Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Deck chairs on the Titanic

This has been a time period in which I could have posted to this blog several times a day some days. This frustration has, at it's roots, the usual suspects. The two primary players are entrenched politicians and the communist/socialist wing of the media. The first refuse to ever leave office while the second continues to ignore reality and find things to "report" upon which serve more to advance their agenda rather than dutifully inform the public.

Take, for example, the tooth and nail fight that Lisa Murkowski put up in Alaska. She lost in the primary to Joe Miller so she decided to run as an "independent" up there. Since she "won" based almost entirely on write in ballots I consider her win to be questionable at best. At any rate.... once back in Washington DC the first thing she did was to vote against freedom and the American people and with the democrats on S510. (In all fairness at least 6 so called republicans also voted the same way)

Now Ms. Murkowski might wish to protest that paragraph because, in reality, what she actually did was fail to vote either way. However, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said during the rise of Nationalist Germany, "Not to act IS to act. Not to speak IS to speak." He was later killed by the Nazi's for speaking out against them. By not voting against the bill she helped enable it's passage.

As I see it Ms. Murkowski and the majority of the other, so called, republicans in Washington DC are doing little more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The American people in general and the T.E.A. Party movement in particular was the iceberg in the dark ocean of politics. The people in the pilot house saw the berg ahead but failed to pay it the attention it was due. No course correction was made. The entrenched politicians in Washington DC reacted the same way to the T.E.A. party. They did not take them seriously.

Then came the 2010 mid-term elections and T.E.A. party supported candidates won almost everywhere they ran..... as did genuine conservatives who campaigned on conservative principles and won on those alone. (Hey... it works every time it's tried!) The balance of power appeared to have shifted slightly in favor of mainstream America and common sense. Now that congress is back in session it seems that it was all smoke and mirrors. No matter the message that the voters tried to send to Washington...... those entrenched in the halls of power and corrupted by that power refuse to budge from their positions of arrogance. Straight ahead, Titanic!

S510 was the first shot out of the gun aimed straight at the heart of America. As it always is with these dangerous pieces of legislation it had such a nice sounding name. Yes... the "Food Safety Modernization Act." I mean.... who could possibly be against food safety? Why would we not want to keep it all as modern as possible?

Perhaps some day the Democrats will put forward the "Social Security Solvency Solution Act." I mean.... who would NOT be in favor of ensuring that Social Security remains solvent? Sounds great, doesn't it? Then.... buried in the fine print... is the line that raises the retirement age to 125 and eliminates giving Social Security Benefits of any kind to anyone except someone who actually reaches 125 and retires. And that was worded to say "Benefits" so that the government can still keep taking the money and spending it anyway THEY choose!

But back to S510. There are a number of onerous provisions in that evil piece of work. The safety aspects alone gives the FDA (yeah... that bunch of sweethearts) the power to unilaterally order recalls on any food item they choose. This is so broad as to include everything from a can of green beans on the shelf of your local mega-mart to the bulk grain for pets and livestock.

There is also the creation of dozens of more bureaucracies to make sure we are safe from our food. Did you grow up somewhere where there was a farmers market? How about live in a place where folks might park a pick-up truck and sell watermelons out of the back? Both of those might soon be things of the past.

Can't do either anymore without being a registered small volume food supplier and paying the mandatory fees and taxes. They also have to institute some method of "food tracking" so that if someone shops at a farmers market and becomes ill.... they can track that particular cantaloupe back to the farmer who grew it.... and rake his ass over the coals to include putting him/her in Federal Prison. Gee Wally..... not the America I grew up in.

Did your folks or your grandparents have a garden when you were growing up? Remember how nice it was to finally get those vegetables on the table or neatly canned and on the shelf in the basement for the winter? Well.... you may still be able to have a garden..... BUT you will have to buy new seeds each and every year from a Government Approved vendor and you are forbidden from either selling or giving away any excess which you cannot consume. Yep! You could actually go to Federal Prison for the act of food charity now. What a country! Joseph Stalin would be so very proud of just how far backwards our nation has come.

And those Government Approved seed vendors...... they only sell seeds which have been specifically engineered to grow ONE crop. Any seeds from that crop are sterile and will not germinate ..... thus making you forever dependent upon the Government for all your food needs. After all.... isn't that exactly what the Founding Fathers envisioned? The citizens of the United States of America forever being held in subservience to all powerful Government? Frankly.... I don't think the Founding Fathers can spin any faster in their graves without the risk of flying apart due to centrifugal forces.

Unless those officials we have sent to Washington DC to represent us start doing so in a manner consistent with OUR wishes..... then America today is no better off than the England of old from which our forefathers escaped. We are gradually being stripped of our rights and our freedoms by a powerful group of elites in Washington DC who presume to think that they know better than we what is best for us. This cannot stand if America is going to stand.

There is another election cycle two years hence...... provided some "emergency" does not crop up to suspend the election process. Should we be fortunate enough to get to vote again.... remember the slap in the face you've received for the past several years. Remember the laws being rammed down your throat in spite of overwhelming and vocal opposition. Remember the arrogance of groups like the TSA who give you a "choice" between having a pornographic image taken of you.... or being groped for the "crime" of simply wanting to fly somewhere. Remember the words of Franklin.... "Those who would surrender a little freedom for some measure of safety deserve neither freedom nor safety." Remember the politicians who just passed a law which makes it a CRIME for you to grow some tomatoes and give some excess to your neighbors.

Yes.... remember all of that..... then VOTE like the very existence of this nation depended upon it...... because it does. In the words of the great Ronald Reagan..... "Those who have known freedom and lost it..... have never know it again." Don't let that be the legacy we pass on to our children and grandchildren.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A battle for beliefs

There has been a war going on inside the borders of the United States of America for nearly 100 years. Battle plans have been drawn up and modified almost daily as the war progresses. It's tough to see it going on because there are no cannons firing or bombers cratering the landscape. There are no combat troops in foxholes armed to the teeth waiting to charge and take the high ground. In fact everything looks quite normal...... or at least the "normal" we have been led to and told to accept.

Therein, my friends, is the key to understanding where this war is taking place and what it is all about. You have all heard the analogy of the frog in the pot. Try to put a frog into a pot of hot water and it will sense the danger and fight for all it's worth to avoid what is coming. However..... drop that same frog into a pot of nice cool water..... turn the flame on low and gradually let the water warm...... by the time the frog figures out what is happening.... it's too late. Because it is happening so slowly.... the poor frog doesn't sense the danger as the water heats up. Folks.... we are the frogs.

The war being waged is a battle for the control of our core beliefs. It is like the "death of a thousand cuts" the Chinese were notorious for using long ago..... only without the ceremony, pain or bloodshed. None the less.... "cut" at a time.... we are being "bled" of our spirit and of our desire for the fierce independence and personal responsibility upon which this nation was founded. As founding father Benjamin Franklin said: "One who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security."

