin almost ruined the media plan and damn near pulled McCain's bacon out of the fire. But even her plain spoken conservative message was no match for the media and their iron fisted control over what the masses are supposed to think. Still there was a lesson there to be learned. No matter what the media tries to ram down our throat... the conservative message DOES resonate with the average American.
That is the key that you in Washington need to learn and take to heart. Conservatism works each and *every* time it's tried. Who beats our candidates in elections? Liberals who play conservative better than Republicans. Who tells you conservatism doesn't work? Liberals. Who says that the only way to win is to be more "centrist"? Liberals. Who tells us that the era of Reagan is dead and that we need to move on? Liberals. How's that working for you? You just lost the Presidency and are the minority party in the Congress. Here is a big hint... and it's absolutely FREE! NEVER ever take any advice from the people you are trying to defeat! They have their interests at heart.... NOT yours. Ask yourself... when was the last time you heard a liberal say that the era of Truman was dead and it was time to move on?
Finally... watching you folks work in Washington is like watching cowboys trying to herd cats. Y'all look like day one of marching at boot camp while the democrats look like the graduation parade. They have an agenda and they don't care if it takes one month or one hundred years to achieve. What do you have? Reaction to their agenda. Adopting their agenda with your modifications still advances THEIR agenda! Would y'all PLEASE have a damn meeting and all get on the same page? When in doubt about what page to be on together.... ASK US.... not the media or the Liberals. (Same thing) We sent you to Washington to represent US. You can't do that by constantly trying to be liked by the left.
You can't be right if you're leaning left.
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