Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Restoring America, The Beginning

   As promised the first of my observations about getting America back on the right path is about to begin. Please keep in mind that leftist hate mongers have been nibbling away at our nation and our freedoms for the better part of a century now. Anyone who expects the Republicans, who still only control the House and Senate and not the Presidency, to turn this mess around overnight..... is clearly delusional.

   The hammering of the party by the liberal media has already begun. It will only get worse and more abusive as time passes..... so steel yourself for that eventuality. Here is the media template so you'll be ahead of their game. 1st. Everything that goes wrong anywhere on earth.... and possibly outer space too.... will be blamed on the Republicans.  2nd. The media will scour the earth to find things they can credit Obama for. If someone develops a cure for cancer it will somehow be because of Obama.

   Be ready for the ridiculousness of their contortions. More importantly..... be prepared to laugh at them as they twist themselves into knots. It will be great fun! Also it is a good time for us to use one of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals points against the liberal media to neuter them every time they go far left. (which is each time the either speak or publish) Mr. Alinsky wrote 12 rules which are helpful in advancing the leftist agenda but nowhere in his rule book was it written that the right couldn't use them against the left. Here is one we can use against the leftist media daily.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They use this to create anger and fear.)

   Quite simply..... call them out when they go far left and make asses of themselves by doing so. Laugh at them and make fun of their overreach and twisting of reality to advance their agenda. Give them no slack and no quarter. FORCE them to start being journalists rather than liberal operatives.

   Because there is still a democrat in the White House the only power the Republicans have is total control of the purse strings and total control over legislative issues. That is a lot of power right there but there is more. Because both the House and  Senate have oversight responsibilities of various agencies they will finally be able to start holding those agencies responsible for their actions. Democrats can still bitch and moan about it but because they are the minority that's all they can do. 

   If not for democrats running political interference for agencies like the D.O.J. (Holder and the Fast and Furious debacle) and the I.R.S. and their political targeting of conservative groups prior to the 2012 election cycle..... thus illegally influencing the outcome of the election...... we would have seen some justice by this time. We should hope to start seeing progress on both of those fronts soon. 

   I say hope because the Republican establishment still has no clue about who they are and what is expected of them. They are  kittens in a fighting arena with  pit bulls. Politics for the democrats is a blood sport and they always fight to win. Even when they get their ass handed to them they will still flip you the bird on the way to the ER for stitches. Republicans are all about being fair and trying to get along..... exercising comity and civility.

   All those things are nice a wonderful..... as long as the other side is abiding by them too. Democrats, however, only abide by the rules which benefit them and the advancement of their agenda, though. Rules of conduct and procedure which do not benefit them are routinely ignored. If all else fails then things like the "Reid Rules" are passed so as to eliminate the minority voice. 

   Oddly enough even after the Reid Rules were passed the Republican minority was still routinely blamed for being obstructionists. Now they could not offer amendments to legislation, they could not propose legislation, they could not filibuster and they lacked the votes to stop the passage of legislation. Yet they were magically able to obstruct things! That is the power of the liberal media. The one obstructing everything was none other than Harry Reid....... who, like Obama, was always seen on camera speaking in opposition to the very thing of which he was guilty.

   Starting points.  What is obvious to me is that the biggest issue the Republicans have to tackle is that of their brand and identity. They absolutely MUST figure out who they are and what they stand for. It's common sense. If you have no idea where you are when you start a journey there is no way to can plot a course to your destination.

   That is because the direction to your destination isn't known without first knowing where you stand in relation to that destination.  Pick any city on a map. That is a fixed goal. If you picked Kansas City and you know you're in Denver..... then you know which way to go and what roads you need to take to get there. If you picked Kansas City but have no earthly idea what city you're in....... you are what we term..... LOST!

   Due to the three factions of the republican party each having a different starting point there are three different directions possible to reach a destination. But until the party unifies, the three different groups can't even agree on what that destination is! The driver wants to move left  towards conciliation while the guy in the passenger seat is happy going right down the middle of the road.... and the backseat driver is yelling, "TURN RIGHT!!! TURN RIGHT!!!"

   Because the guy behind the wheel (establishment republicans) has the most control the others have to mutually agree on a destination AND direction...... then convince the driver to go along with them. These two groups..... although they don't hold high offices.... still have a LOT of power. Their power is in their numbers and their wallets. Those in office need the mothers milk of politics.... money.  Stop financially supporting folks who are not listening to you and they start to get their hearing back. Better still..... support those who DO listen to you and save yourself some trouble.

   The party MUST unify as conservatives on ALL fronts. Conservatism is maligned because it is misunderstood and our side has done nothing to dispel the negative media hype. Conservatism is no more scary than running the nation the same way you have to run your household. You have so much income to work with each month so you structure your life so as to (hopefully) spend less than you earn. Anything left over is saved for an emergency.

