There's a reason why I love the loony left so very much. They are an endless source of laughs. I think what is most funny is how, since before World War II, they still refuse to accept reality and see evil for what it truly is. It would be even more humorous if there weren't so damn many of them in power around the world. Liberals in power are ten times more dangerous than an equal number of Soviet reactor malfunctions. What they to have in common is that both will kill you slowly.
Here in America they have been gradually choking the life out of the people. It's strangulation by gradual elimination of rights and freedoms. (which is exactly what they accuse the right of doing) I've always maintained that if you truly want to know what the left is up to..... just pay attention of what they accuse others of doing.
They yell that the conservatives are intolerant!! Oh? Who is it that gave us politically correct speech? Who is it that is doing everything they can to totally eliminate God from the American dialogue? Which side cannot take ANY criticism at all of it's agenda or leadership? Which side demands perfection of others then excuses all it's own wrong doings as if nothing happened?
What is maddening right now is their shrill cry for defeat and withdrawal from Iraq. My ears are ringing from it! No... wait a minute.... My ears are ringing from small arms fire and field artillery and other explosions..... Never mind. You get them point.... but they don't and refuse to even try to understand. In their world THEY are ALWAYS right and you're just dumber than a mud fence if you can't grasp their brilliance. History, however, has proven time and time again that they are usually on the wrong side of the critical issues. (Chamberlain and that pesky war thing)
Islam is, as religions go, about on par with being Hindu, or Christian, or Jewish. In it's base precepts there is the teaching of right and wrong, good and evil and how to live an orderly structured life which is at peace with everyone and the world in general. Then there is radical Islam. These are the militant fanatics who insist that everyone believe as they do or they will die. These are the wonderful people who the left says we have to talk to and understand. We need to reason with them and just let them know that we mean them no harm. Gee! Is that all we have to do to have world peace? Who'd a thunk it? Seems as best as I remember Nick Bird and Daniel Pearl weren't bothering them. Going about their business then the next thing they know they are about to be TV stars. Yep.... kneeling..... hands tied behind their backs so they can't harm anyone..... blindfolded. Yep! Pretty damn harmless. Then the war hoops and some nut job with a dull knife is sawing their heads off.... followed by the traditional chants of God is good. God is, but they sure as hell aren't.
What would just tickle me pink would be to get a few of those sweet Mullah's, a couple of fire brand clerics, toss in three or four of your typical jhaidists. Then mix well with the likes of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, and the rest of the evening news anchors just for fun. Shut the doors and shake well...... see what happens. I'm betting that all the make nice small talk would rapidly degrade to chants of "God is good". What do ya want to bet?
What they fail to understand is that people (and I use the term VERY lightly) like that simply cannot be reasoned with. One needs to have the capacity for reason to do that and those folks lost that years ago. (If they ever had it) What the left refuses to see, hear and understand is that Radical Islam wants us dead. Period. They hate us and everything we stand for. And in their twisted minds anything that they have to do in order to achieve that goal is okay. Yet in the equally twisted minds of the left, it's politically incorrect to even report on their growing acts of violence. It's not proper to target them for special attention at airports or anywhere else. I didn't see any little old ladies or red headed Irish guys among the folks to brought down the Twin Towers..... but those are the people that it's okay to pay special attention to for security. Give me a freaking break!
Here's the deal. If those of us in America want to continue to live any sort of happy and peaceful life then we'd better realize the threat these nut jobs pose and we'd better do it fast. (in this instance I refer to Radical Islam and not the loony left who, while dangerous, aren't out to behead us for our sins.) Radical Islam wants nothing less than the elimination of America from the world map. They also wish to take out England, Israel and any other country they see as "evil". (You can read that to mean successful and non-Muslim) Take a good look at your neighborhood then see the conditions where these folks are in charge. Care to trade? I thought not.
If you buckle and convert to Islam you may keep your head.... but they could change their minds at any time. You'll need to participate in five prayer sessions each day too. Ladies. You fashion decisions just got a whole lot easier. Forget Macy's, Sears and Dillards. They will all be destroyed as symbols of evil. Instead you can choose basic black for all occasions and get them at your local "burka's are us" store. Your children will get a wake up call too. Disobedience to authority is not looked upon with a great deal of joy by these folks. Your lovely wonderful child can be taken from you by force, put in prison and beaten from the bottoms of their feet to the back of their necks. If a boy and girl are caught alone together while not married..... both can be hung for "crimes against chastity." This is true even if they were both fully dressed and only talking. You want intolerant? You've got it. Business owners. They have roving bands of enforcers who make sure you are in compliance with Islamic law. Any violations they find and, at a minimum, they will beat the crap out of you right on the spot. Anything and everything you knew about comfort and "lifestyle" you can kiss goodbye. In this regard they do work like the loony left..... taking everyone down to the lowest common denominator. They remind us that Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth. What they don't tell you is that you either convert or they kill you. Some choice.
Somalia? You remember.... that nice country where they cheered as the bodies of our brave Army Rangers were drug through the dirty streets. In a northern province the hard line cleric reminded the people of a village that Islam demanded five prayer sessions a day. "Failure to pray five times a day as commanded will result in being beheaded." Man. Talk about intolerant.
So America. It's time to figure out what kind of world you want to live in. Sure the war in Iraq is unpopular. Hell... with the old school media running nothing but bad news and hate pieces since it started I'd be amazed if there were any other outcome. Be that as it may, it is a war against the Islamofascists who wish to dominate the globe by any means necessary. While the press has done their best to keep it hidden, these animals do the most unspeakable things to those who oppose them. The beheadings, the mutalated bodies hung from a bridge and burned, bombings of innocent civilians simply living their lives in peace. We either nut up and eliminate this threat from the face of the earth or we decide to live in fear forever. They will not relent and they will never simply let us alone because we mean them no harm. What part of dead does the left fail to understand?
Mostly things of a political nature. NOT politically correct and never will be! I say what I think and if that runs against popular opinion that's too bad. It will make you think! (possibly painful if you're a liberal)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Democrats start wrecking the country
The destruction of the country is officially under way and, of course, the Democrats are in the lead and overjoyed. It all seems innocent enough, a hike in the federal minimum wage, but it serves to prove the colossal lack of understanding of how a complex economy functions. Since all of these Democrat "hero's" have more money than they know what to do with it affects them not. No matter how screwed up things get for us, they will blissfully sail on completely unaware of all the havoc in their wake.
Okay..... So what's the big mistake with raising the minimum wage. After all... We all need a "living wage" right? Wrong! The minimum wage is expressly designed to give the entry level worker a base platform from which to progress. As skills, education and length of employment increase so does the wage the employee earns. For the most part it is intended for first time job holders which, typically, are still in school and still living with mom and dad. To assume that everyone working for the minimum wage is supporting a family, paying rent, buying groceries and all that stuff is far from the mark. Granted there are some in that category as there always will be, however, most of those are here in violation of federal law.
What we have now is a government mandated (thank you Democrats) unbalancing of the economic scales. Economies tend to come into natural balance when left alone to work as intended. Ours was in balance and working fine. But now we have this unnecessary tipping of the scales. On the surface it sounds just fine but ponds are deeper than the surface. Who has to PAY this higher minimum wage? It's damn sure NOT the people who say it has to be paid! Nope it's the average small business owner. (Large corporations rarely have anyone working at the minimum wage) So the first effect is to increase the operating costs the small business owner must bear to stay in business. Secondly that business owner also has to pay greater taxes on this higher salary so it's also a stealth tax hike. More money off the bottom line means less tangible income so the cost of goods and services must increase for him to break even. It's either that or cut staff. But let's just assume that he passes along the higher mandated wage in the form of a price increase. That takes more money out of the pockets of the typical consumer and means, once again, higher taxes. (We DO pay taxes on the things we buy, remember?) The other thing it does is give "BIG LABOR" (the unions) a higher base wage upon which to argue for their members. Thus the union wage goes up and that pass through effect kicks in again to elevate the cost of all union produced goods and services. (Oh... and more taxes paid too) So now let's see what has happened.
Tammy was making minimum wage working for Ed and saving money to buy her first car while living at home with mom and dad. The loving Democrats raise the minimum wage and Tammy is pleased to see this! When she gets her first new check she also sees that more money has been withheld for taxes so the increase isn't quite as much as she thought it would be. Blow number one. Still she continues to save for that new car she dreams about nightly. A year later she thinks she has enough for a down payment and will be making enough for the monthly payments so she and her parents head for the dealership. Tammy has been wanting a sane little economy car and had priced it out last year but is now shocked to see that the car now costs $2500 more than it did a year ago! What she thought was enough for the down payment isn't and they leave dejected. Blow number two. Perhaps the Democrats will be kind and raise the minimum wage again! Only this time perhaps Ed runs the numbers and decides he can't stay in business with all the increased costs so he sells out and retires, leaving Tammy unemployed. See how much the Democrats have helped her? Isn't it great?
