I was sitting around in the basement of my concrete bunker the other day. Naturally in my underwear and scratching various body parts as I took off my mind control blocking tin foil hat when I heard a voice from beyond. (Probably meant that I took off the foil helmet too soon!) Before I could replace the protective head gear my mind was filled with all sorts of wondrous factoids. At my next meeting of the "Reagan in '08" committee (we refuse to let go) I passed along the wisdom imparted unto me that night. We could draw no other conclusion than the big "R" was pulling strings from the other side and controlling the democrats in their quest for power and the White House! The great part is that they seem to be following his instructions to the letter. Let's look at a few examples:
Ronnie knew that America loves a winner and hates a looser. (sounds a bit like Patton too!) For example.... Ever see a self help book in Barnes and Nobel on how to loose? How about those big "I want to be a looser" rallies held in all the big cities? Of course not! Loosing is so easy anyone can do it all by themselves.... they don't need how to books or rallies. It's winning that is hard and takes effort, determination and sacrifice. So when the weak of will and feint of heart are confronted by someone who possesses a clear vision of victory and the iron will to achieve it they go crazy. There is one political party today which has invested so much effort in making sure that our brave men and women in the military are defeated on the battlefield that they should all be on trial for treason. Sadly they have passed laws which make them immune from prosecution no matter how heinous their acts. Had you or I made some of the comments or done some of they things that they have..... we would have already been given the opportunity to play bullet catcher in front of a thick concrete wall while not worrying if that last cigarette was going to give us lung cancer or the last meal clog our arteries with trans fats. Day in and day out they work tirelessly attempting to secure defeat for our troops and our nation. If they worked even 1/4th as hard at securing victory Iraq would be a vastly different place as would Afghanistan. In short they are doing just the opposite of what they need to be doing to warm the hearts of the majority of the American people and secure reelection. One would be hard pressed to believe they thought of that plan all on their own.... Ronnie must be channeling to Harry Reid.
Americans of the Reagan mold love freedom and have a dislike for things socialist or communist in nature. Give us free enterprise and less Government control and we'll do just fine. So what are the Liberals up to? Pushing for National Health Care once again even though it floated like a lead balloon the last time. They claim that good health care has just gotten beyond the reach of the typical American...... and they are right. What they won't tell you is the reason why that has happened. Heavy handed government interference and layers of bureaucratic red tape. Yep! the dirty little secret is that THEY are the reason health care costs have gone through the roof and why you have to pay an arm and a leg for health insurance. The Liberals have make it impossible to secure simple health care insurance. You cannot, for example, buy insurance just to cover you for broken bones. No.... if you're a male and you want to buy health insurance you have to pay for all kinds of things that you neither want, need, or are even applicable to you. Somewhere in your policy will be coverage for mammograms or hormone therapy for your menopause. IF we could simple use a cafeteria approach and pick and choose exactly what we want and need..... costs would drop dramatically. Instead our trusty government has stepped in to help and we are forced to pay higher prices for things we have no use for. For Liberals this is spreading the misery around equally.
Like other businesses, hospitals have entire departments devoted solely to the issue of Government compliance. It's their job to sift through the mountains of rules and regulations and make sure they have dotted all the "I's" and crossed all the "T's" each day. By some estimates the cost of "compliance" is half of the operating expense of the average hospital. Then there is the failure to pass meaningful tort reform to limit the damages of a law suit. This sends medical malpractice insurance costs through the roof.... which also means they have to charge YOU more for your visit! Yep! Here too the dirty little secret is that the reason we have a health care problem in America is that the damn government won't get out of the way and let it work as intended. Nationalized health care is socialism pure and simple. It's not working anywhere else it's the law and it won't work here either. In Europe the latest fad is medical vacations! (holidays they call them) Yep! Need some minor surgery.... dental work perhaps? Book the appointment in another country and have it done OUT of your own nationalized system. Proof that the service is poor I'd say. Besides.... if you have a single payer plan the only way you can stay within budget is to limit services. So perhaps you have smoked and now have breathing problems..... tough shit. It will cost too much to cover your treatment... and besides... the government has been telling you years not to smoke so it's your own fault for ignoring those who know far better than you. Think I'm kidding? In England the government has done exactly that! They have denied care because the patient smokes. So nationalized health care is a good idea how?
Hate mongering. Politics of personal destruction. Two tactics made famous by Clinton Inc. Sadly both work quite well because the sycophantic media (broadcast wing of the Democrat Party) will do everything it can to keep the lies and the hate front and center for as long as it's helpful. They do not investigate on their own and they don't care if what they broadcast or print is total BS. It it helps the liberals it's okay. Besides.... if they have to print a retraction..... isn't that what page zz153 is for? Somewhere between the used elephant foot coffee table and the 1947 Lambretta motor scooter with the broken shifter cable for sale.
Louisiana recently elected the first non-democrat Governor since Reconstruction! He ran on a platform of reform and elimination of the graft and corruption that has gripped the state for decades. He ran on conservative principles and won soundly! The drive by media made passing mention of the victory but had to couch it in racial terms making a huge point of the fact that Bobby Jindal is of Indian decent. (Aren't they the party that keeps telling us race doesn't matter) Since this election reverses decades of Democrat control..... where were all the stories saying that this election might be a bellwether for the upcoming '08 elections? Yep! Complete silence rules the day in Liberal land..... EXCEPT for the smear campaign they whipped up based on one sentence taken out of context from a paper he wrote in College. Even life Long democrats in Louisiana are disgusted with all the lies and fabrications their party is guilty of.... yet refuses to stop doing! These democrats are jumping ship by the thousands.... like the Reagan democrats of the 80's.
Basically.... either Ronnie is upstairs pulling the strings and orchestrating the complete defeat of the democrat party on '08...... or one has to doubt the sanity of the Democrats for thinking up these schemes, executing them.... and somehow believing that the American people will fall for them hook line and sinker. Granted there are a lot of Republicans who fell far from the Reagan band wagon when it went through Washington. Please be my guest and vote them back to where they came from! Total up the useless "R.I.N.O.'s" and you've got perhaps 25 in the house and Senate combined. Total up the Liberals who need to go and Joe Lieberman is the only guy from their side of the isle still holding a job in Washington.
Change is coming to Washington in '08 and it's going to be the 1984 media question of the day all over again..... Every news cast will open with.... "What do the Democrats have to do to get their power back in 2012?"
Mostly things of a political nature. NOT politically correct and never will be! I say what I think and if that runs against popular opinion that's too bad. It will make you think! (possibly painful if you're a liberal)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
How much more?
I'm wondering today just how much more of the Liberal Lunacy Americans are going to tolerate before the "purge" begins? I don't mean "purge" in the old Soviet style either. (Not that having these people shot for treason isn't a bad idea) No I simply mean fumigating Washington DC and getting rid of these low life rats. Send them packing back to what ever psychopathic state they came from.
Months ago Congress passed legislation requiring basically two things. One that the commander on the ground in Iraq prepare and present a report to their committees around the middle of September. Two is that the President also must present a report to them giving his assessment of the war and his proposals for its future.
Shortly after that legislation passed those very same people started demagoging the two people they had ordered before them! Even though unanimously approved by the Senate General Petraeus was now being slandered as a liar a puppet and a stooge of President Bush. (also answer me this.... If GW is SOOOOooooo damn stupid, as the lib's maintain, how then is it possible for him to keep pulling people into his web and constantly out smarting Liberals?) While I'm on that rant.... let's toss in something else the Lib's hate.... a fact! (think Kryptonite and Superman) IF president Bush is doing such a horrible job.... how come his approval numbers are nearly three times higher than those of Congress? Hummmmm?? (BUSH at 39% last poll I have access to and CONGRESS at 14%) But.... I digress....
Congress started running General Petraeus into the ground months ago. Just in case the news from Iraq was favorable they wanted to already have the messenger discredited. Why? Simply because since 9/11 they have been against doing anything to neutralize the world wide threat of Islamofascism. They have their blinders on and don't see... or wish to see... that nearly a billion people out to kill us and destroy our country as a problem! Here is an historical fact. Thomas Jefferson had a copy of the Koran (Qur'an) Because of the Barbary Coast Pirates. (the Islamofascists or their day) Islamists who were raiding our ships, stealing our cargo and either killing or enslaving our sailors! We have been at WAR with these assholes since this nation was founded!! Still the Liberals in the media and the Democrat party are not able to find a threat.
No, to this bunch of sorry ass traitors and communists (calling them as I see them) the only real threat to the United States is George W. Bush and the Republicans! Why? Because those are the people preventing them from taking control of the country and running it into the ground, that's why!
I'm not sure where you live but I inhabit (because I drive a truck) mostly Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana. We've been told by the Libs and their lapdogs in the media that the economy is in the tank. No jobs to be found anywhere, can't get a decent house anymore... doom and gloom as far as the eye can see. (But remember.... these guys are myopic!) Down here where I travel the highways and byways I can tell you for a fact that the economy is going gangbusters! I can't recall the last time I've seen so much new construction. Not just houses but new business construction. It's everywhere except for the smallest of out of the way towns. Any major city I go to or through if it's not going up new the old stuff is getting a serious overhaul and face lift. Unemployment in many of the major cities in under 4% with 4.5% representing a statistical zero unemployment figure. (simply because there will always be some fraction of the population who either won't or can't work)
And housing? Because houses were overbuilt several years ago there is a glut of houses on the market today... it's a buyers market! Due to the sub-prime fiasco a few months ago it may be slightly more difficult to get a home loan but I don't view that as necessarilly bad in and of itself. If credit is too easy to get then it's once again possible to over buy a home. By that I mean getting more home than you can or will be able to afford. Many of the sub-prime loans were of the adjustable rate variety. You might start out at 1.75% for the first two or three years but then the rate takes a jump to perhaps 5.5%. a couple of years later ot finally reaches what ever the current prime + mortgage rate is. Thus it's possible to start out paying maybe $375 a month for a nice two story 4 bedroom 3 bath house in the burbs and 7 years later you're told you must now pay $1750! Most people either didn't fully understand how that worked OR thought their income would rise enough to meet the higher payment... and that didn't happen.
Well... this thing rambles quite a bit... but that's pretty much how my brain works too. Unless it's something of dire import then I'm likely not to focus all that well on any specific topic or issue. While that might seem like some sort of flaw it's not really. Because I rarely place ALL my attention on anything my mind is free to comtemplate other things which are usually totally unrelated. For problem solving that is most handy. While able to get down to the finer points of an issue mentally I'm more of a "big picture" guy. From that perspective the big picture I'm seeing for the leftists in this country is something like the "Portrait of Dorian Grey" They think they are clever and pretty but their soul is being put on display for the world to see.... and it's not a pretty sight.
BTW.. this post is coming to you from beautiful Springfield Missouri. Nice enough place BUT their wireless internet is stuck in the stone age. Smoke signals are faster. Hmmmm... does anyone else out there remember 300 baud dial up modems? Yeah.... roughly that fast...
Monday, September 03, 2007
Nutless Republicans and Shameless Democrats
It seems that twice in that past month the Republican party has figuratively dropped trousers and shown the world they lack a big hairy set of balls. This seems to happen on a fairly regular basis anymore and is largely because the Republicans simply do not understand how to play politics with the Democrats.
