Unfortunately, the answer to that title is...... not much. As a matter of both fact and public record the only thing that all the Democrats stood up a cheered for was the fact that they were able to insure the insolvency of the Social Security system. That's right! They were actually proud of themselves over the fact that, because of their obstructionism, nothing was done to insure the future solvency of Social Security. Fortunately the President was quick to remind them that ignoring the problem doesn't fix it and that it's not going to go away. Of course if the Democrats fix it then they loose a more important point to them.... and that is the issue. They need to keep the issue so they'll have something to bitch about.
What the entire Democrat party (and for that matter the media) fails to understand is that George W. Bush is not the hayseed hick from Texas that they have always made him out to be. President Bush likely looses more brain cells during the course of a year than the entire Democrat party can muster combined! They have all fallen victims to their old play book option of "Tell a lie and tell it often enough and it will become the truth." They have lied about who George Bush is for so long they are believing it themselves. If you go back and watch the State of the Union address again it is the perfect example of someone getting a specific group of people to do exactly what he wants them to do on queue. It was George Bush saying to the American People..... "I'm going to show you all tonight what a bunch of misguided, pompus, childish assholes the Democrat party is...... and they are so damn arrogant that they will never even know they are leaving the ground every time I say jump." He was able to do that with such ease because the Democrat party is so damn predictable. Trust me.... if you're a sniper.... you prey for people like these. It makes your job so much easier because you don't have to antisipate the unexpected. They will always react the same way.... no surprises. President Bush, knowing that, blasted them right out of the water and not one of them ever saw it coming. They are the walking dead.
Let's be honest. If you're tasked to give an address to the entire nation and you know in advance that 50% of the people attending don't like you or your ideas.... you have a huge advantage right there. The Democrat party has yet to miss an opportunity to put a stick in George Bush's eye every single time they have a chance and they are too bias to ever change. SO! Knowing in advance how the other side is going to react to specific elements of your address lets you play puppet master and make them jump..... or not.... depending upon which strings you pull. Of course since all the Democrats think they are the smartest people in the room they make easy targets for such manipulation. "George Bush is too stupid to outsmart us!" As always they "misunderestimated" their opponent.
So what, besides the eventual ruin of Social Security, do the Democrats stand for? One thing they don't stand for is victory in Iraq and success in the war on terror. Right out of the box the President proclaimed that he was confident in the plan for victory, confident in the Iraqi people, confident in the skill and spirit of the American Military. He finished by saying we are in this fight to win and we are winning! The Democrat response was to sit in silence while the rest of the room cheered. One could almost hear the President thinking.... "Sit! Good dogs!" as he glanced to their side of the chambers. He knew how they would react to positive comments and they didn't let him down. The Democrat party has invested itself in the defeat of America at any cost and he knew that. Getting them to show their hand (or sit on them) was so easy.
Okay, so what else does the Democrat party stand (sit) for? Well they didn't seem to be excited when the President told the country how it would be decided to bring out troops home. He learned from the bungling of the Viet Nam war that you can't have boots on the ground and micromanagement going on back in Washington D.C. I got a chance to play in that game and it's not a whole hell of a lot of fun to have your unarmored fiberglass boat getting shot full of holes while all you can do is radio back to HQ to find out if it's okay to return fire! Okay to return fire? Give me a king size break! We usually put a couple rounds through the Collins rig then dumped everything we had into the jungle while lighting off the diesels and unassing the area! You damn Senators want to micromanage you'd damn sure better be doing it from right beside me or you can bet I'm not going to pay a hell of a lot of attention..... other things are on my mind.... like keeping my ass in one piece. But I digress... The President said it would be the Generals in the field making those decisions, NOT polititions in Washington. If it weren't for the rest of the chamber going nuts you could have heard a pin drop on the plush carpet. The Democrats were stone cold silent.
The next point blank shot through the heads of the Democrat party came when the President urged the reinstatement of the Patriot Act. Rather than deprive law enforcement people of the tools they need to keep terrorists out of this country or apprehend them if they are already here breaking the law..... the President wants them to have use of the same tools other branches of governement already use against drug dealers and organized crime. Once again America thought that was a great idea while the Democrat party sat on their hands in silence.... just as "W" knew they would before he ever entered the chambers. The Democrat party is much more interested in granting constitutional protection to terrorists than it is in seeing them brought to justice. They passed the "terrorist bill of rights" to make sure that these poor people who only want to see America wiped off the face of the earth are not mistreated. How nobel. How *ucking ignorant! But that is who the Democrat party have become.... the party fully invested in the defeat of America.
Now by this time one would think that even a Democrat, poor stupid beasts that they are, would have caught a clue and figured out that the President was jerking their strings and they were dancing like puppets. But alas.... we give them too much credit for sane rational thought. No, they continued to believe that they were the smartest people in the room..... and prove themselves wrong every time.
