Friday, June 02, 2006

Hey Republicans! It's wake up time!

Today I move the crosshairs away from the old world media (although they are always an easy target) and center them squarely on the Republican Party. Lately I'm not even sure "party" is the correct term for them. They are not quite as bad as the Democrats with their loosely strung together collection of special interest groups..... but they are seemingly drifting in that general direction. Perhaps just plain drifting is the optimum word for the Republicans. Lacking is the Reagan policy of leadership from the top..... or in today's case.... from any discernible direction. It's become a collection of elected people who happen to share the same political affiliation but lack a collective will or defined agenda. They seem to rarely act as a group on anything.

Another major problem for the party is their "nice guy" attitude. I personally try to be a very nice guy all the time but, there are always instances when one just has to open up the XXL size can of whoop-ass and not bat an eye lash while doing it. If you as a person..... or a member of a group... or as a nation are afraid to open that can and whip some ass when necessary..... then eventually you will be totally defeated and cease to exist. Today's "nice guy" is tomorrow victim and that's all there is to it. Granted, in a perfect world, kicking the occasional butt would never be required. People of good, sound, reasoning minds would reach mutual agreement through civil discourse and all would be rosy. However, for those of you who have not been paying attention lately, there is a serious lack of good, sound reasoning minds in the world. There always HAS been!

The head shrinkers tell us of "A" and "B" personality types. In lay terms that simply means some folks are more tightly wound and more aggressive than others. They take more risks, live life in the fast lane, and actively seek power. Others take a more relaxed approach to life. They smile as they let the jerk, who has been ignoring the "lane closed ahead" signs for the past half mile, cut in front of them in traffic. If someone is rude to them they somehow feel that they must have deserved it. Their entire life is nothing but one compromise after another. I'd rename those to personality type to type "S" and type "NS" to simplify things. Spine and No Spine.

For clarification...... having a spine does NOT mean that you are not and cannot be a nice person 99.9% of the time. Likewise being mostly spineless doesn't point to you not being basically happy with your life..... although the odds are against it. Type "A" people are far less likely to be victims than type "B" folks. They understand that POWER is a tool that can be wielded for good OR evil and if evil is thrust upon them they are not afraid to use power, or force, to protect themselves, their families, their ideals, their nation. The other side goes the Nevil Chamberlain route.

Today's republicans have the political power of numbers but are afraid to wield that power in any meaningful way. They seem to lack a unified vision of the future and appear to be wandering aimlessly in the wasteland that is Washington D.C. (lovingly know to the rest of America and the Logic Free Zone) They worry about what the press will write about them or say about them on TV at night. They fret about making the "A" list at certain parties and functions. They worry about what the opposition party will think about them or say about them to the media. Please note..... NONE of those things has ANYTHING to do with serving the people who sent them to represent us! For the record.... It's We.... The People.... Not You, the elected.

Here is what we see from our vantage point. We see our elected Republican leaders letting the minority party run over them day after day. We see our leaders constantly trying to compromise or placate the minority party every time they whine or moan over anything. I remember the era of the Democrat majority and they RAN Washington their way and the minority (us) be damned! We see our leadership hiding in the shadows while the minority party clamors to the microphones and tells lie after lie (to use Ted Kennedy's words) about us, our country and our armed forces. We see the press amplify these lies for days and weeks on end with little or no response from our side even though we have the truth and the facts to back us up! We see no real political agenda being presented, no grand vision for America, and no recognition for the day to day exceptionalism that makes this the greatest nation on earth. We watch (reluctantly) the daily news and all we see and hear is the drumbeat of negativism and derision from the Liberal left and their cronies in the old world media. We hear our President called names, threatened with "a bullet between the eyes" or other radical Liberal extremist rhetoric in an endless stream. This should NOT be the case day in and day out.