Ronald Reagan in his speech to the delegation for the nomination of Goldwater in 1964 asked: How is it possible that we have come to believe that some politician in some faraway capital can plan our lives for us better than we can ourselves? That question was posed after Woodrow Wilson, FDR and other "progressives" had, for decades, gradually been taking control of our lives away from us and ceding it to themselves. This was done through Government programs which, we were told, were designed to "help" us and "take care" of us. Social security was the worst hoax foisted upon us until the passage of Obamacare. But countless other programs, such as "The Great Society" and "the New Deal" have all done their part in tearing away at the fabric of society and too at our core beliefs and values.

Anytime a politician "gives" you something you can damn sure bet there is a huge price to be paid somewhere. They "gave" us Social Security and, on the surface, it sounded wonderful. Just let us take a little bit of money from your wages each month and, when you retire, you'll get a government check each and every month until you die. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

When you look closer, however, the dark cloud behind the silver lining begins to show itself. The first trick was letting you believe that your "contribution" was going into some lock box account in your name. No. Your *TAX* was actually being funneled directly into the general fund from which the government takes to spend on everything else. No lock box. Nothing in your name other than numbers on a tally sheet.

The second trick was that social security would be a crime if anyone other than the government was offering it! It is, pure and simple, the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever run anywhere in the world. Named after Charles Ponzi it is an operation that returns to investors their own money OR the money put into the scheme by later investors rather than pay profits on the initial investment plus interest. These always collapse when the future pool of investors shrinks and income into the scheme is no longer sufficient to meet the required outlay. Back in the 1950's there were 16 workers paying in to support every retiree. Today... there are 2. Do the math.

The last trick is in the implementation and disposition of the monies. Initially the official government retirement age was set at 62. This was because statistically most people paying into the "system" died by age 55! And since "your" retirement money was a government program and not actual funds over which you had control..... when you died the government kept the money. How generous and caring!

The minimum retirement age now has been raised to 65 but, because of our standard of living and excellent (for now anyway) health care..... the average retiree is living until age 80! (I know I plan to live at least that long!!) Because of that fact alone the outlay for social security is over 1/4 of the national budget with total entitlement program spending amounting to over half.

Social programs aside there is the liberal indoctrination system... also known as "public education." That is where history is distorted or just overlooked in favor of instilling in our youth the principles of liberalism and progressivism. By "educating" the masses the left can have both a compliant pool of future voters and "foot soldiers" in their war against the Constitution and those of us still alive who remember the greatness of America.

Remember, for example, the words of Al Gore to an assembly of young people..... "You know things that..... your parents don't know." Reagan had an answer for that too. "It's not that our liberal friends are wrong.... it's just that they know so much that isn't so." The question is.... do they know the FACTS or do they simply "know" the unsupported buzz words and talking points of the left? Al Gore provides the answer to that through is actions. Will he debate *anyone* over anthropogenic global warming? Not only no.... but HELL NO!

Next under assault is the Judeo-Christian belief system upon which this nation was founded. It is open season on Christians, their faiths and their practices and traditions. Easter is all about some big bunny who lays chocolate eggs. Christmas is now the "Winter holiday festival" or some other such politically correct double speak. The Islamic festival of Ramadan, however, is celebrated in the White House.... and it's still called Ramadan and not something totally meaningless.

With the past election of, so far, 60 new conservative members of the house and the pick-up or several seats in the senate...... the balance of power is shifting away from the left. America is and always has been a center right nation no matter what the media or the liberals politicians tell you.

Listen to the left and they will *always* tell you what they fear most. They complain that FOX news isn't a "real" news network and shouldn't even exist. They FEAR it! They whine and complain about Sara Palin.... how she doesn't have a "good" education and her values are "out of touch" with the mainstream. They FEAR her! Conservatives say we need to reform social security by allowing for contributions to private accounts which earn interest and can be willed to our heirs. The left says that's not "wise" and shouldn't be done. They FEAR the loss of money and control! Whenever the left starts whining, pointing fingers and playing victim it's always out of raw fear rather than any real wrong being done. Mainly..... their fear that they will somehow loose all that wonderful power and control they have worked for over 100 years to amass.

As one of the rare legal immigrants put it so very well when talking about America and the hope for freedom it offered him and his family...... "We were lucky in that we had America to flee to. If you loose what you have.... you have nowhere to go." Reagan said that "We are the last, best hope for mankind." He also said that: "If we loose this battle for our freedoms we shall fall into darkness for a thousand years and may never get it back."

The battle is for our beliefs. Do we believe in ourselves and our abilities.... or do we believe we are too stupid and can't survive without a government hand out? Do we have faith in ourselves and our fellow man...... or do we put our faith in government and distrust everyone around us? Do we believe in individual freedoms and liberty....... or do we believe that those are outdated concepts and no longer apply in this modern enlightened era? One side is convinced that we are all suppose to believe in the first part of those questions...... the other side is betting that we have grown lazy and compliant and believe in the latter part.

What do YOU believe?

See: "Rules By Which A Great Empire May Be Reduced To A Small One" By Benjamin Franklin. Even after all this time the thoughts contained in that small work ring as true as ever. Bear in mind.... we were still "The Colonies" when this was written!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Elections have consequences

As we all learned from the ever so humble and modest democrats a couple of years ago.... Elections have consequences! Boy.... do they ever! Don't study.... don't research..... don't pay any attention to *anything*..... buy into the smoke & mirrors rhetoric and simple minded slogans.... then vote.... and then begin instantly suffering the political version of buyers regret.

Okay. So as the popular question goes.... "How's that hope and change working out for you?" If you're a liberal and voted for all that crap then I suspect you're also too dim witted to have yet figured out that you're the frog in the pot of gradually warming water. You, my hapless friends, are still 4 to 6 years away from that "deer in the headlights" stare that results from the sudden realization that everything you thought was going to happen was a lie that you bought into. YOU, sir or ma'am, have been HAD!

You've suddenly figured out that *you* are the evil "rich" you wanted to see punished so much when you voted democrat. Grandma sadly passed away in 2011 rather than 2010 and you screamed "That's not FAIR!" as the government stepped in, right after the funeral, and demanded 55% of everything she had worked her entire life to attain. Sad thing is that you're correct.... it's NOT fair! It's robbery pure and simple..... and YOU voted for it so shut up and fork over the bucks, buddy.

You've also figured out..... or at least I hope you have..... that all those "evil corporations"..... you know.... the ones who only care about themselves...... actually EMPLOYEE people!! (Yeah I know that's a huge shock to your system.... but man up and deal with it) No... they didn't exist solely for the reason of giving you health insurance dim wit. It's an old concept called "Providing the goods and services someone wants, needs or desires at a fair price in order to make a profit." Well.... by "Punishing" those "Evil Corporations" your elected representatives have succeeded in causing over 43,000 of them to close their door and go out of business. Here anyway.

