Hey gang! Been a while.... My mom's declining health and passing last week has taken a great deal of my attention...... as have my own health issues. I'll be updating my HighDesertHideaway blog to fill everyone in on those things.
I read an article about school systems across the country foregoing the bait of federal dollars by refusing to continue following the Michelle Obama inspired school menu guidelines. Seems like the administrators noticed that [GASP!] little Jimmy and Janey are NOT eating the crap they have forced on them and are tossing it all in the trash! Participation rates are so low in some schools that lunch rooms are nearly empty. Good for the kids!
Anyway..... that brought up the larger issue of the pervasive nature of government control. Professor Walter E. Williams of George Mason University has had a check for $10,000 locked in his desk for nearly a decade and a half now. It's the payoff for a bet he has for his students. The Wager? Name just ONE activity you can participate in over which the government does not exercise any degree of control. Seems like an easy bet to win..... yet.... almost 15 years later not one single student has been able to claim the prize. More clearly what it says is that government has gotten WAY too big!
My response to the article is posted below.... and on my Facebook page so that I can piss off more liberals. (everyone needs a hobby) ;-> The article link is below.
There is a VERY obvious yet consistently overlooked message here. If you want better educated kids and more control over the *content* of that education.... then CUT the federal apron strings! (Which are not strings at all but the chains of bondage to the all powerful federal government) Simple fact of life #27..... Everything that happens IN your community should be funded by and governed by your local community! Who else knows YOUR community better? It's damn sure not some jerk-weed in Washington DC. That person probably can't even find your state on a map much less your town! Restoring America to the Constitutionally governed Democratic Republic that it was intended to be starts at the city & county level.
It's kinda like the old joke..... How do you eat an elephant? It's too damn big for a sandwich and isn't going to fit on any BBQ grill I've ever seen. The answer to the questions is...... "One bite at a time." We can't just defeat liberalism overnight. That's NOT how they have almost defeated us..... is it? They work through incrementalism...... taking a *little* control here..... making a *little* change there.... constantly chipping away at the foundations of our freedoms and liberties.... until we wake up and find ourselves on the brink of collapse.
It's kinda like the old joke..... How do you eat an elephant? It's too damn big for a sandwich and isn't going to fit on any BBQ grill I've ever seen. The answer to the questions is...... "One bite at a time." We can't just defeat liberalism overnight. That's NOT how they have almost defeated us..... is it? They work through incrementalism...... taking a *little* control here..... making a *little* change there.... constantly chipping away at the foundations of our freedoms and liberties.... until we wake up and find ourselves on the brink of collapse.
We take back our country exactly the same way it was taken from us..... little at a time. Conservative constitutionalists in school boards...... city councils...... aldermen..... mayors...... Sheriffs. Then change your county government and eventually the State government as well. When the wave of change starts small and grows it becomes like a tidal wave in power. In the end it's not possible for the federal government to be leftists if the rest of the nation is conservative constitutionalists.
The TWO key elements the Framers built our Constitution around were an informed and *educated* electorate and unwavering faith in their Creator. Our belief and faith in God is what keeps us on the right path. It is our moral compass which tells us that certain behaviors are simply NOT appropriate for public consumption. What people choose to do behind closed doors (within reason of course) is their business. But the public at large doesn't need to have their private perversions shoved in our faces and down our throats (pardon that choice of words) over the phony cries of bigotry or intolerance.
The TWO key elements the Framers built our Constitution around were an informed and *educated* electorate and unwavering faith in their Creator. Our belief and faith in God is what keeps us on the right path. It is our moral compass which tells us that certain behaviors are simply NOT appropriate for public consumption. What people choose to do behind closed doors (within reason of course) is their business. But the public at large doesn't need to have their private perversions shoved in our faces and down our throats (pardon that choice of words) over the phony cries of bigotry or intolerance.
Why do you think THEY have a "Freedom FROM Religion" movement and no tolerance for seeing a cross or the Ten Commandments? Simply because it forces them to confront their sinful behavior and leftists HATE to be held accountable or responsible for anything they do.
Think about it like this...... what would happen if you woke up tomorrow and started your drive to work only to find that there were no more traffic control signs or lights anywhere? Everyone is free to drive any way they want to without any restrictions whatsoever. Do you think that would work? Hell no! There would be total chaos and carnage everywhere. That is exactly what the left is doing to America's Morality. They are trying to take down all signs and remove all the controls so everyone can do whatever they want. Our morality is what defines us as a unified people. Without that morality..... we become a mob.
So while morality keeps us on track being properly educated gives our citizens the tools they need to make rational, logical decisions based upon the information available. You may have noticed the schools emphasis on memorizing things and being able to repeat them on demand. That is trained monkey education. It is the "monkey see monkey do" education of Captain Planet and similar leftists propaganda tools.
So while morality keeps us on track being properly educated gives our citizens the tools they need to make rational, logical decisions based upon the information available. You may have noticed the schools emphasis on memorizing things and being able to repeat them on demand. That is trained monkey education. It is the "monkey see monkey do" education of Captain Planet and similar leftists propaganda tools.
I'm sure almost every child in America can recite almost every liberal agenda item on demand......... but how many can *explain* those talking points and cite the reasons for them based upon reason and logic? None. If your child is TRULY educated...... then they not only have the ability to form their OWN opinions..... but also the ability to explain exactly how they came to form that opinion and defend it in a reasoned and logical debate. Can your child DO that with ANY of the liberal talking points they bring home from school? Arm yourself with knowledge and TEST them! Make them question what they are being taught! Without questioning what they are being told..... all that is left is blind acceptance.
In fairly modern terms........ Constitutional Conservatives are the "Federation of Planets" and Leftist/Liberalism is "The BORG." So our choice is simply this....... do we want to be a free people or do we want to be a part of the collective? Liberals will tell you the same thing the BORG did..... "Resistance if futile." My opinion? Resistance to evil in any form is never futile!
In fairly modern terms........ Constitutional Conservatives are the "Federation of Planets" and Leftist/Liberalism is "The BORG." So our choice is simply this....... do we want to be a free people or do we want to be a part of the collective? Liberals will tell you the same thing the BORG did..... "Resistance if futile." My opinion? Resistance to evil in any form is never futile!
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