The two events I speak of are the resignations of Alberto Gonzales and Senator Larry Craig. The Gonzales resignation is a complete mystery other than he likely is just plain tired of the constant attacks and criticisms from the rabid left wing attack machine. They have this non-event, non-crime of the President ordering the firing of 8 Federal Attorneys. Remember President Clinton fired all 115 Attorneys and nothing criminal was prosecuted for that. However when President Bush removes a mere 8 Attorneys THAT is criminal and must be investigated to death by the Democrats. (Perhaps they should be called Demoncrats since they are prone to demonizing everything and everyone they don't like or disagree with)
Anyway, as I have explained before... it was just fine for President Clinton for fire every single US Attorney because they ALL serve at the pleasure of the President. Period. The Justice Department is part of the Executive Branch and, as such, is immune from oversight from the Senate. (The House has NO oversight authority) Because the US attorneys serve at the Pleasure of the President they can be hired and fired on an hourly basis if that is what pleases the President and there's not a damn thing wrong with that or illegal in any way. What you've been seeing the media going insane about is a non-crime, non-event that THEY misrepresent so as to cast a shadow of doubt and the appearance of wrong doing where none exists. Remember, the mainstream media is nothing more than another wing of the democrat party.
Now Senator Craig seems to have done the one thing that Democrats absolutely never do and that is admit to anything. Senator William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana, nailed with $90,000 of marked FBI bribe money in the freezer of a refrigerator in his office at the capitol. (giving new meaning to the term "cold cash") He admits to nothing. He doesn't step down from office or any posts or positions he holds. He doesn't resign. Rather he pitches a bitch that the FBI had no legal right to raid his office or search his freezer..... even though it was the FBI conducting the sting operation in the first place. Mainstream media paid little attention to the matter. When they did it was to make excuses for his behavior. Senator Jefferson is still serving. An investigation is underway but he refuses to step down.
Senator Diane Fienstein served on the Defense Building Appropriations Committee for nearly 8 years. She held a leadership position and was largely responsible for deciding who got building contracts and who didn't. Oddly enough her husband owned two contracting companies and was a majority shareholder in at least three others. The "Honorable" Ms. Fienstein steered over 8 BILLION dollars worth of business to those companies during her tenure on the committee. That's a Billion dollars a year on average, people! Contracts that SHE directly benefited from. Earlier this year (2007) she resigned from the committee after a small paper in California ran an article detailing her nefarious dealings. No other major news outlet bothered to either investigate or report on the matter. Senator Fienstein is still serving with no censure and no investigations of her illegal activity.
Senator Barny Frank, openly gay, had his male lover running a sex for hire operation out of their shared apartment in Washington D.C. Senator Frank says.... "I knew nothing about it" and the mainstream media says, "That's good enough for us!" and immediately drops the matter. Senator Frank is still serving with no censure and no investigation of his activities.
Senator Gary Studds actually HAS sex with a male page! Not once but several times. We're not talking a shoe straying the the other side of a stall wall or an alleged "hand signal" of some type... we're talking the Senators sex organs out and physically engaged in various sexual activities with a staffer of the same gender. Is he gone? Well YEAH! Actually he's way gone... dead as a matter of fact. But he continued to serve for 13 years after a censure before he resigned. In an act of defiance he actually turned his back to the speaker while the censure was being read.
Bill Clinton set the standard for how Demoncrats deal with things when they are caught flat footed and red handed in a criminal act. Deny, deny, deny and then deny some more. That is step one. Step two is to accuse your accuser of some sort of crime or "political agenda" as the real wrongful act. It's not them.... Oh no! It's those evil Republicans and their "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" that is the real issue. It was that conspiracy that somehow forced Bills pants down around his knees and made Monica give him major lip service. Likewise somehow the evil Republicans forced William Jefferson to take over $90,000 in FBI bribe money and forced him to wrap it in foil and hide it in his office freezer. And if we're forced to buy that then it's simply obvious that the vile Republican members of that Appropriations committee had to somehow make Ms. Fienstein steer all those billions to her husband's companies. They forced her to not recuse herself when his companies were in on the bidding as she should have done. See! ANY time a Democrat is in hot water..... first they deny and then they blame the Republicans. Look at history... it's always the same with them. They NEVER do anything wrong. If anyone does discover wrong doing..... deny it ever happened then build a straw dog to demonize the accuser with. It's like chapter 6 of the Democrat Play Book.
What I keep hoping and praying I get to see is a Republican Party that finally figures out how to fight the type of trench warfare that the Democrats are so skilled at. Democrats have long term goals that they never let go of and they are masters of the straw dog. Republicans are like babes in the woods to the wolf pack mentality of the Democrats. If a Republican is in trouble the rest of the party runs like hell. Kind of like the joke of the two men running away from a pissed off bear. One guy yells at the other.... "You know a bear can run 30 miles per hour.... we can't out run it." The other guy yells back... "I don't have to out run the bear.... I just have to out run YOU!" That's how Republican are. Democrats circle the wagons along with their loyal friends in the mainstream media. They always stick up for each other and they are always on the same page of the play book. The Media does what ever it has to do to either downplay, misreport or just plan bury any story. Republican in trouble... the Media is all over it 24/7 and never lets go. Every time you pick up a paper or turn on a TV there it is... non-stop.
For those of you who are not familiar with the straw dog term it works like this. Let's say the democrats want to pass a bill limiting the harvesting of trees, for example. That may or may not be okay as far as it goes.... but they also slip into the bill millions of dollars worth of unrelated pork. The straw dog in this example becomes..... "IF you vote against the bill then you are in favor of clear cutting and destroying the forests." Notice it's NOT that you disagree with the millions of dollars of unrelated pork and wish to eliminate that waste..... Oh no. And the media willingly carries the democrats water and demonizes anyone who votes against the bill. That is how a straw dog works.
What I keep hoping and praying I get to see is a Republican Party that finally figures out how to fight the type of trench warfare that the Democrats are so skilled at. Democrats have long term goals that they never let go of and they are masters of the straw dog. Republicans are like babes in the woods to the wolf pack mentality of the Democrats. If a Republican is in trouble the rest of the party runs like hell. Kind of like the joke of the two men running away from a pissed off bear. One guy yells at the other.... "You know a bear can run 30 miles per hour.... we can't out run it." The other guy yells back... "I don't have to out run the bear.... I just have to out run YOU!" That's how Republican are. Democrats circle the wagons along with their loyal friends in the mainstream media. They always stick up for each other and they are always on the same page of the play book. The Media does what ever it has to do to either downplay, misreport or just plan bury any story. Republican in trouble... the Media is all over it 24/7 and never lets go. Every time you pick up a paper or turn on a TV there it is... non-stop.
For those of you who are not familiar with the straw dog term it works like this. Let's say the democrats want to pass a bill limiting the harvesting of trees, for example. That may or may not be okay as far as it goes.... but they also slip into the bill millions of dollars worth of unrelated pork. The straw dog in this example becomes..... "IF you vote against the bill then you are in favor of clear cutting and destroying the forests." Notice it's NOT that you disagree with the millions of dollars of unrelated pork and wish to eliminate that waste..... Oh no. And the media willingly carries the democrats water and demonizes anyone who votes against the bill. That is how a straw dog works.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Democrat Political Destruction
Since taking control of the House and Senate the Neo-Dems have been on the war path non stop. They promised they would do everything possible to disrupt the administration of President Bush. They promised investigations and never ending votes on the war. We've had both in spades!
The Neo-Dems have maintained since "W" took office that he is presiding over the "most secretive" administration in history. When one considers that it took the Clinton's three years to "find" the Rose Law Firm billing records.... which were in the private quarters all the time.... one has to wonder if they were paying attention back then. To date the White House has turned over nearly 500,000 pages of documents to satisfy the gluttony of the Neo-Dem witch hunters. To put that into perspective.... The Rose Law Firm material fit neatly into one standard cardboard moving box. 500,000 pages is a pile twice the height of the White house!
Why has so much material been turned over to the House and Senate? How about because they have OVER 300 separate "investigations" under way right now. Over 300! There aren't even 300 people working at the White House. The House seems to think it has "oversight" authority over the Executive branch too. Odd considering they are not vested with confirmation powers. This crap of issuing subpoena's to the Presidents personal staff then pretending "shock and outrage" when they fail to comply is pure theatrical showmanship. Then to follow that up with "Contempt of Congress" warrants? The height of ego and partisan political game playing. Has this moron, Conyers, ever even heard of the separation of powers clause? Congress (or the Senate for that matter) cannot cause any member of the executive staff to appear before it to testify about anything! Likewise the Executive Branch cannot order members of either House or Senate staff to testify to it. I'd wager that IF the White House issued an order for Conyers Staffers to appear and give testimony (and bring all the congressman's files) THEN Mr. Conyers would scream loud and long about the separation of powers! (Wanna bet?) One of the people under subpoena is Harriet Meyers, the President's former personal counsel. If nothing else has Mr. Conyers ever heard of attorney - client privilege? (Hint.... that is something the Neo-Dems claim that the detainees at "Gitmo" have a "right" to.)
All of this is being done knowing full well that the sycophantic media will lap it up like dogs and splash it all over every broadcast and front page it on every liberal rag out there. The Neo-Dems can depend upon the media to carry their water every time. Anything the two can do to make the Bush Administration look as bad as possible. All one has to do is look at the record breaking economy and stock market. Do you realize that since the stock market was created until the end of the Clinton administration it moved from 0 to just over 7000. So from basically 1791 until 1992...... one over 200 years..... the market gained 7000 points. Under the administration of President Bush the stock market has hit 14,000 twice! That is nothing short of amazing! Yet the main scream media downplays the gains and only gives them minimal coverage. But let the market take a profit taking dip of a couple hundred points and that gets played like the end of civilization! Here is the media template just so everyone can figure this out for themselves. Republican in office = everything bad. Democrat in office = everything wonderful. Actual actions or performance do not matter a whit. ALL that matters in how the news is reported is the political affiliation of the President.
As you've no doubt noticed the Neo-Dems have been making quite the stink about the war on terror and particularly the front in Iraq. This is the "vote after vote after vote" strategy they hoped to use to keep the Republicans voting over and over again in support of the effort while the Neo-Dems kept voting for our defeat. (Stupid strategy but none the less they thought it was a good idea) So far, under this plan, they have called for and received several hundred votes on various aspects of the war effort. Except for a few weak willed and weaker minded R.I.N.O.'s the votes have been straight down party lines. Joe Lieberman (Independent) being the one sane person from the Dem side of the fence.
In spite of all their efforts to gain defeat in Iraq support for the war is actually growing! ABC ran a poll to show how little support there was and the results shocked them! Support was on the rise! Not believing the results of their own poll they ran it again. The results not only confirmed the first poll but were slightly higher. ABC quit while they were ahead. Prior to running any sort of story on this bit of created news they dispatched a team to Iraq to check first hand. Moral of the troops high and positive! Support of the leadership on the ground at record levels. Belief in the mission.... off the charts. And the average Iraqi citizen had a positive outlook and hope for peace and prosperity in the future. As a matter of fact the Sunni and the Shia sects are joining both the local militia's and local police to help rid the country of the Al Quaida terrorists! They are tired of having them, their friends and families being potential targets for these insane radicals. For the media it's a case of "good news, good news everywhere yet nothing to report." The media cannot report any good news while a Republican is President. It violates their unholy alliance with the Neo-Dems. Then again.... Democrats... Media.... two sides of the same coin.