GOOD! You proudly proclaim. Okay hero.... light math time. We'll just keep the 43,000 number to make it simple. Now assume that each of those evil companies had (note the tense) only 50 employees. (formerly the "oppressed worker") Okay... for the math impaired... 43,000 times 50 equals 2,150,000 lost jobs. (which is a conservative estimate)

But that's NOT the true number. That ONLY represents the jobs lost at those 43,000 companies. Those companies had suppliers..... paid utility bills..... paid taxes..... hired maintenance people to fix machines, clean offices and keep the lawn mowed. In turn all those people went out into their local communities and did business too.

They bought food and clothing... went to restaurants, bought automobiles, paid taxes on their wages, etc. The ripple effect fans out once the doors slam shut hurting not only those people who used to work at that company but also those who make part of their living from serving those people and that company. One could modestly estimate another 25 people affected by each closing.

So.... let's do that math again. 43,000 times the primarily affected 50 PLUS an additional 25 collateral damage losses for a total of 75. That now equals 3,225,000 people either completely out of work or making significantly less than they were before. Happy now that your liberal buddies in Washington DC have been so effective at punishing the evil rich and going after those greedy corporations? You likely never even thought through the results of your wishes that a select few be singled out for such political punishment though. Consider this your wake up call.

The truly "funny" thing is that all the while the government is "getting even with" those evil corporations and raising taxes on the dead and the wealthy.... they are bitching about the job losses and need for more taxes. It's like it's the dead of winter with a blizzard blowing outside..... they throw a hammer through the living room window then simply cannot figure out where all the heat went and why there is snow in the house! This stuff doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.... only someone willing to think beyond political rhetoric and class warfare dogma.

For a further wake up call it's time you also realized that both the administration and the government controlled media have been feeding you the pablum of propaganda with a decidedly left hand spin. The "real" problem is..... "Those evil do nothing Republicans who have been blocking all our efforts at progress." says the Obama administration.

Oh Please! Wake the hell up and smell the BS. Simple fact of life number 307..... the republicans don't have enough seats in either the House or the Senate to stop the democrats from doing a damn thing. Deal with it! Their real problem is the very few democrats who don't like the socialist left turn their country is trying to take and are voting like Americans rather than Liberals. Thank GOD too otherwise the damage could have been much worse than it already is.

Mid Term elections are two days distant and it's time for a BIG bucket of Cuban style hot coffee coursing through your veins kind of wake up call in America. Can the complacent crap and VOTE..... but please do it with your eyes wide open and your brain fully functional. If you are just going to walk in there and pull a straight party lever..... kindly stay home and watch Oprah. Yeah that goes for you Republicans too!

Simple fact of the matter is that Washington DC has become a one party town. These days Republicans and democrats are nothing more than different sides of the same coin.... not a whits worth of difference between them. One is socialist/elitist heavy.... the other is the light version. Both are taking us down the same destructive road..... one is just standing on the throttle while the other is about halfway to the floor. However the Constitution says that government functions via the consent of the governed. Time for the governed (that's US) to take control again.

Here's a secret.... you don't have to vote for everyone on a ballot! Nope! Do, however, study and vote for those people who, by being in high office, can affect your life and the direction of this ship of state. You need to find out what district you are in and study the candidates for that district. Vote for the one whose vision for America most closely matches yours and is in keeping with fiscal responsibility and Constitutional limitations. If it really doesn't matter to you who the heck the dog catcher is.... you can just skip over that.... okay?

America has a Constitution for a reason. It's the guidelines that are supposed to give maximum freedom to the people while putting their government in a framework of limitations so it doesn't get out of control and become too powerful. Obviously if you routinely ignore the Constitution and put activist judges on the Supreme Court who are willing to look the other way on Constitutional issues...... you'll end up exactly where we are right now. Time to dismantle a LOT of what Government has become and return to the simple roots the Constitution put down for us.

Folks..... we're at a crossroads of history right now. There is a right way to go forward.... and a wrong way. (I would have said left way.... but that was too obvious) It's basically a choice between heading down a very rough and rocky road towards the interstate highway..... or veering even farther left and heading over a cliff. Makes a cool looking ending shot for Thelma and Louise..... not so cool for the nation as a whole. THINK! Then vote. If you can't do the first... Please don't attempt the second.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The seasons are changing

Okay, gang. Fall is here, winter is coming and it's time to get the hell out of the kiddie pool. Mister "I love ME but hate this stinking country" Obama and his gang of thugs from Chicago have spent the last two years pissing in the pool while telling all of US that the water is just fine. Well the independent water test results are in and the pool is toxic as hell. Time to not only get out of the pool but get rid of all those nasty folks who've been fouling the waters too.

Many moons ago (a little Native American lingo there) I warned you about Obama. Way back then he was selling smoke and mirrors to everyone stupid enough to buy. Unfortunately, due to the efforts of the teachers unions, enough of the population was uneducated enough to fall for the sham hook line and sinker. I told you that elections had consequences. The shambles this once great nation finds itself in today are the consequences of that very poor choice last election.

While we were all told what a tyrant "W" was and that we HAD to have change...... the nature of the change was never actually defined. Those of us with an older, educated and analytical mind were paying attention. When someone running for the highest office in the land states that he wants to "fundamentally transform America" we were bright enough to figure that out.

The fundamental foundation of the nation is comprised of two establishing documents. First is the Declaration of Independence and the second is the Constitution. IF you are versed on the basics of writing then we can say that the Declaration of Independence is the preamble for the Constitution. Knowing that fact one can make the educated conclusion that to fundamentally transform America means one intends to find some way around the limitations to government those documents put in place.

While "W" was constantly being attacked by the media for being a "Tyrant" how about we take a look at what Obama has done.

In the first 12 months in office he managed to spend more money than all other Presidents in the history of the nation including G.W. Bush!! That in itself is one hell of an accomplishment.... but he was far from through.

Since congressional approval is required for cabinet level appointments Obama side stepped the approval process by naming "Czars" to control various areas. At last check Obama had circumvented the congressional approval aspect of the Constitution 44 times. That simply means that the President has granted power to control policy to 44 people who have NOT been examined and vetted by our elected officials in Congress...... and are accountable to NO ONE but Obama himself. The Founders warned of the evil of such actions for a reason.

In an action which would have had "W" crucified in front of the White House, Obama has the temerity to fire the legally appointed head of General Motors and put someone in charge of HIS choosing. He oversaw the side stepping of the bankruptcy and reorganization process and poured enough taxpayer money into the corporation to bail out the unions and give the government a 61% controlling interest. NEVER IN HISTORY has a sitting US President taken over a corporation! That is simply NOT a power granted by the Constitution. Obama and the left simply do not care what the Constitution says. To them it is an obstacle to progress.

Next Obama and the left insinuated themselves into the banking industry. Due to the banks having to comply with liberal passed LAW requiring home loans to people who could not even prove an *income*...... they ended up with a lot of "bad loans." (SHEZAMM! Ya THINK?) So first they mandate the banks MAKE bad loans then attack them when everything predictably goes south.

