It seems to be time for yet another journey into the land of rational thought. Some will enjoy this and others might wish the height and weight requirement had excluded them. In any event.... strap on your safety gear and buckle up because it's going to be a bumpy ride today, gang!
Let's begin our foray into the land of the rational by taking a look at a statement by the former head of the Department of Justice..... Janet Reno. Universal background checks are the camel’s nose under the tent. As
former Attorney General Janet Reno said in 1993 during discussions of
the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban (AWB): “Waiting periods are only a step.
Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the
goal.” Remember that the elites are content with incremental steps that I
call gradualism.
Of course those of us with our eyes and minds wide open have known what the master plan was all along. And you're thinking..... "Okay smart the hell did you know that and what makes you same damn sure of yourself?" Fair question with an amazingly simple answer. All you have to do is READ the Founding Documents and you'll quickly discover that the Founders had all the answers before there were even questions.
If one simply looks back over history there were times when America thrived and prospered. This one tiny nation..... little more than an infant on the world stage..... was blowing the lid off in the areas of industrial and technological development.... agriculture.... science..... and every other measurable point. That was all because of our Constitution and our basic human freedoms. Then some in power thought that THEY knew better than the Founders and began to ignore the Constitution, Bill of Rights.... and everything else the Founders instructed us that we needed in order to be a free and prosperous people.
If one simply tracks the rise of liberalism and the decline of everything that had previously defined America and made her great...... those two paths form an X on your chart. As liberalism infects our society it kills off or weakens everything which is necessary for America to be the beacon of freedom and hope it was destined to be. But I digress.....
The reason we even have a 2nd Amendment is because America had just won its independence from England and the tyranny of an over-reaching all powerful government. Necessary for that was an armed populace prepared and willing to fight for and defend freedom against that tyranny. Now just over 200 years later we find that tyranny is back in the form of a bloated and out of control government which seeks to dictate to us every aspect of how to live our lives. The takeover of the healthcare system was just another in the long march of liberalism to snuff out all personal choice and freedom and institute the all powerful Nanny State.
That leads us to the title of this blog..... Unarmed = Defenseless. Here is your basic definition as a memory jogger:
- unprotected: lacking any form of protection and therefore vulnerable
- unprotected people: people who are unable to defend themselves and their interests
Synonyms: unprotected, unarmed, exposed, unguarded, vulnerable, helpless, wide open, weak, frail, powerless
Now then.... if YOU are a part of a small ruling class and have designs on changing everything about the way your country is run.... no matter what the people want..... which would you rather try to force that upon? A nation armed and instructed by our Founders that we have the RIGHT to throw off any government which no longer is serving us....... or a collection of unarmed, unprotected, exposed, unguarded, vulnerable, helpless, weak, frail and powerless people? While might doesn't make right.... it does make sure that you won't be ignored.
Okay... hopefully you're still following along. Next I'll ask the liberal readers to put on their crash helmets because we're going to be throwing some logic around and we don't want them getting brain damage.
What passes for "logic" in the logic free zone of Washington D.C. is nothing more than radical left wing pissing, moaning and hand wringing. They do it every single time they want to accomplish something and can't Constitutionally justify it. How the left even arrives at its positions is something of a mystery too...... kinda like dark matter. As close as I can come is to call it "non-intellectually guided emotionalism." You can call it a knee-jerk reaction if you like. Logical, rational thought NEVER enters into a position the radical leftists take..... it's 100% emotion driven pablum for the uneducated masses. (And please remember that it is the LEFT which controls the education system too!)
So....someone gets shot by a bad guy...... have to ban guns. Someone gets offended because he sees a cross...... have to ban crosses. Someone else gets outraged because they found a plaque with the 10 Commandments on it......have to ban the 10 Commandments. The same with God, innocent words taken out of context, certain toys, moral values, freedom of choice, association, speech, religion and every other natural right conferred upon us by our Creator and affirmed by the Founders. The radical lefts answer to everything THEY don't like or agree with is to ban it or regulate it out of existence. And if WE don't happen to agree with them..... then WE are stupid, unenlightened, knuckle dragging dolts who deserve nothing less than to have laws rammed down our throats for questioning their brilliance. How DARE we have an opinion different from theirs! Who the hell do we think we are?
WE are the People! We are the TRUE seat of power in this nation and it's clearly LONG past time that those WE sent to Washington to SERVE US heard that message LOUD AND CLEAR!! Those we sent to serve us have taken liberties with the power WE granted them and completely bastardized the system the Founders created. (which the Founders warned us could happen if we failed to remain vigilant) Ask anyone in the House or the Senate why they are there and 99% will tell you that it's to write laws, regulations and govern. Only 1% will reply correctly that they are there to represent the people who elected them and to serve those people as their representative in the House or Senate.
As we all know there is a HUGE gun control debate going on right now.... when the Founders ended that very debate centuries ago with the words: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." It is neither the job, right, responsibility, obligation or duty of ANYONE in Washington D.C. to attempt to infringe upon our God given RIGHT to the ability to defend ourselves in a manner consistent with the 2nd Amendment.
Gun control has one.... and ONLY one definition which is applicable under that amendment...... consistently hitting your legally recognized intended target. Be that target practice at a range or other safe that while out hunting...... be that while protecting the life of yourself, loved ones or property from someone attempting to unlawfully deprive you of it...... or be that in defending the Constitution and America from the designs of tyrants and their ilk. That last point is the REAL reason for the radical leftists push to ban guns.