In the so called Presidential race the Neo-Dems are throwing stones at the Republicans again. (nothing new for them) This time they are calling them cowards for declining appearing on another of those insane "YouTube debates." I call that being intelligent not being a coward. And please correct me if I'm wrong...... but isn't it the Democrats who are afraid to appear on the FOX network? Didn't they just flat refuse to be questioned by anyone from FOX? Cowards anyone?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Save the Moon! (And more!)
Yep! Back again to thrill and delight (and really piss off some of) you. My able assistant, Rampage Kitty, is napping at my elbow ready to spring into action if needed. Hopefully I'll be able to manage this without her help at the keyboard..... we'll see.
Scooter Libby gets a commute of his sentence from President Bush. Good start, Sir! Now then, how about a complete pardon and having the court records sealed? That was a Soviet style "Trial" and not worthy of even the term trial. The left was looking for someone to hang (Republican) and didn't quit trying until they had someone (Republican). Richard Armatage admitted HE leaked Plame but, being a loyal Liberal, was given a total pass. Nice start Mr. President.... Now... finish the job.
Congress is out on recess. YIPPIE!!! They need to STAY out! Every time they meet we loose a bit more of our freedom and liberty. The 4th of July is a great and timely example. When I was growing up we could actually celebrate this unique holiday! All up and down the block fireworks were going off and people were having fun. Sure there were some stupid people! Yep! Every year someone would get their fingers damaged because they held a firecracker rather than laying it on the ground. And every year there was at least one small grass fire. The first taught a lesson and the second did too! The grass fires were always small because people were responsible and had garden hoses out and ready just in case. (Personal responsibility) It's a wonderful concept.... the Left should try it sometime.
Now days it's illegal to even have fireworks in some cities. The loudest thing on our block is usually the "Basser's" breaking the law with their loud car speaker systems. Out in the small town I used to live in (Forney Texas) we got busted by the Police for letting the kids set off smoke bombs and "snakes". Yes..... I DID have a garden hose out and ready just in case. Everywhere, people who think THEY know what is best for everyone else (Liberals) take away our freedoms and rights to make themselves feel better. The basic statement is "You are far too dumb and stupid to be able to celebrate the 4th without hurting yourself..... so we'll celebrate FOR you and you can just sit there and watch like good little citizens." Give me the good old days.
Al Gore is gearing up for his 07/07/07 "Concert for a climate in crisis". Ever notice how, with Liberals, everything is a crisis? (Well.... except for the stuff that really is a crisis... that they ignore) The idea is to have a concert on every continent at the same time. (Wonder who is playing Antarctica?) Now then..... this is suppose to help the planet somehow.... I just haven't figured out how as of yet. Carbon Dioxide is supposed to be the big villain here. I'm willing to bet none of these bands are walking to these sites. Probably taking private jets. That's going to generate a lot of CO2. Then they have to run generators to power everything. Oops! More of that nasty evil CO2. Then I suspect they want crowds to show up and watch them. Yeah... people breath and when they exhale..... evil CO2 is released. How do the crowds get to the concerts? Yep.... more CO2 in the atmosphere. Seems like in one day Al Gore is doing more to generate a "greenhouse gas" than he is to limit its production. Oh... wait.... I forgot. Liberals can buy "Carbon Offsets" (From none other than Al Gore) and feel good about themselves! So they can pollute like a smoldering landfill and it's OKAY!
To all those nut bags who think they are on the cutting edge..... here is a news flash. The climate is constantly changing! It's never been stable and it never will be. We live on a dynamic planet where the only thing that is constant IS change. Get freaking OVER it! The climate is going to do what the climate is going to do and the best WE can do is hang on and go along for the ride. Yep.... some years are going to be warmer than others. Yep.... there are going to be some observable trends towards either warming or cooling over specific time periods. That's the way it's always been..... that's the way it will continue to be. We can't even accurately predict the weather let alone affect it in any meaningful way. Weather is the local stuff that affects us.... Climate is what happens globally. We're clever little monkeys but we're not bright enough to control either the weather or the climate. This is two things. Number one it's a power grab by the left. They got the Supreme Court to declare CO2 a "Pollutant" so now they can pass laws and regulations to "control" it. (Control US) Number two. Look at those "Carbon Offsets". Who is making money off those? Follow the money, people. Meanwhile here in Texas we are having one of the coolest years on record! Here it is July and we've barely broke into the 90's and then only a couple of times. Also we're almost at our average annual rainfall level and just past the halfway point for the calendar year. Wait...... Hummmmm.... Clouds....... Rain...... cooler weather in the state........ Nah! Probably no correlation there at all......
I do have another cause for Al Gore to champion, however. Remember those lunar landings? Astronauts put out reflectors on the moon so scientists could more accurately measure the distance between the earth and the moon. WELL!!! Come to find out the moon is moving AWAY from the earth at just about the same rate your fingernails grow! (Roughly an inch a year) This has all the makings of a crisis, folks!! Think of it. Each year the moon gets a little bit farther away. It appears smaller in the night sky. It has less affect on the oceans and the tides. Eventually the earths oceans will have NO tides! All those little sea turtles and grunions that depend upon the tides for breding will die off! And what the heck will Coyotes and Wolves have to howl at if we loose the moon? Our planet will loose the force that causes it to remain in a fairly stable orbit and rotation. It could start to wobble and just go zinging out into deep space..... OR..... worse yet..... spiral into the sun! YIKES! Yes my friends.... it's time we all joined together to Save the Moon!
You know.... if we can save the planet then saving the Moon should be a piece of cake. (or green cheese) It's much smaller and has no climate to worry about. And I'm sure that if we all did our part we could easily save the Moon. Perhaps we could have Al Gore put on more concerts to raise awareness! That's always a good start. Of course we have to find some way of blaming evil Americans for creating the problem and not caring enough. BUT... that's easy! After all.... who were the ONLY humans to ever visit the moon and return? RIGHT!! Evil Americans! So! It's obviously all our fault anyway! Perhaps Mr. Gore can start another little company that sells extra gravity credits. The effect of these would be to slightly elevate the gravity, here on earth, so that the moon is attracted more.... and thus starts to slow it's departure and eventually return to it's pre-lunar landing orbit. Heck yeah!!! Extra gravity credits and a few concerts and we've got that little problem whipped! Al? What about it? I say... SAVE THE MOON!
Scooter Libby gets a commute of his sentence from President Bush. Good start, Sir! Now then, how about a complete pardon and having the court records sealed? That was a Soviet style "Trial" and not worthy of even the term trial. The left was looking for someone to hang (Republican) and didn't quit trying until they had someone (Republican). Richard Armatage admitted HE leaked Plame but, being a loyal Liberal, was given a total pass. Nice start Mr. President.... Now... finish the job.
Congress is out on recess. YIPPIE!!! They need to STAY out! Every time they meet we loose a bit more of our freedom and liberty. The 4th of July is a great and timely example. When I was growing up we could actually celebrate this unique holiday! All up and down the block fireworks were going off and people were having fun. Sure there were some stupid people! Yep! Every year someone would get their fingers damaged because they held a firecracker rather than laying it on the ground. And every year there was at least one small grass fire. The first taught a lesson and the second did too! The grass fires were always small because people were responsible and had garden hoses out and ready just in case. (Personal responsibility) It's a wonderful concept.... the Left should try it sometime.
Now days it's illegal to even have fireworks in some cities. The loudest thing on our block is usually the "Basser's" breaking the law with their loud car speaker systems. Out in the small town I used to live in (Forney Texas) we got busted by the Police for letting the kids set off smoke bombs and "snakes". Yes..... I DID have a garden hose out and ready just in case. Everywhere, people who think THEY know what is best for everyone else (Liberals) take away our freedoms and rights to make themselves feel better. The basic statement is "You are far too dumb and stupid to be able to celebrate the 4th without hurting yourself..... so we'll celebrate FOR you and you can just sit there and watch like good little citizens." Give me the good old days.
Al Gore is gearing up for his 07/07/07 "Concert for a climate in crisis". Ever notice how, with Liberals, everything is a crisis? (Well.... except for the stuff that really is a crisis... that they ignore) The idea is to have a concert on every continent at the same time. (Wonder who is playing Antarctica?) Now then..... this is suppose to help the planet somehow.... I just haven't figured out how as of yet. Carbon Dioxide is supposed to be the big villain here. I'm willing to bet none of these bands are walking to these sites. Probably taking private jets. That's going to generate a lot of CO2. Then they have to run generators to power everything. Oops! More of that nasty evil CO2. Then I suspect they want crowds to show up and watch them. Yeah... people breath and when they exhale..... evil CO2 is released. How do the crowds get to the concerts? Yep.... more CO2 in the atmosphere. Seems like in one day Al Gore is doing more to generate a "greenhouse gas" than he is to limit its production. Oh... wait.... I forgot. Liberals can buy "Carbon Offsets" (From none other than Al Gore) and feel good about themselves! So they can pollute like a smoldering landfill and it's OKAY!
To all those nut bags who think they are on the cutting edge..... here is a news flash. The climate is constantly changing! It's never been stable and it never will be. We live on a dynamic planet where the only thing that is constant IS change. Get freaking OVER it! The climate is going to do what the climate is going to do and the best WE can do is hang on and go along for the ride. Yep.... some years are going to be warmer than others. Yep.... there are going to be some observable trends towards either warming or cooling over specific time periods. That's the way it's always been..... that's the way it will continue to be. We can't even accurately predict the weather let alone affect it in any meaningful way. Weather is the local stuff that affects us.... Climate is what happens globally. We're clever little monkeys but we're not bright enough to control either the weather or the climate. This is two things. Number one it's a power grab by the left. They got the Supreme Court to declare CO2 a "Pollutant" so now they can pass laws and regulations to "control" it. (Control US) Number two. Look at those "Carbon Offsets". Who is making money off those? Follow the money, people. Meanwhile here in Texas we are having one of the coolest years on record! Here it is July and we've barely broke into the 90's and then only a couple of times. Also we're almost at our average annual rainfall level and just past the halfway point for the calendar year. Wait...... Hummmmm.... Clouds....... Rain...... cooler weather in the state........ Nah! Probably no correlation there at all......
I do have another cause for Al Gore to champion, however. Remember those lunar landings? Astronauts put out reflectors on the moon so scientists could more accurately measure the distance between the earth and the moon. WELL!!! Come to find out the moon is moving AWAY from the earth at just about the same rate your fingernails grow! (Roughly an inch a year) This has all the makings of a crisis, folks!! Think of it. Each year the moon gets a little bit farther away. It appears smaller in the night sky. It has less affect on the oceans and the tides. Eventually the earths oceans will have NO tides! All those little sea turtles and grunions that depend upon the tides for breding will die off! And what the heck will Coyotes and Wolves have to howl at if we loose the moon? Our planet will loose the force that causes it to remain in a fairly stable orbit and rotation. It could start to wobble and just go zinging out into deep space..... OR..... worse yet..... spiral into the sun! YIKES! Yes my friends.... it's time we all joined together to Save the Moon!