   Our nation USED to operate that way. If we are to survive we have to get back to operating that way again. Since Republicans are the majority in Washington DC now they MUST both get that message out and EXPLAIN it clearly to the American people. While that ought not be necessary.... we have kids in college who DO NOT know who won the civil war, DO NOT know from whom we won our independence and can't even tell you who the sitting vice president is!!!! (more scary that that is that ALL of those kids can VOTE in elections!)

While you shudder in terror of that last revelation I'm going to get a cup of hot chocolate and chill for the balance of the evening. (which is easy to do thanks to global warming and the projected low of 23 degrees tonight) More to come soon!

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Okay... Republicans won...... but will they LEAD?

   The mid-term elections turned out pretty much like everyone was predicting. The voters sent a message that the "progressive" agenda was officially being rejected. Everyone who really wanted to live in the old Khrushchev era Soviet Union should have already moved there by now. We normal Americans pretty much like our nation as founded and do not feel the need to tear it down and try the Soviet experiment all over again here. That system has proven a failure every single time it has been tried and different people in charge with more initial money will not make it work because it is a fundamentally flawed system. 

   As I see it the biggest problem the republicans face when they officially take control of the house and senate isn't what you're probably thinking it is. You're thinking their big problem will be obstructionist liberals. Yes... they will be an annoyance but they are not the BIG problem the republicans face. If you're thinking Obama or his lapdog media you're wrong again. Those are fly's and gnat's..... annoying but not the true problem. So what IS the big problem the republicans face?? Themselves.

   Frankly republicans these days have absolutely no clue who they are or what they stand for. That problem begins with the three separate divisions of the party. Those who actually wield the power are the minority and represent the first division.... the "inside the beltway" republicans. Most of these folks cannot remember what America is or how it works. They can no longer even relate to the average working man and his (or her) daily struggle. To them a billion dollars is a rounding error. To the average man even a hundred dollars extra a month makes a huge difference. One simply cannot relate to the other...... those in Washington are completely disconnected and out of touch.

   The second division is the average middle America republican or even conservative. Perhaps more than a few Reagan democrats fall into this division as well. These are the bread and butter, nuts and bolts hard working Americans who get up every day and do their best at whatever it is their lot in life to do each day. They generally don't fuss about much of anything and they are generally not really political. They vote republican because in the old days that party pretty much stayed out of their way and out of their lives. They work, pay their increasing tax burden, go to church, take responsibility for their lives and their actions and generally just want to be left alone.

   The third division is the TEA Party republicans. For the most part this group mirrors the 2nd division but they choose NOT to sit on the sidelines any more. This bunch IS politically active and they are not shy about it either! Another name for them might be "Constitutional Conservatives" because that is their basic platform. They believe that government has grown too much.... gotten too big, too powerful and too intrusive. It has to be brought back under the control of the people. 

   Government intrusions and overreach have reached critical levels. Entire agencies have turned political and have now started attacking political entities with whom they disagree. (IRS targeting anyone?)  Other agencies, like the justice department, also turned political and were guilty of selective prosecution.

   Two of the more egregious examples are refusing to prosecute those black panther members who were clearly intimidating voters. Then they turn right around and press charges against gun shop owners who were cooperating with the BATF and FBI in the fast and furious debacle. They were instructed by agents of those agencies to ignore established law and make weapons sales they otherwise would have refused to complete.

   The reward for their cooperating with their government was to be prosecuted and loose their inventory, physical assets, and freedom too! Both are clear examples of government that is working against the people rather than for them.

   Progressives have turned things around over the last 100 years until the people serve government and not the other way around. The way the leftists flouted the one party passage of Obamacare did not sit well with anyone outside the beltway that still cares about America. We saw it as both a blatant money grab and a means by which the government could exercise even more control over us.

   23 times Obama stood in front of the cameras and repeated the lies.... "If you like your health plan you can keep it. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."  Say that once and you might be able to claim you misspoke. 23 times is a deliberate LIE designed expressly to fool the people..... or at least those uninformed who vote democrat out of habit rather than conscious thought.

   The leftists and the media (sorry for repeating myself there) are both already telling the republicans what they must do to accommodate the new minority party. Top on their list is repealing the "Reid Rules" which made the republicans irrelevant in the senate. They were not permitted to offer any amendments to legislation and could no longer use the filibuster to stop passage of bad legislation.