Granted the old world media is against you and flagrantly liberal in it's delivery. There is the FOX network and they do strive to paint a more balanced image. They seem to be successful in that regard because the rest of the media refer to them openly as "The F-word Network". When they start talking bad about you... you must be having an impact. The old world media is most dangerous just before it dies, just like a wounded and cornered beast. It knows it has nothing to loose and everything to gain if successful..... so it lashes out wildly at anything and everything in the hope of landing a mortal blow against it's enemy. In this care the enemy is George W. Bush and the Republican Party. Any savvy hunter will tell you that you do not let down your guard or show pity when you have game wounded and cornered. You fire the mercy shot and resolve the situation quickly and cleanly.

Time after time the Democrats have put themselves into situations where they seemed to be begging for the mercy shot....... and we never even drew our guns. Back during the judicial hearings I would have crucified Ted Kennedy when he called the President's nominations "Neanderthal's" on camera. The republicans let it pass without a word. If they had attacked, Ted Kennedy would be out of office now. Democrat after democrat goes to the press with their lies and half truths and there is utter silence from the republicans. They screamed that there were no weapons of mass destruction while President Bush is in office yet the congressional record clearly shows the very same people saying Iraq was a threat because of weapons of mass destruction while President Clinton held office. Our republicans sat on their hands and let it pass. Democrats supported President Clinton for lying to a Grand Jury, suborning perjury and lying about an adulteress relationship with an intern. Today democrats want to impeach President Bush for protecting the country against the threat of terrorism. We have a 4.7% unemployment rate today which is statistically FULL employment.... yet the democrats tell us every damn day that there just isn't any work for Americans who want a job. Interest rates for home loans are still under 6% and the democrats tell us the housing market just won't permit Americans to realize the dream of home ownership. I don't recall them whining about that when, under President Jimmy Carter, home loan interest rates hovered at the 22% range.

Speaking of President Carter. The high cost of gasoline today can be laid directly at his feet. We have gas today but during his time at the helm we had none at the pumps! We had rationing! Rather than put together a comprehensive energy independence plan for America the democrats threw up restrictive environmental regulation and effectively halted the construction of ANY new refining capacity in this country. They banned offshore drilling and severely limited drilling on the continent. They demanded costly "reformulations" (over 47) for gasoline by state and region. We have not added ONE refinery to our production capacity in over 30 YEARS because of democrat policy! Who gets blamed for the high gasoline prices? President Bush. This is typical of how the democrats operate. It's been proven time and time again. They are as predictable as sunrise and yet, the republican party fails to capitalize on the myriad of opportunities laid at their feet day after day. It's depressing.

Bottom line. IF the Rebublican party does not get a leader, does not unify behind that person and does not lay out a clearly defined agenda that the people can get behind and support, they will soon loose what little power they hold today.

The democrats have a buzz line they call "speaking truth to power." Since we all know that if a democrat uttered the truth it would be like holy water on a vampire...... what that ought to be called is "speak badly about our President." What the republicans need to do is start a policy of correcting these daily assaults on the truth. We have access to microphones and camera's too. Elect someone to be the truth teller for the republican party and get that person in front of a camera every single time a lie is put forth from the left..... and correct it with the truth. Not now and then..... EVERY single time they lie. We need to have a "speak truth to lies" policy and we need to accurately call what they say lies! Not "the gentleman mis-spoke" or "seems to be confused on the issues." Damn the polite crap! They lie.... TELL the American people that and back it up with facts! It's not hard to do.

As a greater mind than mine so brilliantly states: "Conservatism wins every single time it's tried." He's right too. Recently, in the south, wishy washy republicans were voted out in favor of those with a more traditional conservative message. America is a nation with an overwhelming conservative mindset and a huge religious underpinning to morally hold it all together. We are a conservative nation and we are a mostly Christian nation too. We need make no excuse for either nor must we compromise our ideals and our values to make room for others. By our very conservative and Christian nature we already have made room at the table for everyone who comes in good will and peace. I prey that the Republicans figure that out soon and start acting upon it.

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