You know.... if we can save the planet then saving the Moon should be a piece of cake. (or green cheese) It's much smaller and has no climate to worry about. And I'm sure that if we all did our part we could easily save the Moon. Perhaps we could have Al Gore put on more concerts to raise awareness! That's always a good start. Of course we have to find some way of blaming evil Americans for creating the problem and not caring enough. BUT... that's easy! After all.... who were the ONLY humans to ever visit the moon and return? RIGHT!! Evil Americans! So! It's obviously all our fault anyway! Perhaps Mr. Gore can start another little company that sells extra gravity credits. The effect of these would be to slightly elevate the gravity, here on earth, so that the moon is attracted more.... and thus starts to slow it's departure and eventually return to it's pre-lunar landing orbit. Heck yeah!!! Extra gravity credits and a few concerts and we've got that little problem whipped! Al? What about it? I say... SAVE THE MOON!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Nope! No WMD's in Iraq
While the democrat party continues to plot the defeat of the United States, those of us with brains would like to remind you of the reality of the situation. A quick click of the link below will take you directly to the official CIA report on the subject. Bear in mind that the head of the CIA at the time was a Clinton appointee and NOT a member of the Bush administration.
On that same front, the war on terror (a phrase that the Stalinist left wants to remove from the dialog because they don't wish to believe it) continues to advance on fronts that matter. A former member of Saddam's staff, General Georges Hormuz Sada authored a book titled "Saddam's Secrets" in which he lets the world see behind the curtain into Saddam's little evil empire. The following link should take you to Amazon.com where you can get the book and read it for yourself.
Mr Sada, who is now the senior military adviser for the current President of Iraq, details the many WMD programs Saddam had going and the movement of those weapons to Syria via ground convoy and air shipments. How does he know? He was in charge of the operation! Naturally you've not seen or heard anything from the main stream media about this man or reviews of his book. Geeeeeee..... I wonder how come? Oh yeah...... the truth doesn't fit in with the democrat party line or the main stream media template. We certainly can't have something as trivial as the truth getting in the way of the democrat agenda now, can we?
And then we have that tired ass bunch of jerks who just can't seem to push hard enough to extract their heads from their anal cavities. You can find this bunch in the House, Senate and main stream media........ but wait....... I repeat myself. They are all in bed with each other so they are all the same. This is the "Bush lied, people died" bunch. Good with a catchy phrase but none have ever seemed to have been able to activate two brain cells at the same time. Once again if you follow this helpful link you can enlighten yourself. (CAUTION! For liberals this process could be very painful..... proceed with extreme care!)
Further enlightenment may be attained at the following link:
Yes, my dear friends, there has been a lot of homework in this posting. However, unless you are armed with the truth and the facts it's far too easy for the main stream liberal media and the Stalinist leftists to perpetuate their version of reality. Look at how many people fall for their lies each and every day. They are like the snake in the Garden of Eden. They deceive with such skill that it is far too easy to swallow their pap.
Look at what the left "stands" for! Currently they stand for the defeat of the US in the war against terrorism. On one had they say they only want to "protect" innocent life by bringing our troops home. On the other hand they support the slaughter of over 4500 truly innocent lives each and every week through abortion. They support more and higher taxes for Americans even though, as a result of the Bush tax cuts, revenues have never been higher! They support the maintenance of racial separation through affirmative action programs which advance discrimination. They stand for the destruction of free enterprise and capitalism through punitive regulations, restrictions and taxation. (Can anyone out there remember the last time an Oil Refinery was built in the United States? HINT! It was prior to the Carter Administration) They stand for the indoctrination of our children through the government schools and the teachers unions. Simply look at the far left agenda that is advanced at all levels of education from elementary school through college. Little things like making the watching of "An Inconvenient Truth" (Al Gore's crock-u-mentory movie) without providing ANY truth or balance to counter his fiction. They say they want freedom of speech but ONLY for speech THEY approve of. The left can say anything.... even calling the President "HITLER" but someone from the right can't even pay a 100 year old friend a compliment at his home without being condemned by the left. They stand for bringing back the "Fairness Doctrine" to stifle any and all speech that they do not approve of. This is Stalinist activity at it's most basic level and typical of how the left operates while being shielded from attack and wholly supported by their sycophant media friends.
Yep! The left stands for a lot of things...... all of which are bad for America. Fortunately the truth is out there but with the media electing not to report anything that doesn't fit their agenda it can be rather difficult to locate at times. Fortunately I have done the hard work for you so all you have to do is click for instant enlightenment. Just another service I gladly provide.
On that same front, the war on terror (a phrase that the Stalinist left wants to remove from the dialog because they don't wish to believe it) continues to advance on fronts that matter. A former member of Saddam's staff, General Georges Hormuz Sada authored a book titled "Saddam's Secrets" in which he lets the world see behind the curtain into Saddam's little evil empire. The following link should take you to Amazon.com where you can get the book and read it for yourself.
Mr Sada, who is now the senior military adviser for the current President of Iraq, details the many WMD programs Saddam had going and the movement of those weapons to Syria via ground convoy and air shipments. How does he know? He was in charge of the operation! Naturally you've not seen or heard anything from the main stream media about this man or reviews of his book. Geeeeeee..... I wonder how come? Oh yeah...... the truth doesn't fit in with the democrat party line or the main stream media template. We certainly can't have something as trivial as the truth getting in the way of the democrat agenda now, can we?
And then we have that tired ass bunch of jerks who just can't seem to push hard enough to extract their heads from their anal cavities. You can find this bunch in the House, Senate and main stream media........ but wait....... I repeat myself. They are all in bed with each other so they are all the same. This is the "Bush lied, people died" bunch. Good with a catchy phrase but none have ever seemed to have been able to activate two brain cells at the same time. Once again if you follow this helpful link you can enlighten yourself. (CAUTION! For liberals this process could be very painful..... proceed with extreme care!)
Further enlightenment may be attained at the following link:
Yes, my dear friends, there has been a lot of homework in this posting. However, unless you are armed with the truth and the facts it's far too easy for the main stream liberal media and the Stalinist leftists to perpetuate their version of reality. Look at how many people fall for their lies each and every day. They are like the snake in the Garden of Eden. They deceive with such skill that it is far too easy to swallow their pap.
Look at what the left "stands" for! Currently they stand for the defeat of the US in the war against terrorism. On one had they say they only want to "protect" innocent life by bringing our troops home. On the other hand they support the slaughter of over 4500 truly innocent lives each and every week through abortion. They support more and higher taxes for Americans even though, as a result of the Bush tax cuts, revenues have never been higher! They support the maintenance of racial separation through affirmative action programs which advance discrimination. They stand for the destruction of free enterprise and capitalism through punitive regulations, restrictions and taxation. (Can anyone out there remember the last time an Oil Refinery was built in the United States? HINT! It was prior to the Carter Administration) They stand for the indoctrination of our children through the government schools and the teachers unions. Simply look at the far left agenda that is advanced at all levels of education from elementary school through college. Little things like making the watching of "An Inconvenient Truth" (Al Gore's crock-u-mentory movie) without providing ANY truth or balance to counter his fiction. They say they want freedom of speech but ONLY for speech THEY approve of. The left can say anything.... even calling the President "HITLER" but someone from the right can't even pay a 100 year old friend a compliment at his home without being condemned by the left. They stand for bringing back the "Fairness Doctrine" to stifle any and all speech that they do not approve of. This is Stalinist activity at it's most basic level and typical of how the left operates while being shielded from attack and wholly supported by their sycophant media friends.
Yep! The left stands for a lot of things...... all of which are bad for America. Fortunately the truth is out there but with the media electing not to report anything that doesn't fit their agenda it can be rather difficult to locate at times. Fortunately I have done the hard work for you so all you have to do is click for instant enlightenment. Just another service I gladly provide.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Pay Attention, America!
It seems that most people in America live their lives with the controls set to autopilot. Everything they do is so predictable and routine that they simply fail to pay attention to the larger world around them. If something doesn't directly impact their neatly structured little world they are comfortable with just not caring. Further, most people seem to think (feel) that they have no say when it comes to things governmental other than voting occasionally.
What they fail to realize is that our elected officials in Washington D.C. are working (pardon that expression) every day to limit our liberty and restrict our freedoms. Look at it this way. Every single time a new law or regulation is passed we have collectively just lost a bit of personal control over our lives. It's no more difficult to understand than that. The assault on our collective liberties and freedoms is a matter of concern for all Americans. You do have a voice beyond voting! It's as simple as writing or calling your elected Representatives. Yes... sadly that does require some effort.... but not enough to cause you to sweat. Here are some of the assaults that are underway at this time.
The "Fairness Doctrine"
I've mentioned this before so you can read those comments also. Frankly there is absolutely nothing fair about the fairness doctrine. It's a cute sounding name and that's it. What that cute name masks is Stalinist repression of speech and public discourse.
The targets of the fairness doctrine are those who do not toe the liberal party line and regurgitate their political talking points. For example, Air America is just fine with the left but folks Like Limbaugh and Hannity have to allow "corrections" to their opinions and "right wing hate speech." If you really want to hear hate speech.... give air America a listen some day.
The FOX network is also a target of the fairness doctrine. Why? They give both sides of a story or issue and let you decide what to think about it! If you're a leftist that kind of irresponsible journalism simply cannot be tolerated. If you are old enough to remember the Soviet Union and Pravda then you can understand what kind of press the left wants in America today.
All you have to do is watch any network but FOX to see the kind of reporting they think is fair. (Not that FOX is all that great when it comes to representing the whole picture, but they are a bit better.) Take Iraq. Mainstream media beats suicide bombings and troop losses into us relentlessly. Can you remember even one positive story on any of the major networks? How much coverage have the over 5000 public works projects received? Do you remember them showing the Iraqi families taking their kids to the circus in Baghdad? Coverage of the thriving Iraqi stock market? How about coverage of the normal lives and freedom from fear and oppression in the 95% of Iraq that is peaceful and quiet? Nope! Not a word. Why is that? Because the left says the war is wrong. They say it's going badly and we must get out now! If they told the truth and showed the American people the whole story then we'd all be able to see just how well things are going and how much good we've done for the average Iraqi citizen. That sort of one sided reporting is what the left needs to seize and maintain power.
Lord knows this is my least favorite thing. I hate being robbed and not having the option of of giving the robber a sound thrashing. Those with a functional brain know and understand that if the people get to keep more of the money they bust their butts for everything is better. We can save more, invest more, afford to buy better things, enjoy a better life and live in a better economy. John Kennedy knew that, Reagan knew that and Bush knows that. I've discussed this topic before too so read back in the blog and educate yourself.
The wonderful democrats are planning two HUGE tax increases if they are able to seize power completely. One is a stealth tax increase that will add around $2000 to the tax bill of the average tax payer. The other is a $450 BILLION dollar tax increase that they hope to pass into law. This is more than twice as big as the Clinton tax increases.
The stealth increase comes from legislative inactivity. If they do nothing.... then the Bush tax cuts will expire in 2010. Trust me. If the liberals seize and maintain control of government they WILL do absolutely nothing. This, combined with their new planned hikes, will serve to take us back to those wonderful days of the Carter administration. (look it up kids) Out of control inflation, home mortgage interest rates in the low 20% range, and a misery index for the American people. Just lovely! You have less money in your pocket and everything you want or need costs more...... figure it out.
The F.D.A.
The Food and Drug Administration recently posted an innocent little 14 page document on their official web site. It's called "Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration." This document is open to public comments until April 30, 2007 - just a few days from now.
Here's what it boils down to: If you use an herbal or dietary supplement to stay healthy or to help prevent an ailment, that's fine. But if any supplement is used to treat a symptom, then it's a medicine and will be regulated by the FDA, just like any prescription drug. And there's a qualifying statement to that second part: The supplement will be exempted if it is "generally recognized, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of drugs, as safe and effective for use under the conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling."