   The Reid Rules gave the democrats free reign and the republicans had no way to stop them. NOW those same democrats are telling us that the Reid Rules were a bad idea and the republicans really need to restore the procedures to they way they had been since Thomas Jefferson. I personally hope the republicans leave them in place until Obama is out of office. When the democrats start whining and crying simply reply..... you thought the Reid Rules were a great idea when YOU passed them.... and right now.... we happen to agree with you..... so shut up and sit down!

   All those issues aside the republicans really need to figure out who they are and start acting like a real political party again. They have played the roll of floor mat very well.... but for far too long. Now it's time to grow a spine. It's also way past time to begin to articulate to the American people who they are and what they stand for. (As soon as they figure those two points out themselves)

   The minority, inside the beltway, republicans have got to realize that they ARE a very small part of the party even if they do wield the actual political power. The fact that they DO wield the power is what makes them SO resistant and reluctant to change. Power is very intoxicating and highly addictive. No one who has a lot of power ever really wants to give it up.

   Therein lies the problem. Even though they are the minority so far as numbers go..... because they wield the power they BELIEVE that everyone must bow to their will and do whatever they say. 99% of them have completely forgotten that "Of the people, By the people and For the people" thing and honestly believe the real power is theirs.... NOT ours. That attitude has got to be changed!

   My biggest personal irritant is how absolutely bone headed and flat out stupid the republican elites have been and what that stupidity has cost them. America COULD have been well on the way to complete restoration right now...... but the inside the beltway elites decided to go to war with fellow conservatives. Why? Because they want limited government..... and THAT threatens the power of the elite!

   Remember that third division...... the TEA Party? Millions and millions of loyal Americans who just want the out of control government brought back under control and the constitution followed as the Founders intended. Rather than see the TEA Party as millions of certain republican votes and people we need on our side to WIN..... the elites only saw them as a threat to their power.

   So the elites talked bad about them...... marginalized them..... ignored them and impugned them. Of course the liberal media was all to eager to help too! It was a win win for them. They got to talk bad about a segment of America they hate (real Americans) and they got to help guarantee the republican elite major losses for the foreseeable future too!

   Had they instead embraced the TEA party they would have instantly been an unbeatable majority. Millions and millions of certain votes...... organized and motivated troops on the ground and ready to do whatever was legally necessary for victory. Instead they chose to keep their personal power and doom their party for it.

   The media is going to try to spin this election in favor of the republican elite by saying that the TEA party is who was really rejected..... NOT Obama and the leftist agenda. The media wants the TEA party to be marginalized because they truly fear the power of the people. They understand how dangerous the TEA party is to politics as usual inside the beltway and how any real change to that power structure affects the media's ability to wield their own brand of power and influence.

   Here is a current example of what I am talking about. This in John Boehner speaking about his own party at a conference.  

"During his Franchise Association speech, the House Republican lamented that he has a “paper majority” because some members of his party don’t toe the establishment line.

“On any given day, 16 of my members decide they’re going to go this way, and all the sudden I have nothing,” Boehner said. “You might notice I have a few knuckleheads in my conference.”

Boehner was likely referring to disagreements he’s had with more conservative members of his party this year. In February, the House leader declared that politicians with Tea Party ties had “lost all credibility” as budget-related drama unfolded in Washington.

   This is a PRIME example of the party being at war with itself. The TEA party members represent US!!! We are, indirectly, the knuckleheads Boehner is talking about because those TEA party folks represent US and are doing what WE want them to do. Boehner is pissed because they ARE doing what WE want and not "toeing the party line" as he puts it. How about the establishment republicans climb off their high horse and toe OUR line for a change? 
   If the republicans can only accomplish unifying their own party..... that will be progress enough for me to be happy.  Once unified republicans would essentially be unbeatable since they truly are the majority of Americans. Fractured and fragmented as they are now they are still easy prey for the "go for the throat" leftist politics. 

   Is there more that they need to do..... absolutely! And I'll comment on what some of those things are in my next posting.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Resistance is NOT futile!

Hey gang! Been a while.... My mom's declining health and passing last week has taken a great deal of my attention...... as have my own health issues. I'll be updating my HighDesertHideaway blog to fill everyone in on those things.

I read an article about school systems across the country foregoing the bait of federal dollars by refusing to continue following the Michelle Obama inspired school menu guidelines. Seems like the administrators noticed that [GASP!] little Jimmy and Janey are NOT eating the crap they have forced on them and are tossing it all in the trash! Participation rates are so low in some schools that lunch rooms are nearly empty. Good for the kids! 

Anyway..... that brought up the larger issue of the pervasive nature of government control.  Professor Walter E. Williams of George Mason University has had a check for $10,000 locked in his desk for nearly a decade and a half now. It's the payoff for a bet he has for his students. The Wager? Name just ONE activity you can participate in over which the government does not exercise any degree of control. Seems like an easy bet to win..... yet.... almost 15 years later not one single student has been able to claim the prize. More clearly what it says is that government has gotten WAY too big! 

