Monday, November 15, 2010

A battle for beliefs

There has been a war going on inside the borders of the United States of America for nearly 100 years. Battle plans have been drawn up and modified almost daily as the war progresses. It's tough to see it going on because there are no cannons firing or bombers cratering the landscape. There are no combat troops in foxholes armed to the teeth waiting to charge and take the high ground. In fact everything looks quite normal...... or at least the "normal" we have been led to and told to accept.

Therein, my friends, is the key to understanding where this war is taking place and what it is all about. You have all heard the analogy of the frog in the pot. Try to put a frog into a pot of hot water and it will sense the danger and fight for all it's worth to avoid what is coming. However..... drop that same frog into a pot of nice cool water..... turn the flame on low and gradually let the water warm...... by the time the frog figures out what is happening.... it's too late. Because it is happening so slowly.... the poor frog doesn't sense the danger as the water heats up. Folks.... we are the frogs.

The war being waged is a battle for the control of our core beliefs. It is like the "death of a thousand cuts" the Chinese were notorious for using long ago..... only without the ceremony, pain or bloodshed. None the less.... "cut" at a time.... we are being "bled" of our spirit and of our desire for the fierce independence and personal responsibility upon which this nation was founded. As founding father Benjamin Franklin said: "One who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security."

Ronald Reagan in his speech to the delegation for the nomination of Goldwater in 1964 asked: How is it possible that we have come to believe that some politician in some faraway capital can plan our lives for us better than we can ourselves? That question was posed after Woodrow Wilson, FDR and other "progressives" had, for decades, gradually been taking control of our lives away from us and ceding it to themselves. This was done through Government programs which, we were told, were designed to "help" us and "take care" of us. Social security was the worst hoax foisted upon us until the passage of Obamacare. But countless other programs, such as "The Great Society" and "the New Deal" have all done their part in tearing away at the fabric of society and too at our core beliefs and values.

Anytime a politician "gives" you something you can damn sure bet there is a huge price to be paid somewhere. They "gave" us Social Security and, on the surface, it sounded wonderful. Just let us take a little bit of money from your wages each month and, when you retire, you'll get a government check each and every month until you die. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

When you look closer, however, the dark cloud behind the silver lining begins to show itself. The first trick was letting you believe that your "contribution" was going into some lock box account in your name. No. Your *TAX* was actually being funneled directly into the general fund from which the government takes to spend on everything else. No lock box. Nothing in your name other than numbers on a tally sheet.

The second trick was that social security would be a crime if anyone other than the government was offering it! It is, pure and simple, the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever run anywhere in the world. Named after Charles Ponzi it is an operation that returns to investors their own money OR the money put into the scheme by later investors rather than pay profits on the initial investment plus interest. These always collapse when the future pool of investors shrinks and income into the scheme is no longer sufficient to meet the required outlay. Back in the 1950's there were 16 workers paying in to support every retiree. Today... there are 2. Do the math.

The last trick is in the implementation and disposition of the monies. Initially the official government retirement age was set at 62. This was because statistically most people paying into the "system" died by age 55! And since "your" retirement money was a government program and not actual funds over which you had control..... when you died the government kept the money. How generous and caring!

The minimum retirement age now has been raised to 65 but, because of our standard of living and excellent (for now anyway) health care..... the average retiree is living until age 80! (I know I plan to live at least that long!!) Because of that fact alone the outlay for social security is over 1/4 of the national budget with total entitlement program spending amounting to over half.

Social programs aside there is the liberal indoctrination system... also known as "public education." That is where history is distorted or just overlooked in favor of instilling in our youth the principles of liberalism and progressivism. By "educating" the masses the left can have both a compliant pool of future voters and "foot soldiers" in their war against the Constitution and those of us still alive who remember the greatness of America.

Remember, for example, the words of Al Gore to an assembly of young people..... "You know things that..... your parents don't know." Reagan had an answer for that too. "It's not that our liberal friends are wrong.... it's just that they know so much that isn't so." The question is.... do they know the FACTS or do they simply "know" the unsupported buzz words and talking points of the left? Al Gore provides the answer to that through is actions. Will he debate *anyone* over anthropogenic global warming? Not only no.... but HELL NO!

Next under assault is the Judeo-Christian belief system upon which this nation was founded. It is open season on Christians, their faiths and their practices and traditions. Easter is all about some big bunny who lays chocolate eggs. Christmas is now the "Winter holiday festival" or some other such politically correct double speak. The Islamic festival of Ramadan, however, is celebrated in the White House.... and it's still called Ramadan and not something totally meaningless.

With the past election of, so far, 60 new conservative members of the house and the pick-up or several seats in the senate...... the balance of power is shifting away from the left. America is and always has been a center right nation no matter what the media or the liberals politicians tell you.

Listen to the left and they will *always* tell you what they fear most. They complain that FOX news isn't a "real" news network and shouldn't even exist. They FEAR it! They whine and complain about Sara Palin.... how she doesn't have a "good" education and her values are "out of touch" with the mainstream. They FEAR her! Conservatives say we need to reform social security by allowing for contributions to private accounts which earn interest and can be willed to our heirs. The left says that's not "wise" and shouldn't be done. They FEAR the loss of money and control! Whenever the left starts whining, pointing fingers and playing victim it's always out of raw fear rather than any real wrong being done. Mainly..... their fear that they will somehow loose all that wonderful power and control they have worked for over 100 years to amass.

As one of the rare legal immigrants put it so very well when talking about America and the hope for freedom it offered him and his family...... "We were lucky in that we had America to flee to. If you loose what you have.... you have nowhere to go." Reagan said that "We are the last, best hope for mankind." He also said that: "If we loose this battle for our freedoms we shall fall into darkness for a thousand years and may never get it back."

The battle is for our beliefs. Do we believe in ourselves and our abilities.... or do we believe we are too stupid and can't survive without a government hand out? Do we have faith in ourselves and our fellow man...... or do we put our faith in government and distrust everyone around us? Do we believe in individual freedoms and liberty....... or do we believe that those are outdated concepts and no longer apply in this modern enlightened era? One side is convinced that we are all suppose to believe in the first part of those questions...... the other side is betting that we have grown lazy and compliant and believe in the latter part.

What do YOU believe?

See: "Rules By Which A Great Empire May Be Reduced To A Small One" By Benjamin Franklin. Even after all this time the thoughts contained in that small work ring as true as ever. Bear in mind.... we were still "The Colonies" when this was written!!!

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