Once again had the Government simply stayed out of things and let the legal system work as intended..... then some banks would have failed....... some would survive reorganized..... and the disposition of the assets would have been sorted out. Presto! The system works.

But no! Obama and his wizards of smart step in and say that some banks are too big to fail. HUH? No one is too big to fail..... simple fact of life numero uno. (A little Spanish lingo there) Anyway... Obama goes back into OUR pockets and decides which banks will survive and which will fail based upon HIS decision and NOT the market or the legal system.

The infamous "Stimulus Bill" was another 1.3 Trillion Dollar transfer of wealth from US to select unions and Obama supporters across the country. That was rammed down our throats as the ONLY way to save the economy. Net result? The economy took a nose dive...... unemployment went from 5.2% to 9.8% (Almost double) and the dirty little secret? Over 3/4 of that money is still unspent! It's just sitting there as a giant Liberal slush fund that they can tap whenever they wish without fund raising or any other effort.

Next the American people take to the streets and rail against the proposed health care reform act. 73% of the people of this nation voiced opposition to the bill! Clearly had congress listened to the people the bill would never have seen the light of day. Yet... in the face of all that opposition we still got to hear the Speaker of the House say the most ignorant thing a political figure has ever said...... "Well..... we have to first pass the bill to see what's IN it!" While not trained by some Ivy League college..... I am still smart enough to figure out that..... if you want to know what is IN the bill.... then READ the damn thing BEFORE you start voting!

The level of arrogance by the Liberal left seems to know no limits these days. Times Magazine published "2009 - The Year in Pictures" It's all about America and everything that happened in 2009. In it.... you will not find one single photo of a TEA Party event...... NOT ONE! There were no protests of the health care bill...... no one complained about the government take over of 1/6th of the nations economy.... and the take over of GM never happened. Feels kinda like being in China after the Tian'anmen Square protest and massacre. According to the State controlled media there.... that event never happened either.

I could probably research and write about the over reaching of Obama and all his leftists thug ally's long enough to write a book. Examples of their misguided actions are legion. Rather than do that.... let me simply let the two sides demonstrate to you how they think care and feel about this nation. Let's suppose someone like..... Glenn Beck held a rally in Washington DC on 8-28-2010. Then.... let's imagine that a group from the left held a "protest" to that rally on 10-2-2010. The Beck group comes together to restore Honor in America. The other group is bussed in and gathers to protest the previous rally and forward socialist and communist ideas. (How American!) Here is a link you can follow for a while..... if a picture is worth a thousand words.... then this short video is priceless.

When you're done watching.... simply ask yourself..... to whom should we trust the care of this nation? If you can't figure that out after seeing this...... you are worse than stupid.... you're totally brain dead. Not to worry though!!! A lot of people on the left are like that and some even get elected to high political office!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Update time

It's been a while. I've neglected posting mostly because I don't get paid to spend time typing away in the blogosphere..... and there is enough stuff pissing me off that I'd be typing around the clock trying to vent it all.

I recall warning about the dangers of buying into Obama and all his empty "hopey, changie" rhetoric. Anyone with even ONE open eye could see that it was ALL hot air with absolutely NO substance behind it. Obviously a voting majority had neither eye open because we've been blessed with the least qualified person in the history of the nation to occupy the White House. I have cats more qualified to be President than Obama. Oh well.... we're stuck with him now.

The health care "reform" bill came along next and I warned against that too. Once again, any fool with even one eye open could see that there was no way in hell to create blanket coverage for everyone in the country and CUT the deficit at the same time.

Still the left sold it to the nation at large as "universal 'free' health care" and that trick worked. A recent study indicates that the average citizen will have to fork out just shy of $13,000 before getting one single "free" measure of government health care.

The health care bill was a package of thousands of pages of additional government rules, regulations and restrictions combined with a chapter devoted to new IRS powers..... with a band-aid tossed in for good measure. The band-aid was the health care part. In plain English... were were screwed big time..... and not even taken to dinner first.

Next came the GM - Chrysler take over...... errrrrr.... I mean bail out. Premium share holders were supposed to be paid in full and first. But the Obama administration gave themselves permission to disregard the law and gave those investors a dime on their dollar..... while paying the unions in full.

We were told that GM and Chrysler were "too big to fail" and we had to bail them out. That was a lie. What Obama was doing was bailing out the UNIONS..... not the car companies. IF there was genuine concern for the car companies they should have been permitted to file for re-organizational bankruptcy so they could eliminate a huge chunk of union liability and restraint on their profitability.

The fact that wasn't allowed to happen shows that the UNIONS were what was being saved. The unions were given a 51% ownership stake in the companies as a reward for dumping billions in dues money (which BTW is illegal) into the Obama campaign.

One interesting thing resulted though. Now that profit is critical to the unions continuing to make money..... they are balking at giving themselves more and more unfunded perks! They are saying NO to themselves in contract negotiations because saying yes would cut into their profits! What an ODD concept..... that profits are necessary for a business to stay in business.

Next we had the banking bailouts. Again some companies were deemed "too big to fail" by the government. Once again the hand of government reached into OUR pockets and gave away OUR hard earned money to people who had made poor business decisions knowing that they had no real risk of loss. Government would be there to pick them up when they screwed up.

Once again.... those financial institutions which made poor investment decisions should have been allowed to fail. Failure is KEY to capitalism working as it should work. If you have a good product which is in demand and a sound operating model for your company then you will experience short term success.

I limit the success to short term because of the dynamic nature of the market place. For example.... there are no longer a great deal of buggy whip outlets..... and a lot fewer places to get shoes for your horse. Because there is still a limited demand for those items and services there are still a few places open though to meet those needs.

To remain viable a company needs to constantly be re-evaluating it's product or services and making modifications to those items as the desires of the market place change. Ideally the owner is always slightly ahead of the demand curve and anticipates the next market trend.

But the downside to capitalism is the inherent risk of failure. If your product or service is in low demand and you don't adapt...... you get to fail. If your business model is unsound and the capital distribution doesn't permit new product development or is based on high risk investments without sufficient reserve capital to cover a potential loss.... then you get to fail.

THAT is the beauty of the capitalist system. The deadwood clears itself out through failure while those forward looking dynamic well managed companies succeed. That is how it is supposed to work....... but when Government gets involved it unfairly tips the scales. Now companies are saved from the natural cycle of things by artificial means. They are still doomed to fail because they will still, in all likelihood, continue to operate much as before.

As we all learned as kids..... unless you fail you rarely have an opportunity to learn. You try something and it doesn't work.... failure. But then you analyze what you did and search for a flaw which might have caused the failure. You think the situation through again and again.... making changes.... then you try again. If you learned the lessons from the first failure.... you now have a better chance of success.... but no absolute guarantee of success.

That is what this administration is trying to sell. They don't care who you are... what you make sell or do.... they are trying to get you to buy into the notion that *everyone* has an absolute RIGHT to succeed. And IF you are weak minded enough to buy that line of crap then PLEASE vote democrat and send them all your money so they can "level the playing field" and ensure your success. Just don't hold your breath while waiting.