My response to the article is posted below.... and on my Facebook page so that I can piss off more liberals. (everyone needs a hobby) ;->  The article link is below.

There is a VERY obvious yet consistently overlooked message here. If you want better educated kids and more control over the *content* of that education.... then CUT the federal apron strings! (Which are not strings at all but the chains of bondage to the all powerful federal government) Simple fact of life #27..... Everything that happens IN your community should be funded by and governed by your local community! Who else knows YOUR community better? It's damn sure not some jerk-weed in Washington DC. That person probably can't even find your state on a map much less your town! Restoring America to the Constitutionally governed Democratic Republic that it was intended to be starts at the city & county level.

 It's kinda like the old joke..... How do you eat an elephant? It's too damn big for a sandwich and isn't going to fit on any BBQ grill I've ever seen. The answer to the questions is...... "One bite at a time."  We can't just defeat liberalism overnight. That's NOT how they have almost defeated us..... is it? They work through incrementalism...... taking a *little* control here..... making a *little* change there.... constantly chipping away at the foundations of our freedoms and liberties.... until we wake up and find ourselves on the brink of collapse. 

We take back our country exactly the same way it was taken from us..... little at a time. Conservative constitutionalists in school boards...... city councils...... aldermen..... mayors...... Sheriffs. Then change your county government and eventually the State government as well. When the wave of change starts small and grows it becomes like a tidal wave in power. In the end it's not possible for the federal government to be leftists if the rest of the nation is conservative constitutionalists.

The TWO key elements the Framers built our Constitution around were an informed and *educated* electorate and unwavering faith in their Creator. Our belief and faith in God is what keeps us on the right path. It is our moral compass which tells us that certain behaviors are simply NOT appropriate for public consumption. What people choose to do behind closed doors (within reason of course) is their business. But the public at large doesn't need to have their private perversions shoved in our faces and down our throats (pardon that choice of words) over the phony cries of bigotry or intolerance. 

Why do you think THEY have a "Freedom FROM Religion" movement and no tolerance for seeing a cross or the Ten Commandments? Simply because it forces them to confront their sinful behavior and leftists HATE to be held accountable or responsible for anything they do. 

Think about it like this...... what would happen if you woke up tomorrow and started your drive to work only to find that there were no more traffic control signs or lights anywhere? Everyone is free to drive any way they want to without any restrictions whatsoever. Do you think that would work? Hell no! There would be total chaos and carnage everywhere. That is exactly what the left is doing to America's Morality. They are trying to take down all signs and remove all the controls so everyone can do whatever they want. Our morality is what defines us as a unified people. Without that morality..... we become a mob.

So while morality keeps us on track being properly educated gives our citizens the tools they need to make rational, logical decisions based upon the information available. You may have noticed the schools emphasis on memorizing things and being able to repeat them on demand. That is trained monkey education. It is the "monkey see monkey do" education of Captain Planet and similar leftists propaganda tools. 

I'm sure almost every child in America can recite almost every liberal agenda item on demand......... but how many can *explain* those talking points and cite the reasons for them based upon reason and logic? None. If your child is TRULY educated...... then they not only have the ability to form their OWN opinions..... but also the ability to explain exactly how they came to form that opinion and defend it in a reasoned and logical debate. Can your child DO that with ANY of the liberal talking points they bring home from school? Arm yourself with knowledge and TEST them! Make them question what they are being taught! Without questioning what they are being told..... all that is left is blind acceptance.

In fairly modern terms........ Constitutional Conservatives are the "Federation of Planets" and Leftist/Liberalism is "The BORG." So our choice is simply this....... do we want to be a free people or do we want to be a part of the collective? Liberals will tell you the same thing the BORG did..... "Resistance if futile."  My opinion? Resistance to evil in any form is never futile!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cheating today!

Okay gang..... I'm cheating today. It was time to post again when I happened upon something by a Mr. Gary DeMar (and a commenter of his) that pretty much sum up my personal take on a matter of consequence to the entire planet. No.... I'm not talking about the leftist hoax of "global warming" or "Climate Change" either. I've already shot those bogus claims so full of holes they can no longer float on any pond my readers know of. Nope..... today's topic is that of Islam and its true nature. Mr. DeMar and one person who posted supporting comments do a stellar job of shining the light of truth on this, so called, "religion of peace" we keep hearing Obama speak so glowingly about. Here is Mr. DeMar's posting:

The Bible says that a tree is known by its fruit:

“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:15-20).

