What you see to the left is a county map of the United States. The blue counties voted Democrat and the orange sort of color voted Republican. Unless you just popped in here from another galaxy you'd probably say that the Republicans won by a landslide if someone showed you this map. Easily 90% of the geographical land area of the country is overwhelmingly conservative.... yet we just managed to turn the reigns of power over to an Uber Liberal.
The other thing you can draw from this map are the parts of the country where the economy is depressed. Notice that Michigan (firm democrat control) is largely blue. Illinois turns blue towards the northern border (Chicago) and most of Wisconsin follows. Both coasts and the southern border adjoining Mexico, Surprising is Kansas. Democrat Governor yet not one blue county... not one. Look too at Louisiana. A state in democrat control for over 70 years. Bobby Jindal is the current Republican Governor and from this map I don't see even one blue county. From the looks of things the Obama Presidency is a temporary aberration caused by a Republican base pissed off at elected officials who make a sharp left turn as soon as they hit Washington D.C.
The entire collapse can be laid squarely at the feet of the Republican leadership. Since the President is the de facto head of the party he must shoulder a majority of the blame. While democrats always seem to march in lockstep Republicans can't even find the parade field. Even if you do manage to get a few on the parade field they can't agree on a direction. Some want to march centrist.... others move to a more moderate beat..... still others are chanting "your left, your left, your left, left, left."
Neither the leaders of the House nor Senate have stepped up to the plate to try to keep everyone on the same page. The RNC can't seem to figure out who's in charge or which way to the party either. This total and complete lack of leadership is to blame for the election results. Even with the slanted media coverage republicans could have won easily IF they had strong leadership and remembered their Reagan roots.
If the republicans learn nothing else from this loss they need to figure out that you can't beat liberals by trying to out liberal them. Democrats are the party known for trying to herd cats. They are the party of special interest groups. They waste tons of time and energy trying to be all things to all people. Promise PETA this and promise the unions that and promise environmentalists something else. It goes on and on and never ends. Republicans tried this same mindless strategy and their base sat on their collective thumbs in appreciation.
If you can't out liberal a liberal then what do you do? What did Ronald Reagan do? Look at the map again. All those counties that are not blue.... are conservative not republican. They don't give a damn which party you're from. If you're selling a conservative message they're buying. Races won by democrats in the elections which turned the house and senate over to them were all won by democrats running on conservative ideals. Never mind they abandon those ideals as soon as they win.... the point is that they figured out what does win every time it's tried.
Now if something as mentally deficient as a liberal can figure that out how come the "thinking party" people can't? The biggest reason why is that they spend too much time listening to the main stream media and actually believing what they hear. It's like Churchill taking war strategy advice from Hitler! HEY! Republicans! Memorize this! Democrats + Media = all Liberals. They are NOT your friends and they do NOT have your or your nations best interest at heart. All they want is total and absolute control and the power that brings. So congratulations. For being so stupid as to not be able to figure that simple fact out..... Liberals are in complete control. And now you're all sitting around.... licking your wounds..... wondering what went wrong and listening to the media as they tell you how to fix your problems. TURN OFF YOUR TV's! Listening to the left is what GOT you into this mess. Definition of stupid.... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
So what do you do? Live the conservative ideal. Eat it, sleep it, drink it, bathe in it, breathe it, wrap yourselves in it 24/7. Run on the conservative ideal. DO NOT attempt to appeal to this group or that faction or this demographic or any of that other liberal crap. Get yourself a belly full of conservatism and RUN on it! Nothing else. Smaller government that does those things enumerated by the constitution and little more. Less restrictive regulation. Liberals will whine about the lack of "oversight" but my God! We've got government regulations on how thick ketchup can be! Isn't that going a bit far? CUT TAXES! Do this across the board. The economy works best when those who are earning money get to keep more of it. Redistribution won't work and never has. If it did Cuba would be heaven on earth. How many years has Castro had now to make paradise? He and his cronies have money and power.... the people have nothing. Finally... put the mainstream media on notice that their bias MUST end. They have a constitutional charter to keep the people informed fairly and accurately. They have become a brazen 5th column of the democrat party. They have a socialist agenda and a far left wing bias. They either need to figure out what "fair and balanced" means or have their operating license pulled.
In the coming years you're going to witness the Marxist agenda of the left in action. They are already talking about re instituting the so called "fairness doctrine". Why? Read the communist manifesto. One of the keys to gaining and keeping control of the masses is total and complete control of the media. The left cannot and will not tolerate any voice of disagreement. Your taxes are going to go up so they can "spread the wealth around". In the words of Marx and Engles "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." Of course what you're soon going to discover is that all the money comes from "We the people" and goes to "Them the government."
While the democrats are doing their best to destroy the country and shred the constitution the republican party needs to get on message and organized around a designated leader. They need to eat, sleep and drink the message of Ronald Reagan until conservatism oozes from every pore. Then they need to advance that message to the people of America. No special treatment or favors to this group of that faction. Simple honest conservative ideals for everyone, period.