The economy does not operate in a vacuum. Tweak something somewhere and it affects the entire system. One can mandate a higher wage but someone has to pay that wage and it's not the law makers. One can freeze a price on a finished good but that doesn't freeze the costs of materials or production. All these things tend to float along until they reach a balance that best serves the most people. Notice I did not say ALL people because that is impossible. It is up to the individual to increase their education and elevate their worth to an employer in order to progress up the wage scale. THAT is the natural order of things, NOT government mandated increases. All this amounts to is pandering to a minority whom the democrats hope to sway into voting for them. It's shrouded in the usual smoke and mirrors and supported by the compliant and bias liberal media. No one is being told the true economic impact of this increase and they never will be. To do that would be to educate and open the eyes of the population and that would make this sort of grandstanding impossible in the future. The Democrats fear an informed and educated electorate. That's why they control public "education".
Okay..... So what's the big mistake with raising the minimum wage. After all... We all need a "living wage" right? Wrong! The minimum wage is expressly designed to give the entry level worker a base platform from which to progress. As skills, education and length of employment increase so does the wage the employee earns. For the most part it is intended for first time job holders which, typically, are still in school and still living with mom and dad. To assume that everyone working for the minimum wage is supporting a family, paying rent, buying groceries and all that stuff is far from the mark. Granted there are some in that category as there always will be, however, most of those are here in violation of federal law.
What we have now is a government mandated (thank you Democrats) unbalancing of the economic scales. Economies tend to come into natural balance when left alone to work as intended. Ours was in balance and working fine. But now we have this unnecessary tipping of the scales. On the surface it sounds just fine but ponds are deeper than the surface. Who has to PAY this higher minimum wage? It's damn sure NOT the people who say it has to be paid! Nope it's the average small business owner. (Large corporations rarely have anyone working at the minimum wage) So the first effect is to increase the operating costs the small business owner must bear to stay in business. Secondly that business owner also has to pay greater taxes on this higher salary so it's also a stealth tax hike. More money off the bottom line means less tangible income so the cost of goods and services must increase for him to break even. It's either that or cut staff. But let's just assume that he passes along the higher mandated wage in the form of a price increase. That takes more money out of the pockets of the typical consumer and means, once again, higher taxes. (We DO pay taxes on the things we buy, remember?) The other thing it does is give "BIG LABOR" (the unions) a higher base wage upon which to argue for their members. Thus the union wage goes up and that pass through effect kicks in again to elevate the cost of all union produced goods and services. (Oh... and more taxes paid too) So now let's see what has happened.
Tammy was making minimum wage working for Ed and saving money to buy her first car while living at home with mom and dad. The loving Democrats raise the minimum wage and Tammy is pleased to see this! When she gets her first new check she also sees that more money has been withheld for taxes so the increase isn't quite as much as she thought it would be. Blow number one. Still she continues to save for that new car she dreams about nightly. A year later she thinks she has enough for a down payment and will be making enough for the monthly payments so she and her parents head for the dealership. Tammy has been wanting a sane little economy car and had priced it out last year but is now shocked to see that the car now costs $2500 more than it did a year ago! What she thought was enough for the down payment isn't and they leave dejected. Blow number two. Perhaps the Democrats will be kind and raise the minimum wage again! Only this time perhaps Ed runs the numbers and decides he can't stay in business with all the increased costs so he sells out and retires, leaving Tammy unemployed. See how much the Democrats have helped her? Isn't it great?
The economy does not operate in a vacuum. Tweak something somewhere and it affects the entire system. One can mandate a higher wage but someone has to pay that wage and it's not the law makers. One can freeze a price on a finished good but that doesn't freeze the costs of materials or production. All these things tend to float along until they reach a balance that best serves the most people. Notice I did not say ALL people because that is impossible. It is up to the individual to increase their education and elevate their worth to an employer in order to progress up the wage scale. THAT is the natural order of things, NOT government mandated increases. All this amounts to is pandering to a minority whom the democrats hope to sway into voting for them. It's shrouded in the usual smoke and mirrors and supported by the compliant and bias liberal media. No one is being told the true economic impact of this increase and they never will be. To do that would be to educate and open the eyes of the population and that would make this sort of grandstanding impossible in the future. The Democrats fear an informed and educated electorate. That's why they control public "education".
Monday, November 13, 2006
I'm not surprised
Your search - "How do Republicans get their power back?" - did not match any documents.
This search was done nearly a week after the election that vaulted democrats back into the majority in Washington. As you may recall, after the democrat defeats in the two previous election cycles the media fretted for months.... "What do the Democrats have to do to get their power back?" There wasn't a single night that passed without someone in the media posing that question to other pundants or ranking liberals across the country.
Obviously the mainstream media isn't biased in their reporting. Heck... they have told us that they're not for years now..... and naturally we all believe them. (Yeah, right!) So far all I've heard is how wonderful it is that the democrats are the majority again. Everything will now be rosy and bright.... everyone will love us... kum-by-ya. But they have already warned us that they will be "forced" to take tough action to reverse the dangerous trends of the Bush administration.
Those "Dangerous trends" include the highest stock market in the history of the nation. Over 12,000 and doing fine.... so far. Another "dangerous trend" is the lowest unemployment in the history of the nation.... 4.3%. That's a full point lower than at any time under Clinton. At 5.4% unemployment Clinton was lauded for his efforts and praised for his concern. President Bush has a larger number of potiential workers and a full percentage point better unemployment statistic figure and the press calls his results "A national embarassment." (Obviously an objective and UNbiased opinion) Another dangerous trend is the increasing revenue to the federal government because of the Bush Tax cuts. Yes it's true. Cut peoples taxes and the revenue to the government actually goes up, folks. It's a very mysterious truism that the democrats will never admit to understanding too.
See.... there are two ways to get money into Washington. The Liberal way is to simply tax the hell out of everyone and everything. When Clinton was in office I'm sure you "Seasoned citizens" were thrilled when he increased your taxes right along with everyone else. The conservative way is to lower taxes and let the economy do the rest. When people have more money to spend they often do! When money is spent, taxes are paid and goods or services are purchased. That means an increase in demand. Increased demand means an increase in production to meet that demand or an increase in price. If production goes up then more supplies are ordered and perhaps more workers are employeed. At each step there is a reduced tax to be paid BUT it's being paid more often and by more people. Ditto if only the price of a good or service goes up. The result is obvious. Taxes were cut, the economy stimulated, production increased, employment increased, investments increased and tax paid into the federal government increased. This is the 800 pound gorilla that the democrats refuse to see in the room with them. Tax cuts work every time they are tried.
The other dangerous trend that they will reverse is our success in Iraq. Already we are starting to get "polls" out of Afganistan telling us that only a week after the democrat victory.... why.... things are suddenly much better there! The People now have hope and faith in their elected government. Actually this is the very same hope and joy over the improvements in their lives that they have had since we ran the Taliban out of Dodge..... or Kabul...... but because the liberals now have a clear stake in things... the news gets better! No more doom and gloom. (Again..... clearly UNbiased reporting going on here) Iraq, however, will be different. That is a sticking point for the democrats and they will not be happy until every American life that has been lost there is validated as an official waste. You will not suddenly see stories about how the infrastructure of the country has been rebuilt. (It has but you'll never get that story) You'll not see happy children going to a new school built by US forces and using supplies given to them by those same troops. (This happens every day but you'll never see that story either) At last count over 480 schools have been built by our troops and our valliant media has somehow not been able to locate even one. But let ONE car bomb go off anywhere.... and by God (Wait... they hate Him too) well.... by some magic they will find that flaming hulk and plaster it all over the news that night.
Germany (Yeah.... the nice folks who gave us a couple of World Wars to deal with) wants to put Donald Rumsfeld on trial for war crimes! Well if anyone ought to know a war crime when they see it, it's the Germans. Speaking of when they see it..... I wonder if they ever got to watch those delightful videos of captives having their heads sawed off with dull knives while on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs and outnumbered six to one? I guess there is nothing criminal about treating captives that way, huh? How about the video of people being drug through the streets, tied with chains, tossed off a bridge, soaked with gasoline and set on fire? Yeah..... on second though... no possible crime against humanity there. But the evil Rumsfeld...... the guy trying to bring acts like those to an end...... HE needs to be put on trial. More proof that the liberal left is and always has lived in an alternate reality.
America..... get ready for a feeding frenzy. While the vast majority of democrats that won office did so by running on a conservative agenda the leadership only sees it as a democrat victory. They think that they have a mandate now and they are going to go on a rampage, drunk with power. Under the guise of "oversight" they are going to tie the hands of the President with endless hearings and subpenas. Next, with the help of the media, they will set about destroying everyone who does not get into lockstep with them and their agenda. Remember when the Republicans took control and the democrats said..... "You have to share power with us"? Like fools we actually made that deal and gave them equal footing on committies and panels. DO NOT expect to see any such power sharing now. Republicans care about how they are preceived...... democrats only care about their power and, like spoiled children, they are not about to share anything. From here on out.... it just plain gets ugly, folks.
