It's not being overly simplistic to state that this election might very well be the most critical event in the history of America since the revolutionary war. America is literally at a political cross road with today's vote. The road to the right is the one I prefer because that road serves to continue the advance of the great experiment in freedom and liberty that IS America. The road to the left is clearly nothing more than a direct retreat into the "safety and security" of socialism.
Many point to George W. Bush as having been "the worst president in the history of America." 98% of those pointing fingers are already socialists (members of the media) so they have an agenda and an axe to grind. While President Bush is a republican he is FAR from being a conservative. And while he's served as President he has largely been a hands off person when it comes to providing political leadership.
The model is out there for anyone who takes a moment to investigate. Ronald Reagan talked the talk and walked the walk. While he held that there was always room at the table for divergent opinions and viewpoints it was also clear that the final decision (and responsibility) was always his and his alone.
The Democrats and the media (same thing) spoke ill of President Reagan for as long as he was a political figure. The fact that they had the freedom to DO that for 8 straight years speaks volumes about his ideas of freedom and liberty. The lefts unhinged attacks on "Joe the Plumber" and their laundry list of innuendo and outright lies against anyone who opposed them also speaks volumes about who they are.
Even now Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is rubbing his hands together with glee over the possibility of getting the "fairness doctrine" reinstated. Most of you are not old enough to remember radio during the so called fairness doctrine. This one piece of leftist legislation was nearly responsible to the complete elimination of radio as a viable media source. It basically says that if there is anything being said on the air that the ruling class doesn't agree with.... then the station MUST provide equal FREE air time to the politically correct point of view. Stations tried this for a while but who, in their right minds, wants to listen to some amateur ideologue launch into a pointless political Tirade? Answer? Not many. People quit listening, advertisers were loosing money due to lost business.... radio almost died.
The only option general managers had left was to not broadcast *anything* which the left might disagree with. What resulted was the most insipidly mind numbing radio in the history of the planet. Hour after hour of aunt Clara telling people how she knits booties for her grand children.... Wilbur bloviating endlessly about the process he goes through to get his prize hogs fed each night. NOTHING at all of any interest to anyone..... but also nothing at all to raise the ire of those in political power. Fear of the government is NOT what this nation is about.
There are so many warning flags waving out there that it's amazing to me that any truly unbiased media could ignore them all. FOX news has done some reporting but the traditional networks have done their level best to make sure that nothing potentially harmful to their agenda and candidate sees the light of day.
Have we got a copy of Obama's birth certificate yet? Nope! Anyone in the main stream media pitching a bitch about that? Nope! Did that certificate suddenly get "officially sealed" by order of the Democrat governor of the state? Yep! Any media interest as to why that might be? Nope! Folks... good chance we're about to put someone in the white house who isn't even eligible to run for the office!
What does Obama really think about key issues that affect America? How was he as a student in college? It seems that is another informational black hole and , once again, the media is showing NO interest at all in rooting out the truth. As with his birth certificate, Mr. Obama's school records have all been officially sealed. Can't discover his grades.... can't read any of his term papers... can't find out anything about what he thinks. Is this a problem for the media? Of course not. Obama is their guy so it's no problem at all and no interest at all in trying to find out what was sealed or why.
What we DO know about Obama is absolutely frightening! The people he seeks out and chooses to associate with speak volumes about his character. Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground and admitted bomber of Government facilities. Obama launched is bid for the oval office in Mr. Ayers living room. Mr Ayers did say he had one regret about his radical past. He said he regretted having not bombed MORE!
Rev. Wright.... pastor of Obama's church for over 20 years. Rev. Wright believes in a separate "Black America" and preaches hatred of whites each and every Sunday. His now infamous "God damn America" sermon gets NO media attention at all. Unlike Mr. Ayers the Rev. Wright has no regrets at all.
Mr Raines, former head of Fanny Mae, is another friend and advisor. Franklin Raines managed to make himself 90 MILLION dollars richer in the 4 years he headed Fanny Mae..... all the while Fanny Mae was going down the tubes. The democrat controlled house and senate gave him a free pass (as did the media) and let him take the money and run off to a safe retirement. Mr. Raines has served as financial advisor for the Obama campaign and could wind up as Fed Chairman if Obama wins.
Then we have the shady deal that got Mr. Obama into his home at 1/2 the market price thanks to Tony Rezko. But, once again, nothing here to raise a single eyebrow in the main stream media. Can you imagine the investigations that would be on going if a republican had even a HINT of any of these sort of associations? It would be all you'd hear and see 24/7 on all the usual networks. The fact that you're NOT getting 24/7 media coverage of these things should be setting off every red flag you have!
At the minimum the candidate backed by the media may not even be eligible to run for that office, may have a long history of radical left wing leanings, seems to not have a problem associating with anarchists, separatists, folks with nonexistent ethical standards and other forms of questionable life.
