Monday, March 04, 2013

Dusting off the Artillery

Morning, Gang! Permit me to begin by explaining the possibly cryptic post title. Due to a number of factors I have been silent on this side of the blogs I used to post to regularly. Those on the inside know that my dear Becky passed away and since that event I have been attempting a complete remake of my entire life. Thus.... I have been rather busy. However things are beginning to settle down now and I will again have the time to voice my opinion on things political on a more frequent basis.

 I am more than eager to dive back into the battle of ideas which is necessary to shape our great nation and keep it free. Liberals..... be afraid..... be very afraid.  Why? Because the left doesn't know how to back up their positions with solid facts and well crafted logic. They huff and puff and make a lot of noise.... point fingers and place blame..... and if all that fails they quickly retrograde to childish name calling.  Watch them on TV when they have to face a conservative and defend their positions. Their actions are as predictable as noting the glow on the eastern horizon and knowing the sun will soon rise. Well... one more conservative with facts and well crafted logic is back in the political battle and I'm happily dusting off the artillery in preparation for battle. Bring it on libs!

The biggest thing on the radar screen today is all the noise about the sequester. If you pay attention to the left (which Sun Tsu instructed with "Know thy Enemy") you understand that one of their favorite tricks is to assign brand new.... sometimes made up... names to old familiar things. "Sequester" is nothing more than a scary sounding new name for budget cuts which affect selected government agencies. 

With the help of the second branch of the democrat party...... the main stream.... state controlled media.....  the "Sequester" (which is the idea of BHO and no one else) is being portrayed as perhaps the  most destructive thing to ever have happened to America. Okay.... let's look behind the curtain and see what's really happening.

1st of all you need to learn about how Washington D.C. operates. You and I have a *real* budget to operate under. We have bills to pay and a fixed amount of income coming in and have to make things balance if we are fiscally responsible. We don't automatically assume that our income will increase by some fixed amount each and every year and project our spending as if it did. 

Washington D.C., on the other hand, operates outside reality when it comes to budgeting. THEY use something called "baseline budgeting" and that's not what you might think it is. From the name alone you might think they work just like you and I have to..... and their "baseline" is the tax revenue coming into Washington. You'd be wrong. 

Baseline Budgeting automatically assumes that the money allotted to all government agencies will increase by a fixed amount each and every year no matter what is happening out in the real world and how well or how poorly our economy is doing. Presently the Baseline increase is between 7 and 10% annually. Don't you wish YOU could count on a 7 to 10% increase in your income each year?

Okay..... so now that you understand (I hope) how Washington works..... let's examine the "Sequester" and see what is *really* happening with those "Draconian" budget cuts.  The "evil" sequester is going to take a massive 2.8% out of those affected budgets. [GASP! Oh the HORROR!] But WAIT!..... Under Baseline budgeting their budgets automatically INCREASE by somewhere between 7 and 10% each year...... so even taking the lower number....7%..... and subtracting the sequester amount (2.8%) they still have a net budget INCREASE of  4.2%  

Now struggle as I might I'm just having a really tough time trying to figure out how the hell a 4.2% (MINIMUM) budget INCREASE is going to result in all the harm and damage to the economy the left is screaming about. If you can make that understandable to me I welcome the enlightenment. Like you I'd more than welcome a 4.2% increase in my income this year. 


Gun control is also getting a lot of attention these days. As usual the left is using misdirection, straw dogs and just plain lies to try to take away our 2nd amendment rights. Okay.... I get that it's a really bad thing when some guy walks into a school and kills a bunch of kids..... I GET that. 

For the sake of the debate let's assume, for a moment, that guns had never been invented. No gun powder no pistols, rifles, shotguns or any other type of gun...... they simply DO NOT exist. Now you drive past the local youth indoctrination center....... Opps.... I mean school..... and you see the sign declaring it to be a baseball bat free zone and a drug free zone. So some guy twists off and goes walking right past the sign with a bat.... goes through the unguarded front door.... walks into a classroom and beats 22 kids to death. That very night congress is screaming for Baseball Bat control legislation in order to prevent such a crime from happening again.

Then let's assume guns & baseball bats had never been invented. You drive by the same education center and the sigh says "Hammer Free Zone & Drug free zone"  Some nut job walks right past the sign with a regular hammer and a back-up roofing hammer..... goes into a classroom and beats 22 kids to death with them. That night it's all over the news and congress is screaming for "Hammer control legislation"  to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again. 