Now... the good news! After watching them do their best to rip this country to shreads and destroy everything we stand for.... there will be another election. Prehaps by then the Republicans will have learned that THEY lost this time around, NOT conservatism. Perhaps by then the Republicans will have found a leader with the voice and character to hold the party together in a unified front like Reagan did so very well. Right now the brightest light I see on the horizon is Newt Gingrich. I am free (so far) to hope.
This search was done nearly a week after the election that vaulted democrats back into the majority in Washington. As you may recall, after the democrat defeats in the two previous election cycles the media fretted for months.... "What do the Democrats have to do to get their power back?" There wasn't a single night that passed without someone in the media posing that question to other pundants or ranking liberals across the country.
Obviously the mainstream media isn't biased in their reporting. Heck... they have told us that they're not for years now..... and naturally we all believe them. (Yeah, right!) So far all I've heard is how wonderful it is that the democrats are the majority again. Everything will now be rosy and bright.... everyone will love us... kum-by-ya. But they have already warned us that they will be "forced" to take tough action to reverse the dangerous trends of the Bush administration.
Those "Dangerous trends" include the highest stock market in the history of the nation. Over 12,000 and doing fine.... so far. Another "dangerous trend" is the lowest unemployment in the history of the nation.... 4.3%. That's a full point lower than at any time under Clinton. At 5.4% unemployment Clinton was lauded for his efforts and praised for his concern. President Bush has a larger number of potiential workers and a full percentage point better unemployment statistic figure and the press calls his results "A national embarassment." (Obviously an objective and UNbiased opinion) Another dangerous trend is the increasing revenue to the federal government because of the Bush Tax cuts. Yes it's true. Cut peoples taxes and the revenue to the government actually goes up, folks. It's a very mysterious truism that the democrats will never admit to understanding too.
See.... there are two ways to get money into Washington. The Liberal way is to simply tax the hell out of everyone and everything. When Clinton was in office I'm sure you "Seasoned citizens" were thrilled when he increased your taxes right along with everyone else. The conservative way is to lower taxes and let the economy do the rest. When people have more money to spend they often do! When money is spent, taxes are paid and goods or services are purchased. That means an increase in demand. Increased demand means an increase in production to meet that demand or an increase in price. If production goes up then more supplies are ordered and perhaps more workers are employeed. At each step there is a reduced tax to be paid BUT it's being paid more often and by more people. Ditto if only the price of a good or service goes up. The result is obvious. Taxes were cut, the economy stimulated, production increased, employment increased, investments increased and tax paid into the federal government increased. This is the 800 pound gorilla that the democrats refuse to see in the room with them. Tax cuts work every time they are tried.
The other dangerous trend that they will reverse is our success in Iraq. Already we are starting to get "polls" out of Afganistan telling us that only a week after the democrat victory.... why.... things are suddenly much better there! The People now have hope and faith in their elected government. Actually this is the very same hope and joy over the improvements in their lives that they have had since we ran the Taliban out of Dodge..... or Kabul...... but because the liberals now have a clear stake in things... the news gets better! No more doom and gloom. (Again..... clearly UNbiased reporting going on here) Iraq, however, will be different. That is a sticking point for the democrats and they will not be happy until every American life that has been lost there is validated as an official waste. You will not suddenly see stories about how the infrastructure of the country has been rebuilt. (It has but you'll never get that story) You'll not see happy children going to a new school built by US forces and using supplies given to them by those same troops. (This happens every day but you'll never see that story either) At last count over 480 schools have been built by our troops and our valliant media has somehow not been able to locate even one. But let ONE car bomb go off anywhere.... and by God (Wait... they hate Him too) well.... by some magic they will find that flaming hulk and plaster it all over the news that night.
Germany (Yeah.... the nice folks who gave us a couple of World Wars to deal with) wants to put Donald Rumsfeld on trial for war crimes! Well if anyone ought to know a war crime when they see it, it's the Germans. Speaking of when they see it..... I wonder if they ever got to watch those delightful videos of captives having their heads sawed off with dull knives while on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs and outnumbered six to one? I guess there is nothing criminal about treating captives that way, huh? How about the video of people being drug through the streets, tied with chains, tossed off a bridge, soaked with gasoline and set on fire? Yeah..... on second though... no possible crime against humanity there. But the evil Rumsfeld...... the guy trying to bring acts like those to an end...... HE needs to be put on trial. More proof that the liberal left is and always has lived in an alternate reality.
America..... get ready for a feeding frenzy. While the vast majority of democrats that won office did so by running on a conservative agenda the leadership only sees it as a democrat victory. They think that they have a mandate now and they are going to go on a rampage, drunk with power. Under the guise of "oversight" they are going to tie the hands of the President with endless hearings and subpenas. Next, with the help of the media, they will set about destroying everyone who does not get into lockstep with them and their agenda. Remember when the Republicans took control and the democrats said..... "You have to share power with us"? Like fools we actually made that deal and gave them equal footing on committies and panels. DO NOT expect to see any such power sharing now. Republicans care about how they are preceived...... democrats only care about their power and, like spoiled children, they are not about to share anything. From here on out.... it just plain gets ugly, folks.
Now... the good news! After watching them do their best to rip this country to shreads and destroy everything we stand for.... there will be another election. Prehaps by then the Republicans will have learned that THEY lost this time around, NOT conservatism. Perhaps by then the Republicans will have found a leader with the voice and character to hold the party together in a unified front like Reagan did so very well. Right now the brightest light I see on the horizon is Newt Gingrich. I am free (so far) to hope.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Liberals and Media live in an alternate universe
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a while. I switched professions and drive one of those big rigs now. Mama says I drive a big rig at home too.... but that's for a different blog. Anyway..... not a whole lot of time to write lately, due to the new job, but I'll post when I can.
This election cycle is both hysterically funny and a frontal assault on basic common sense. It's funny to watch the liberals running around as if they have already won. Miss Pelosi, next speaker of the house, is already measuring her new digs for drapes. Charlie Rangle has already stated that all the "Bush tax cuts for the rich" will be cancelled immediately after the Democrat victory. Damn! There's a great reason to vote Democrat! More money out of your pocket so Washington can piss it off any way they want to. Makes me want to vote them in!
Let's recall the last "savior" to be elected..... Bill Clinton. Mr. ,stick your finger in the air (and other places) to see which way the wind is blowing today, gave us the biggest tax increases in the history of the nation. No one was safe. Clinton even raised taxes on the retired community by increasing the tax on their social security checks. If you made a penny Clinton made damn sure that big government got their share..... fair or not. And when they had taxed us so much that they couldn't spend it fast enough a "surplus" developed. Clinton had the audacity to go on television and state "We could give you your money back....... but we can't be sure you'd spend it right." WHAT??? That's the democrat way of thinking. YOU are too damn stupid to even know on what to spend the money you bust your ass to earn. Only they know what is best for you and your money. Actually.... only your money.... they could care less about you. Now they want us to put them back in power in Washington. God help us.
While driving the other day I saw a sign along the side of the road that said: "Had enough? Vote Democrat!" So I ask myself, enough what? Had enough of the highest stock market in the history of the nation? Had enough of the lowest unemployment in the history of the nation? (Yes Libs.... a full percentage point lower than any time under Bill Clinton) Statistically speaking it's full employment. Had enough of lower taxes, more take home pay? Had enough booming economy? Had enough low interest rates? Had enough of freedom of terrorist attacks on our own shores? If so.... by all means put Democrats in power and all those things will go away quickly.
The media is playing their roll as the second wing of the Democrat party too. And please.... if you honestly still think that the media isn't hugely bias towards liberal democrats you haven't been paying attention for the last 50 years. They have been carrying the water for the democrat party for ages. The only thing that has changed in the past 12 or so years is that they no longer hold a monopoly on what information and "news" reaches the citizens of these United States. That aggravates them more than they can stand. The FOX network...... far from right wing but more balanced than the old media giants..... is referred to as the "F-word network" by the others. They hate FOX for daring to broadcast both sides of the issues and present to the public anything other than the singular media opinion they share. Some night try switching channels on your TV. ABC..... CBS....... NBC...... CNN....... try them all and see if you can tell the difference. Often when I do this they are so coordinated that the same story is running at the same time and with the exact same wording and slant. It's amazing! What gets to me the most is watching those programs and listening to all the lies. They are masters at just plain making stuff up if it will serve to advance their agenda. In the old days they got away with that. Now days there is an alternative out there and they can't get away with it cleanly any more.
Everything I see and hear on the usual media is slanted against the conservatives. Republicans are going to loose here and there...... Conservative ideas are rejected by a majority of people polled...... (I'll get to polls later) Republicans are going to stay home this election because they are tired of how the country is being run. They keep doing all they can to force Democrats down our throats but all that does is make me puke them right back up. When was the last time you saw or heard anything on the big media giants negative towards the democrats? How about even slightly negative? Nope! When democrats screw up that gets ignored. What the democrats stand for isn't mentioned at all. They break out the smoke and mirrors and misdirect or blame republicans for their failings. Democrats fail and somehow Republicans are always to blame. It's never that the Democrats have bad ideas or that they are consistently rejected by the majority of rational thinking Americans. It's always a dirty Republican "vast right wing conspiracy" plot and the democrats never got a fair deal. No.... they got a fair deal that they got rejected. Their problem is that they refuse to admit that their ideas are not selling. It's YOU that are too damn stupid to realize just how brilliant and superior they truly are! In reality you are too damn smart to buy their line of BS any more.
