It seems that the liberals just can't get enough of destruction. The good part is that they have now been in power (and iron fisted control) long enough that the constant drone of "It's all Bush's fault" isn't floating any more. Even though just today Obama whined again "We inherited a massive deficit" for the millionth time. For the record... even WITH the cost of the TWO wars.... the deficit when Obama took office was only 530 billion.
Obama quickly rammed through his wonderful "stimulus" program. If memory serves me that gem had a tab of 780 billion. Seems to me that's just a bit more than 250 billion MORE in debt that what he inherited. How, exactly, is that additional 250 Billion Bush's fault? He also inherited an unemployment figure of 4.8% Since his "Stimulus" program passed the unemployment rate has more than doubled to just shy of 10%! How's that Hope and Change working out for ya?
Without having the constitutional authority to do so Obama has taken over 2/3 of the US auto industry. Only Ford managed to escape his power grab. How? By having the sense to NOT to ask the Federal Government for any bailout money. As both GM and Chrysler discovered... Federal money ALWAYS comes with strings attached. In the case of the Obama administration those strings are more like ropes.
George Bush could have never gotten away with the same thing. Between the media and the liberal controlled house and senate we'd have never heard the end of the screaming and "outrage." However with Obama.... the spin is that government control is the ONLY way to "save" the auto industry. Amazing what a difference "party" makes isn't it? Government running the auto industry is like taking flying lessons from one of the 911 hijackers. Oh... wait... they didn't do too well at that landing thing did they? Minor point.
So now that the administration as wrecked the auto industry, totally screwed up the banking industry and mismanaged the housing market... what is next in their gun sights to destroy? Your HEALTH!!! Yep! Now Obama thinks that the ONLY thing that will help the health care industry is a government takeover. CLUE!!! the health care industry is in the shape it's in now BECAUSE of government interference... NOT due to the lack of it. As a matter of fact it can all be laid at the feet of one Ted Kennedy.... without whom we'd not have HMO's and all their bureaucratic red tape and bull shit.
As with everything else... once government gets it's massive foot in the door you simply cannot get rid of them. Knowing that fact alone will give you a HUGE clue as to why the left is in SUCH a hurry to get all this government stuff passed into law. IF they can get their foot in the door then we're all stuck with government interference forever. And total government control is what the Obama administration is all about.
Obama has already appointed more Czar's than Russia had in it's entire history! Obama just appointed his 27th "Czar" this week. These people are accountable to NO ONE other than Obama himself. They do not have to undergo any congressional approval process or scrutiny as do cabinet members.
These Czars have the power and the authority of the office of the President yet answer to no one but Obama. Even if they were so inclined... even congress has no control over these people. Believe it or not... there is even an "executive compensation" czar who gets to dictate what the heads of companies get paid. Anyone who thinks Socialism isn't coming fast needs medication to end their delusions.
Folks... it's no more complicated than this: The left is in TOTAL control of government right now and they are going to use that power to remake America as they think it ought to be. We the people be dammed! The Constitution be damned! The rule of law be damned! Those things are no more than inconveniences for the statists who crave limitless power and control.
We've all seen what happens when the left gets it's way. They march out with lots of "good intentions" but little or no actual thought about the ultimate results of their schemes. As with the recent housing problem.... who could fault the left for wanting to see that everyone had a house. Seems fair... right?
So they pass a LAW that mandates banks make housing loans to people who clearly do not qualify for them. Even if you DIDN'T HAVE A JOB you could still get a home loan!! What folly!
Yet... when the predictable happens as a direct result of this law.... and the people who couldn't afford the loan default.... congress is held blameless. Oh, no. It's NOT their fault... why... they had good intentions! No... it's all the fault of those evil bankers who had NO CHOICE but to make the bad loans or face federal prosecution. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd get a total pass for causing the housing collapse. Amazing! You're going to see much more of that sort of thing in the future as still more of their misguided and myopic schemes go south.
Meanwhile.... this coming 4th of July... take a moment to reflect deeply upon the greatness that was the United States of America. If the statists get their way for the rest of Obama's term.... your children will have no idea how great the country they inherit once was.
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