How many times have we heard Islamic apologists tell us, “You can’t condemn an entire religion because of the actions of a few”? True enough until you ask this question: “Where is your outward and vocal condemnation of the actions of the few?” Islamic atrocities are in the news daily. There are pictures of mass killings, and yet the Islamic community has remained virtually silent.

Bill Muehlenberg at Culture Watch gets to the heart of the issue:

“So did you hear about the mass demonstration of Muslims in Sydney worried about Islamic extremism? Did you catch the big turnout of Muslims in Paris denouncing jihad? Did you notice the tens of thousands of Muslims marching in London to stand against Islamic bloodshed and violence in Iraq? Did you read about the anti-jihad protests by concerned Muslims in Amsterdam?

"Neither did I. “Instead, all we hear is crickets chirping. The silence has been deafening. One atrocity after another takes place all over the world, and the Islamic community remains absolutely mute. We just don’t hear a peep out of them distancing themselves from the terror and murder."

“And there may be several reasons for this. One, moderate Muslims really may not exist. Perhaps that is the reason. Or two, if they do exist, they rightly know that if they do speak up, they could well lose their heads – literally. That is also telling: Islam is so bad, that those who prefer real tolerance, civilization and basic humanity are too terrified to speak up."

“And heaven knows there is plenty to speak up about. Not a day goes by without yet another horrific atrocity and murderous rampage being committed in the name of Islam. It becomes nearly impossible to keep up with them all.” The list of atrocities continues to add up. When we see images of the holocaust, we ask why the German people didn’t rise up in protest against the monster Adolf Hitler."

There’s no way to ignore the fact that Islam is a detestable religion. If there are moderate Muslims who take offense at that evaluation, then I suggest that you take to the streets by the millions and prove me wrong.

“While it is true that most Muslims are not suicide bombers, or engage in decapitating the kafir and posting their pics on YouTube, Islam itself is a political ideology that is fundamentally about bloodshed, killing, terror and jihad. While there may be ‘nice’ Muslims, Islam is not nice.
“And the fact that ‘moderate’ Muslims remain silent about all the hideous bloodshed, torture and murder being done in the name of their religion, their god, and their prophet, is most telling indeed.”

Freed Islamic terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who now leads the Sunni ultra-extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), said, "I'll see you in New York," threatening to bring jihad to America. I want to know on whose side the so-called moderate Muslims will fight? Will they join with the jihadists or us? At this point, I don't know.


After this piece there was a comment section. Most of the comments are fairly on topic but there are always "trolls" who are nothing more than brainless leftist tools who like to post pointless and usually hateful remarks at these sites. One such troll challenged another poster to back up his assertion that Islam was based on hate, bigotry and intolerance...... which the troll claimed was a lie. Here is the lengthy reply to the troll:

As long as they worship the Quo'ran they cannot be peaceful. The Quo'ran says:

Qur'an 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.”

Qur'an 9:123 “O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.”

Qur'an - 5:51 "O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other."

Qur'an 9:5 “When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”

Qur'an 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.”

Qur'an 9:30 “The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.”

Qur'an 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”

Qur'an 9:28 “The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.”

Qur'an 9:29 "Fight Those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth,
from among the People of the Book, until they pay Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."  (kindly notice that "People of the Book" are mentioned. "The Book" being either the Torah or the Bible or both. Also notice that the Qur'an itself refers to followers of those Books as "The Religion of TRUTH!" which leads to the obvious conclusion that their "religion" must be a lie then or at least based upon a foundation of lies.)

Qur'an 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.”

Qur'an 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.”

Qur'an 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.”

Qur'an 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.”

Qur'an 8:60 “Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.”

Qur'an 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.”

Qur'an 48:29 “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.”

Sahih Muslim 33 - "I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah."

Sahih Muslim 4366 - "I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims."

Sooner or later all Muslims will be called upon to "do their duty" and most will comply. This is what makes them so dangerous. They worship hate while claiming to be peaceful. You cannot be both a good Muslim and be peaceful

Kindly bear in mind all the stuff above ONLY deals with how Islam views all other religions and people of either other faiths or no faith. It does not address how Islam views women at all. There are estimates ranging up to 90% of the number of girls/woman in Islamic countries who have their clitoris cut off  "so they will not be slaves to their lust." So what is left? Someone who can now only be a slave to the lust of her husband. (at least until such time as he is tired of her at which point she may be disposed of via an "honor killing.")

Muslim countries have a very low divorce rate!

For an up to date accounting on all of the lovely and wonderfully peaceful things that followers of Islam are doing around the world kindly follow this link. It is an eye opener since the state controlled media in America turns a blind eye on all this stuff..... because it's not *really* news..... not like knowing which Kardashian is having a baby by which boy toy this month is news to them. Now THAT is important stuff to be aware of!


