I'm wondering today just how much more of the Liberal Lunacy Americans are going to tolerate before the "purge" begins? I don't mean "purge" in the old Soviet style either. (Not that having these people shot for treason isn't a bad idea) No I simply mean fumigating Washington DC and getting rid of these low life rats. Send them packing back to what ever psychopathic state they came from.
Months ago Congress passed legislation requiring basically two things. One that the commander on the ground in Iraq prepare and present a report to their committees around the middle of September. Two is that the President also must present a report to them giving his assessment of the war and his proposals for its future.
Shortly after that legislation passed those very same people started demagoging the two people they had ordered before them! Even though unanimously approved by the Senate General Petraeus was now being slandered as a liar a puppet and a stooge of President Bush. (also answer me this.... If GW is SOOOOooooo damn stupid, as the lib's maintain, how then is it possible for him to keep pulling people into his web and constantly out smarting Liberals?) While I'm on that rant.... let's toss in something else the Lib's hate.... a fact! (think Kryptonite and Superman) IF president Bush is doing such a horrible job.... how come his approval numbers are nearly three times higher than those of Congress? Hummmmm?? (BUSH at 39% last poll I have access to and CONGRESS at 14%) But.... I digress....
Congress started running General Petraeus into the ground months ago. Just in case the news from Iraq was favorable they wanted to already have the messenger discredited. Why? Simply because since 9/11 they have been against doing anything to neutralize the world wide threat of Islamofascism. They have their blinders on and don't see... or wish to see... that nearly a billion people out to kill us and destroy our country as a problem! Here is an historical fact. Thomas Jefferson had a copy of the Koran (Qur'an) Because of the Barbary Coast Pirates. (the Islamofascists or their day) Islamists who were raiding our ships, stealing our cargo and either killing or enslaving our sailors! We have been at WAR with these assholes since this nation was founded!! Still the Liberals in the media and the Democrat party are not able to find a threat.
No, to this bunch of sorry ass traitors and communists (calling them as I see them) the only real threat to the United States is George W. Bush and the Republicans! Why? Because those are the people preventing them from taking control of the country and running it into the ground, that's why!
I'm not sure where you live but I inhabit (because I drive a truck) mostly Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana. We've been told by the Libs and their lapdogs in the media that the economy is in the tank. No jobs to be found anywhere, can't get a decent house anymore... doom and gloom as far as the eye can see. (But remember.... these guys are myopic!) Down here where I travel the highways and byways I can tell you for a fact that the economy is going gangbusters! I can't recall the last time I've seen so much new construction. Not just houses but new business construction. It's everywhere except for the smallest of out of the way towns. Any major city I go to or through if it's not going up new the old stuff is getting a serious overhaul and face lift. Unemployment in many of the major cities in under 4% with 4.5% representing a statistical zero unemployment figure. (simply because there will always be some fraction of the population who either won't or can't work)
And housing? Because houses were overbuilt several years ago there is a glut of houses on the market today... it's a buyers market! Due to the sub-prime fiasco a few months ago it may be slightly more difficult to get a home loan but I don't view that as necessarilly bad in and of itself. If credit is too easy to get then it's once again possible to over buy a home. By that I mean getting more home than you can or will be able to afford. Many of the sub-prime loans were of the adjustable rate variety. You might start out at 1.75% for the first two or three years but then the rate takes a jump to perhaps 5.5%. a couple of years later ot finally reaches what ever the current prime + mortgage rate is. Thus it's possible to start out paying maybe $375 a month for a nice two story 4 bedroom 3 bath house in the burbs and 7 years later you're told you must now pay $1750! Most people either didn't fully understand how that worked OR thought their income would rise enough to meet the higher payment... and that didn't happen.
Well... this thing rambles quite a bit... but that's pretty much how my brain works too. Unless it's something of dire import then I'm likely not to focus all that well on any specific topic or issue. While that might seem like some sort of flaw it's not really. Because I rarely place ALL my attention on anything my mind is free to comtemplate other things which are usually totally unrelated. For problem solving that is most handy. While able to get down to the finer points of an issue mentally I'm more of a "big picture" guy. From that perspective the big picture I'm seeing for the leftists in this country is something like the "Portrait of Dorian Grey" They think they are clever and pretty but their soul is being put on display for the world to see.... and it's not a pretty sight.
BTW.. this post is coming to you from beautiful Springfield Missouri. Nice enough place BUT their wireless internet is stuck in the stone age. Smoke signals are faster. Hmmmm... does anyone else out there remember 300 baud dial up modems? Yeah.... roughly that fast...
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