Let me give you an example of a "level playing field" and why it's bad for business. You and three of your friends are all making widgets. Since the government regulates widgets they all have to be exactly the same. But you are thinking to yourself..... "If I just made this one little adjustment to MY widget..... that would make it better than the others.... I'd sell more... and make more money!" But the nanny state steps in and forbids you from making that change UNLESS your three competitors get to make the same change to their widgets. THAT is a "level playing field" model.

Your idea to improve YOUR widget.... make it better so you could out sell your competitors and enjoy a larger profit..... THAT is capitalism at it's best! Then your competition either improves their widget somehow to compete with you.... or perhaps they try to lower their price or reduce their manufacturing costs to stay profitable in light of your newer product. They adapt or fail. And as they either adapt or fail.... you also must seek to constantly offer the best widget possible at a price deemed reasonable by the consumer..... or YOU get to fail. Business is never static.

In the 18 or so months since Obama took office.... we've seen unemployment rise to a point near 10%. That figure, however, only represents those actively seeking work.... and not those who have given up. Add that last group in and the true unemployment figure is closer to 16%.

During the same time frame those elected and in the majority (democrats) have managed to spend more money than ALL the previous presidents combined. They have tripled the national debt and started the dangerous practice of buying our own debt.

Yet, in spite of rising unemployment, staggering debt from out of control and unfunded spending and the increasing demand for fiscal restraint by the public..... this administration continues to charge headlong into the abyss. They hate this country and our way of life so much that they cannot change. Because of the elected liberals.... U.S. Astronauts now have to buy a ticket for a ride up to the International Space Station from the Russians!!!

It's a truly sad state of affairs when the (formerly) most powerful nation on earth is at the launch pad with their thumb out hitching a ride.

At this point I could launch into a tirade on the liberal media and how they turn a blind eye to everything Obama that is bad for the nation and how they only speak of those things to which they agree. Obama's last speech was so pathetic.... he couldn't assemble two words into a cogent statement if he had to. The press is silent. Bush mispronounces a word and it's all they can talk about for a week.

Bush oversees the largest addition to the national park system ever through the designation of underwater parks and preserves...... and the press still charges that he hates the environment. Obama turns NASA into the Muslim outreach and feel good club so we have NO space program at all and have to hitch a ride into space with the Russians.... and the press is silent. You get the point. Obama is THEIR boy (yes... boy was intentional in this context) and he can do NO wrong and even if he does it is either overlooked, spiked or blamed on Bush.

The mid-term elections are drawing near. We have an opportunity to reverse some of the insanity that has gotten to be mainstream in Washington D.C. I would urge each of you to start now to study the issues and the candidates in your political districts. I would also urge you to NOT vote a straight party ticket.

Not all people with an "R" by their name are who we want in office. Likewise not everyone with a "D" by their name is someone who needs not be in office. That is why you MUST take the time to study the people and their positions and then vote for the people who you think will do the best job returning America to the path the Founders put it on all those many years ago. America is the last best hope for mankind.... but ONLY if she is preserved as the Founders intended.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We can still save America from the left

Just in case you've made the mistake of tuning into one of the once reliable news networks (like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN et al) you may have missed the nations radical swing towards total socialism and complete government control. The networks mentioned above would not have found anything out of the ordinary going on in Washington. They are already socialists/communists so any movement in that direction would be most welcomed and unworthy of rising to the status of "news" to those people.

President G.W. Bush fires nine federally appointed judges (well within his power as President) and the investigation by the left just concluded this month! (July 2010) Of course there was no wrongdoing found.... which is good because if there was W.J. Clinton would have been in heap big trouble because HE fired all 96 for political reasons. (Which the left managed to overlook)

Think for a moment. The government takes over not one.... but two major US car manufacturers. Obama is in office and the reaction from the left and the media???? Crickets chirping...... Zip...... Zero........ Nadda. Can you even imagine what the reaction would have been if had G.W. Bush been the President?

Continue that scenario with any of the other things the left have foisted upon the American people in the past 19 months. What if G.W. Bush had signed the "health care" bill into law? How about the take over of the student loan program by the fed? "Financial reform" bill? Cap all that off with the BP oil problem....... and "W" would have been hung upside down on the front lawn while democrat senators, congressmen and the liberal media administered the old Chinese 'death of a thousand cuts' during prime time.

Meanwhile the most uninformed and unqualified person to *ever* hold the highest office in the land..... manages to play stealth fighter and stay totally off any negative radar screen and avoid any criticism of any kind. Amazing!

Face it..... what Obama is doing is... 1) totally screwing the American people and living the life of royalty (ie the vacation to France staying at the most expensive hotel in the area and needing only 30 rooms for the stay) while also... 2) disregarding the Constitution and peeing upon the rule of law while pulling an end run around both the House and Senate with all of his personally appointed Tzars...... something no other President has done to such a degree.

What I am expecting.... and preparing for..... is some sort of "crisis" in the country right around election time 2012. They keep playing class against class.... race against race..... religion against religion and putting in any sort of wedge they can between factions of American citizens as a whole. It's the old "divided we fall" strategy and the left is hoping to start the domino's falling right on cue.

IF they can get sociatial instability generated so that the "people" will demand the government take some sort of action to "protect" them. In order to do that government will find it "necessary" to impose martial law "for some short time" in order to restore peace and tranquility. Under martial law..... the President is in TOTAL control..... the House and Senate will have lost their constitutional check on the power of the executive branch. At that point Obama can simply announce that the situation is so big and so dangerous for our great nation.... that he is going to have to stay in office indefinitely so he can properly manage the crisis.

Presto change-o... Instant President for life (think Castro, Mao, Stalin and Chavez) or, as I'm sure he would prefer..... King or Emperor for life. That which the founders gave up everything to bring out of the wilderness that was north America then..... and which became that "shining city on the hill" for Ronald Reagan...... the glorious experiment that is America..... will be over. The warning signs are all there.... screaming at us for attention.

Could we be "happy" under such a system? That depends upon how you define "happy" in the context of your own life. If you can be "happy" turning over control of your life to a bunch of bureaucrats who will decide where you live... the job and wage you will be allowed to have.... what and how much food you can have..... what you can have in your house and what you can't... The kind of house you can live in.... light bulbs you can use..... car you can have... or not... schools you and your children can attend and material you will learn..... even the doctor you can see and level of health care you are permitted to receive...... then yeah... you can be happy.

People in the military live like that every day they are in uniform. Government basically makes all their decisions for them and controls every aspect of their lives both on duty and off. BUT! (and it's a big and very critical but) Doing so is entirely voluntary. It is the price you get to pay for your desire to protect and defend this great nation and it's Constitution. Service people are a *very* special breed of Americans. They will *willingly* pick up and wear the yoke of total servitude so that all the rest of us..... don't have to wear that same yoke involuntarily.

It's that last point which may ultimately be the life ring that saves this nation. How that happens is all summed up in the enlistment oath we all take.