And those polls. I am sick to death of freaking polls. If you have ever participated in a poll you know that the questions are designed and worded in such a way as to get the answer that the people paying for the poll desire. For example..... I'm paying for a poll and what I want is an end to trout fishing. So, for example, a question might ask.... "Do you favor an end to Trout fishing or would you rather see all Trout vanish from our streams and lakes?" That's how polls work so it's no wonder that the media is in absolute love with polls. They choose a position that they support then contrive a poll worded in such a way as to bring back the desired result. THEN the result of the poll becomes the news of the day! How many times have you heard the evening news start out something like this?: "ABC poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans don't like how Bush is running the country." They hate Bush and they want the rest of the country to think that everyone hates Bush..... so they create a poll designed to return that sort of result. Certainly if you ask enough democrats you'll get that result.... they live to hate. Polls are not the news but the media makes it the news because they have little else to do considering how well things in the country are going. The LAST thing you are going to hear or see on main stream media is a story on how well things really are going in this country and in Iraq. That doesn't fit the media template which is "America sucks and we shouldn't be in Iraq."
I've rambled quite a bit here but there is a point (or several) buried in here too..... you just have to look for them. That might require actual thought so, naturaly, I don't expect any lib reader to get it. The rest of you...... you are the hope for this country so you damn sure better be able to figure it out.
This election cycle is both hysterically funny and a frontal assault on basic common sense. It's funny to watch the liberals running around as if they have already won. Miss Pelosi, next speaker of the house, is already measuring her new digs for drapes. Charlie Rangle has already stated that all the "Bush tax cuts for the rich" will be cancelled immediately after the Democrat victory. Damn! There's a great reason to vote Democrat! More money out of your pocket so Washington can piss it off any way they want to. Makes me want to vote them in!
Let's recall the last "savior" to be elected..... Bill Clinton. Mr. ,stick your finger in the air (and other places) to see which way the wind is blowing today, gave us the biggest tax increases in the history of the nation. No one was safe. Clinton even raised taxes on the retired community by increasing the tax on their social security checks. If you made a penny Clinton made damn sure that big government got their share..... fair or not. And when they had taxed us so much that they couldn't spend it fast enough a "surplus" developed. Clinton had the audacity to go on television and state "We could give you your money back....... but we can't be sure you'd spend it right." WHAT??? That's the democrat way of thinking. YOU are too damn stupid to even know on what to spend the money you bust your ass to earn. Only they know what is best for you and your money. Actually.... only your money.... they could care less about you. Now they want us to put them back in power in Washington. God help us.
While driving the other day I saw a sign along the side of the road that said: "Had enough? Vote Democrat!" So I ask myself, enough what? Had enough of the highest stock market in the history of the nation? Had enough of the lowest unemployment in the history of the nation? (Yes Libs.... a full percentage point lower than any time under Bill Clinton) Statistically speaking it's full employment. Had enough of lower taxes, more take home pay? Had enough booming economy? Had enough low interest rates? Had enough of freedom of terrorist attacks on our own shores? If so.... by all means put Democrats in power and all those things will go away quickly.
The media is playing their roll as the second wing of the Democrat party too. And please.... if you honestly still think that the media isn't hugely bias towards liberal democrats you haven't been paying attention for the last 50 years. They have been carrying the water for the democrat party for ages. The only thing that has changed in the past 12 or so years is that they no longer hold a monopoly on what information and "news" reaches the citizens of these United States. That aggravates them more than they can stand. The FOX network...... far from right wing but more balanced than the old media giants..... is referred to as the "F-word network" by the others. They hate FOX for daring to broadcast both sides of the issues and present to the public anything other than the singular media opinion they share. Some night try switching channels on your TV. ABC..... CBS....... NBC...... CNN....... try them all and see if you can tell the difference. Often when I do this they are so coordinated that the same story is running at the same time and with the exact same wording and slant. It's amazing! What gets to me the most is watching those programs and listening to all the lies. They are masters at just plain making stuff up if it will serve to advance their agenda. In the old days they got away with that. Now days there is an alternative out there and they can't get away with it cleanly any more.
Everything I see and hear on the usual media is slanted against the conservatives. Republicans are going to loose here and there...... Conservative ideas are rejected by a majority of people polled...... (I'll get to polls later) Republicans are going to stay home this election because they are tired of how the country is being run. They keep doing all they can to force Democrats down our throats but all that does is make me puke them right back up. When was the last time you saw or heard anything on the big media giants negative towards the democrats? How about even slightly negative? Nope! When democrats screw up that gets ignored. What the democrats stand for isn't mentioned at all. They break out the smoke and mirrors and misdirect or blame republicans for their failings. Democrats fail and somehow Republicans are always to blame. It's never that the Democrats have bad ideas or that they are consistently rejected by the majority of rational thinking Americans. It's always a dirty Republican "vast right wing conspiracy" plot and the democrats never got a fair deal. No.... they got a fair deal that they got rejected. Their problem is that they refuse to admit that their ideas are not selling. It's YOU that are too damn stupid to realize just how brilliant and superior they truly are! In reality you are too damn smart to buy their line of BS any more.
And those polls. I am sick to death of freaking polls. If you have ever participated in a poll you know that the questions are designed and worded in such a way as to get the answer that the people paying for the poll desire. For example..... I'm paying for a poll and what I want is an end to trout fishing. So, for example, a question might ask.... "Do you favor an end to Trout fishing or would you rather see all Trout vanish from our streams and lakes?" That's how polls work so it's no wonder that the media is in absolute love with polls. They choose a position that they support then contrive a poll worded in such a way as to bring back the desired result. THEN the result of the poll becomes the news of the day! How many times have you heard the evening news start out something like this?: "ABC poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans don't like how Bush is running the country." They hate Bush and they want the rest of the country to think that everyone hates Bush..... so they create a poll designed to return that sort of result. Certainly if you ask enough democrats you'll get that result.... they live to hate. Polls are not the news but the media makes it the news because they have little else to do considering how well things in the country are going. The LAST thing you are going to hear or see on main stream media is a story on how well things really are going in this country and in Iraq. That doesn't fit the media template which is "America sucks and we shouldn't be in Iraq."
I've rambled quite a bit here but there is a point (or several) buried in here too..... you just have to look for them. That might require actual thought so, naturaly, I don't expect any lib reader to get it. The rest of you...... you are the hope for this country so you damn sure better be able to figure it out.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Terrorist assumes room temperature, Liberals cry.
Another terrorist, one personally responsible for beheading at least two American's that we know of, has the distinct honor of reaching room temperature. Yes, Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, terror master of Baghdad and beheader of American's was killed along with several of his "aides" on June 8th 2006.
As one might suspect the reaction to this animal finally getting the end he so richly deserved swings the arc from rational to completely unhinged. Iraqi National Defense Forces and common Iraqi citizens celebrated in the streets. A major thorn in their side had been removed. Patriotic Americans everywhere were pleased. Others had a much different reaction to this victory over terror.
Now I deliberately said "Patriotic" Americans because that's exactly what I meant! Frankly if you do not support this country, it's troops, their missions and their leadership right up to the President then you are not a patriotic American. I don't give a rats ass about your whining spineless reasons for hating all things patriotic and this country. Myself and millions of other brave citizens fought to give you the right to have your idiotic, communist, left wing socialist beliefs and thoughts. We did not, however, give you the right to highjack our country and try to make it some sort of socialist paradise. (not that one ever did or ever will exist) My personal point of view is right up front and in your face. If you honestly don't like this country and can't support it or it's elected leadership...... kindly do all of us a huge favor and beat feet to the nearest communist paradise of your choice. If I was in charge I'd even provide you with moving expenses to make your transition quick and easy. Of course I'd also revoke your citizenship and declare you persona-non-grata. My country is better for your departure and you get to finally find out first hand just how wonderful living in a true communist-socialist country genuinely is! I'd recommend North Korea for you hardcore lefties. But you can also select from China (although capitalism is spreading there so be careful) Iran, Venezuela and the people's paradise, Cuba.
