Another terrorist, one personally responsible for beheading at least two American's that we know of, has the distinct honor of reaching room temperature. Yes, Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, terror master of Baghdad and beheader of American's was killed along with several of his "aides" on June 8th 2006.
As one might suspect the reaction to this animal finally getting the end he so richly deserved swings the arc from rational to completely unhinged. Iraqi National Defense Forces and common Iraqi citizens celebrated in the streets. A major thorn in their side had been removed. Patriotic Americans everywhere were pleased. Others had a much different reaction to this victory over terror.
Now I deliberately said "Patriotic" Americans because that's exactly what I meant! Frankly if you do not support this country, it's troops, their missions and their leadership right up to the President then you are not a patriotic American. I don't give a rats ass about your whining spineless reasons for hating all things patriotic and this country. Myself and millions of other brave citizens fought to give you the right to have your idiotic, communist, left wing socialist beliefs and thoughts. We did not, however, give you the right to highjack our country and try to make it some sort of socialist paradise. (not that one ever did or ever will exist) My personal point of view is right up front and in your face. If you honestly don't like this country and can't support it or it's elected leadership...... kindly do all of us a huge favor and beat feet to the nearest communist paradise of your choice. If I was in charge I'd even provide you with moving expenses to make your transition quick and easy. Of course I'd also revoke your citizenship and declare you persona-non-grata. My country is better for your departure and you get to finally find out first hand just how wonderful living in a true communist-socialist country genuinely is! I'd recommend North Korea for you hardcore lefties. But you can also select from China (although capitalism is spreading there so be careful) Iran, Venezuela and the people's paradise, Cuba.
Left wing blogs are full of moon bats who are full of conspiracy theory. Basically they are all just plain full of it. (Ever notice how when things don't go the way the left wing whacko's want it's GOT to be some sort of conspiracy and a huge plot against them?) (OH! I almost forgot.... Bush is Hitler and the greatest terrorist on earth!) I also love how so many of them assume very patriotic sounding names. "People for the American Way" is a good one. "Take Back America" is another. They haven't even got the moral honesty to use naming conventions that demonstrate their true nature and beliefs. My Blog? Hey.... I'm telling you loco weeds to pull your heads out of your collective asses and MOVE ON! Grow up already! Quit your damn crying and bitching and at least TRY to act like rational thinking adults. (Yeah... I know.... damn tough for folks with absolutely no experience at it to pull off)
Anyway.... the usual suspects on the left are less than pleased that another kingpin of terror has gotten exactly what he deserved. (Even if it was far to quick and painless for me) Harry Reid actually seemed saddened at the loss of another "human being." Yeah.... he actually called Zarqawi a human being! Sorry.... anyone that will take a dull knife and slowly saw the head off someone who has his hands tied behind his back gave up the claim to membership in the human race. For you lefties..... go watch the video of Nick Bird being treated to the kindness and human compassion of Zarqawi.... okay? Watch it until you figure out that we are at war with a group that has high-jacked a great religion and subverted it for their own purposes and will not stop until everyone on the planet is either a member of Islam or dead. They have no middle ground. Frankly I'm sick and tried of you assholes making excuses for them and always trying to find a way to blame America first. To repeat what is up above.... if you hate this great country so damn much PLEASE get the hell out of here and go somewhere that you'll be happy. I'd also encourage you NOT to attempt to turn America into your commie playground.... that's not going to happen..... ever. Since most of you never had the balls to serve your country the oath states that we'll defend this country against ALL enemies both foreign AND domestic. It would be real healthy for you not to overlook that last part.... okay? There are a hell of a lot of us out here (millions) that are no longer in uniform..... but we still take that oath to heart and will continue to defend this nation until our death. Call us the old "America - Love it or LEAVE it!" bunch. To us you liberal nut jobs are basically like having a rock in your shoe. Damn sure isn't going to upset us one little bit if you're not there anymore since you are not doing anything to make the journey more enjoyable anyway.
Back to the topic..... a terrorist bites the dust and the left is less than pleased. The moon bats are even saying that he looks like he's been thawed out..... as if we'd bagged his ass long ago and now was just the best time, politically, to let that be known. The nation would certainly be far better off without this bunch. They are not sane enough to form a rational thought.... and the scary part is that we let them vote. Nick Bird's own father was on a rip today claiming that we'd be far better off if Zarqawi was still alive and Saddam was back in power!!! (Oh yeah.... Bush is Hitler and has killed more people than Saddam ever did!) I'd be willing to bet that if he spouted that crap in front of a bunch of Iraqi citizens..... it would not be long before he was either ranting to himself like the lunatic he is..... or someone would jack-slap his ass into next week for being so damn stupid. YO! Mr. Bird..... Cuba is SOUTH..... Venezuela is SOUTH..... don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way to paradise.... okay? Your SON had his head sawed off by this nut job and you STILL hate America more than Zarqawi. You are a mentally deranged individual and ought to be in a padded cell rather than on nationwide television.