"I, (name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the Officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, so help me God."

What is key above is the last part about regulations and the UCMJ. The word omitted but intended is "lawful." IF.... an order is unlawful.... ie.... "Shoot that child.... he's annoying me!" then the order is required to be disregarded. Likewise if an order is clearly unconstitutional.... it has to be ignored. To do otherwise is in violation of the Oath.

Lastly.... in keeping with the "Posse Comitatus" Act of 1878..... Chapter 263, SEC 15 prohibits the Federal Government of deploying the US Military within the borders of the United States except under the most extreme circumstances and even then it requires a super majority vote by Congress.

So even if Obama or the left wants to use the military in the US to suppress the citizens and enforce Obama's will..... it is the obligation of that same military to disregard the order. Beyond that..... within the borders of the US..... our own military is out numbered and out gunned by a huge margin.... so it is not in their interest to obey. Add to that the fact that America is still a center right nation and all we have to do is continue to stand united.

God Bless America..... now more than ever............

Monday, April 26, 2010

Not Racist, Not Violent, No Longer Silent!

Not that I've *ever* been particularly silent about anything I disagreed with.... but stating an obvious point that needs to be made. I've had it past my eyeballs with the jerkweeds of the main scream media who rail against the members of the TEA party movement. Calling them "tea baggers" is vile beyond belief.

What amazed me (and eludes them) is that WE on the right had to run to our new urban slang dictionaries to find out what a "tea bagger" even was! Yet... this activity was something that the left seemed to know about almost instinctively. I think that speaks volumes about them.

The left and the media (OOPS!! Same thing!) is also in the obnoxious habit of calling the TEA party people violent and offensive..... a "mob" of lawless radicals who need to be clamped down on hard. The reality is 180 degrees out from the image projected.

Did you know that members of the TEA party actually held a rally where they came ARMED? Yep! Packing heat in plain sight of everyone! Know what happened? Know what kind of carnage was dispensed by this out of control mob or gun toting kooks? Nothing. Zip..... Zero..... Nadda. As a matter of fact the more gun toting "Protesters" that showed up.... the MORE relaxed the police became!

Why do you suppose that was? Answer. The members of the TEA party are law abiding citizens who know their rights and support the constitution. If you study the pictures of a TEA party rally site you'll discover that it is cleaner AFTER a rally than before! Try making that point anytime the left holds a rally.

Well.... lets just make that point right now, shall we? I'll let you pick the site of ANY genuine TEA party gathering..... any one you like. Now then.... I'll pick a recient example of the left getting together to make their voice heard. Let's take a look at the following headline:

PHOENIX (AP) - the conflict over a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona intensified Monday as vandals smeared re fried beans on the side of the State capital Building in the shape of swastika.

Don't you just love those fun loving peaceful folks on the left when they come out to protest? Gee... I know *I* sure do! They are so peaceful and law abiding..... never have to worry about them doing anything to break the law or be uncivil. Imagine how much more peaceful and non-violent their rally could have been if *they* had come armed? Oh.... wait..... they *did* throw rocks and bottles and everything else they could get their hands on at the police who were attempting to maintain order. Probably a good thing that only evil violent members of the TEA party show up at rallies with fire arms.

And while, if you watched FOX news, you could see the protest in context.... and how uncivil the protesters were..... I had to read 4 pages of material from the AP to find that one lone mention of anything out of the norm about the day. No mention of the violence towards the police.... no mention of the name calling..... no mention of the threats of more violence. The AP and every other left wing rag simply glossed over those minor details and said instead that the rallies were "mostly peaceful'"

Well HELL! By that definition.... World War was "mostly peaceful" since it was often days or weeks or months between major confrontations. Yet.... when the TEA party holds a rally we are warned by the media... even by current and former Presidents.... that violence is looming just under that calm appearing surface. That we ought not let the kindly faces of all that grandpa's and grandma's lull us into a false sense of security. They are just waiting for the right moment to explode into violence against the state!

Let's review. One day..... yesterday the 25th of April in Phoenix Arizona..... the left holds a "protest" described BY the left as "mostly peaceful." We have "thousands of protesters and ONLY 5 arrests." Not bad folks on the left! Contrast that good behavior with with those evil TEA party mobs of angry out of control anti-government kooks. All together something on the order of over 5 million "protesters" gathering in multiple cities around the country over months and months..... and one rally where they came ARMED even! My GOD! The carnage!! Oh..... wait....... Hmmmmm...... not so much as a ticket for J-walking. Absolutely nothing!

As usual it seems that you can't actually believe a damn thing the left wing media tells you about anything. (what's new there?) And just for the record.... we're told (by the left) that it's not nice for the TEA party to be out there protesting against the state. They are labeled "Anti-Government" by Obama and the leftists of the government controlled media.

But let's think about that for just one little minute here... shall we? Obama and the media (now that THEY are in power) tell us that "anti-government" is now wrong. Then aren't all those protesters in Phoenix also WRONG because the Governor of the state passed a law letting the police now ask about the immigration status of someone in a routine traffic stop or other police activity. Since it's a LAW that makes it GOVERNMENT.... so if you protest it.... aren't you by definition now "Anti-Government" too?

Not to worry.... it's just that old Liberal double standard still alive and well. Like the "Chicken Heart" of the old Bill Cosby routine...... that double standard's heart is still beating and won't die. Okay for the left to do something.... EVIL if we on the right do the exact same thing... only peacefully.

Here is the problem. NO ONE in Washington D.C. wants to do what has to be done to secure our borders! THAT is the problem pure and simple. Why? It's called pandering for votes. So called immigration reform is nothing more than attempting to grant citizenship to over 12 million people here against our laws.... so they have the right to VOTE just in time for the next election.

Now to whom do you suppose the majority of those votes will go? Might it be to those wonderful people in Washington D.C. who are giving them all sorts of goodies for FREE? Ya think?

How about a little look at that evil new law that has everyone so pissed off. (with the rare exception of over 70% of the population of Arizona.... but what to *they* know?) Okay.... before.... the police stop you for speeding in Phoenix. You can't speak a word of English.... expect to say that you don't speak English. No big deal. If I was stopped in Mexico I speak only poco Spanish. BUT... our law then said that no matter HOW suspicious things looked... that officer was forbidden from asking anything about your citizenship status. That's correct! It was actually illegal for a law enforcement officer to attempt to enforce the law! (Only in America, folks)

Okay... so why are they all pissed off now? Well gee whiz..... the law basically says that during the course of any routine police activity..... the police can now ask for proof of citizenship if they have reason to believe you may not be here legally. HOW EVIL can you get? Expecting people to actually enter your country legally? Damn! What is this country coming to?

Okay... now... try *this* on for size. Go ahead..... enter Mexico illegally.... see what happens to your ass..... I dare you! Anyone on the left care to take me up on that challenge? I mean... if it's okay for them to come HERE illegally.... they it should be equally okay with Mexico if we go there illegally too. Right?

