Reaffirming Texas’ sovereignty under the Texas Constitution and the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
This Non-Binding Resolution was introduced on March 7th, 2013 by
Representative James White who represents Hardin, Jasper, Newton, Polk,
and Tyler counties.

Representative James White
By: White: H.C.R. No. 77
WHEREAS, The Republic of Texas existed as an independent
nation for nine years, and when it accepted admission to the Union in
1845, it remained a free and independent state subject only to the
United States Constitution; and
WHEREAS, The United States Congress has passed laws requiring Texas to make expenditures that are unfunded by the federal government, which is a violation of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; moreover, the federal government has caused the intentional devaluation of its currency through its reckless spending and borrowing, and this threatens the economic stability of Texas; and
WHEREAS, The United States government has allowed the use of its authority, credit, and goodwill for the benefit of private and foreign concerns in violation of its own constitution; in addition, its repeated failure to guard the border between Texas and Mexico has forced the state to spend vast sums in order to protect its citizens; and
WHEREAS, The federal government has further implemented thousands of laws, mandates, and agencies in violation of the United States Constitution and of the sovereignty of the State of Texas; and
WHEREAS, Section 1, Article I, Texas Constitution, states that “the perpetuity of the Union depend[s] upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States”; Section 2, Article I, declares, “All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient”; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas hereby reaffirm the state’s sovereignty under the Texas Constitution and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, and to all the members of the Texas delegation to Congress with the request that this resolution be officially entered in the Congressional Record as a memorial to the Congress of the United States of America.
Representative James White
By: White: H.C.R. No. 77
WHEREAS, The United States Congress has passed laws requiring Texas to make expenditures that are unfunded by the federal government, which is a violation of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; moreover, the federal government has caused the intentional devaluation of its currency through its reckless spending and borrowing, and this threatens the economic stability of Texas; and
WHEREAS, The United States government has allowed the use of its authority, credit, and goodwill for the benefit of private and foreign concerns in violation of its own constitution; in addition, its repeated failure to guard the border between Texas and Mexico has forced the state to spend vast sums in order to protect its citizens; and
WHEREAS, The federal government has further implemented thousands of laws, mandates, and agencies in violation of the United States Constitution and of the sovereignty of the State of Texas; and
WHEREAS, Section 1, Article I, Texas Constitution, states that “the perpetuity of the Union depend[s] upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States”; Section 2, Article I, declares, “All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient”; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas hereby reaffirm the state’s sovereignty under the Texas Constitution and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, and to all the members of the Texas delegation to Congress with the request that this resolution be officially entered in the Congressional Record as a memorial to the Congress of the United States of America.
Many people think that Texas retained the right to secede from the Union when it became a state. That is nowhere in the constitution of the State of Texas. We did, however, retain the right to divide into a total of 5 states. I think doing that would undermine all of the unique qualities of being "Texan" and having a land of such vast diversity to call home.
None the less the Founders of the United States did warn us of the peril of those not worthy rising to power. They installed the system of checks and balances so as to keep our unique form of government exactly in the center between anarchy (no government at all) on the right and tyranny (nothing but government) on the left.
Because we have fallen away from the guiding principles the Founders blessed us with and because those we have elected to positions of governance refuse to abide by the Constitution, when steering the ship of state, we have drifted far off the course defined for us at our founding.
In their Divinely inspired wisdom the Founders knew such evil people might steal their way into power and begin charting a course back to the singular rule of a "king" or "monarch" or plain, old fashioned, dictator from which we escaped through revolution.
We were given the 2nd amendment so that "We, The People" would always have the means by which to resist such tyrannical designs. We were further commanded to be on the watch for such tyrannical people and forms of government and told that we had not only the right but also the obligation to throw off such a government and form another which better suited our needs and desires.
The CLEAR intent of the founders was for a federal government of very specific and very limited powers. They went even further and enumerated those powers granted to the Federal government and plainly stated that ALL power not specifically given to the Federal government is retained by the states and the people.
Yet today we have reached a point in time when Federal judges tell us we have no right to consume the food we grow or raise on our own lands. We have a Federal government which ORDERS us, under penalty of fine, to buy specific things. (health insurance) We have S.W.A.T. teams arresting people for drinking whole milk from cows they raised. Being a politician has become a life time career and not the temporary service it was intended to be.
Those writing the laws now routinely include wording which exempts them from it. You know that you can go to prison for "insider trading" but did you also know that members of congress are NOT subject to that law and are free to act on information they hear? Yep! If we did it we go to prison but when they do it they go to the bank. Why do you think they are willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to get a job that pays less than $200,000????
We have federal agencies filled with appointed bureaucrats churning out thousands of pages of regulations designed to control us. Those regulations carry the force of LAW yet were NOT passed by those we elected to create law. You can live on top of a mountain in Wyoming and if someone from the E.P.A. comes to your property and declares it to be a "wetland" then it's a wetland and you can then be ordered to leave so you don't damage it. You can be ordered to let some complete stranger grope you, your wife and your children.... and if you refuse or resist you can be arrested and jailed. We are told to sacrifice for the good of all yet the man telling us that refuses to either do his job or stop taking $4 million dollar vacations..... or throwing million dollar parties every Wednesday night.