In other words, the freedom to use a supplement to treat a condition will be at the discretion of FDA experts. And given the track record of FDA experts, this is really bad news. With this spacious latitude, there's no telling just how far the FDA might go to restrict access to supplements. For instance, they could take a widely used supplement off the market if the label states a benefit; such as using lutein to reduce the damage from age-related macular degeneration, or using chondroitin and glucosamine to reduce joint pain, or using probiotics to address digestive problems - the list goes on and on. Under the proposed FDA guidelines even bottled water might be considered a drug if used to alleviate severe dehydration, which is an emergency medical condition. Think about this, Yoplait Yogurt contains probiotics. If this law passes you'd have to get a Doctors Prescription and see a pharmacist to buy yogurt!!
You can find the full text of the FDA document at this link:
And you can use this link to submit your comments:
I'm not saying that the republicans have been the sharpest tools in the Washington D.C. shed lately. Lord knows they they have drifted away from the Reagan brand of conservatism that serves the country and it's people best. The prescription drug plan should have never passed. McCain Fiengold should have never been signed. There is a laundry list of things that they have done, or failed to do, and they do need their feet held to the proverbial fire. But unless we the people write to and call our elected officials they are operating in a vacuum. How can they do what WE want them to do if WE don't bug them to death and let them know?
If you are lucky enough to have republican representation then, by all means, get off your dying dead ass and bug the hell out of that person! The way they do the numbers is that each e-mail counts as the opinion of 10 voters and each phone call counts for 100. That is how they gauge public opinion on issues. If you are unfortunate enough to have a democrat representative then you are served just as well by going to Starbucks for a double latte. In their opinion the last brilliant thing you did was elect them. From that point forward you are simply far too stupid to understand the issues or have any input of any value whatsoever. THEY know what is best for you and they will ram it down your throat, like it or not.
There is some small hope, however. Elections still happen. Grow a brain and cast your vote for someone else next time you have the opportunity.
What they fail to realize is that our elected officials in Washington D.C. are working (pardon that expression) every day to limit our liberty and restrict our freedoms. Look at it this way. Every single time a new law or regulation is passed we have collectively just lost a bit of personal control over our lives. It's no more difficult to understand than that. The assault on our collective liberties and freedoms is a matter of concern for all Americans. You do have a voice beyond voting! It's as simple as writing or calling your elected Representatives. Yes... sadly that does require some effort.... but not enough to cause you to sweat. Here are some of the assaults that are underway at this time.
The "Fairness Doctrine"
I've mentioned this before so you can read those comments also. Frankly there is absolutely nothing fair about the fairness doctrine. It's a cute sounding name and that's it. What that cute name masks is Stalinist repression of speech and public discourse.
The targets of the fairness doctrine are those who do not toe the liberal party line and regurgitate their political talking points. For example, Air America is just fine with the left but folks Like Limbaugh and Hannity have to allow "corrections" to their opinions and "right wing hate speech." If you really want to hear hate speech.... give air America a listen some day.
The FOX network is also a target of the fairness doctrine. Why? They give both sides of a story or issue and let you decide what to think about it! If you're a leftist that kind of irresponsible journalism simply cannot be tolerated. If you are old enough to remember the Soviet Union and Pravda then you can understand what kind of press the left wants in America today.
All you have to do is watch any network but FOX to see the kind of reporting they think is fair. (Not that FOX is all that great when it comes to representing the whole picture, but they are a bit better.) Take Iraq. Mainstream media beats suicide bombings and troop losses into us relentlessly. Can you remember even one positive story on any of the major networks? How much coverage have the over 5000 public works projects received? Do you remember them showing the Iraqi families taking their kids to the circus in Baghdad? Coverage of the thriving Iraqi stock market? How about coverage of the normal lives and freedom from fear and oppression in the 95% of Iraq that is peaceful and quiet? Nope! Not a word. Why is that? Because the left says the war is wrong. They say it's going badly and we must get out now! If they told the truth and showed the American people the whole story then we'd all be able to see just how well things are going and how much good we've done for the average Iraqi citizen. That sort of one sided reporting is what the left needs to seize and maintain power.
Lord knows this is my least favorite thing. I hate being robbed and not having the option of of giving the robber a sound thrashing. Those with a functional brain know and understand that if the people get to keep more of the money they bust their butts for everything is better. We can save more, invest more, afford to buy better things, enjoy a better life and live in a better economy. John Kennedy knew that, Reagan knew that and Bush knows that. I've discussed this topic before too so read back in the blog and educate yourself.
The wonderful democrats are planning two HUGE tax increases if they are able to seize power completely. One is a stealth tax increase that will add around $2000 to the tax bill of the average tax payer. The other is a $450 BILLION dollar tax increase that they hope to pass into law. This is more than twice as big as the Clinton tax increases.
The stealth increase comes from legislative inactivity. If they do nothing.... then the Bush tax cuts will expire in 2010. Trust me. If the liberals seize and maintain control of government they WILL do absolutely nothing. This, combined with their new planned hikes, will serve to take us back to those wonderful days of the Carter administration. (look it up kids) Out of control inflation, home mortgage interest rates in the low 20% range, and a misery index for the American people. Just lovely! You have less money in your pocket and everything you want or need costs more...... figure it out.
The F.D.A.
The Food and Drug Administration recently posted an innocent little 14 page document on their official web site. It's called "Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration." This document is open to public comments until April 30, 2007 - just a few days from now.
Here's what it boils down to: If you use an herbal or dietary supplement to stay healthy or to help prevent an ailment, that's fine. But if any supplement is used to treat a symptom, then it's a medicine and will be regulated by the FDA, just like any prescription drug. And there's a qualifying statement to that second part: The supplement will be exempted if it is "generally recognized, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of drugs, as safe and effective for use under the conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling."
In other words, the freedom to use a supplement to treat a condition will be at the discretion of FDA experts. And given the track record of FDA experts, this is really bad news. With this spacious latitude, there's no telling just how far the FDA might go to restrict access to supplements. For instance, they could take a widely used supplement off the market if the label states a benefit; such as using lutein to reduce the damage from age-related macular degeneration, or using chondroitin and glucosamine to reduce joint pain, or using probiotics to address digestive problems - the list goes on and on. Under the proposed FDA guidelines even bottled water might be considered a drug if used to alleviate severe dehydration, which is an emergency medical condition. Think about this, Yoplait Yogurt contains probiotics. If this law passes you'd have to get a Doctors Prescription and see a pharmacist to buy yogurt!!
You can find the full text of the FDA document at this link:
And you can use this link to submit your comments:
I'm not saying that the republicans have been the sharpest tools in the Washington D.C. shed lately. Lord knows they they have drifted away from the Reagan brand of conservatism that serves the country and it's people best. The prescription drug plan should have never passed. McCain Fiengold should have never been signed. There is a laundry list of things that they have done, or failed to do, and they do need their feet held to the proverbial fire. But unless we the people write to and call our elected officials they are operating in a vacuum. How can they do what WE want them to do if WE don't bug them to death and let them know?
If you are lucky enough to have republican representation then, by all means, get off your dying dead ass and bug the hell out of that person! The way they do the numbers is that each e-mail counts as the opinion of 10 voters and each phone call counts for 100. That is how they gauge public opinion on issues. If you are unfortunate enough to have a democrat representative then you are served just as well by going to Starbucks for a double latte. In their opinion the last brilliant thing you did was elect them. From that point forward you are simply far too stupid to understand the issues or have any input of any value whatsoever. THEY know what is best for you and they will ram it down your throat, like it or not.
There is some small hope, however. Elections still happen. Grow a brain and cast your vote for someone else next time you have the opportunity.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Treason and Fairness
This is another one of those days when, while just setting here, I'm getting dizzy as hell. The reason? All those Stalinist in the House and Senate who are working so very hard towards the complete and total destruction of this country. For the record.... there is a reason why we are called the RIGHT! That's because we ARE!. You folks on the left obviously represent what is left over when you are not right. The dizziness is from watching my beloved country going down the toilet thanks to these anti-American assholes. In honor of our freedom and liberty reaching yet another all time low I celebrated by acquiring another pistol. 15 shot capacity with a laser designator sighted in at a comfortable 60 foot standoff range. The ultimate taking of the last bit of my own personal freedom will not be as easy as the liberals steady erosion of all freedom in general.
The actions of the Neo-Dem's in the House and Senate sink to an entirely untouched level in the history of the nation. For someone with a clear and unclouded view of the world it is beyond comprehension how the Neo-Dem's can keep getting everything so incredibly wrong. I suspect that 99.99% of their myopia is due to pure political blindness. The left never fails to filter everything they encounter through their political agenda. America, it's roll and responsibility in the world and the freedom of it's citizens is subordinated to their political aspirations. Nothing else matters to the Neo-Dem's but their acquisition and maintenance of political power. They would literally destroy the entire nation if, in the end, it would result in them being in power and lording that power over what is left when the dust settles.
I'm someone who has very little regard for politics in general. Politics is, for the most part, a self serving exercise. For those who have the Neo-Dem attitude of supreme self importance the reason for becoming a political animal becomes distorted. Rather than attempting to serve their fellow man and advancing the cause of America and it's interests they instead abandon everything but their pursuit of personal power. This past week in Washington DC serves as an excellent illustration of that corruption.
A very vocal anti-American faction in the House and Senate worked tirelessly to cripple our efforts in Iraq and hand President Bush a Vietnam like defeat. Why? Purely political reasons. IF President Bush and our troops are supported and permitted to bring stability to Iraq then it points to the soundness and validity to his efforts to defeat terrorists around the world. That validation also would point out the wrongheaded thinking and efforts of the Neo-Dem's. Our victory in Iraq would lead to an erosion of power for the Neo-Dem's and that is something that they simply cannot permit. Thus, in order to maintain their power, they must do everything possible to make victory in Iraq an impossible dream. Their short sighted ambitions represent the lowest level to which they can possibly sink. They would gladly welcome another American defeat on the battlefield. They could care less about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens who would be slaughtered at the hands of the Islamofascists from Iran. They care less that the image of America as a strong and faithful ally is utterly destroyed. It matters not to them if their actions leave the world more dangerous or if it greatly increases the likelihood that America will be hit again by terror. What matters above all else is that President Bush leave office as a failure so that they can beat their political drum and herald themselves as having been right all along about the war not being something we could ever win. (Never mind that they never supported it and did everything possible to ensure defeat) Their actions are nothing short of Treason and they need to be called on it and held accountable!
The other comment is about the (so called) "Fairness doctrine". This is another dimension of the Stalinist wing of the former democrat party. Just as in Old Joe's Russia, those seeking to seize and maintain power cannot tolerate any point of view that differs from the party line. Here the Neo-Dem's advance an agenda item and then their faithful friends in the "mainstream" media carry their water in endless sound bites and reaffirming interviews with like minded fellow Neo-Dem's and R.I.N.O.'s. Opposing points of view are rarely heard. If they are given a small voice they are always derided, ridiculed or belittled in some way. At the end of the daily "news" broadcast the Neo-Dem party line has been advanced and all opposing viewpoints have been ignored, buried, played down or just plain distorted beyond recognition. The Neo-Dem's so fear the truth and opposing points of view that they call for FOX news to have it's broadcast license revoked! They also demand this so called "fairness doctrine" to make sure that if a broadcast dare present an opposing view they have to allow someone who toes the party line time to give that view too.