Here are a couple of thoughts to wrap it up. Your kitchen at home...... kindly tell me how many cockroaches is acceptable to have there while you are cooking meals for your family?

The planet is our collective "kitchen" and Islam=cockroaches. Does that make it easier to understand?

Finally...... If it has to be enforced then it is NOT a religion...... it's tyranny! (or totalitarianism.... your choice..... but certainly not religion)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Just dodged the bullet...... this time.....

   The Senate just handed freedom loving Americans our cowboy hat..... with a bullet hole in it. Bullet got the hat but managed to miss us.... this time. So what the hell am I talking about? A little United Nations scheme with the benign name of UN Resolution 2117. This is a 21 point scheme by the UN to control guns on a world wide basis. Most interesting is agenda point number 11 which: "Calls for the member states to support weapons collections and disarmament of all UN member countries." Let me 'splain that to you. Your 2nd amendment doesn't mean squat to us! Surrender all your firearms..... NOW! Interestingly enough some guns are permitted in their scheme. Care to guess who gets to have them? If you guessed the UN then give yourself a pat on the back and move to the head of the class. 

   The vote to kill the resolution was 53-46 so almost a squeaker. Makes you wonder just what sort of "representatives" we have in Washington if that many would cast a vote against our own Constitution...... doesn't it? WELL!!! Wonder no longer, boys and girls. The old man has a list of all of the Senators who hate the Constitution and believe that you are not capable of being entrusted with firearms with which you can protect yourself, your family, your property and the lives and property of others too. Here are the haters of freedom:

Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)
Cowan (D-MA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

   Does anyone besides me see a pattern here? Do the haters of freedom, Constitution and our Bill of Rights seem to belong to any particular political party? OH!! Wait! Except for two, so called, "independents" every single one of the haters of freedom is a Democrat! Yep! I just checked again and not one single "R" in the entire bunch. So the takeaway from this is that your local democrat will sell your ass and your freedom down the river to some "new world order" bunch of tyrants if it helps further their political agenda. How very wonderful for America and Americans, huh? 

   What you see above is a battle plan for the future. To preserve America and return her to her Constitutional roots and put her back on the pathway of freedom for all...... these people from these states MUST be removed from office. These states represent the bastions of leftist ideology. As such ALL leftists in elected office in these states MUST be voted out!

   In everyday terms they are hard core left wing communists and statists who all believe that YOU are far too simple minded to know what is best for you and your family. Without them you'd have no clue how to shop for groceries..... or even exactly what to eat. Hell.... you're probably not even close to being compliant to their government approved eating plan and guidelines. Like your hamburgers a bit on the rare side do you? CRIMINAL! Government doesn't think that's safe and they forbid it! Heck.... you're lucky to even be alive after daring to defy government and eat "undercooked" meat. 

   ((Secret for the government food Nazi's...... I've been known to eat meat RAW with just a bit of salt on it. YUMMY! Still alive and doing okay thank you very much! Once up in Colorado I was in a restaurant with my wife and they had a "steak burger" on the menu. I noticed that entire steaks could be ordered cooked to your liking and reasoned that since the "burger" was made of steak.... ground in their own kitchen..... I should logically be able to order a burger medium rare. WRONG! Nope the Government food Nazi's had this bunch under their thumb and mandated that I could ONLY get the burger I was paying for cooked..... well done. I could go over the entire conversation I tried to have with them but in the end they absolutely refused to cook my food the way I wanted it. "Fine! Kindly sent your bill for lost revenue to the government then because if I'm paying you're cooking it MY way. If you refuse then you just refused me as a customer. And we left.))

   But the statists have a solution for our poor eating decisions too! Obamacare! Yep.... you were too stupid to know anything about health insurance or going to a doctor..... or any of that really hard and complicated stuff. We heard all the promises..... which as the right side of the isle warned us were lies. Turned out that the right was right...... but shady politics got the law passed in the dark of night..... while Queen Nancy proclaimed.... "Well...... we have to pass the bill..... so we can all find out what is IN it!" 

   Just going back to the often overlooked world of sanity and logic..... but isn't it typically better to KNOW what is in any piece of legislation BEFORE you vote on it? Yeah.... I believe it is. So again the democrats voted against individual freedom and liberty and put everyone under their collective thumb so we could be "properly managed and cared for."

   As usual my overly fertile mind has wandered a bit off the reservation. Sometimes when I'm writing or thinking it's like the old time fourth of July when someone would light dime pack of firecrackers. It's impossible to isolate a particular explosion since they all seem to be going off at the same time. Ditto with thoughts forming in my mind. 

