This has been a time period in which I could have posted to this blog several times a day some days. This frustration has, at it's roots, the usual suspects. The two primary players are entrenched politicians and the communist/socialist wing of the media. The first refuse to ever leave office while the second continues to ignore reality and find things to "report" upon which serve more to advance their agenda rather than dutifully inform the public.
Take, for example, the tooth and nail fight that Lisa Murkowski put up in Alaska. She lost in the primary to Joe Miller so she decided to run as an "independent" up there. Since she "won" based almost entirely on write in ballots I consider her win to be questionable at best. At any rate.... once back in Washington DC the first thing she did was to vote against freedom and the American people and with the democrats on S510. (In all fairness at least 6 so called republicans also voted the same way)
Now Ms. Murkowski might wish to protest that paragraph because, in reality, what she actually did was fail to vote either way. However, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said during the rise of Nationalist Germany, "Not to act IS to act. Not to speak IS to speak." He was later killed by the Nazi's for speaking out against them. By not voting against the bill she helped enable it's passage.
As I see it Ms. Murkowski and the majority of the other, so called, republicans in Washington DC are doing little more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The American people in general and the T.E.A. Party movement in particular was the iceberg in the dark ocean of politics. The people in the pilot house saw the berg ahead but failed to pay it the attention it was due. No course correction was made. The entrenched politicians in Washington DC reacted the same way to the T.E.A. party. They did not take them seriously.
Then came the 2010 mid-term elections and T.E.A. party supported candidates won almost everywhere they ran..... as did genuine conservatives who campaigned on conservative principles and won on those alone. (Hey... it works every time it's tried!) The balance of power appeared to have shifted slightly in favor of mainstream America and common sense. Now that congress is back in session it seems that it was all smoke and mirrors. No matter the message that the voters tried to send to Washington...... those entrenched in the halls of power and corrupted by that power refuse to budge from their positions of arrogance. Straight ahead, Titanic!
S510 was the first shot out of the gun aimed straight at the heart of America. As it always is with these dangerous pieces of legislation it had such a nice sounding name. Yes... the "Food Safety Modernization Act." I mean.... who could possibly be against food safety? Why would we not want to keep it all as modern as possible?
Perhaps some day the Democrats will put forward the "Social Security Solvency Solution Act." I mean.... who would NOT be in favor of ensuring that Social Security remains solvent? Sounds great, doesn't it? Then.... buried in the fine print... is the line that raises the retirement age to 125 and eliminates giving Social Security Benefits of any kind to anyone except someone who actually reaches 125 and retires. And that was worded to say "Benefits" so that the government can still keep taking the money and spending it anyway THEY choose!
But back to S510. There are a number of onerous provisions in that evil piece of work. The safety aspects alone gives the FDA (yeah... that bunch of sweethearts) the power to unilaterally order recalls on any food item they choose. This is so broad as to include everything from a can of green beans on the shelf of your local mega-mart to the bulk grain for pets and livestock.
There is also the creation of dozens of more bureaucracies to make sure we are safe from our food. Did you grow up somewhere where there was a farmers market? How about live in a place where folks might park a pick-up truck and sell watermelons out of the back? Both of those might soon be things of the past.
Can't do either anymore without being a registered small volume food supplier and paying the mandatory fees and taxes. They also have to institute some method of "food tracking" so that if someone shops at a farmers market and becomes ill.... they can track that particular cantaloupe back to the farmer who grew it.... and rake his ass over the coals to include putting him/her in Federal Prison. Gee Wally..... not the America I grew up in.
Did your folks or your grandparents have a garden when you were growing up? Remember how nice it was to finally get those vegetables on the table or neatly canned and on the shelf in the basement for the winter? Well.... you may still be able to have a garden..... BUT you will have to buy new seeds each and every year from a Government Approved vendor and you are forbidden from either selling or giving away any excess which you cannot consume. Yep! You could actually go to Federal Prison for the act of food charity now. What a country! Joseph Stalin would be so very proud of just how far backwards our nation has come.
And those Government Approved seed vendors...... they only sell seeds which have been specifically engineered to grow ONE crop. Any seeds from that crop are sterile and will not germinate ..... thus making you forever dependent upon the Government for all your food needs. After all.... isn't that exactly what the Founding Fathers envisioned? The citizens of the United States of America forever being held in subservience to all powerful Government? Frankly.... I don't think the Founding Fathers can spin any faster in their graves without the risk of flying apart due to centrifugal forces.
Unless those officials we have sent to Washington DC to represent us start doing so in a manner consistent with OUR wishes..... then America today is no better off than the England of old from which our forefathers escaped. We are gradually being stripped of our rights and our freedoms by a powerful group of elites in Washington DC who presume to think that they know better than we what is best for us. This cannot stand if America is going to stand.
There is another election cycle two years hence...... provided some "emergency" does not crop up to suspend the election process. Should we be fortunate enough to get to vote again.... remember the slap in the face you've received for the past several years. Remember the laws being rammed down your throat in spite of overwhelming and vocal opposition. Remember the arrogance of groups like the TSA who give you a "choice" between having a pornographic image taken of you.... or being groped for the "crime" of simply wanting to fly somewhere. Remember the words of Franklin.... "Those who would surrender a little freedom for some measure of safety deserve neither freedom nor safety." Remember the politicians who just passed a law which makes it a CRIME for you to grow some tomatoes and give some excess to your neighbors.