Left wing blogs are full of moon bats who are full of conspiracy theory. Basically they are all just plain full of it. (Ever notice how when things don't go the way the left wing whacko's want it's GOT to be some sort of conspiracy and a huge plot against them?) (OH! I almost forgot.... Bush is Hitler and the greatest terrorist on earth!) I also love how so many of them assume very patriotic sounding names. "People for the American Way" is a good one. "Take Back America" is another. They haven't even got the moral honesty to use naming conventions that demonstrate their true nature and beliefs. My Blog? Hey.... I'm telling you loco weeds to pull your heads out of your collective asses and MOVE ON! Grow up already! Quit your damn crying and bitching and at least TRY to act like rational thinking adults. (Yeah... I know.... damn tough for folks with absolutely no experience at it to pull off)
Anyway.... the usual suspects on the left are less than pleased that another kingpin of terror has gotten exactly what he deserved. (Even if it was far to quick and painless for me) Harry Reid actually seemed saddened at the loss of another "human being." Yeah.... he actually called Zarqawi a human being! Sorry.... anyone that will take a dull knife and slowly saw the head off someone who has his hands tied behind his back gave up the claim to membership in the human race. For you lefties..... go watch the video of Nick Bird being treated to the kindness and human compassion of Zarqawi.... okay? Watch it until you figure out that we are at war with a group that has high-jacked a great religion and subverted it for their own purposes and will not stop until everyone on the planet is either a member of Islam or dead. They have no middle ground. Frankly I'm sick and tried of you assholes making excuses for them and always trying to find a way to blame America first. To repeat what is up above.... if you hate this great country so damn much PLEASE get the hell out of here and go somewhere that you'll be happy. I'd also encourage you NOT to attempt to turn America into your commie playground.... that's not going to happen..... ever. Since most of you never had the balls to serve your country the oath states that we'll defend this country against ALL enemies both foreign AND domestic. It would be real healthy for you not to overlook that last part.... okay? There are a hell of a lot of us out here (millions) that are no longer in uniform..... but we still take that oath to heart and will continue to defend this nation until our death. Call us the old "America - Love it or LEAVE it!" bunch. To us you liberal nut jobs are basically like having a rock in your shoe. Damn sure isn't going to upset us one little bit if you're not there anymore since you are not doing anything to make the journey more enjoyable anyway.
Back to the topic..... a terrorist bites the dust and the left is less than pleased. The moon bats are even saying that he looks like he's been thawed out..... as if we'd bagged his ass long ago and now was just the best time, politically, to let that be known. The nation would certainly be far better off without this bunch. They are not sane enough to form a rational thought.... and the scary part is that we let them vote. Nick Bird's own father was on a rip today claiming that we'd be far better off if Zarqawi was still alive and Saddam was back in power!!! (Oh yeah.... Bush is Hitler and has killed more people than Saddam ever did!) I'd be willing to bet that if he spouted that crap in front of a bunch of Iraqi citizens..... it would not be long before he was either ranting to himself like the lunatic he is..... or someone would jack-slap his ass into next week for being so damn stupid. YO! Mr. Bird..... Cuba is SOUTH..... Venezuela is SOUTH..... don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way to paradise.... okay? Your SON had his head sawed off by this nut job and you STILL hate America more than Zarqawi. You are a mentally deranged individual and ought to be in a padded cell rather than on nationwide television.
But the Liberal press needs nut jobs like you to further their own hate America agenda. They actually had the raw stupidity to ask the press secretary how we found Zarqawi, where we got the information. Why not ask... "Can you please give us detailed information on how to construct a thermonuclear device and also kindly provide relevant technical drawings and equipment sources?" Attention MEDIA! Some things are SECRET for a reason! (not that any of you give a damn as you've proven time and time again) Another dingbat actually wanted to know if we'd paid out the 25M reward and if so who got the money. My God.... how damn ignorant can this bunch be? Hello!!! "For the record can you please tell the rest of the terrorists, who aren't unlucky enough to be dead, who it was that ratted out Zarqawi so they can track him down and cut his head off too?" I'm sorry but I'm highly allergic to stupid and these people are giving me a rash.
I guess my biggest problem is that I actually LOVE this country. I grew up at a time and in a place where that was the normal way things were. I grew up in an America where folks looked out for each other because that was just the neighborly thing to do. We'd go on vacation for a week and not even bother to lock the house. Heck.... if we did that how would the neighbors be able to get in to put the mail on the kitchen table or leave something to eat there on the day we got back so Mom wouldn't have to cook? Farmers had refrigerators under trees by the side of the road with a sign on the door..... "Eggs 10 cents a dozen" Open the door and it's full of eggs and there is a cigar box where you put your money..... and it never came up short. We celebrated the 4th of July with parades and fire works. We bought them and fired them off in our very own yards! Yep.... every year some kid would do something stupid and tear up some fingers.... and every year there would be at least one little grass fire. The first we called a learning experience.... and you can bet they did. The second we called being prepared... and we all had garden hoses out just in case. Personal responsibility. Nanny state not required. Veterans were revered and honored. Old people and women respected. Serving the country by being in the armed forces was both an honor and a high privilege. It was a time I fondly remember.
Then liberalism and the radical left started making thing better. How? Demonstrations and riots. Deliberate destruction of public and private property, assaults on individuals they disagree with, spitting on troops returning from a tough tour in Vietnam, calling us hateful names. Nearly 40 years later and their tactics are still the same. IF anyone holds a position you don't agree with then you call them names and do everything you can to destroy them and their character. (witness the Clinton administration then and all Democrats today) Invent derisive terms for them to demonstrate your utter contempt for them and to show how very superior you are in your position. IF someone does something you actually like then be sure to point out how that person (or group) has "matured" and become more "enlightened". Never offer a clear cut position on anything because that is too difficult to defend. Rather.... simply criticize the other sides position endlessly. If you don't have any facts upon which to base a point of view simply invent them out of whole cloth. In your world it's not your responsibility to prove that your "facts" are correct.... it's the other sides responsibility to prove that they are not. Even in the face of that proof...... persist in your lie and never admit that you live in a house of cards. Remember your founders words..... "Tell a lie and tell it often enough..... and it becomes the truth."
And that is precisely the problem with the Liberals today. They actually do believe all the lies they've been telling for years and years. That's one of the reasons why liberalism is the most gutless choice one can make. It requires no thought, no examination of facts or search for the truth. It's a "feel good" ideology that cannot stand up to close scrutiny and hates anything that stands to interfere with that feel good mentality. Little things like religion..... values..... morals..... right and wrong..... good and evil. Those things cannot stand in the world of the Liberal. Liberals can not tolerate the cut and dry world of plain old right and wrong. Look at the way they make excuses for people who commit crimes. Look at Senator William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana. Caught red handed with over $90,000 of FBI bribe money in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator in his office..... and the media is doing nothing but making excuses to justify criminal behavior. NOT ONE major network asking why he took a bribe investigating his criminal behavior. Oh no..... can't have that. It's okay.... because... why.... he was poor as a child. Big fucking deal! I wasn't rolling in dough and you can bet your sweet ass my ears would still be ringing from the sound of the cell door slamming shut if I did what he did. That's another trait of the Liberals. The law simply doesn't apply to them.... they are above it.... or at least think they are. Just like governing this country is their birthright.... not a privilege that must be earned at the ballot box. Just look at all the excuses they make when they loose because their whacko ideas are rejected by the American people. They never loose.... elections are simply stolen from them. Yeah.... right. And the moon is made of green cheese and only human productivity can cause the climate to become more warm..... rather than perhaps something much simpler... like the sun. Keep believing all your lies, Liberals.... if that's what makes you happy.
As one might suspect the reaction to this animal finally getting the end he so richly deserved swings the arc from rational to completely unhinged. Iraqi National Defense Forces and common Iraqi citizens celebrated in the streets. A major thorn in their side had been removed. Patriotic Americans everywhere were pleased. Others had a much different reaction to this victory over terror.
Now I deliberately said "Patriotic" Americans because that's exactly what I meant! Frankly if you do not support this country, it's troops, their missions and their leadership right up to the President then you are not a patriotic American. I don't give a rats ass about your whining spineless reasons for hating all things patriotic and this country. Myself and millions of other brave citizens fought to give you the right to have your idiotic, communist, left wing socialist beliefs and thoughts. We did not, however, give you the right to highjack our country and try to make it some sort of socialist paradise. (not that one ever did or ever will exist) My personal point of view is right up front and in your face. If you honestly don't like this country and can't support it or it's elected leadership...... kindly do all of us a huge favor and beat feet to the nearest communist paradise of your choice. If I was in charge I'd even provide you with moving expenses to make your transition quick and easy. Of course I'd also revoke your citizenship and declare you persona-non-grata. My country is better for your departure and you get to finally find out first hand just how wonderful living in a true communist-socialist country genuinely is! I'd recommend North Korea for you hardcore lefties. But you can also select from China (although capitalism is spreading there so be careful) Iran, Venezuela and the people's paradise, Cuba.