Uhhh,,,, WRONG! If you enter Mexico without A) a valid drivers license, B) a certified copy of your birth certificate, C) a valid passport, D) stay beyond 72 hours, E) go farther than 20 miles into Mexico..... you are subject to immediate arrest AND IMPRISONMENT of up to two years BEFORE being unceremoniously deported!! And to think.... WE are the ones they say are being too hard in illegals. Imagine that!

Mexico has years of the practice of corruption on us.... but thanks to the Obama administration... we're catching up fast! He openly criticized the Governor of Arizona for passing the "ill conceived" law. Perhaps the alleged
"constitutional law professor" should READ the document he is supposed to be so familiar with. The security of our borders and the regulation of interstate commerce are the ONLY two tasks assigned to the Federal Government. Had *any* of the previous administrations taken half of those tasks seriously.... Arizona would not be in the position it's in today. Our southern border looks more like a toll road having a "drive for free" day than it does a secure border.

While Mexico likes their citizens to illegally enter OUR country (They even publish a little booklet telling their citizens HOW to do it) they don't blink an eye at tossing US Citizens in jail for making the trip the other way. And... like the left wing media..... they largely ignore or attempt to gloss over any differences between the laws of the two nations. For example.......

An illegal can openly protest in America with little fear of anything happening. Any foreigner openly protesting in Mexico is subject to immediate arrest. Illegals are encouraged to work in America. In Mexico you have to get special permission from the state to work and it has to be a needed skill. Illegals typically come here damn near broke hoping to earn some money. If you want to go to Mexico to live you MUST provide a bank statement proving that you have the minimum monthly income required. Just remember.... WE are the bad guys. WE are the ones with the harsh unfair laws.

So... repeat after me..... Left GOOD! Right.... EVIL!!! US laws BAD! Foreign laws GOOD! Tea party movement........ dangerous! Any protest by the left..... Peaceful. Now all face Washington D.C. and offer thanks (and all your money) to the great Obama. That's a good little citizen! Either get used to it or be prepared to vote them all out as soon as you can.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the future, Commrade

I have not been as regular in posting as I'd like.... which it probably for the best. With all the national destruction going on in Washington.... spearheaded by alleged Americans..... it's tough enough just to maintain my sanity.

Proud Americans have shed blood for this country for over two centuries to help keep it the "Shining beacon on the hill" in a world of tyrants and dictators. Now tyrants and petty little dictators in Washington are pissing all over my country and it's constitution.

After all, what other name can you give to people who refuse to listen to the over 70% of the nation who demanded they keep their damn hands OFF the health care system.... and rammed the legislation through anyway?

How evil is this piece of crap? It's even worse than you can imagine. It is blatant in its range and scope towards the destruction of the insurance industry, healthcare industry and the middle class of this nation. Let's take those one at a time shall we?

If you were watching the news today Queen Nancy Pelosi threatened the entire insurance industry. She threatened "congressional action" against ANY insurance company who dared to raise their rates. Oh? Really? Which begs the question.... why would the insurance industry need to raise their rates? How about BECAUSE of the infamous health care reform bill!

Let's see... they will now be *required* to cover all pre-existing conditions. That couldn't possibly increase costs, could it? And did you know who sets the distribution percentage of premium revenue? Do you know even what that is?

The federal government dictates that insurance companies must disburse 65% of all premium income to payment of claims. The remaining 35% is what covers all their expenses from rent to salaries. Guess what? The bill just passed *increases* the disbursement percentage to 85%!!

That means that all the operating expenses have to be paid with 20% less money. Just to get back to the status quo insurance companies would have to raise rates by 300%. That's NOT profit, folks. That's just keeping the bills paid. But Queen Nancy says they can't DO that. The point? Simply to put them out of business so the government is your ONLY option.

And how about the Medical side of things.... they don't escape either. The federal government already has a mountain of regulations piled upon their backs..... here comes that last straw. Medicare is being cut back by 800 billion.

Drug companies? In the bill is wording which reduces their profits by 90 billion dollars. So much for all that costly R & D work and hoops they have to jump through to bring something to market.

Wage scales for doctors..... so now some pencil necked geek in Washington DC will dictate what a doctor in Seattle Washington can earn. Shouldn't that be a factor of what that doctor has learned.... how he does his job... and how well his patients think of him? I mean.... if you know a lot of stuff and you do an outstanding job... and those who come to you for service are happy and willing to pay X amount..... shouldn't that indicate what you can charge? Not any more I guess.

Which brings us to the very backbone of this nation.... the middle class. Folks.... this freaking monstrosity contains over 156 NEW taxes. Think of that for a moment. It also provides for the hiring of 16,500 new IRS field agents to make SURE those taxes are collected too!

More insidious yet is the fact that now you have to PROVE to the IRS that you have health insurance! Yeah.... you heard me right. Not only that but it have to be the right *kind* of health insurance too.

And if you're a bad little citizen and don't comply the agent can fine you up to $2500 right on the spot! Refuse to pay? No problem, Comrade! The bill also gives the IRS direct access to ALL of your bank accounts.... they can just TAKE their pound of flesh.

The wealthy are under assault too with massive tax increases also. Obama has stated that his intention is to wipe out and reverse everything positive Reagan did for America. Reagan ushered in the greatest era of prosperity this nation has ever known! Which I guess means that Obama intends to usher in the greatest era of poverty and depression this nation has ever known. Tough to draw any other conclusion, isn't it?

Something that really bothers me is the democrats in Washington gloating that they "won" with the passage of the bill. Well.... if they "won" then someone had to have lost.... correct? Who lost was the 70% of the American people who demanded that government keep their damn hands OFF healthcare.

Some members of the democrat party in Washington are now whining that they are getting death threats. Much like what they have been (or not been) telling us about the wonderfulness of this bill..... I suspect again that they still are lying.... only now to make us feel sorry for them.

And Charlie Dingle (senior democrat) in a radio interview with Paul W Smith said in part.... "It takes time to put together the legislation necessary to control the people." And after all... wasn't that the true intent of this bill from the instant the pen touched paper?

For most of my life I've been looking forward to the time when I would be able to take a deep breath and retire in reasonable comfort in my beloved America. I've worked my butt off..... paid the mandatory taxes..... served in uniform..... left more than a few drops of blood around the world while serving..... and I should be able to finally just enjoy the later years of my life.

And my lovely wife (who I don't mention in this blog but devote another to entirely) has cancer and will be needing various health care services in the years to come. She has also made the mistake of living into her late 50's.... which means to some dick headed petty government bureaucrat reviewing her files... that she's lived long enough and isn't entitled to the care necessary to maintain her quality of life. In Obama's words.... "Maybe she should just take a pain pill."

While I'm still dreaming of retiring to the high desert....... and would love nothing more than to spend that time becoming even better friends with my lovely wife...... Costa Rica is starting to look pretty damn good for retirement. I think the sun has set on America.

