I'm personally suffering from "Obama Overload Syndrome." It's a malady brought on by the sycophantic media's love fest with Mr. Obama. I've seen more Obama face time on TV in the last 120 days than I saw of President Bush in 8 years. If Barrack blows his nose it's a breaking news story covered by all the left leaning networks. They seem to feel that the world at large is as in love with the guy as they are. Hint.. we are not!
Meanwhile, under the radar, Obama has submitted the names of his "first batch" of US attorney's to be replaced. As his new attorney general stated, "Elections have consequences and we are going to move to install attorneys which reflect Obama's views." News coverage by the main stream media? As close to zip as you can get. What coverage there is eagerly proclaims the President's right to replace US attorneys at any time for any reason.... or for no reason at all. If that's true then why did they raise so much hell when President Bush replaced 9 of his own appointees? With the left there is always a double standard.
Are we enjoying the rising unemployment? Something like 5.3% when the evil Bush left office and approaching 9% now. The media relentlessly hounded "W" over the "bad economy" and the terrible unemployment problem. Unemployment has nearly doubled in only 4 months of Obama yet the media ignores the story completely.
The sad part is that the full effects of Obama's lack of business skills hasn't even kicked in yet. His takeover of 2/3's of the auto industry (another issue that would have gotten "W" crucified but "O" skates on) is going to really screw things up.
The industry is in trouble and needs to sell cars and make a profit. Obama decides the best way to make the industry profitable is to cut their advertising budgets in half and close over 3000 dealerships. Let me see if I have this right. To sell more product you tell fewer people about your product and make finding a dealer more difficult. I wonder why no one ever thought of that in the past? Oddly enough the media isn't wondering about that. In fact they lack any degree of curiosity at all. They simply repeat whatever the administration says.
I haven't been able to locate any data on the selected dealers yet but somehow I suspect that there will be discovered a political component. Why? There are independent dealers... NOT factory owned. In most cases there are highly successful dealers too... just what you'd need to move vehicles.
The average dealer employs between 40 and 70 people. They have an inventory of rolling stock which averages 3.5 million dollars. They carry an additional parts inventory approaching 1 million additional dollars. The manufacturer (Obama) refuses to buy back any of their inventory. The immediate result will be 180,000 more people out of work and 3000 families forced to file bankruptcy.
The spin-off down the road is the loss of additional jobs in the affected communities. Items like lubricants, tires, batteries, uniforms, cleaning services and local advertising dollars are all going to be lost. At the same time there will be the loss of support for various organizations in the community. Charitable contributions to hospitals, girl and boy scouts, sponsorship of youth sports teams and the like will all be gone.
Then Obama steps in to "help" us with our credit. As President Reagan stated "The nine most feared words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." How are we being "helped this time? Well! Because a lot of folks are over extended and getting behind on payments to the credit card companies.... the government says the companies can charge the folks who AREN'T behind on their payments MORE money so that money can be applied to the debt of the others.
Huh? What the hell am I missing here? Oh wait.... Obama did say while he was campaigning that his goal was to "spread the wealth around." Screwing those citizens who are working hard to do the right thing certainly doesn't seem to be fair though. Won't that ultimately put more folks behind on their payments?
Think about conservatives and liberals like this.... Conservatives try to elevate everyone so that they can achieve all they wish in their lives. It's the rising tide that raises all boats. Liberals think it's "unfair" that some people work hard and achieve more than others. In their view all results ought to be the same regardless of the effort invested. So what happens is that the tide goes out and all the boats are stuck in the same mud at the bottom of the bay. Thus everyone is "equal" and that is what they call fair.
Watching all this unfold before my eyes is something I never thought I'd see unless I was sent to some third world dictatorship. (Think Hugo Chavez and Venezuela) Obama has nationalized part of the banking industry... nationalized 2/3's of the US auto industry... declassified CIA secrets which weaken our position when dealing with terrorists and has plans to assault the 1st and 2nd amendments to further consolidate his control of "we the people."
As I understand it... government is supposed to be limited in it's scope and be a servant OF the people. How did we get from there to here?
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