Left wing blogs are full of moon bats who are full of conspiracy theory. Basically they are all just plain full of it. (Ever notice how when things don't go the way the left wing whacko's want it's GOT to be some sort of conspiracy and a huge plot against them?) (OH! I almost forgot.... Bush is Hitler and the greatest terrorist on earth!) I also love how so many of them assume very patriotic sounding names. "People for the American Way" is a good one. "Take Back America" is another. They haven't even got the moral honesty to use naming conventions that demonstrate their true nature and beliefs. My Blog? Hey.... I'm telling you loco weeds to pull your heads out of your collective asses and MOVE ON! Grow up already! Quit your damn crying and bitching and at least TRY to act like rational thinking adults. (Yeah... I know.... damn tough for folks with absolutely no experience at it to pull off)
Anyway.... the usual suspects on the left are less than pleased that another kingpin of terror has gotten exactly what he deserved. (Even if it was far to quick and painless for me) Harry Reid actually seemed saddened at the loss of another "human being." Yeah.... he actually called Zarqawi a human being! Sorry.... anyone that will take a dull knife and slowly saw the head off someone who has his hands tied behind his back gave up the claim to membership in the human race. For you lefties..... go watch the video of Nick Bird being treated to the kindness and human compassion of Zarqawi.... okay? Watch it until you figure out that we are at war with a group that has high-jacked a great religion and subverted it for their own purposes and will not stop until everyone on the planet is either a member of Islam or dead. They have no middle ground. Frankly I'm sick and tried of you assholes making excuses for them and always trying to find a way to blame America first. To repeat what is up above.... if you hate this great country so damn much PLEASE get the hell out of here and go somewhere that you'll be happy. I'd also encourage you NOT to attempt to turn America into your commie playground.... that's not going to happen..... ever. Since most of you never had the balls to serve your country the oath states that we'll defend this country against ALL enemies both foreign AND domestic. It would be real healthy for you not to overlook that last part.... okay? There are a hell of a lot of us out here (millions) that are no longer in uniform..... but we still take that oath to heart and will continue to defend this nation until our death. Call us the old "America - Love it or LEAVE it!" bunch. To us you liberal nut jobs are basically like having a rock in your shoe. Damn sure isn't going to upset us one little bit if you're not there anymore since you are not doing anything to make the journey more enjoyable anyway.
Back to the topic..... a terrorist bites the dust and the left is less than pleased. The moon bats are even saying that he looks like he's been thawed out..... as if we'd bagged his ass long ago and now was just the best time, politically, to let that be known. The nation would certainly be far better off without this bunch. They are not sane enough to form a rational thought.... and the scary part is that we let them vote. Nick Bird's own father was on a rip today claiming that we'd be far better off if Zarqawi was still alive and Saddam was back in power!!! (Oh yeah.... Bush is Hitler and has killed more people than Saddam ever did!) I'd be willing to bet that if he spouted that crap in front of a bunch of Iraqi citizens..... it would not be long before he was either ranting to himself like the lunatic he is..... or someone would jack-slap his ass into next week for being so damn stupid. YO! Mr. Bird..... Cuba is SOUTH..... Venezuela is SOUTH..... don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way to paradise.... okay? Your SON had his head sawed off by this nut job and you STILL hate America more than Zarqawi. You are a mentally deranged individual and ought to be in a padded cell rather than on nationwide television.
But the Liberal press needs nut jobs like you to further their own hate America agenda. They actually had the raw stupidity to ask the press secretary how we found Zarqawi, where we got the information. Why not ask... "Can you please give us detailed information on how to construct a thermonuclear device and also kindly provide relevant technical drawings and equipment sources?" Attention MEDIA! Some things are SECRET for a reason! (not that any of you give a damn as you've proven time and time again) Another dingbat actually wanted to know if we'd paid out the 25M reward and if so who got the money. My God.... how damn ignorant can this bunch be? Hello!!! "For the record can you please tell the rest of the terrorists, who aren't unlucky enough to be dead, who it was that ratted out Zarqawi so they can track him down and cut his head off too?" I'm sorry but I'm highly allergic to stupid and these people are giving me a rash.
I guess my biggest problem is that I actually LOVE this country. I grew up at a time and in a place where that was the normal way things were. I grew up in an America where folks looked out for each other because that was just the neighborly thing to do. We'd go on vacation for a week and not even bother to lock the house. Heck.... if we did that how would the neighbors be able to get in to put the mail on the kitchen table or leave something to eat there on the day we got back so Mom wouldn't have to cook? Farmers had refrigerators under trees by the side of the road with a sign on the door..... "Eggs 10 cents a dozen" Open the door and it's full of eggs and there is a cigar box where you put your money..... and it never came up short. We celebrated the 4th of July with parades and fire works. We bought them and fired them off in our very own yards! Yep.... every year some kid would do something stupid and tear up some fingers.... and every year there would be at least one little grass fire. The first we called a learning experience.... and you can bet they did. The second we called being prepared... and we all had garden hoses out just in case. Personal responsibility. Nanny state not required. Veterans were revered and honored. Old people and women respected. Serving the country by being in the armed forces was both an honor and a high privilege. It was a time I fondly remember.
Then liberalism and the radical left started making thing better. How? Demonstrations and riots. Deliberate destruction of public and private property, assaults on individuals they disagree with, spitting on troops returning from a tough tour in Vietnam, calling us hateful names. Nearly 40 years later and their tactics are still the same. IF anyone holds a position you don't agree with then you call them names and do everything you can to destroy them and their character. (witness the Clinton administration then and all Democrats today) Invent derisive terms for them to demonstrate your utter contempt for them and to show how very superior you are in your position. IF someone does something you actually like then be sure to point out how that person (or group) has "matured" and become more "enlightened". Never offer a clear cut position on anything because that is too difficult to defend. Rather.... simply criticize the other sides position endlessly. If you don't have any facts upon which to base a point of view simply invent them out of whole cloth. In your world it's not your responsibility to prove that your "facts" are correct.... it's the other sides responsibility to prove that they are not. Even in the face of that proof...... persist in your lie and never admit that you live in a house of cards. Remember your founders words..... "Tell a lie and tell it often enough..... and it becomes the truth."
And that is precisely the problem with the Liberals today. They actually do believe all the lies they've been telling for years and years. That's one of the reasons why liberalism is the most gutless choice one can make. It requires no thought, no examination of facts or search for the truth. It's a "feel good" ideology that cannot stand up to close scrutiny and hates anything that stands to interfere with that feel good mentality. Little things like religion..... values..... morals..... right and wrong..... good and evil. Those things cannot stand in the world of the Liberal. Liberals can not tolerate the cut and dry world of plain old right and wrong. Look at the way they make excuses for people who commit crimes. Look at Senator William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana. Caught red handed with over $90,000 of FBI bribe money in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator in his office..... and the media is doing nothing but making excuses to justify criminal behavior. NOT ONE major network asking why he took a bribe investigating his criminal behavior. Oh no..... can't have that. It's okay.... because... why.... he was poor as a child. Big fucking deal! I wasn't rolling in dough and you can bet your sweet ass my ears would still be ringing from the sound of the cell door slamming shut if I did what he did. That's another trait of the Liberals. The law simply doesn't apply to them.... they are above it.... or at least think they are. Just like governing this country is their birthright.... not a privilege that must be earned at the ballot box. Just look at all the excuses they make when they loose because their whacko ideas are rejected by the American people. They never loose.... elections are simply stolen from them. Yeah.... right. And the moon is made of green cheese and only human productivity can cause the climate to become more warm..... rather than perhaps something much simpler... like the sun. Keep believing all your lies, Liberals.... if that's what makes you happy.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Hey Republicans! It's wake up time!
Today I move the crosshairs away from the old world media (although they are always an easy target) and center them squarely on the Republican Party. Lately I'm not even sure "party" is the correct term for them. They are not quite as bad as the Democrats with their loosely strung together collection of special interest groups..... but they are seemingly drifting in that general direction. Perhaps just plain drifting is the optimum word for the Republicans. Lacking is the Reagan policy of leadership from the top..... or in today's case.... from any discernible direction. It's become a collection of elected people who happen to share the same political affiliation but lack a collective will or defined agenda. They seem to rarely act as a group on anything.
Another major problem for the party is their "nice guy" attitude. I personally try to be a very nice guy all the time but, there are always instances when one just has to open up the XXL size can of whoop-ass and not bat an eye lash while doing it. If you as a person..... or a member of a group... or as a nation are afraid to open that can and whip some ass when necessary..... then eventually you will be totally defeated and cease to exist. Today's "nice guy" is tomorrow victim and that's all there is to it. Granted, in a perfect world, kicking the occasional butt would never be required. People of good, sound, reasoning minds would reach mutual agreement through civil discourse and all would be rosy. However, for those of you who have not been paying attention lately, there is a serious lack of good, sound reasoning minds in the world. There always HAS been!
The head shrinkers tell us of "A" and "B" personality types. In lay terms that simply means some folks are more tightly wound and more aggressive than others. They take more risks, live life in the fast lane, and actively seek power. Others take a more relaxed approach to life. They smile as they let the jerk, who has been ignoring the "lane closed ahead" signs for the past half mile, cut in front of them in traffic. If someone is rude to them they somehow feel that they must have deserved it. Their entire life is nothing but one compromise after another. I'd rename those to personality type to type "S" and type "NS" to simplify things. Spine and No Spine.
For clarification...... having a spine does NOT mean that you are not and cannot be a nice person 99.9% of the time. Likewise being mostly spineless doesn't point to you not being basically happy with your life..... although the odds are against it. Type "A" people are far less likely to be victims than type "B" folks. They understand that POWER is a tool that can be wielded for good OR evil and if evil is thrust upon them they are not afraid to use power, or force, to protect themselves, their families, their ideals, their nation. The other side goes the Nevil Chamberlain route.
