Monday, September 03, 2007

Nutless Republicans and Shameless Democrats

It seems that twice in that past month the Republican party has figuratively dropped trousers and shown the world they lack a big hairy set of balls. This seems to happen on a fairly regular basis anymore and is largely because the Republicans simply do not understand how to play politics with the Democrats.

The two events I speak of are the resignations of Alberto Gonzales and Senator Larry Craig. The Gonzales resignation is a complete mystery other than he likely is just plain tired of the constant attacks and criticisms from the rabid left wing attack machine. They have this non-event, non-crime of the President ordering the firing of 8 Federal Attorneys. Remember President Clinton fired all 115 Attorneys and nothing criminal was prosecuted for that. However when President Bush removes a mere 8 Attorneys THAT is criminal and must be investigated to death by the Democrats. (Perhaps they should be called Demoncrats since they are prone to demonizing everything and everyone they don't like or disagree with)

Anyway, as I have explained before... it was just fine for President Clinton for fire every single US Attorney because they ALL serve at the pleasure of the President. Period. The Justice Department is part of the Executive Branch and, as such, is immune from oversight from the Senate. (The House has NO oversight authority) Because the US attorneys serve at the Pleasure of the President they can be hired and fired on an hourly basis if that is what pleases the President and there's not a damn thing wrong with that or illegal in any way. What you've been seeing the media going insane about is a non-crime, non-event that THEY misrepresent so as to cast a shadow of doubt and the appearance of wrong doing where none exists. Remember, the mainstream media is nothing more than another wing of the democrat party.

Now Senator Craig seems to have done the one thing that Democrats absolutely never do and that is admit to anything. Senator William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana, nailed with $90,000 of marked FBI bribe money in the freezer of a refrigerator in his office at the capitol. (giving new meaning to the term "cold cash") He admits to nothing. He doesn't step down from office or any posts or positions he holds. He doesn't resign. Rather he pitches a bitch that the FBI had no legal right to raid his office or search his freezer..... even though it was the FBI conducting the sting operation in the first place. Mainstream media paid little attention to the matter. When they did it was to make excuses for his behavior. Senator Jefferson is still serving. An investigation is underway but he refuses to step down.

Senator Diane Fienstein served on the Defense Building Appropriations Committee for nearly 8 years. She held a leadership position and was largely responsible for deciding who got building contracts and who didn't. Oddly enough her husband owned two contracting companies and was a majority shareholder in at least three others. The "Honorable" Ms. Fienstein steered over 8 BILLION dollars worth of business to those companies during her tenure on the committee. That's a Billion dollars a year on average, people! Contracts that SHE directly benefited from. Earlier this year (2007) she resigned from the committee after a small paper in California ran an article detailing her nefarious dealings. No other major news outlet bothered to either investigate or report on the matter. Senator Fienstein is still serving with no censure and no investigations of her illegal activity.

Senator Barny Frank, openly gay, had his male lover running a sex for hire operation out of their shared apartment in Washington D.C. Senator Frank says.... "I knew nothing about it" and the mainstream media says, "That's good enough for us!" and immediately drops the matter. Senator Frank is still serving with no censure and no investigation of his activities.

Senator Gary Studds actually HAS sex with a male page! Not once but several times. We're not talking a shoe straying the the other side of a stall wall or an alleged "hand signal" of some type... we're talking the Senators sex organs out and physically engaged in various sexual activities with a staffer of the same gender. Is he gone? Well YEAH! Actually he's way gone... dead as a matter of fact. But he continued to serve for 13 years after a censure before he resigned. In an act of defiance he actually turned his back to the speaker while the censure was being read.

Bill Clinton set the standard for how Demoncrats deal with things when they are caught flat footed and red handed in a criminal act. Deny, deny, deny and then deny some more. That is step one. Step two is to accuse your accuser of some sort of crime or "political agenda" as the real wrongful act. It's not them.... Oh no! It's those evil Republicans and their "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" that is the real issue. It was that conspiracy that somehow forced Bills pants down around his knees and made Monica give him major lip service. Likewise somehow the evil Republicans forced William Jefferson to take over $90,000 in FBI bribe money and forced him to wrap it in foil and hide it in his office freezer. And if we're forced to buy that then it's simply obvious that the vile Republican members of that Appropriations committee had to somehow make Ms. Fienstein steer all those billions to her husband's companies. They forced her to not recuse herself when his companies were in on the bidding as she should have done. See! ANY time a Democrat is in hot water..... first they deny and then they blame the Republicans. Look at history... it's always the same with them. They NEVER do anything wrong. If anyone does discover wrong doing..... deny it ever happened then build a straw dog to demonize the accuser with. It's like chapter 6 of the Democrat Play Book.

What I keep hoping and praying I get to see is a Republican Party that finally figures out how to fight the type of trench warfare that the Democrats are so skilled at. Democrats have long term goals that they never let go of and they are masters of the straw dog. Republicans are like babes in the woods to the wolf pack mentality of the Democrats. If a Republican is in trouble the rest of the party runs like hell. Kind of like the joke of the two men running away from a pissed off bear. One guy yells at the other.... "You know a bear can run 30 miles per hour.... we can't out run it." The other guy yells back... "I don't have to out run the bear.... I just have to out run YOU!" That's how Republican are. Democrats circle the wagons along with their loyal friends in the mainstream media. They always stick up for each other and they are always on the same page of the play book. The Media does what ever it has to do to either downplay, misreport or just plan bury any story. Republican in trouble... the Media is all over it 24/7 and never lets go. Every time you pick up a paper or turn on a TV there it is... non-stop.

For those of you who are not familiar with the straw dog term it works like this. Let's say the democrats want to pass a bill limiting the harvesting of trees, for example. That may or may not be okay as far as it goes.... but they also slip into the bill millions of dollars worth of unrelated pork. The straw dog in this example becomes..... "IF you vote against the bill then you are in favor of clear cutting and destroying the forests." Notice it's NOT that you disagree with the millions of dollars of unrelated pork and wish to eliminate that waste..... Oh no. And the media willingly carries the democrats water and demonizes anyone who votes against the bill. That is how a straw dog works.

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