Who is this "Fairness Doctrine" aimed at anyway? Well you can damn sure bet that it's NOT targeting ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, or any of the "mainstream" print media offerings. Those folks are all on board with the Neo-Dem's. In their opinion they are already more than fair in their reporting! (Yeah.... and I'll bet a fish knows it's wet too!) Wait!.... I might have to explain that comment since there might be a Neo-Dem reading this. (Oh, bother) It's an analogy (comparison) used to illustrate that if one (either the fish or the press) has only one frame of reference then it is impossible for them to give an objective assessment or evaluation of a specific state or condition. In the case of the fish, since it has no concept of what dry is it cannot logically comprehend the term wet, or how that term related to its condition or very existence. In the case of the media, since their overall slant and direction is hard leftist, it is impossible for them to give any sort of logical rational treatment to anything that doesn't fit neatly inside that prism or template. Basically they believe and are in lockstep with what the Neo-Dem's are saying so, in their view, they are fair and objective. Those guys say it.... we believe it..... and there just can't be anyone who could possibly disagree unless they are evil, insane or otherwise deranged. The political bias of the media is so flagrant that it's a wonder they have any followers at all except for the Moveon.org left wing Stalinist types.
No.... the "Fairness Doctrine" is aimed squarely at you and me. It is directed at suppression of any and all speech that differs with the Neo-Dem party line as presented by them and advanced by the "mainstream" media. For example it means that, if enacted, we would never hear Hilary Clinton's passionate delivery on the floor of the Senate when she stated that, after looking at ALL the facts, she was absolutely convinced that Saddam (room temperature) Hussein had chemical and biological weapons and was working at acquiring nuclear weapons as well. That we had to use force to remove him from power and she fully supported President Bush! Since that position now contradicts her current position it would be buried. The "mainstream" Media would make sure that such contradictions, by the left, never saw the light of day again. But! Because we still have some freedom left it's still legal for the truth to be told!!! Those who do, however, are under constant attack by the left. Why does the left so fear the truth? Because their power depends wholly upon them being in absolute, iron fisted, control over everything that you get to see and hear. Their agenda..... their views..... their goals..... their version of reality and the truth is all that they will tolerate getting to the people. Let them have their way and we end up like Stalin's Russia or the current mainland China. Remember those video's of the people demonstrating for freedom? Remember the guy in front of the tank? Remember the little statue of Liberty? In Mainland China...... none of that happened. The party says so and their media reports it as such. THAT is what the left wants to do with the "Fairness Doctrine" here in America.
Hey! America!!! Wake up!! There is a fifth column within our borders and stalking the halls of government and the seats of power in all the states that wants to tear you down and replace you with their version of socialism/Stalinism. We either stop them now or everything we know and love about this great nation will be lost forever.
One final thought. When Al Gore was testifying on the floor of the House he said that he'd been trying to get out the message about global warming for 30 years. That makes it 1977. Now in 1975 Time magazine was running a cover piece about the coming ICE AGE!!! Yes.... evidence was coming in SO fast that scientists couldn't tabulate it fast enough. There was "consensus" that we HAD to do something NOW in order to reverse this alarming trend of global cooling or we'd all starve to death or end up as human Popsicles. Yet.... Al (D student in science) Gore knew even then that global warming was just around the corner in spite of all that consensus and scientific data pouring in. Gee..... isn't he the one who NOW says that if you disagree with him that you're some kind of earth hater who wants the planet to burn up? If he thought in 1977 that the earth was really warming up.... wasn't HE disagreeing with the science and consensus of that time? Double standard anyone?
The actions of the Neo-Dem's in the House and Senate sink to an entirely untouched level in the history of the nation. For someone with a clear and unclouded view of the world it is beyond comprehension how the Neo-Dem's can keep getting everything so incredibly wrong. I suspect that 99.99% of their myopia is due to pure political blindness. The left never fails to filter everything they encounter through their political agenda. America, it's roll and responsibility in the world and the freedom of it's citizens is subordinated to their political aspirations. Nothing else matters to the Neo-Dem's but their acquisition and maintenance of political power. They would literally destroy the entire nation if, in the end, it would result in them being in power and lording that power over what is left when the dust settles.
I'm someone who has very little regard for politics in general. Politics is, for the most part, a self serving exercise. For those who have the Neo-Dem attitude of supreme self importance the reason for becoming a political animal becomes distorted. Rather than attempting to serve their fellow man and advancing the cause of America and it's interests they instead abandon everything but their pursuit of personal power. This past week in Washington DC serves as an excellent illustration of that corruption.
A very vocal anti-American faction in the House and Senate worked tirelessly to cripple our efforts in Iraq and hand President Bush a Vietnam like defeat. Why? Purely political reasons. IF President Bush and our troops are supported and permitted to bring stability to Iraq then it points to the soundness and validity to his efforts to defeat terrorists around the world. That validation also would point out the wrongheaded thinking and efforts of the Neo-Dem's. Our victory in Iraq would lead to an erosion of power for the Neo-Dem's and that is something that they simply cannot permit. Thus, in order to maintain their power, they must do everything possible to make victory in Iraq an impossible dream. Their short sighted ambitions represent the lowest level to which they can possibly sink. They would gladly welcome another American defeat on the battlefield. They could care less about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens who would be slaughtered at the hands of the Islamofascists from Iran. They care less that the image of America as a strong and faithful ally is utterly destroyed. It matters not to them if their actions leave the world more dangerous or if it greatly increases the likelihood that America will be hit again by terror. What matters above all else is that President Bush leave office as a failure so that they can beat their political drum and herald themselves as having been right all along about the war not being something we could ever win. (Never mind that they never supported it and did everything possible to ensure defeat) Their actions are nothing short of Treason and they need to be called on it and held accountable!
The other comment is about the (so called) "Fairness doctrine". This is another dimension of the Stalinist wing of the former democrat party. Just as in Old Joe's Russia, those seeking to seize and maintain power cannot tolerate any point of view that differs from the party line. Here the Neo-Dem's advance an agenda item and then their faithful friends in the "mainstream" media carry their water in endless sound bites and reaffirming interviews with like minded fellow Neo-Dem's and R.I.N.O.'s. Opposing points of view are rarely heard. If they are given a small voice they are always derided, ridiculed or belittled in some way. At the end of the daily "news" broadcast the Neo-Dem party line has been advanced and all opposing viewpoints have been ignored, buried, played down or just plain distorted beyond recognition. The Neo-Dem's so fear the truth and opposing points of view that they call for FOX news to have it's broadcast license revoked! They also demand this so called "fairness doctrine" to make sure that if a broadcast dare present an opposing view they have to allow someone who toes the party line time to give that view too.
Who is this "Fairness Doctrine" aimed at anyway? Well you can damn sure bet that it's NOT targeting ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, or any of the "mainstream" print media offerings. Those folks are all on board with the Neo-Dem's. In their opinion they are already more than fair in their reporting! (Yeah.... and I'll bet a fish knows it's wet too!) Wait!.... I might have to explain that comment since there might be a Neo-Dem reading this. (Oh, bother) It's an analogy (comparison) used to illustrate that if one (either the fish or the press) has only one frame of reference then it is impossible for them to give an objective assessment or evaluation of a specific state or condition. In the case of the fish, since it has no concept of what dry is it cannot logically comprehend the term wet, or how that term related to its condition or very existence. In the case of the media, since their overall slant and direction is hard leftist, it is impossible for them to give any sort of logical rational treatment to anything that doesn't fit neatly inside that prism or template. Basically they believe and are in lockstep with what the Neo-Dem's are saying so, in their view, they are fair and objective. Those guys say it.... we believe it..... and there just can't be anyone who could possibly disagree unless they are evil, insane or otherwise deranged. The political bias of the media is so flagrant that it's a wonder they have any followers at all except for the Moveon.org left wing Stalinist types.
No.... the "Fairness Doctrine" is aimed squarely at you and me. It is directed at suppression of any and all speech that differs with the Neo-Dem party line as presented by them and advanced by the "mainstream" media. For example it means that, if enacted, we would never hear Hilary Clinton's passionate delivery on the floor of the Senate when she stated that, after looking at ALL the facts, she was absolutely convinced that Saddam (room temperature) Hussein had chemical and biological weapons and was working at acquiring nuclear weapons as well. That we had to use force to remove him from power and she fully supported President Bush! Since that position now contradicts her current position it would be buried. The "mainstream" Media would make sure that such contradictions, by the left, never saw the light of day again. But! Because we still have some freedom left it's still legal for the truth to be told!!! Those who do, however, are under constant attack by the left. Why does the left so fear the truth? Because their power depends wholly upon them being in absolute, iron fisted, control over everything that you get to see and hear. Their agenda..... their views..... their goals..... their version of reality and the truth is all that they will tolerate getting to the people. Let them have their way and we end up like Stalin's Russia or the current mainland China. Remember those video's of the people demonstrating for freedom? Remember the guy in front of the tank? Remember the little statue of Liberty? In Mainland China...... none of that happened. The party says so and their media reports it as such. THAT is what the left wants to do with the "Fairness Doctrine" here in America.
Hey! America!!! Wake up!! There is a fifth column within our borders and stalking the halls of government and the seats of power in all the states that wants to tear you down and replace you with their version of socialism/Stalinism. We either stop them now or everything we know and love about this great nation will be lost forever.
One final thought. When Al Gore was testifying on the floor of the House he said that he'd been trying to get out the message about global warming for 30 years. That makes it 1977. Now in 1975 Time magazine was running a cover piece about the coming ICE AGE!!! Yes.... evidence was coming in SO fast that scientists couldn't tabulate it fast enough. There was "consensus" that we HAD to do something NOW in order to reverse this alarming trend of global cooling or we'd all starve to death or end up as human Popsicles. Yet.... Al (D student in science) Gore knew even then that global warming was just around the corner in spite of all that consensus and scientific data pouring in. Gee..... isn't he the one who NOW says that if you disagree with him that you're some kind of earth hater who wants the planet to burn up? If he thought in 1977 that the earth was really warming up.... wasn't HE disagreeing with the science and consensus of that time? Double standard anyone?
Monday, January 29, 2007
VietNam...... take two!
It sure looks like the Neo-Dem's are actually correct, for a change. For months I've been hearing the Neo-Dem's telling us that the war on terror is nothing but "Bush's Vietnam" and there is NO way we can possibly win. I have to admit that the Neo-Dem's seem to be accurate on both counts.
Much like Nixon, President Bush inherited an armed conflict. While Eisenhower had sent advisers to Vietnam it was Kennedy who ramped things up and started sending combat troops. (A minor fact that brother Teddy always seems to forget) In the current situation Bush 43 had the war passed through President Clinton (largely untouched). Bush 41 had success at the start of the war but had a limited mandate which crippled the military and prevented us from taking Saddam out in the early nineties. What the Neo-Dem's always forget to mention is that the initial conflict ended in a cease-fire rather than any sort of genuine capitulation by Iraq. A cease-fire means exactly that. The warring parties agree to stop shooting at each other. THE WAR DOES NOT STOP AND IS NOT OVER!!! The "bad guys" kept shooting at our aircraft for the next dozen or so years while ignoring sanction after sanction by the United Nations. Bottom line, President Bush did not START the war. It was ongoing when he took office. He simply elected to resume military action after Iraq's own actions and stated intentions left no other viable option.