Today's republicans have the political power of numbers but are afraid to wield that power in any meaningful way. They seem to lack a unified vision of the future and appear to be wandering aimlessly in the wasteland that is Washington D.C. (lovingly know to the rest of America and the Logic Free Zone) They worry about what the press will write about them or say about them on TV at night. They fret about making the "A" list at certain parties and functions. They worry about what the opposition party will think about them or say about them to the media. Please note..... NONE of those things has ANYTHING to do with serving the people who sent them to represent us! For the record.... It's We.... The People.... Not You, the elected.
Here is what we see from our vantage point. We see our elected Republican leaders letting the minority party run over them day after day. We see our leaders constantly trying to compromise or placate the minority party every time they whine or moan over anything. I remember the era of the Democrat majority and they RAN Washington their way and the minority (us) be damned! We see our leadership hiding in the shadows while the minority party clamors to the microphones and tells lie after lie (to use Ted Kennedy's words) about us, our country and our armed forces. We see the press amplify these lies for days and weeks on end with little or no response from our side even though we have the truth and the facts to back us up! We see no real political agenda being presented, no grand vision for America, and no recognition for the day to day exceptionalism that makes this the greatest nation on earth. We watch (reluctantly) the daily news and all we see and hear is the drumbeat of negativism and derision from the Liberal left and their cronies in the old world media. We hear our President called names, threatened with "a bullet between the eyes" or other radical Liberal extremist rhetoric in an endless stream. This should NOT be the case day in and day out.
Granted the old world media is against you and flagrantly liberal in it's delivery. There is the FOX network and they do strive to paint a more balanced image. They seem to be successful in that regard because the rest of the media refer to them openly as "The F-word Network". When they start talking bad about you... you must be having an impact. The old world media is most dangerous just before it dies, just like a wounded and cornered beast. It knows it has nothing to loose and everything to gain if successful..... so it lashes out wildly at anything and everything in the hope of landing a mortal blow against it's enemy. In this care the enemy is George W. Bush and the Republican Party. Any savvy hunter will tell you that you do not let down your guard or show pity when you have game wounded and cornered. You fire the mercy shot and resolve the situation quickly and cleanly.
Time after time the Democrats have put themselves into situations where they seemed to be begging for the mercy shot....... and we never even drew our guns. Back during the judicial hearings I would have crucified Ted Kennedy when he called the President's nominations "Neanderthal's" on camera. The republicans let it pass without a word. If they had attacked, Ted Kennedy would be out of office now. Democrat after democrat goes to the press with their lies and half truths and there is utter silence from the republicans. They screamed that there were no weapons of mass destruction while President Bush is in office yet the congressional record clearly shows the very same people saying Iraq was a threat because of weapons of mass destruction while President Clinton held office. Our republicans sat on their hands and let it pass. Democrats supported President Clinton for lying to a Grand Jury, suborning perjury and lying about an adulteress relationship with an intern. Today democrats want to impeach President Bush for protecting the country against the threat of terrorism. We have a 4.7% unemployment rate today which is statistically FULL employment.... yet the democrats tell us every damn day that there just isn't any work for Americans who want a job. Interest rates for home loans are still under 6% and the democrats tell us the housing market just won't permit Americans to realize the dream of home ownership. I don't recall them whining about that when, under President Jimmy Carter, home loan interest rates hovered at the 22% range.
Speaking of President Carter. The high cost of gasoline today can be laid directly at his feet. We have gas today but during his time at the helm we had none at the pumps! We had rationing! Rather than put together a comprehensive energy independence plan for America the democrats threw up restrictive environmental regulation and effectively halted the construction of ANY new refining capacity in this country. They banned offshore drilling and severely limited drilling on the continent. They demanded costly "reformulations" (over 47) for gasoline by state and region. We have not added ONE refinery to our production capacity in over 30 YEARS because of democrat policy! Who gets blamed for the high gasoline prices? President Bush. This is typical of how the democrats operate. It's been proven time and time again. They are as predictable as sunrise and yet, the republican party fails to capitalize on the myriad of opportunities laid at their feet day after day. It's depressing.
Bottom line. IF the Rebublican party does not get a leader, does not unify behind that person and does not lay out a clearly defined agenda that the people can get behind and support, they will soon loose what little power they hold today.
The democrats have a buzz line they call "speaking truth to power." Since we all know that if a democrat uttered the truth it would be like holy water on a vampire...... what that ought to be called is "speak badly about our President." What the republicans need to do is start a policy of correcting these daily assaults on the truth. We have access to microphones and camera's too. Elect someone to be the truth teller for the republican party and get that person in front of a camera every single time a lie is put forth from the left..... and correct it with the truth. Not now and then..... EVERY single time they lie. We need to have a "speak truth to lies" policy and we need to accurately call what they say lies! Not "the gentleman mis-spoke" or "seems to be confused on the issues." Damn the polite crap! They lie.... TELL the American people that and back it up with facts! It's not hard to do.
As a greater mind than mine so brilliantly states: "Conservatism wins every single time it's tried." He's right too. Recently, in the south, wishy washy republicans were voted out in favor of those with a more traditional conservative message. America is a nation with an overwhelming conservative mindset and a huge religious underpinning to morally hold it all together. We are a conservative nation and we are a mostly Christian nation too. We need make no excuse for either nor must we compromise our ideals and our values to make room for others. By our very conservative and Christian nature we already have made room at the table for everyone who comes in good will and peace. I prey that the Republicans figure that out soon and start acting upon it.
Another major problem for the party is their "nice guy" attitude. I personally try to be a very nice guy all the time but, there are always instances when one just has to open up the XXL size can of whoop-ass and not bat an eye lash while doing it. If you as a person..... or a member of a group... or as a nation are afraid to open that can and whip some ass when necessary..... then eventually you will be totally defeated and cease to exist. Today's "nice guy" is tomorrow victim and that's all there is to it. Granted, in a perfect world, kicking the occasional butt would never be required. People of good, sound, reasoning minds would reach mutual agreement through civil discourse and all would be rosy. However, for those of you who have not been paying attention lately, there is a serious lack of good, sound reasoning minds in the world. There always HAS been!
The head shrinkers tell us of "A" and "B" personality types. In lay terms that simply means some folks are more tightly wound and more aggressive than others. They take more risks, live life in the fast lane, and actively seek power. Others take a more relaxed approach to life. They smile as they let the jerk, who has been ignoring the "lane closed ahead" signs for the past half mile, cut in front of them in traffic. If someone is rude to them they somehow feel that they must have deserved it. Their entire life is nothing but one compromise after another. I'd rename those to personality type to type "S" and type "NS" to simplify things. Spine and No Spine.
For clarification...... having a spine does NOT mean that you are not and cannot be a nice person 99.9% of the time. Likewise being mostly spineless doesn't point to you not being basically happy with your life..... although the odds are against it. Type "A" people are far less likely to be victims than type "B" folks. They understand that POWER is a tool that can be wielded for good OR evil and if evil is thrust upon them they are not afraid to use power, or force, to protect themselves, their families, their ideals, their nation. The other side goes the Nevil Chamberlain route.
Today's republicans have the political power of numbers but are afraid to wield that power in any meaningful way. They seem to lack a unified vision of the future and appear to be wandering aimlessly in the wasteland that is Washington D.C. (lovingly know to the rest of America and the Logic Free Zone) They worry about what the press will write about them or say about them on TV at night. They fret about making the "A" list at certain parties and functions. They worry about what the opposition party will think about them or say about them to the media. Please note..... NONE of those things has ANYTHING to do with serving the people who sent them to represent us! For the record.... It's We.... The People.... Not You, the elected.
Here is what we see from our vantage point. We see our elected Republican leaders letting the minority party run over them day after day. We see our leaders constantly trying to compromise or placate the minority party every time they whine or moan over anything. I remember the era of the Democrat majority and they RAN Washington their way and the minority (us) be damned! We see our leadership hiding in the shadows while the minority party clamors to the microphones and tells lie after lie (to use Ted Kennedy's words) about us, our country and our armed forces. We see the press amplify these lies for days and weeks on end with little or no response from our side even though we have the truth and the facts to back us up! We see no real political agenda being presented, no grand vision for America, and no recognition for the day to day exceptionalism that makes this the greatest nation on earth. We watch (reluctantly) the daily news and all we see and hear is the drumbeat of negativism and derision from the Liberal left and their cronies in the old world media. We hear our President called names, threatened with "a bullet between the eyes" or other radical Liberal extremist rhetoric in an endless stream. This should NOT be the case day in and day out.
Granted the old world media is against you and flagrantly liberal in it's delivery. There is the FOX network and they do strive to paint a more balanced image. They seem to be successful in that regard because the rest of the media refer to them openly as "The F-word Network". When they start talking bad about you... you must be having an impact. The old world media is most dangerous just before it dies, just like a wounded and cornered beast. It knows it has nothing to loose and everything to gain if successful..... so it lashes out wildly at anything and everything in the hope of landing a mortal blow against it's enemy. In this care the enemy is George W. Bush and the Republican Party. Any savvy hunter will tell you that you do not let down your guard or show pity when you have game wounded and cornered. You fire the mercy shot and resolve the situation quickly and cleanly.