But the Liberal press needs nut jobs like you to further their own hate America agenda. They actually had the raw stupidity to ask the press secretary how we found Zarqawi, where we got the information. Why not ask... "Can you please give us detailed information on how to construct a thermonuclear device and also kindly provide relevant technical drawings and equipment sources?" Attention MEDIA! Some things are SECRET for a reason! (not that any of you give a damn as you've proven time and time again) Another dingbat actually wanted to know if we'd paid out the 25M reward and if so who got the money. My God.... how damn ignorant can this bunch be? Hello!!! "For the record can you please tell the rest of the terrorists, who aren't unlucky enough to be dead, who it was that ratted out Zarqawi so they can track him down and cut his head off too?" I'm sorry but I'm highly allergic to stupid and these people are giving me a rash.
I guess my biggest problem is that I actually LOVE this country. I grew up at a time and in a place where that was the normal way things were. I grew up in an America where folks looked out for each other because that was just the neighborly thing to do. We'd go on vacation for a week and not even bother to lock the house. Heck.... if we did that how would the neighbors be able to get in to put the mail on the kitchen table or leave something to eat there on the day we got back so Mom wouldn't have to cook? Farmers had refrigerators under trees by the side of the road with a sign on the door..... "Eggs 10 cents a dozen" Open the door and it's full of eggs and there is a cigar box where you put your money..... and it never came up short. We celebrated the 4th of July with parades and fire works. We bought them and fired them off in our very own yards! Yep.... every year some kid would do something stupid and tear up some fingers.... and every year there would be at least one little grass fire. The first we called a learning experience.... and you can bet they did. The second we called being prepared... and we all had garden hoses out just in case. Personal responsibility. Nanny state not required. Veterans were revered and honored. Old people and women respected. Serving the country by being in the armed forces was both an honor and a high privilege. It was a time I fondly remember.
Then liberalism and the radical left started making thing better. How? Demonstrations and riots. Deliberate destruction of public and private property, assaults on individuals they disagree with, spitting on troops returning from a tough tour in Vietnam, calling us hateful names. Nearly 40 years later and their tactics are still the same. IF anyone holds a position you don't agree with then you call them names and do everything you can to destroy them and their character. (witness the Clinton administration then and all Democrats today) Invent derisive terms for them to demonstrate your utter contempt for them and to show how very superior you are in your position. IF someone does something you actually like then be sure to point out how that person (or group) has "matured" and become more "enlightened". Never offer a clear cut position on anything because that is too difficult to defend. Rather.... simply criticize the other sides position endlessly. If you don't have any facts upon which to base a point of view simply invent them out of whole cloth. In your world it's not your responsibility to prove that your "facts" are correct.... it's the other sides responsibility to prove that they are not. Even in the face of that proof...... persist in your lie and never admit that you live in a house of cards. Remember your founders words..... "Tell a lie and tell it often enough..... and it becomes the truth."
And that is precisely the problem with the Liberals today. They actually do believe all the lies they've been telling for years and years. That's one of the reasons why liberalism is the most gutless choice one can make. It requires no thought, no examination of facts or search for the truth. It's a "feel good" ideology that cannot stand up to close scrutiny and hates anything that stands to interfere with that feel good mentality. Little things like religion..... values..... morals..... right and wrong..... good and evil. Those things cannot stand in the world of the Liberal. Liberals can not tolerate the cut and dry world of plain old right and wrong. Look at the way they make excuses for people who commit crimes. Look at Senator William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana. Caught red handed with over $90,000 of FBI bribe money in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator in his office..... and the media is doing nothing but making excuses to justify criminal behavior. NOT ONE major network asking why he took a bribe investigating his criminal behavior. Oh no..... can't have that. It's okay.... because... why.... he was poor as a child. Big fucking deal! I wasn't rolling in dough and you can bet your sweet ass my ears would still be ringing from the sound of the cell door slamming shut if I did what he did. That's another trait of the Liberals. The law simply doesn't apply to them.... they are above it.... or at least think they are. Just like governing this country is their birthright.... not a privilege that must be earned at the ballot box. Just look at all the excuses they make when they loose because their whacko ideas are rejected by the American people. They never loose.... elections are simply stolen from them. Yeah.... right. And the moon is made of green cheese and only human productivity can cause the climate to become more warm..... rather than perhaps something much simpler... like the sun. Keep believing all your lies, Liberals.... if that's what makes you happy.
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