Mr. White is absolutely correct when we cites the 10th amendment which is being completely ignored by those in power in Washington D.C. In the last two years Texas lost to wild fires an area equal to 5 entire northeastern states..... yet we received not one single penny in aid from our Federal government. Why? Because we're Texans and that's where the Bush's came from! The reason is both petty and childish..... but then again..... look who's in charge. The 10th amendment
None the less the Founders of the United States did warn us of the peril of those not worthy rising to power. They installed the system of checks and balances so as to keep our unique form of government exactly in the center between anarchy (no government at all) on the right and tyranny (nothing but government) on the left.
Because we have fallen away from the guiding principles the Founders blessed us with and because those we have elected to positions of governance refuse to abide by the Constitution, when steering the ship of state, we have drifted far off the course defined for us at our founding.
In their Divinely inspired wisdom the Founders knew such evil people might steal their way into power and begin charting a course back to the singular rule of a "king" or "monarch" or plain, old fashioned, dictator from which we escaped through revolution.
We were given the 2nd amendment so that "We, The People" would always have the means by which to resist such tyrannical designs. We were further commanded to be on the watch for such tyrannical people and forms of government and told that we had not only the right but also the obligation to throw off such a government and form another which better suited our needs and desires.
The CLEAR intent of the founders was for a federal government of very specific and very limited powers. They went even further and enumerated those powers granted to the Federal government and plainly stated that ALL power not specifically given to the Federal government is retained by the states and the people.
Yet today we have reached a point in time when Federal judges tell us we have no right to consume the food we grow or raise on our own lands. We have a Federal government which ORDERS us, under penalty of fine, to buy specific things. (health insurance) We have S.W.A.T. teams arresting people for drinking whole milk from cows they raised. Being a politician has become a life time career and not the temporary service it was intended to be.
Those writing the laws now routinely include wording which exempts them from it. You know that you can go to prison for "insider trading" but did you also know that members of congress are NOT subject to that law and are free to act on information they hear? Yep! If we did it we go to prison but when they do it they go to the bank. Why do you think they are willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to get a job that pays less than $200,000????
We have federal agencies filled with appointed bureaucrats churning out thousands of pages of regulations designed to control us. Those regulations carry the force of LAW yet were NOT passed by those we elected to create law. You can live on top of a mountain in Wyoming and if someone from the E.P.A. comes to your property and declares it to be a "wetland" then it's a wetland and you can then be ordered to leave so you don't damage it. You can be ordered to let some complete stranger grope you, your wife and your children.... and if you refuse or resist you can be arrested and jailed. We are told to sacrifice for the good of all yet the man telling us that refuses to either do his job or stop taking $4 million dollar vacations..... or throwing million dollar parties every Wednesday night.
Mr. White is absolutely correct when we cites the 10th amendment which is being completely ignored by those in power in Washington D.C. In the last two years Texas lost to wild fires an area equal to 5 entire northeastern states..... yet we received not one single penny in aid from our Federal government. Why? Because we're Texans and that's where the Bush's came from! The reason is both petty and childish..... but then again..... look who's in charge. The 10th amendment
Each year Texas is ordered to send vast sums of money to Washington D.C. in the form of various taxes. IF we are good boys and girls.... and IF we are lucky.... we *might* get some of that money back to help OUR state and OUR people. It's about time we in Texas told Washington D.C. and their corrupted and broken government to "Attempt aeronautical intercourse with a rotating piece of perforated pastry." (There may be young readers so you'll just have to figure that one out) How about, to send a loud and clear message, Texans KEEP all that tax money in TEXAS and we de-fund the fraud, waste and corruption in Washington?
Of all the states in the United States only Texas has the true ability to stand on it's own as a free and independent Republic. We export everything from our electricity to our fuels to our tax money! What would happen if we KEPT it for our own benefit? Pull the plug and let California figure out where to get their electricity. We in Texas could then have to lowest electrical power rates in the nation. Our tax dollars stay here to improve OUR roads and replace OUR old bridges..... rather than vanish in the black hole that is Washington D.C..... never to be seen again.
Consider these facts. If Texas were to become independent again we would, on our first day, be ranked around 11th or 12th in the world for economies with a GDP of $1.207 Trillion dollars. Texas has 1/4 of America's oil and natural gas reserves. Texas has the nations largest refinery. Texas also has abundant coal reserves. Texas also generates more alternative energy than any other state with over 780 megawatts in wind power being generated just at the Roscoe Wind Farm. Texas is the southern part of the great plains and as such grows plenty of grain and fiber crops. Texas has a vast ocean coast line and a thriving fishing industry. We still have a huge cattle industry too. Let's face it... the rest of the country needs us more than we need them. you can see from the above.... Texas is big enough that when WE speak..... Washington HAS to listen! They might not like what they hear but too damn bad. If something isn't done soon the people and the nation which gave the entire world The 5000 Year Leap in progress and technology will vanish and become a footnote in history. The 5000 Year Leap
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