Also, much like Nixon, the mood of the congress and senate changed when Nixon was elected. Kennedy and Johnson had opposition but it was minor and mostly on college campi. Politically the Dem's of the day fell in line behind their presidents and didn't make waves. They wanted a successful outcome BUT they started thinking they were qualified to be Generals. They started trying to run the war from Washington. When Nixon took power the Dem's of the day turned rabid and suddenly opposed everything Nixon tried to accomplish. It would not look good for them if a Republican had success with the war when the two Democrats prior had not been able to gain victory. The arm-chair generals in the House and Senate kept imposing themselves on the conflict effectively tying the hands of the troops on the ground behind their backs. Before I left country it was bad enough that we were expected to hold position while under fire, radio back to HQ and get permission to return fire in defense of our own lives!! This is the same tact that they are trying to put in place in Iraq. Finally they defunded the war and we had no choice but to get out fast leaving hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment behind. The result of that myopic decision was over 250,000 Vietnamese murdered and over 2,000,000 Cambodians slaughtered. Some victory. Kennedy keeps asking "Did we learn nothing from Viet Naaaaam? My reply to him would be "No, you didn't!"
Why, after seeing what happen there due to their lack of spine and commitment, do they want so badly to repeat that failure? The lesson of Vietnam is crystal clear. Leave the fighting to the commander-in-chief and the generals on the ground. The House and Senate have NO business sticking their collective noses anywhere near the conflict unless they want to put on body armor and go at it shoulder to shoulder with the troops at the front. Just as in Vietnam the Neo-Dem's of today want to divide the nation down political lines because they think it serves their ends. They hobble the troops on the ground and undermine both them and their CIC. Their myopic view does not permit them to see past their own political goals into the future of the region.
Here is how failure in Iraq will play out for the region and America: Because the fledgling Iraqi government has not been given the time to ensure that it is stable and has the necessary military strength to protect itself, it will fall in short order under a combination of the terrorist activities and active military intervention from Iran. This places the worlds 2nd and 3rd largest oil reserves under the control of a lunatic bent upon starting WWIII to bring back the 12th Imam. Afghanistan, although it has almost nothing to offer, will become the next hot spot. The reason for this is simply to defeat the Americans and run them out. With about 1/3 of the worlds oil under the control of Iran and it's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, terrorist organizations around the world will now have an almost unlimited amount of money to fund their destructive activities. Iran will press forward with it's desire for nuclear weapons. The Sunni sect of Islam comes into power and the roughly 14,000,000 Shi'i are either slaughtered outright or dealt with piecemeal as Saddam did. Any hope these people might have held for living a free and peaceful life is over. Ahmadinejad either builds or buys the nuclear weapons he wants. Next news headline reads something like "Nuclear device detonates in Tel Aviv! Millions believed dead!" This will be followed by video of Muslim nations where people are "dancing in the streets" in disgusting joy as they "celebrate" the "victory" over the Jews. (Much as they celebrated at the attack on the World Trade Center) At this point the fuse of the bomb will just have been lit. Israel will not take this in stride. They will arm all warheads and take Tehran off the face of the earth along with it's 7.1 million people. This will, of course, "stun the civilized world" and the UN will want to have Israel dealt with for it's aggression. (never mind they were hit first) There will be a rift between members that will divide along ideological lines..... although if the Neo-Dems are in charge at the time there won't be that much difference between their goals and those of the Chinese or the Russians. That aside, the words of the old CCR tune, Run through the jungle, come to mind...... "two hundred million guns are loaded and Satan cries free game." Needless to say the result of following the Neo-Dem's tuck tail and run like hell strategy is nothing short of a global disaster. Unfortunately they are too short sighted to see any farther than their next political stick in President Bush's eye. Political power is ALL that they care about.
Here's to the next Vietnam!!! Neo-Dem's and their blind Stalinist followers are trying to relive the glory days when they were able to defeat America without firing a shot. They live for the defeat and humiliation of America. Their loyalty is to PARTY and not country.
Sometimes I wish there were the two America's that John Edwards talks about. I want one America (Amerika?) where the Neo-Dem's are in charge and all their brainless followers are with them in wonderful bliss. (Ignorance is bliss..... remember?) I want them to have taxes that are right through the roof.... just like they want. I want unions in charge of everything from education their children (Although I think they really ought not breed) to caring for their sick and elderly. (Provided those segments of society are permitted to live at all) I want them all to drive Neo-Dem approved ecologically safe vehicles. I want them all protected by government from cradle to grave. (Provided they are allowed to make it to the cradle) I want them all housed in their little government approved cookie cutter houses made out of 100% recycled whatever. I want them eating what big government says to eat, exercising when big government says to, separating their trash into neat little containers for recycling and making sure that they have the smallest possible carbon footprint. I want all of them to line up for government approved health care too! And all pay for government mandated health insurance. I want them all to be taxed more to cover the cost of caring for all the illegal immigrants who want to live there for free. Pure socialist joy and harmony.
In the other America I want all true Americans, conservatives and patriots. I want federal government limited to what the Constitution spells out. Protect our borders, maintain a strong national defense and regulate inter-state commerce. All power not specifically given to Federal government rests with the states. Education of our children is the responsibility of the local communities. We'll have independent school districts once again. Our America trusts in the power of the people to get things done. Rugged individualism has merit and value again. We do not need unions for anything in this America. They are a concept whose time has come and gone. We'll probably need a tax too but we'll opt for either a flat tax or a national sales tax. I actually prefer the latter. This America understands that conservation is necessary but we don't make it a religion and don't jam it down peoples throats. Simply be responsible about how you do things and take responsibility for what you do. If this America wants to drive little eco-friendly cars then that is what will win in the market place. If we want big honkin' SUV's then those will also win in the market place. Neither will be forced upon us and they might well park side by side in our parking lots and garages. We will drill for what we need where we find it and refine what we need on our own shores. But ours is also a country open to new ideas and new options so expect to see giant wind farms harvesting energy where practical. Not because government says so.... but because there is a market for that sort of thing and it makes sense. Our America has a respect for the rule of law again. We turn our values clock back to the 50's where you could leave your house unlocked and never worry about it. Where you could put that refrigerator out by the road with the sign on the door that says "Eggs.... 50 cents a dozen" and know that at the end of the day the number of eggs left and the money in the cigar box would balance. A time when if you saw several kids walking through town carrying guns you didn't give it a second thought because you knew that (A) they were responsible and (B) they were heading to the woods or river to do some "plinking" and have a bit of fun together. I remember walking right down main street with my 22 bolt action..... even taking it into the hardware store to buy ammo...... and NO ONE even looked twice at me for doing either. People in my America don't fear guns or the responsible ownership of them. We honor the flag and pay tribute to our veterans. The contrast between the two countries is striking. Anyone care to make a wager on which would be doing better after 10 years..... 100 years?? If you're a Neo-Dem.... put your money where your rhetoric is!
Much like Nixon, President Bush inherited an armed conflict. While Eisenhower had sent advisers to Vietnam it was Kennedy who ramped things up and started sending combat troops. (A minor fact that brother Teddy always seems to forget) In the current situation Bush 43 had the war passed through President Clinton (largely untouched). Bush 41 had success at the start of the war but had a limited mandate which crippled the military and prevented us from taking Saddam out in the early nineties. What the Neo-Dem's always forget to mention is that the initial conflict ended in a cease-fire rather than any sort of genuine capitulation by Iraq. A cease-fire means exactly that. The warring parties agree to stop shooting at each other. THE WAR DOES NOT STOP AND IS NOT OVER!!! The "bad guys" kept shooting at our aircraft for the next dozen or so years while ignoring sanction after sanction by the United Nations. Bottom line, President Bush did not START the war. It was ongoing when he took office. He simply elected to resume military action after Iraq's own actions and stated intentions left no other viable option.
Also, much like Nixon, the mood of the congress and senate changed when Nixon was elected. Kennedy and Johnson had opposition but it was minor and mostly on college campi. Politically the Dem's of the day fell in line behind their presidents and didn't make waves. They wanted a successful outcome BUT they started thinking they were qualified to be Generals. They started trying to run the war from Washington. When Nixon took power the Dem's of the day turned rabid and suddenly opposed everything Nixon tried to accomplish. It would not look good for them if a Republican had success with the war when the two Democrats prior had not been able to gain victory. The arm-chair generals in the House and Senate kept imposing themselves on the conflict effectively tying the hands of the troops on the ground behind their backs. Before I left country it was bad enough that we were expected to hold position while under fire, radio back to HQ and get permission to return fire in defense of our own lives!! This is the same tact that they are trying to put in place in Iraq. Finally they defunded the war and we had no choice but to get out fast leaving hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment behind. The result of that myopic decision was over 250,000 Vietnamese murdered and over 2,000,000 Cambodians slaughtered. Some victory. Kennedy keeps asking "Did we learn nothing from Viet Naaaaam? My reply to him would be "No, you didn't!"
Why, after seeing what happen there due to their lack of spine and commitment, do they want so badly to repeat that failure? The lesson of Vietnam is crystal clear. Leave the fighting to the commander-in-chief and the generals on the ground. The House and Senate have NO business sticking their collective noses anywhere near the conflict unless they want to put on body armor and go at it shoulder to shoulder with the troops at the front. Just as in Vietnam the Neo-Dem's of today want to divide the nation down political lines because they think it serves their ends. They hobble the troops on the ground and undermine both them and their CIC. Their myopic view does not permit them to see past their own political goals into the future of the region.
Here is how failure in Iraq will play out for the region and America: Because the fledgling Iraqi government has not been given the time to ensure that it is stable and has the necessary military strength to protect itself, it will fall in short order under a combination of the terrorist activities and active military intervention from Iran. This places the worlds 2nd and 3rd largest oil reserves under the control of a lunatic bent upon starting WWIII to bring back the 12th Imam. Afghanistan, although it has almost nothing to offer, will become the next hot spot. The reason for this is simply to defeat the Americans and run them out. With about 1/3 of the worlds oil under the control of Iran and it's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, terrorist organizations around the world will now have an almost unlimited amount of money to fund their destructive activities. Iran will press forward with it's desire for nuclear weapons. The Sunni sect of Islam comes into power and the roughly 14,000,000 Shi'i are either slaughtered outright or dealt with piecemeal as Saddam did. Any hope these people might have held for living a free and peaceful life is over. Ahmadinejad either builds or buys the nuclear weapons he wants. Next news headline reads something like "Nuclear device detonates in Tel Aviv! Millions believed dead!" This will be followed by video of Muslim nations where people are "dancing in the streets" in disgusting joy as they "celebrate" the "victory" over the Jews. (Much as they celebrated at the attack on the World Trade Center) At this point the fuse of the bomb will just have been lit. Israel will not take this in stride. They will arm all warheads and take Tehran off the face of the earth along with it's 7.1 million people. This will, of course, "stun the civilized world" and the UN will want to have Israel dealt with for it's aggression. (never mind they were hit first) There will be a rift between members that will divide along ideological lines..... although if the Neo-Dems are in charge at the time there won't be that much difference between their goals and those of the Chinese or the Russians. That aside, the words of the old CCR tune, Run through the jungle, come to mind...... "two hundred million guns are loaded and Satan cries free game." Needless to say the result of following the Neo-Dem's tuck tail and run like hell strategy is nothing short of a global disaster. Unfortunately they are too short sighted to see any farther than their next political stick in President Bush's eye. Political power is ALL that they care about.