Okay! So what can we learn from these two examples?  (BTW.... if you try this on a Liberal they will tell you that you're being silly. Remember they don't understand logic.) In each case there are several things that stand out to anyone with a functioning brain. #1 is that in each case it was advertised that none of the weapons used to commit the crime could be on the property. They were outlawed!  (The Gun, Baseball Bat and Hammer free zone signs)  #2 In each case the perpetrator ignored the sign and walked right on in..... unchallenged....  the school to commit the crime. #3 In each case there was NO ONE at the school capable of preventing that person from entering or stopping him once he was inside. #4 It is CLEARLY the intent of the person which is the primary problem and NOT any specific type of weapon. A person INTENT upon committing a crime will figure out a way to commit it using whatever means they feel necessary. And finally.... #5..... The definition of a criminal is someone who breaks the law.  (and ignoring the law is breaking the law too)

So liberals do a "feel good" thing and "protect" our children by defining "Gun Free Zones". They see that sign and think to themselves..... "Our children and now safe from gun violence because we have put up this sign and made having a gun here a crime." Big freaking deal. All the damn sign does is create a bother for law abiding citizens. Do you *really* think criminals and those intent on committing a crime at a school are going to drive up.... see the sigh and say to themselves.... "Oh crap! I was going to go inside and shoot a lot of kids today..... but there is this sign that says "Gun Free Zone"...... so I guess I'll go back home and watch Oprah." and leave? Hell no. What is says to a criminal is "Good! I will encounter NO resistance here!" And they are right..... history proves it. 

Ask yourself...... when was the last time you watched on TV or read in a news headline about some person with a gun going into a police station or Highway Patrol office with the intent of shooting a lot of people? NEVER! Why? Because there are people in those places trained in the use of firearms and carrying them! The criminal *might* get off one shot (and statistically 5 to 7 rounds are fired for every strike on a human target in a shootout) Then everyone with a weapon and clear line of fire in the place is going to unload on his ignorant ass. Criminals and those intent upon committing a crime KNOW that..... which is exactly why they look for "gun free zones" when they want to kill a lot of people in relative safety.  Every "NO GUNS" sign just means that those who ignore the sign to commit a crime have nothing to fear. 

Would you like to know what prevents people from becoming criminal in the first place? (Provided, of course, that they are mentally sound and capable of rational thought) It's fear. What made YOU behave when YOU were young? The fear of your mother or father tearing into your ass, that's what! The Bible tells us that if we spare the rod we spoil the what do liberals do? The opposite of what the Bible says. They have "time out" and other stupid little things that teach the lesson that there are NO real consequences for my actions... no matter how bad they are. Time out? Who cares? That doesn't hurt me one little bit! See? Even the kids get it when the adults don't. "That doesn't HURT me one little bit. Meaning that they don't fear the punishment. Fear is a powerful motivator when used properly.  So is pain.

Take your typical liberal indoctrination center..... Oops.... slipped again..... SCHOOL...... and put up a sigh that says "ALL adults on these grounds are armed and trained" and watch what happens.  The bad guys drive right on down the street to the "gun free zone" to raise hell. After all... why go to the first school knowing that every adult in there has a gun and is trained in how to use it properly? It's just plain common sense. And there is a bumper sticker which sums it all up rather well:

So rare that it's like

Lastly on this phony "gun control" thing..... the left knows that unless they pull some really underhanded stuff like they did to pass Obamacare..... they won't be able to ban guns as they would like to do. Knowing that the government has been buying up all the ammunition the market has. I've been on some web sites where some ammo won't be in stock until 2016! NOT COUNTING the 5 branches of the military and their ammunition needs...... our government has bought over 1.6 billion (that's BILLION with a B) rounds of ammunition since Obama took office..... and they have procurement requests out for another 1.2 BILLION rounds! How much is that really? What is on hand now is enough to fight the Iraq war for 25 years based on the rounds consumed there during the conflict. 

So ask yourself this...... why the hell does our government need that much ammo? They claim that it's for "training" reasons. Really? Ask yourself...... why does the Department of Education have an armed and trained S.W.A.T. team? Why does the F.D.A. have an armed and trained S.W.A.T. team? What does the Social Security Administration need with nearly a Million rounds of .357 Magnum hollow point ammunition? Have our seniors gotten *that* rowdy and violent lately? (BTW Hollow point ammo isn't used in "training" because it's too expensive)  There is some ammo on the shelves but it's odd calibers like 44-40 or .273. Normal old .22 rounds are hard to find as are .38 / .357  / .40  / .45 both revolver and ACP  / 9mm  and most other standard calibers. While they know they can't get all our guns.... they CAN and ARE buying up ALL the ammunition. A pistol without bullets is either a hammer or a rock..... and a rifle or shotgun without ammo is a club. And if our government has all the ammo and we have they FEAR us? Not only no but  HELL NO! 

The Founders KNEW all those years ago what might happen if the wrong people rose to power. In their Divinely inspired wisdom they properly gave us the 2nd amendment so that we "The People" could defend ourselves from an out of control government.  Point blank.... Gun control isn't about guns...... it's about CONTROL.

Stay tuned for another educational adventure, folks. All that stuff above is just off the top of my head and not even close to everything that's on my mind. It's going to be an interesting ride so hang on tight!


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