Conservatism. It works and wins each and every time it's tried!
The other thing you can draw from this map are the parts of the country where the economy is depressed. Notice that Michigan (firm democrat control) is largely blue. Illinois turns blue towards the northern border (Chicago) and most of Wisconsin follows. Both coasts and the southern border adjoining Mexico, Surprising is Kansas. Democrat Governor yet not one blue county... not one. Look too at Louisiana. A state in democrat control for over 70 years. Bobby Jindal is the current Republican Governor and from this map I don't see even one blue county. From the looks of things the Obama Presidency is a temporary aberration caused by a Republican base pissed off at elected officials who make a sharp left turn as soon as they hit Washington D.C.
The entire collapse can be laid squarely at the feet of the Republican leadership. Since the President is the de facto head of the party he must shoulder a majority of the blame. While democrats always seem to march in lockstep Republicans can't even find the parade field. Even if you do manage to get a few on the parade field they can't agree on a direction. Some want to march centrist.... others move to a more moderate beat..... still others are chanting "your left, your left, your left, left, left."
Neither the leaders of the House nor Senate have stepped up to the plate to try to keep everyone on the same page. The RNC can't seem to figure out who's in charge or which way to the party either. This total and complete lack of leadership is to blame for the election results. Even with the slanted media coverage republicans could have won easily IF they had strong leadership and remembered their Reagan roots.
If the republicans learn nothing else from this loss they need to figure out that you can't beat liberals by trying to out liberal them. Democrats are the party known for trying to herd cats. They are the party of special interest groups. They waste tons of time and energy trying to be all things to all people. Promise PETA this and promise the unions that and promise environmentalists something else. It goes on and on and never ends. Republicans tried this same mindless strategy and their base sat on their collective thumbs in appreciation.
If you can't out liberal a liberal then what do you do? What did Ronald Reagan do? Look at the map again. All those counties that are not blue.... are conservative not republican. They don't give a damn which party you're from. If you're selling a conservative message they're buying. Races won by democrats in the elections which turned the house and senate over to them were all won by democrats running on conservative ideals. Never mind they abandon those ideals as soon as they win.... the point is that they figured out what does win every time it's tried.
Now if something as mentally deficient as a liberal can figure that out how come the "thinking party" people can't? The biggest reason why is that they spend too much time listening to the main stream media and actually believing what they hear. It's like Churchill taking war strategy advice from Hitler! HEY! Republicans! Memorize this! Democrats + Media = all Liberals. They are NOT your friends and they do NOT have your or your nations best interest at heart. All they want is total and absolute control and the power that brings. So congratulations. For being so stupid as to not be able to figure that simple fact out..... Liberals are in complete control. And now you're all sitting around.... licking your wounds..... wondering what went wrong and listening to the media as they tell you how to fix your problems. TURN OFF YOUR TV's! Listening to the left is what GOT you into this mess. Definition of stupid.... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
So what do you do? Live the conservative ideal. Eat it, sleep it, drink it, bathe in it, breathe it, wrap yourselves in it 24/7. Run on the conservative ideal. DO NOT attempt to appeal to this group or that faction or this demographic or any of that other liberal crap. Get yourself a belly full of conservatism and RUN on it! Nothing else. Smaller government that does those things enumerated by the constitution and little more. Less restrictive regulation. Liberals will whine about the lack of "oversight" but my God! We've got government regulations on how thick ketchup can be! Isn't that going a bit far? CUT TAXES! Do this across the board. The economy works best when those who are earning money get to keep more of it. Redistribution won't work and never has. If it did Cuba would be heaven on earth. How many years has Castro had now to make paradise? He and his cronies have money and power.... the people have nothing. Finally... put the mainstream media on notice that their bias MUST end. They have a constitutional charter to keep the people informed fairly and accurately. They have become a brazen 5th column of the democrat party. They have a socialist agenda and a far left wing bias. They either need to figure out what "fair and balanced" means or have their operating license pulled.
In the coming years you're going to witness the Marxist agenda of the left in action. They are already talking about re instituting the so called "fairness doctrine". Why? Read the communist manifesto. One of the keys to gaining and keeping control of the masses is total and complete control of the media. The left cannot and will not tolerate any voice of disagreement. Your taxes are going to go up so they can "spread the wealth around". In the words of Marx and Engles "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." Of course what you're soon going to discover is that all the money comes from "We the people" and goes to "Them the government."
While the democrats are doing their best to destroy the country and shred the constitution the republican party needs to get on message and organized around a designated leader. They need to eat, sleep and drink the message of Ronald Reagan until conservatism oozes from every pore. Then they need to advance that message to the people of America. No special treatment or favors to this group of that faction. Simple honest conservative ideals for everyone, period.
Conservatism. It works and wins each and every time it's tried!
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