   In parting.... and to return and refocus on the initial issue of gun control..... I'll post this REALLY long list as a reminder of exactly who is the REAL threat to society. You may notice that same common thread running throughout this list too............

>> In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
>> In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.
>> In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.
>> In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.
>> In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.
>> In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
>> In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
>> In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
>> In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, TX.
>> In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
>> In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
>> In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.
>> In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
>> In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.
>> In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
>> In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
>> In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
>> In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown, CT.
>> As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.
>> Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns. Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was involved in any of these shootings and murders.
>> SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.…Best idea I've heard to date!
While I am re examining my sources of this data for accuracy there is still one common link that is clear and easily verified by anyone. All the gunmen were democrats and all the shootings were in gun free zones.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day

Good morning gang! As usual I got sidetracked while writing on my High Desert Hideaway blog and it ended up being mostly political rather than an update of how things in general are going. I suppose to set everything straight I can cross the line and post a family update here to make up for it. Hell... of course I can.... it's my blog.... I can do whatever I want!

First off my sweetie and I agreed to bring my mom up here from a nursing home in the Dallas area. Of course we made that decision based upon the last time we saw her. Then we had a mom who was basically independent but just needed a bit of help with things like cooking or other tasks which might be a bit too physically demanding. The mom we got was basically 100% dependent on us for everything with the exception of being able to feed herself. We made a go of it for three months before it became apparent that she was more than we were equipped to deal with 24/7. To make a long story short we got her placed in a local nursing home where they are able to take proper care of her around the clock. That home has a brand new facility under construction right now which should open in another month or so...... and all their current residents are grandfathered into the system so no increase in cost...... which now is taken care of my medicare and medicaid. 

On the home front I treated my sweetheart to a new living room set..... and a new king-sized bed with motorized base. (which is *really* cool) :-) We got a new love seat for her and I..... new sofa.... new end tables..... coffee table..... and electric fireplace/entertainment center plus a nice rug to complement it all. We topped off the entertainment center with a 60" Sharp HDTV..... which is awesome..... especially when the surround sound is turned on. She's happy..... that's all that matters. 

Okay..... politics..... and other stuff that's ticking me off in general. Let's start off with the VA scandal since there are SO many Obama scandals to choose from. I have been dealing with the VA system since 1983. To be honest my experience to date has been about 80% favorable of the system as a whole. On that 20% down side, however, they can do a great deal of harm. You either have to be a lawyer of have an advocate to force them to do anything which might benefit you. In Dallas it was not your veteran status or degree of disability which indicated how well you were treated and served nearly as much as it was your ethnicity. Ditto with trying to get hired there. Your previous experience, education and IQ didn't mean squat if you didn't have the correct pigmentation. 

When I moved up here to "The Falls" to start a new life for myself after loosing my wife to cancer I had to cancel an appointment down there because I got the notification too late and the appointment needed me to be in the lab at 0630 and see the Dr at 1030. Well.... from where I "used" to live that was no big deal..... it's a ten minute drive. From up here, however, it's a two hour drive with the last 60 or so miles in that wonderful metroplex rush hour traffic. NOPE! I managed to get one more prescription refill from them before my account was frozen. I was also told that since I now lived in Wichita Falls I would have to go to the VA Hospital in Oklahoma City because it was closer to me. I checked...... sure enough.... it's 6 whole miles closer! (finger twirling in the air) WHOOPIE!

I have been calling the VA up there for a while now...... and just based on the telephone... you could not convince me that any real people work there. All I ever get is that wonderfully frustrating automated phone system which eventually prompts you to leave a message with your name and phone number and someone will call you right back. Here's a hint.... if you ever hear that message from the VA...... DO NOT hold your breath waiting for that return call. It's never coming.

Back in about 1986 I was in the dermatology clinic for another of what was then weekly appointment when I just asked the Dr. (who had not even taken his nose out of my records folder long enough to look at me) what I could do to try to help get rid of the skin problem which had been plaguing me for several years. "DIE!" he said without ever looking up. I simply replied that I'd get a second opinion. And it's not so much that anyone there really *wants* you to die...... it's just that they simply don't give a rats ass one way or the other if you live or not.

THAT, boys and girls, is what we in the military call a leadership problem. That attitude starts..... and is stopped.... by the person at the top. If they demonstrate that they don't honestly care..... it spreads like a virus throughout the organization. Can it be fixed? Oh hell yeah! Can every last one of the bureaucrats who infest the VA now and replace them with genuine Veterans who have a stake in the care being given....... and things will turn around quickly. If not.... fire them too., Sooner or later the right people will end up in charge. 