Yes.... remember all of that..... then VOTE like the very existence of this nation depended upon it...... because it does. In the words of the great Ronald Reagan..... "Those who have known freedom and lost it..... have never know it again." Don't let that be the legacy we pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Take, for example, the tooth and nail fight that Lisa Murkowski put up in Alaska. She lost in the primary to Joe Miller so she decided to run as an "independent" up there. Since she "won" based almost entirely on write in ballots I consider her win to be questionable at best. At any rate.... once back in Washington DC the first thing she did was to vote against freedom and the American people and with the democrats on S510. (In all fairness at least 6 so called republicans also voted the same way)
Now Ms. Murkowski might wish to protest that paragraph because, in reality, what she actually did was fail to vote either way. However, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said during the rise of Nationalist Germany, "Not to act IS to act. Not to speak IS to speak." He was later killed by the Nazi's for speaking out against them. By not voting against the bill she helped enable it's passage.
As I see it Ms. Murkowski and the majority of the other, so called, republicans in Washington DC are doing little more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The American people in general and the T.E.A. Party movement in particular was the iceberg in the dark ocean of politics. The people in the pilot house saw the berg ahead but failed to pay it the attention it was due. No course correction was made. The entrenched politicians in Washington DC reacted the same way to the T.E.A. party. They did not take them seriously.
Then came the 2010 mid-term elections and T.E.A. party supported candidates won almost everywhere they ran..... as did genuine conservatives who campaigned on conservative principles and won on those alone. (Hey... it works every time it's tried!) The balance of power appeared to have shifted slightly in favor of mainstream America and common sense. Now that congress is back in session it seems that it was all smoke and mirrors. No matter the message that the voters tried to send to Washington...... those entrenched in the halls of power and corrupted by that power refuse to budge from their positions of arrogance. Straight ahead, Titanic!
S510 was the first shot out of the gun aimed straight at the heart of America. As it always is with these dangerous pieces of legislation it had such a nice sounding name. Yes... the "Food Safety Modernization Act." I mean.... who could possibly be against food safety? Why would we not want to keep it all as modern as possible?
Perhaps some day the Democrats will put forward the "Social Security Solvency Solution Act." I mean.... who would NOT be in favor of ensuring that Social Security remains solvent? Sounds great, doesn't it? Then.... buried in the fine print... is the line that raises the retirement age to 125 and eliminates giving Social Security Benefits of any kind to anyone except someone who actually reaches 125 and retires. And that was worded to say "Benefits" so that the government can still keep taking the money and spending it anyway THEY choose!
But back to S510. There are a number of onerous provisions in that evil piece of work. The safety aspects alone gives the FDA (yeah... that bunch of sweethearts) the power to unilaterally order recalls on any food item they choose. This is so broad as to include everything from a can of green beans on the shelf of your local mega-mart to the bulk grain for pets and livestock.
There is also the creation of dozens of more bureaucracies to make sure we are safe from our food. Did you grow up somewhere where there was a farmers market? How about live in a place where folks might park a pick-up truck and sell watermelons out of the back? Both of those might soon be things of the past.
Can't do either anymore without being a registered small volume food supplier and paying the mandatory fees and taxes. They also have to institute some method of "food tracking" so that if someone shops at a farmers market and becomes ill.... they can track that particular cantaloupe back to the farmer who grew it.... and rake his ass over the coals to include putting him/her in Federal Prison. Gee Wally..... not the America I grew up in.
Did your folks or your grandparents have a garden when you were growing up? Remember how nice it was to finally get those vegetables on the table or neatly canned and on the shelf in the basement for the winter? Well.... you may still be able to have a garden..... BUT you will have to buy new seeds each and every year from a Government Approved vendor and you are forbidden from either selling or giving away any excess which you cannot consume. Yep! You could actually go to Federal Prison for the act of food charity now. What a country! Joseph Stalin would be so very proud of just how far backwards our nation has come.
And those Government Approved seed vendors...... they only sell seeds which have been specifically engineered to grow ONE crop. Any seeds from that crop are sterile and will not germinate ..... thus making you forever dependent upon the Government for all your food needs. After all.... isn't that exactly what the Founding Fathers envisioned? The citizens of the United States of America forever being held in subservience to all powerful Government? Frankly.... I don't think the Founding Fathers can spin any faster in their graves without the risk of flying apart due to centrifugal forces.
Unless those officials we have sent to Washington DC to represent us start doing so in a manner consistent with OUR wishes..... then America today is no better off than the England of old from which our forefathers escaped. We are gradually being stripped of our rights and our freedoms by a powerful group of elites in Washington DC who presume to think that they know better than we what is best for us. This cannot stand if America is going to stand.
There is another election cycle two years hence...... provided some "emergency" does not crop up to suspend the election process. Should we be fortunate enough to get to vote again.... remember the slap in the face you've received for the past several years. Remember the laws being rammed down your throat in spite of overwhelming and vocal opposition. Remember the arrogance of groups like the TSA who give you a "choice" between having a pornographic image taken of you.... or being groped for the "crime" of simply wanting to fly somewhere. Remember the words of Franklin.... "Those who would surrender a little freedom for some measure of safety deserve neither freedom nor safety." Remember the politicians who just passed a law which makes it a CRIME for you to grow some tomatoes and give some excess to your neighbors.
Yes.... remember all of that..... then VOTE like the very existence of this nation depended upon it...... because it does. In the words of the great Ronald Reagan..... "Those who have known freedom and lost it..... have never know it again." Don't let that be the legacy we pass on to our children and grandchildren.