Here's to the next Vietnam!!! Neo-Dem's and their blind Stalinist followers are trying to relive the glory days when they were able to defeat America without firing a shot. They live for the defeat and humiliation of America. Their loyalty is to PARTY and not country.
Sometimes I wish there were the two America's that John Edwards talks about. I want one America (Amerika?) where the Neo-Dem's are in charge and all their brainless followers are with them in wonderful bliss. (Ignorance is bliss..... remember?) I want them to have taxes that are right through the roof.... just like they want. I want unions in charge of everything from education their children (Although I think they really ought not breed) to caring for their sick and elderly. (Provided those segments of society are permitted to live at all) I want them all to drive Neo-Dem approved ecologically safe vehicles. I want them all protected by government from cradle to grave. (Provided they are allowed to make it to the cradle) I want them all housed in their little government approved cookie cutter houses made out of 100% recycled whatever. I want them eating what big government says to eat, exercising when big government says to, separating their trash into neat little containers for recycling and making sure that they have the smallest possible carbon footprint. I want all of them to line up for government approved health care too! And all pay for government mandated health insurance. I want them all to be taxed more to cover the cost of caring for all the illegal immigrants who want to live there for free. Pure socialist joy and harmony.
In the other America I want all true Americans, conservatives and patriots. I want federal government limited to what the Constitution spells out. Protect our borders, maintain a strong national defense and regulate inter-state commerce. All power not specifically given to Federal government rests with the states. Education of our children is the responsibility of the local communities. We'll have independent school districts once again. Our America trusts in the power of the people to get things done. Rugged individualism has merit and value again. We do not need unions for anything in this America. They are a concept whose time has come and gone. We'll probably need a tax too but we'll opt for either a flat tax or a national sales tax. I actually prefer the latter. This America understands that conservation is necessary but we don't make it a religion and don't jam it down peoples throats. Simply be responsible about how you do things and take responsibility for what you do. If this America wants to drive little eco-friendly cars then that is what will win in the market place. If we want big honkin' SUV's then those will also win in the market place. Neither will be forced upon us and they might well park side by side in our parking lots and garages. We will drill for what we need where we find it and refine what we need on our own shores. But ours is also a country open to new ideas and new options so expect to see giant wind farms harvesting energy where practical. Not because government says so.... but because there is a market for that sort of thing and it makes sense. Our America has a respect for the rule of law again. We turn our values clock back to the 50's where you could leave your house unlocked and never worry about it. Where you could put that refrigerator out by the road with the sign on the door that says "Eggs.... 50 cents a dozen" and know that at the end of the day the number of eggs left and the money in the cigar box would balance. A time when if you saw several kids walking through town carrying guns you didn't give it a second thought because you knew that (A) they were responsible and (B) they were heading to the woods or river to do some "plinking" and have a bit of fun together. I remember walking right down main street with my 22 bolt action..... even taking it into the hardware store to buy ammo...... and NO ONE even looked twice at me for doing either. People in my America don't fear guns or the responsible ownership of them. We honor the flag and pay tribute to our veterans. The contrast between the two countries is striking. Anyone care to make a wager on which would be doing better after 10 years..... 100 years?? If you're a Neo-Dem.... put your money where your rhetoric is!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
My reply to Senator Barbara Boxer
Senator Barbara Boxer (D, California) was among a panel that "grilled" (grandstanded in front of) Secretary of State Condolezza Rice. Her most repugnant question was "Who pays the price" for the decision to continue the war in Iraq. She didn't mean who ponies up the bucks either. It was a question intended to make herself and all the other war desenters look noble and concerned. Like they are all concerned about US Troops dying. Odd that I've never heard that question asked of anyone when a Democrat was Commander in Chief. Oh..... as a reminder to those of you who still are head over heals in love with our last Democrat President...... as of 2007 we STILL have over 1500 troops in Bosnia. Equally odd that I never hear the Democrats doing a BMW (Bitch, Moan & Whine) job about getting THEM out a quickly as possible. That aside I'd be more than happy to answer the question posed by Senator Boxer. This is the text of a letter I sent to her Senate office.
"Madam Senator,
In answer to your question to the Secretary of State I have this to offer by way of a reply for her; I'll pay the price.
I'm a medically retired combat veteran of the Viet Nam war. I volunteered for the Navy in 1967. I did not fear the draft because I love my country! Rather than go to college with the majority of my High School class I chose to serve my country.
I trained in San Diego California, at Coronado Island and Camp Pendleton and other places. I operated from DaNang north to the DMZ. Conditions for us constantly declined as the Congress and Senate got more involved in running (ruining) the war rather than leave combat operations to the military. "Rules of engagement" got so restrictive that we were actually expected to hold our position, while under fire, and radio back to HQ for PERMISSION to return fire in defense of our lives! Now you do the same thing to our troops in Iraq. Kindly lead from the front! If you can't, or are unwilling to do that, then do NOT presume to lead from the safety of the rear.
I left the Navy after four years. When I returned to my beloved country I was spat upon by the grateful citizens of your fine state. I see that most there still have no true appreciation of the freedoms they bask in or exactly how they came to be able to enjoy those freedoms. After a "break" of 16 months I enlisted in the Army and served world wide until my medical retirement.
Who pays the price, Senator Boxer? Patriots! People who truly LOVE this magnificent experiment in Democracy called America. People from all parts of this grand country. People of all race, color, creed, religion and economic strata. People who understand that freedom isn't free and that we must be on eternal guard to protect and defend our right to be free. People who all realize that in defense of that freedom we may be called upon to surrender our freedom and possibly our very lives. Yet, we never falter and we never loose faith in our country, our mission and our sacred duty.
If only our elected officials had the level of faith in us and our ability that we have in our country and our appointed leaders. We trust in our military leadership, right to the Commander in Chief, to do what they believe is right and in the best interest of the country. We do our best to accomplish our missions under conditions you cannot even conceive of. Sometimes in sweltering heat bitten by insects, skin irritated by sweat and salt in the uniform fabric. Other times we are soaked to the bone, freezing cold, hungry, dog tired and without sleep for several days. Yet, our faith in our leadership, our mission and our country never dims and we drive forward sure in our ability to overcome any challenge and defeat any enemy under any conditions.
Even knowing the level to which certain elected officials have gone to, and will sink to, to undermine the troops, their mission and their leadership in the Iraq war, I'd still put on the uniform, shoulder a weapon and head for the front in a heartbeat if I could. I have two son-in-laws. One served a tour in Iraq and the other just returned from his third! I have more pride in these two fine young men than you can understand. They both understand what is at stake every time they look at their children and my grandchildren. Like me they realize that freedom isn't free and that. from time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots.
If not for people like me, the millions of proud patriots who came before us that those who will follow there would be no United States of America. Those who will not FIGHT for their freedom and their liberty will not have it for long. It doesn't matter if it's the playground bully who tries to take your lunch money or the despot on the other side of the world slaughtering his citizens, people of honor and good heart have to take a stand for the weak and oppressed who cannot, or will not, stand up for themselves.
The road that the weak of heart in the House and Senate want to drive us down is the same road of failure they achieved so proudly in Viet Nam. That grand plan lead to the murder of over 250,000 Vietnamese and over 2,000,000 Cambodians. Democrats are proud they got us out of Viet Nam but they take NO responsibility for the consequences of that politically myopic act. A recent CIA study concluded at our loss in Iraq would have far ranging negative consequences for the region and the world. Yet you seem to be blind to the facts and care more about a political victory over "Bush" (as he is so insolently referred to) than our military and their mission.
It would be refreshing to see AMERICANS who happen to be of different political ideology all working together for the good of the nation rather than polititicans striving for their own or their parties insignificant victories over each other. If we loose this war on terror as a nation politics won't matter a whit.
"Madam Senator,
In answer to your question to the Secretary of State I have this to offer by way of a reply for her; I'll pay the price.
I'm a medically retired combat veteran of the Viet Nam war. I volunteered for the Navy in 1967. I did not fear the draft because I love my country! Rather than go to college with the majority of my High School class I chose to serve my country.
I trained in San Diego California, at Coronado Island and Camp Pendleton and other places. I operated from DaNang north to the DMZ. Conditions for us constantly declined as the Congress and Senate got more involved in running (ruining) the war rather than leave combat operations to the military. "Rules of engagement" got so restrictive that we were actually expected to hold our position, while under fire, and radio back to HQ for PERMISSION to return fire in defense of our lives! Now you do the same thing to our troops in Iraq. Kindly lead from the front! If you can't, or are unwilling to do that, then do NOT presume to lead from the safety of the rear.
I left the Navy after four years. When I returned to my beloved country I was spat upon by the grateful citizens of your fine state. I see that most there still have no true appreciation of the freedoms they bask in or exactly how they came to be able to enjoy those freedoms. After a "break" of 16 months I enlisted in the Army and served world wide until my medical retirement.
Who pays the price, Senator Boxer? Patriots! People who truly LOVE this magnificent experiment in Democracy called America. People from all parts of this grand country. People of all race, color, creed, religion and economic strata. People who understand that freedom isn't free and that we must be on eternal guard to protect and defend our right to be free. People who all realize that in defense of that freedom we may be called upon to surrender our freedom and possibly our very lives. Yet, we never falter and we never loose faith in our country, our mission and our sacred duty.
If only our elected officials had the level of faith in us and our ability that we have in our country and our appointed leaders. We trust in our military leadership, right to the Commander in Chief, to do what they believe is right and in the best interest of the country. We do our best to accomplish our missions under conditions you cannot even conceive of. Sometimes in sweltering heat bitten by insects, skin irritated by sweat and salt in the uniform fabric. Other times we are soaked to the bone, freezing cold, hungry, dog tired and without sleep for several days. Yet, our faith in our leadership, our mission and our country never dims and we drive forward sure in our ability to overcome any challenge and defeat any enemy under any conditions.
Even knowing the level to which certain elected officials have gone to, and will sink to, to undermine the troops, their mission and their leadership in the Iraq war, I'd still put on the uniform, shoulder a weapon and head for the front in a heartbeat if I could. I have two son-in-laws. One served a tour in Iraq and the other just returned from his third! I have more pride in these two fine young men than you can understand. They both understand what is at stake every time they look at their children and my grandchildren. Like me they realize that freedom isn't free and that. from time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots.
If not for people like me, the millions of proud patriots who came before us that those who will follow there would be no United States of America. Those who will not FIGHT for their freedom and their liberty will not have it for long. It doesn't matter if it's the playground bully who tries to take your lunch money or the despot on the other side of the world slaughtering his citizens, people of honor and good heart have to take a stand for the weak and oppressed who cannot, or will not, stand up for themselves.
The road that the weak of heart in the House and Senate want to drive us down is the same road of failure they achieved so proudly in Viet Nam. That grand plan lead to the murder of over 250,000 Vietnamese and over 2,000,000 Cambodians. Democrats are proud they got us out of Viet Nam but they take NO responsibility for the consequences of that politically myopic act. A recent CIA study concluded at our loss in Iraq would have far ranging negative consequences for the region and the world. Yet you seem to be blind to the facts and care more about a political victory over "Bush" (as he is so insolently referred to) than our military and their mission.
It would be refreshing to see AMERICANS who happen to be of different political ideology all working together for the good of the nation rather than polititicans striving for their own or their parties insignificant victories over each other. If we loose this war on terror as a nation politics won't matter a whit.
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