Okay! Gun grabbers are in my sights next....... so to speak. (could not help the play on words there) Like most idiots this bunch hasn't got a coke or a clue about how this nation was founded or how it is supposed to work. The process of establishing our Constitution from the original Articles of Confederation was a lengthy and arduous process. Nothing contained in either the Constitution of the Bill of Rights is in there by accident. Every word and every period and comma had to be reviewed and ratified by the several states. 

We were departing from a top down system of total government control and moving into the previously unknown territory of bottom up rule...... of the people by the people and for the people. In order to do this it was necessary to first gain our freedom from what was then.... the most powerful military on earth. Britain ruled the world! The old saying that the sun never sets on the British Empire was due to the fact that they had colonies around the entire planet. Yet... here this little bunch of upstarts was going to challenge their undisputed might? FOLLY! 

We were to be crushed and made an example of. All except the the pesky little fact that this was still a wild place and everyone was armed for both survival and protection. If a town was attacked then the whole town rallied for the common defense. Our access to firearms and our willingness to use them to ensure our freedom made a difference. Of course the tactical folly of the British and their inability to adequately field and support armies on foreign soil played a role too...... their supply lines grew too thin for sustained operations while we were on our home turf. Ultimately the will of a people to be free of an all powerful government prevailed. 

It was because of this struggle with the Armies of Britain that the 2nd Amendment was given to us in the Bill of Rights. The Founders knew that the possibility of government again growing huge and powerful existed. They knew that if the wrong people gained power in our capital that they could easily be corrupted into believing that they knew what was best for everyone and they would start telling us how to live our lives...... what we had to do for the state and what the state forbid us from doing. 

Isn't that exactly where we find ourselves today? So is it any wonder that those in positions of power and control would want the people disarmed and defenseless? How can you hope to totally dominate and command a population which has the ability to resist..... and resist by force if necessary? You cannot. So guns are now demonized as evil and bad....... people who own guns are somehow immoral and just want to kill people....... guns themselves actually cause people to kill others..... and every one of the other completely insane argument and device the left can manufacture and amplify daily.

What is the real truth? Guns, in the hands of law abiding citizens, are the ONLY thing standing between our freedom and way of life and those who would so quickly deprive us of both. The founders gave us direction when they said...... When government becomes too big and too powerful and when it is no longer serving the will of the people..... that the people have both the duty and the obligation to throw it off and establish another which better serves the needs of the people.  It's not our founding documents which are flawed..... it's the people we entrust to positions of power. 

On another front we can again go back to the days right after our founding. We had just established ourselves as a nation...... had a small navy and other military forces..... and a merchant fleet which was just starting to do trade with the world. At the northern end of the African continent our ships often came under vicious attack from pirates. These were known as the Barbary Coast Pirates. These were Muslim thieves and slave traders who captured ships.... stole cargo..... killed or sold into slavery members of the crew. America started out by paying $80,000 in "protection money" to the pirates each year to ensure the safety of our ships. This quickly failed and our then ambassador, Thomas Jefferson, refused to deal with the pirates after they captured two ships and held them for an additional $60,000 in ransom.

Jefferson bought a Qur'an and learned all he could about the pirates from their holy book. What he learned was there was would be no dealing with the pirates because they felt that it was their RIGHT to take from others.... to rob steal and murder.... to capture and hold or sell as slaves anyone who was not of their belief system. All these centuries later...... nothing has changed.

Islam and the muslim world in general is still at war with the "infidels" all around the world. They tell us that there can never be true peace on earth until everyone is of the muslim faith. I simply ask you to look at ANY country which claims to be of the muslim faith. Are the people at peace? Are they free to come and go as they please? Is there abuse in their system of "justice"? Are children treated with respect? Are women treated any better than common cattle? Do women even have rights at all other than the "right" to do whatever her owner orders her to do or fear being beaten or even killed for disobedience? Islam being a "religion of peace" is the first greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the human race! The 2nd greatest hoax is man made global warming. Both have at their hearts the same goal though..... total and complete control of all the people on earth.

With THAT lovely thought I will bid you a good afternoon and also wish you a safe Memorial Day weekend. Check out my Highdeserthideaway.blogspot.com blog posting for this weekends patriotic themed message. And as a parting though I leave you with the words of the Alexander Tyler and his thoughts on democracy. The age of his insights will likely surprise you though because I'm going to guess you'll think they were current. Enjoy the wisdom of the past......

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.”
Alexander Tyler on the fall of the Athenian Republic

"For as long as American operated openly and honestly under the provisions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and for as long as we payed the proper respect and gave the appropriate thanks to our Creator....... America was a truly blessed nation. Until we find the courage to abandon the path of folly we are on today and have the courage to again embrace the ideals which afforded us all those blessings...... we shall not have them again."
Joe E. Ruyle on the decline in greatness of the United States of America.