Dasvidania, Comrades.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Year Later

During any year that a Republican holds the office of President.... about this time of year the following is all over the broadcast media and the print media. "One year later... and are you better off?" And of course the media scours the country looking for absolutely anyone who is down on their luck and props them up as just another example of how evil republican's are working against the average American.

Well. Media. It's officially one year after Obama took office and I'm still waiting for you to scour the nation and ask that question. OH! Right.... I almost forgot. Obama is a democrat.... not a republican..... so the question won't be ask of his administration.

And indeed... why should it be asked? Everything is just peaches and cream out here. Unemployment, which was a shameful 4.6% when Mr. Bush left office, is now at a vibrant and wonderful 10.2%.... provided you don't count those who have just plain given up looking for work. IF you factor those people in too.... then the actual rate is closer to 18%. Obviously a vast improvement over the inept Bush.

And let's not forget the housing market. Or perhaps we should. How about banking? Nah.... probably ought to not look too hard that way either. OH! I know... how about we tie the two together since there is a relationship? Well, when we do that we discover that the evil bankers have been guilty of attempting to make a profit! Yeah.... unheard of in the business world... but they were indeed trying to make a buck.

Then the Federal Government got involved and "fixed" their Neanderthal thinking. Government dictated that it was *much* more important to loan money to people with no verifiable income and without the ability to repay the loan than to worry about silly things like profit. So... rather than have some moronic Congressman or Congressional "oversight" committee "investigating" the banks for non-compliance with the law..... the banks kowtowed and passed out the bucks to anyone and everyone.... just like they were ordered to do.

Well! That sure got things rolling! Housing starts shot up... all the numbers looked rosy.... Congress was thumping it's chest proclaiming their support for the average home owner. Then those pesky monthly mortgage payments started to come due.... damn the luck. And *who* would have ever thought that someone with no verifiable income might not be able to make a $1500 a month mortgage note? Man... I know *I* would have never seen that one coming. (Yeah... right)

And of course Congress (you remember them..... the ones who ordered the banks to make those "risky" loans) screamed foul and decided to "investigate" the banks for their bad business practices! I mean... just because Congress *ordered* banks to make those loans.... certainly doesn't also mean that same Congress is, in any way, responsible. Oh, no! No matter what government screws up they are *never* responsible. So we have the two fold aftershock of government "help" for the private sector. #1.... the housing industry is near collapse because the money supply has suddenly dried up and there is a glut of pre-owned homes on the market. And #2... the banking industry does collapse under the weight of all those not repaid loans.

The solution? Well.... more Government "help" of course! Is anyone else remembering the prophetic words of the late, great Ronald Reagan about now? "The nine most feared words in the English language are: I'm from the Government and I'm here to help." But... when government is firmly in the grasp of a collection of statists, Marxists and communists.... what the hell do you expect?

So banks get bailed out.... with our tax dollars of course.... and the state owned housing industry of Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae end up taking over the vast majority of the "toxic" loans... and collecting the deeds to the property as well. Nice little land grab there! Oh... and while you *were* watching... the democrats demonized the banking executives and castigated them for taking bonuses. Meanwhile.... as you were paying attention to that.... the same government turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the executives of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac taking bonuses of up to $22 MILLION dollars! No.... not in total... that was to just ONE man. The total is far higher.

Meanwhile Obama decides *HE* doesn't like the way things are going in the auto industry. Why? Sales are down and some companies have their books just bleeding red ink. And a closer examination shows that Government mandates on the industry combined with unrealistic Union wages and benefits.... and a shaky economy are making things really tough. The solution? The obvious one is a chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy. But... Obama has a better idea! He'll just take over General Motors and Chrysler instead!

And so Obama "fires" the head of GM... a guy with over 40 years of automobile experience under his belt.... and replaces him with a kid who didn't even finish college and who had absolutely NO business experience whatsoever. BRILLIANT! Only the genius brain of Obama could have come up with that as a solution. And to make things even better... the democrat controlled Congress puts yet another mandate on the auto industry by raising the CAFE fuel average again. Thank you, democrats! Not only do you not get it... but you *really* don't get it!

As a result.... GM and Chrysler are pretty much forced to change their focus and concentrate on making the cars that Obama and Congress want. Thus we have 536 bureaucrats (100 senators, 435 members of the house + 1 president) deciding what the people should be buying and driving. Sounds a bit like Germany under Hitler and the invention of "the peoples car" which was the famous VW Beetle. Sadly nothing so popular or practical came from this bunch. Sales for the Government Motors group are in a nose dive. What to do.... what to do?

BINGO!! Cash for clunkers! A "government program" (I see disaster ahead!) designed to make it attractive for people to trade in their old "clunkers" and get a new, government approved, gas sipper of a car. Like all government programs there was paperwork and requirements out the wazoo. The one I like best was the one where the dealers had to "destroy" the drive train of the "clunker" when they took the car in. (The government even told them specifically how to do this)

What happened? Well... the public, given the choice, went to companies like Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai and KIA for their cars by a large margin. Ford, because they didn't take any bailout money, got the most American car business with GM and Chrysler bringing up the rear.

Then the fun really starts! The government fails to send out the money to the dealers to pay their subsidy for all those "clunkers" they took in and disabled as per government mandate! Which meant that now, rather than having a used car you can sell to recoup your investment you have a pile of scrap metal on wheels. HINT: When doing business with the Government... GET YOUR MONEY FIRST! If you don't your next option is to drop trow.... bend over... grab the ankles... and wait for your reward.

And of course who could forget the "Stimulus" program. Otherwise known more realistically as the "Democrat slush fund for the 2010 and 2012 election cycle" fund. The only thing shovel ready about that boondoggle was the fact that you needed a shovel to keep the BS from getting too deep during the sales pitch. As we get closer to the elections watch those purse strings get loose.... especially in states where a democrat is loosing his or her ass to a republican. What democrats can't honestly win... they will attempt to buy.... or get by any means possible.

Speaking of which.... let's not forget the great Health Care reform act. As Queen Nancy said just last week.... "We are going to get health care passed for the American people!" Thank you SO very much Madam Speaker..... but there is just one tiny little problem with that statement. The "American People" have spoken and said.... "Keep you damn hands OFF our health care!" Only 33% of the people are in favor of health care reform.... and that's according to a CNN poll. (Not exactly a right wing leaning group there)

In town hall meetings and in parades and peaceful gatherings and demonstrations... the people of this nation have made it *very* clear that we DO NOT want government taking over our health care and 1/6th of the nations economy. However... our elected representatives seem to forget who works for whom. They feel that we are far too stupid to understand what is good for us and that they must decide for us.... for our own good. Once again the words of Reagan come echoing out of the past..... "Government is the problem.... NOT the solution!"

In the state of the union address last week.... was I the only one who noticed that the President never informed us what the state of the union was? Perhaps that point alone says more than the rest of his 74 minute disjointed ramblings. And don't even get me started on this insolent out of place and uncalled for insult to the Supreme Court Justices.

Just remember.... I tried to warn you this was coming.