Let me start this off with a link you can follow. I know on the Internet anyone can say anything so how can you be sure I'm not making this stuff up? This link will take you to the official Department of Homeland Security report in a PDF format. It's nine pages long and, being a government project, somewhat boring. More than boring it's chilling to the bone! If you doubt that then read some history on how Stalin and Hitler amassed power and I'm sure the light will come on.
Here is a little, usually overlooked, blurb that appears at the bottom of the first page (scope) of the report. You may find it interesting too.
(U) LAW ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION NOTICE: This product contains Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES) information. No portion of the LES information should be released to the media, the general public, or over non-secure Internet servers. Release of this information could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities.
(U) Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. State and local homeland security officials may share this document with authorized security personnel without further approval from DHS.
(U) All U.S. person information has been minimized. Should you require the minimized U.S. person information, please contact the DHS/I&A Production Branch at IA.PM@hq.dhs.gov, IA.PM@dhs.sgov.gov, or IA.PM@dhs.ic.gov.
I did a cut and paste of the disclaimer at the bottom of the first page. As you can clearly see the contents of this report was never intended to be made known to the general public.... or "We, the People" as one famous document calls us. Question. Why do you think the government would want to keep this sort of information from the public? Answer. Because they don't want you to know what they really think of us now.
In reading the report I found it riddled with half truths and convoluted rational. There are huge "logical leaps" which are simply wishful thinking on the part of the author. What you have to remember is that Obama was NOT overwhelmingly elected. The final vote was nearly a 50/50 split. What the left is attempting to do is further consolidate their power by marginalizing the opposition. This is a scheme successfully used by authoritarian leaders of the past too.
The speaker of the house (lower case deliberately used) mocked the tea-party attendees as being out of touch and organized by rich republican interests. Rather than a grass roots movement spurned on by higher taxes, trillions in debt and government officials who refuse to listen to the electorate.. She claimed it was really an "astro-turf" movement. That means it was all fake and phony and just a bunch of paid for demonstrators. (being a huge liberal she should know about that sort of thing)
SO! Let's see if you are a radical or not. Can you be targeted by the local law enforcement folks for increased scrutiny? Do you have one of the following stickers or decals on the back of your car or truck? "US Air Force - Retired" "US Army - Retired" "Siemper fi" "USMC" "It's a life, not a choice" "McCain /Palin 2008" "National Rifle Association" "Don't blame me... I voted for a Hero, not a handout" "Nobama!" 'Palin 2112!"
If so... then YOU, my friend... are a potential radical (right wing) and need to be closely watched. Folks like that are described as being "anti-government" and "anti-taxation". (how shocking!) We tend to like things like our first and second amendment rights. (Radicalism if I ever heard of it!) We believe in government as laid out by the Founding Fathers. We favor states rights and local control over a huge bloated centralized bureaucracy trying to control every aspect of our lives. We favor limited government and low taxation. Some of us are so radical as to believe that term limits ought to be put in place to keep our elected officials from thinking of themselves as near godlike.
In reading the report you'll notice the many references to the fact that Obama is Afro-American. Since he refuses to present as valid birth certificate the truth may be that is is much more African than American. That aside the straw dog is that conservatives, I'm sorry, I mean "Right wing Radicals", are huge racists. History clearly disproves that lie. To this day the fact is that it is liberal democrats who demonstrate racists tendencies.
It was democrats who resisted the elimination of slavery. Democrats who fought to keep schools segregated. It was the democrat party who voted against the equal rights amendment. Democrats who recently killed school vouchers for poor kids in Washington DC and democrats who keep constantly bringing up race... NOT republicans. Still we are led to believe that we're all upset because there is a "black" in the White House. I can assure you that had Condi Rice or JC Watts run for President there would still be a black in the White House and the left would be screaming to high heaven about it.
What this report is is a sign of fear. Those in power in Washington DC are scared to death of the power of the people. In their arrogance they believe that only they know what is best. They do NOT want to know or hear what we think. We're only the unwashed masses and far to stupid to know what is best for us. In their elevated opinion of themselves... the last intelligent thing we did was elect them to think for us. Listen to them speak. Listen to them talk down to us. Listen to the condescending tone.
No... the left is running scared. The illusion of their political skill and power is quickly starting to crack and show the weakness of its foundation. While the main stream media is working overtime to cover up all their gaffs and blunders it's not a job they can do without error. and some "secrets" are simply too big to keep.
Take CNN for example. They chose to barely report on the over 700 tea-parties across the nation on April 15th and one CNN "reporter" actually argued with the man she was "interviewing!! Head in the sand, anyone? Does them barely reporting mean it never happened? Sounds like the Chinese and the Tienanmen Square demonstrations. Even though there are hours of film footage the Chinese governments official stand is that it never happened. This is the same attitude the main stream media has adopted. If it goes against the great Obama or casts him and his agenda in a negative light in any way.... you will not see it or hear about it.
The good news is that governments which employ these sort of tactics all eventually fail. No amount of cover and lies can support the gross injustice and disregard for the rights of the governed forever. Sooner or later the fragile house of cards they are constructing will collapse under the weight of the illusion they are attempting to maintain. The grim part is that the collapse could take years and could be very costly. The cost in in lost of income, loss of freedom, loss of rights, and in unwarranted persecution by a fearful, out of control, government.
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