Sadly... it seems that most of America doesn't care about any of these things and seems likely to elect this socialist thug. Equally sad is that once he has that power and that office.... there is a good chance he'll be there for quite some time.... as will the democrat party. The damage they will be able to do will take generations of true Americans to undo.
Many point to George W. Bush as having been "the worst president in the history of America." 98% of those pointing fingers are already socialists (members of the media) so they have an agenda and an axe to grind. While President Bush is a republican he is FAR from being a conservative. And while he's served as President he has largely been a hands off person when it comes to providing political leadership.
The model is out there for anyone who takes a moment to investigate. Ronald Reagan talked the talk and walked the walk. While he held that there was always room at the table for divergent opinions and viewpoints it was also clear that the final decision (and responsibility) was always his and his alone.
The Democrats and the media (same thing) spoke ill of President Reagan for as long as he was a political figure. The fact that they had the freedom to DO that for 8 straight years speaks volumes about his ideas of freedom and liberty. The lefts unhinged attacks on "Joe the Plumber" and their laundry list of innuendo and outright lies against anyone who opposed them also speaks volumes about who they are.
Even now Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is rubbing his hands together with glee over the possibility of getting the "fairness doctrine" reinstated. Most of you are not old enough to remember radio during the so called fairness doctrine. This one piece of leftist legislation was nearly responsible to the complete elimination of radio as a viable media source. It basically says that if there is anything being said on the air that the ruling class doesn't agree with.... then the station MUST provide equal FREE air time to the politically correct point of view. Stations tried this for a while but who, in their right minds, wants to listen to some amateur ideologue launch into a pointless political Tirade? Answer? Not many. People quit listening, advertisers were loosing money due to lost business.... radio almost died.
The only option general managers had left was to not broadcast *anything* which the left might disagree with. What resulted was the most insipidly mind numbing radio in the history of the planet. Hour after hour of aunt Clara telling people how she knits booties for her grand children.... Wilbur bloviating endlessly about the process he goes through to get his prize hogs fed each night. NOTHING at all of any interest to anyone..... but also nothing at all to raise the ire of those in political power. Fear of the government is NOT what this nation is about.
There are so many warning flags waving out there that it's amazing to me that any truly unbiased media could ignore them all. FOX news has done some reporting but the traditional networks have done their level best to make sure that nothing potentially harmful to their agenda and candidate sees the light of day.
Have we got a copy of Obama's birth certificate yet? Nope! Anyone in the main stream media pitching a bitch about that? Nope! Did that certificate suddenly get "officially sealed" by order of the Democrat governor of the state? Yep! Any media interest as to why that might be? Nope! Folks... good chance we're about to put someone in the white house who isn't even eligible to run for the office!
What does Obama really think about key issues that affect America? How was he as a student in college? It seems that is another informational black hole and , once again, the media is showing NO interest at all in rooting out the truth. As with his birth certificate, Mr. Obama's school records have all been officially sealed. Can't discover his grades.... can't read any of his term papers... can't find out anything about what he thinks. Is this a problem for the media? Of course not. Obama is their guy so it's no problem at all and no interest at all in trying to find out what was sealed or why.
What we DO know about Obama is absolutely frightening! The people he seeks out and chooses to associate with speak volumes about his character. Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground and admitted bomber of Government facilities. Obama launched is bid for the oval office in Mr. Ayers living room. Mr Ayers did say he had one regret about his radical past. He said he regretted having not bombed MORE!
Rev. Wright.... pastor of Obama's church for over 20 years. Rev. Wright believes in a separate "Black America" and preaches hatred of whites each and every Sunday. His now infamous "God damn America" sermon gets NO media attention at all. Unlike Mr. Ayers the Rev. Wright has no regrets at all.
Mr Raines, former head of Fanny Mae, is another friend and advisor. Franklin Raines managed to make himself 90 MILLION dollars richer in the 4 years he headed Fanny Mae..... all the while Fanny Mae was going down the tubes. The democrat controlled house and senate gave him a free pass (as did the media) and let him take the money and run off to a safe retirement. Mr. Raines has served as financial advisor for the Obama campaign and could wind up as Fed Chairman if Obama wins.
Then we have the shady deal that got Mr. Obama into his home at 1/2 the market price thanks to Tony Rezko. But, once again, nothing here to raise a single eyebrow in the main stream media. Can you imagine the investigations that would be on going if a republican had even a HINT of any of these sort of associations? It would be all you'd hear and see 24/7 on all the usual networks. The fact that you're NOT getting 24/7 media coverage of these things should be setting off every red flag you have!
At the minimum the candidate backed by the media may not even be eligible to run for that office, may have a long history of radical left wing leanings, seems to not have a problem associating with anarchists, separatists, folks with nonexistent ethical standards and other forms of questionable life.
Sadly... it seems that most of America doesn't care about any of these things and seems likely to elect this socialist thug. Equally sad is that once he has that power and that office.... there is a good chance he'll be there for quite some time.... as will the democrat party. The damage they will be able to do will take generations of true Americans to undo.
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