This next part is SO important in showing who the Democrats are and what they stand for that I'm going to quote the President exactly. "The terrorist surveillance program has helped prevent terrorist attacks. It remains essential to the security of America. If there are people inside our country talking with Al Qaeda, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again." [emphasis mine]
Now one should be able to reasonably assume that if there is anything both parties could agree upon it would be ensuring that the United States is never attacked again like on 9/11. But just as he knew they would do the Democrat party sat on their hands. I guess they are in favor of more attacks on American Soil and more innocent life lost to terrorist lunitics. What other conclusion can one draw?
The President informs the American people that violent crimes are at their lowest point since the 1970's. Thanks to reforms welfare cases have dropped by nearly half over the past decade. Drug use among youth is down 19% since 2001. There are fewer abortions in America than at any point during the last three decades, and the number of children born to unwed teenage mothers has been falling for a dozen years in a row. This is all great news, folks! News that should make any American proud...... but not if you're a Democrat. No.... once again they all sat in stone cold silence.
If we just make the obvious inference.... that must mean that Democrats all stand for higher crime rates, more killing of the innocent unborn, more unwed teenage girls being pregnant.... and of course more people on welfare. They are the ones who bitch moan and complain about the military volunteers who die in defense of this wonderful concept known as freedom. They claim that is unfair and wrong. YET..... they do NOT complain and bitch over the thousands and thousands of lives ended before they ever had a chance through abortion. Lives never lived, greatness never realized, love never known. They did not knowingly volunteer for some mission that might put them in harms way as our troops do. So we have the right to kill the unborn and that's okay. And volunteering to defend this country and freedom is wrong. How screwed up can these people possibly be?
Finally we have the plea by the President to make the tax cuts permanent. What he is saying is basically.... Let's keep the economy strong and chugging along.... and let's let the people who bust their asses to earn the money keep more of it so they can buy the things they need, not have to go into debt with credit, and invest in the US economy through savings and the stock market. As you might suspect, when it comes to the issue of taxes, the Democrat party does not believe there is such a thing as too much tax. Like good socialists and communists every where they believe that all money is the property of the government and they will decide who gets how much, when, and what we can spend it on. So they did exactly what President Bush knew they would do..... they sat on their hands once again. They showed the American People that they are the party of higher and never ending taxes as the solution to all problems. They demonstrated their contempt for the President of the United States and everyone who is proud of this country and proud to call themselves American. They demonstarted that they are not the other party.... they are the OPPOSITION party and that is all they have to offer. Opposition to everything that might make America a greater country, a stronger country and a safer country.
The "Democrat Response" to the State of the Union Address was equally as predictable as the behavior of those democrats at the real address. "America is in horrible shape...... it's the 1930's all over again under George Bush. Soup lines in every town.... nobody can find work anywhere, taxes are not nearly high enough........ Yet don't dispair..... because we Democrats know that there is a better way. Ever notice that they never tell anyone excatly what that better way is? I guess we are to assume that it's simply putting THEM in control of everything and abandoning everything we stand for. I think we all got to see what happens with Democrats in complete control when Katrina hit the gulf coast. To look at the news coverage the world was left to believe that ONLY New Orleans and ONLY Louisiana was hit by that storm. Not the case at all. All the other states affected had competent leadership who stepped up to the plate and took care of business rather than pissing and moaning that no one else was doing anything for them. Mayor Nagin bitching about transportation while 40,000 busses under HIS direct control gradually go under water. Everyone up the entire state leadership pointing fingers and placing blame rather than accept responsibility and take action. That is the Democrat way. Oh... the govenor who gave that response...... within 72 hours of being elected he'd proposed 4 BILLION dollars in additional taxes on the people of his state. I'm sure they are all quite proud and more than eager to empty their wallets into the government coffers. After all.... what do they need their money for anyway?
To the Democrat party..... who, for obvious reasons, I'm just going to rename the American Communist-Socialist Opposition Party or ACSOP for short, had better get used to being out of power in Washington D.C. and everywhere else. What they demonstrated so clearly the other night was that they are not for America or it's people. They want us defeated on the battlefield. If we can't be defeated then they want us to tuck tail and run like cowards. (That one REALLY pisses me off) They want us taxed more and more because taxes equal power in Washington. It's how they buy votes and stay in office. The ACSOP wants us more vulnerable to terrorist attack by limiting our ability to monitor known or suspected terrorists. The ACSOP wants us to "be nice" and "play fair" with a radical group of fanatics who have sworn to wipe America and Israel off the face of the earth. They want to give terrorists RIGHTS! Hell... I want to give terrorists a right too. If you screw with us you have the absolute right to die.... PERIOD! Seems fair to me. Act like genuine human beings and get along with others.... live in peace..... or get blow away. Doesn't matter to me which they choose. I prefer make nice but if they want to play rough then we have to have the guts to amp things up and let them know that they have made a really poor decision. And we have to keep doing that over and over again until the message finally sinks in. Saddly.... they are probably just like democrats.... think they are the smartest people in the room.... so they will never learn.
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