Time after time the Democrats have put themselves into situations where they seemed to be begging for the mercy shot....... and we never even drew our guns. Back during the judicial hearings I would have crucified Ted Kennedy when he called the President's nominations "Neanderthal's" on camera. The republicans let it pass without a word. If they had attacked, Ted Kennedy would be out of office now. Democrat after democrat goes to the press with their lies and half truths and there is utter silence from the republicans. They screamed that there were no weapons of mass destruction while President Bush is in office yet the congressional record clearly shows the very same people saying Iraq was a threat because of weapons of mass destruction while President Clinton held office. Our republicans sat on their hands and let it pass. Democrats supported President Clinton for lying to a Grand Jury, suborning perjury and lying about an adulteress relationship with an intern. Today democrats want to impeach President Bush for protecting the country against the threat of terrorism. We have a 4.7% unemployment rate today which is statistically FULL employment.... yet the democrats tell us every damn day that there just isn't any work for Americans who want a job. Interest rates for home loans are still under 6% and the democrats tell us the housing market just won't permit Americans to realize the dream of home ownership. I don't recall them whining about that when, under President Jimmy Carter, home loan interest rates hovered at the 22% range.
Speaking of President Carter. The high cost of gasoline today can be laid directly at his feet. We have gas today but during his time at the helm we had none at the pumps! We had rationing! Rather than put together a comprehensive energy independence plan for America the democrats threw up restrictive environmental regulation and effectively halted the construction of ANY new refining capacity in this country. They banned offshore drilling and severely limited drilling on the continent. They demanded costly "reformulations" (over 47) for gasoline by state and region. We have not added ONE refinery to our production capacity in over 30 YEARS because of democrat policy! Who gets blamed for the high gasoline prices? President Bush. This is typical of how the democrats operate. It's been proven time and time again. They are as predictable as sunrise and yet, the republican party fails to capitalize on the myriad of opportunities laid at their feet day after day. It's depressing.
Bottom line. IF the Rebublican party does not get a leader, does not unify behind that person and does not lay out a clearly defined agenda that the people can get behind and support, they will soon loose what little power they hold today.
The democrats have a buzz line they call "speaking truth to power." Since we all know that if a democrat uttered the truth it would be like holy water on a vampire...... what that ought to be called is "speak badly about our President." What the republicans need to do is start a policy of correcting these daily assaults on the truth. We have access to microphones and camera's too. Elect someone to be the truth teller for the republican party and get that person in front of a camera every single time a lie is put forth from the left..... and correct it with the truth. Not now and then..... EVERY single time they lie. We need to have a "speak truth to lies" policy and we need to accurately call what they say lies! Not "the gentleman mis-spoke" or "seems to be confused on the issues." Damn the polite crap! They lie.... TELL the American people that and back it up with facts! It's not hard to do.
As a greater mind than mine so brilliantly states: "Conservatism wins every single time it's tried." He's right too. Recently, in the south, wishy washy republicans were voted out in favor of those with a more traditional conservative message. America is a nation with an overwhelming conservative mindset and a huge religious underpinning to morally hold it all together. We are a conservative nation and we are a mostly Christian nation too. We need make no excuse for either nor must we compromise our ideals and our values to make room for others. By our very conservative and Christian nature we already have made room at the table for everyone who comes in good will and peace. I prey that the Republicans figure that out soon and start acting upon it.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Democrats show what they stand for!
Unfortunately, the answer to that title is...... not much. As a matter of both fact and public record the only thing that all the Democrats stood up a cheered for was the fact that they were able to insure the insolvency of the Social Security system. That's right! They were actually proud of themselves over the fact that, because of their obstructionism, nothing was done to insure the future solvency of Social Security. Fortunately the President was quick to remind them that ignoring the problem doesn't fix it and that it's not going to go away. Of course if the Democrats fix it then they loose a more important point to them.... and that is the issue. They need to keep the issue so they'll have something to bitch about.
What the entire Democrat party (and for that matter the media) fails to understand is that George W. Bush is not the hayseed hick from Texas that they have always made him out to be. President Bush likely looses more brain cells during the course of a year than the entire Democrat party can muster combined! They have all fallen victims to their old play book option of "Tell a lie and tell it often enough and it will become the truth." They have lied about who George Bush is for so long they are believing it themselves. If you go back and watch the State of the Union address again it is the perfect example of someone getting a specific group of people to do exactly what he wants them to do on queue. It was George Bush saying to the American People..... "I'm going to show you all tonight what a bunch of misguided, pompus, childish assholes the Democrat party is...... and they are so damn arrogant that they will never even know they are leaving the ground every time I say jump." He was able to do that with such ease because the Democrat party is so damn predictable. Trust me.... if you're a sniper.... you prey for people like these. It makes your job so much easier because you don't have to antisipate the unexpected. They will always react the same way.... no surprises. President Bush, knowing that, blasted them right out of the water and not one of them ever saw it coming. They are the walking dead.
Let's be honest. If you're tasked to give an address to the entire nation and you know in advance that 50% of the people attending don't like you or your ideas.... you have a huge advantage right there. The Democrat party has yet to miss an opportunity to put a stick in George Bush's eye every single time they have a chance and they are too bias to ever change. SO! Knowing in advance how the other side is going to react to specific elements of your address lets you play puppet master and make them jump..... or not.... depending upon which strings you pull. Of course since all the Democrats think they are the smartest people in the room they make easy targets for such manipulation. "George Bush is too stupid to outsmart us!" As always they "misunderestimated" their opponent.
So what, besides the eventual ruin of Social Security, do the Democrats stand for? One thing they don't stand for is victory in Iraq and success in the war on terror. Right out of the box the President proclaimed that he was confident in the plan for victory, confident in the Iraqi people, confident in the skill and spirit of the American Military. He finished by saying we are in this fight to win and we are winning! The Democrat response was to sit in silence while the rest of the room cheered. One could almost hear the President thinking.... "Sit! Good dogs!" as he glanced to their side of the chambers. He knew how they would react to positive comments and they didn't let him down. The Democrat party has invested itself in the defeat of America at any cost and he knew that. Getting them to show their hand (or sit on them) was so easy.
Okay, so what else does the Democrat party stand (sit) for? Well they didn't seem to be excited when the President told the country how it would be decided to bring out troops home. He learned from the bungling of the Viet Nam war that you can't have boots on the ground and micromanagement going on back in Washington D.C. I got a chance to play in that game and it's not a whole hell of a lot of fun to have your unarmored fiberglass boat getting shot full of holes while all you can do is radio back to HQ to find out if it's okay to return fire! Okay to return fire? Give me a king size break! We usually put a couple rounds through the Collins rig then dumped everything we had into the jungle while lighting off the diesels and unassing the area! You damn Senators want to micromanage you'd damn sure better be doing it from right beside me or you can bet I'm not going to pay a hell of a lot of attention..... other things are on my mind.... like keeping my ass in one piece. But I digress... The President said it would be the Generals in the field making those decisions, NOT polititions in Washington. If it weren't for the rest of the chamber going nuts you could have heard a pin drop on the plush carpet. The Democrats were stone cold silent.
The next point blank shot through the heads of the Democrat party came when the President urged the reinstatement of the Patriot Act. Rather than deprive law enforcement people of the tools they need to keep terrorists out of this country or apprehend them if they are already here breaking the law..... the President wants them to have use of the same tools other branches of governement already use against drug dealers and organized crime. Once again America thought that was a great idea while the Democrat party sat on their hands in silence.... just as "W" knew they would before he ever entered the chambers. The Democrat party is much more interested in granting constitutional protection to terrorists than it is in seeing them brought to justice. They passed the "terrorist bill of rights" to make sure that these poor people who only want to see America wiped off the face of the earth are not mistreated. How nobel. How *ucking ignorant! But that is who the Democrat party have become.... the party fully invested in the defeat of America.
Now by this time one would think that even a Democrat, poor stupid beasts that they are, would have caught a clue and figured out that the President was jerking their strings and they were dancing like puppets. But alas.... we give them too much credit for sane rational thought. No, they continued to believe that they were the smartest people in the room..... and prove themselves wrong every time.
This next part is SO important in showing who the Democrats are and what they stand for that I'm going to quote the President exactly. "The terrorist surveillance program has helped prevent terrorist attacks. It remains essential to the security of America. If there are people inside our country talking with Al Qaeda, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again." [emphasis mine]
Now one should be able to reasonably assume that if there is anything both parties could agree upon it would be ensuring that the United States is never attacked again like on 9/11. But just as he knew they would do the Democrat party sat on their hands. I guess they are in favor of more attacks on American Soil and more innocent life lost to terrorist lunitics. What other conclusion can one draw?
The President informs the American people that violent crimes are at their lowest point since the 1970's. Thanks to reforms welfare cases have dropped by nearly half over the past decade. Drug use among youth is down 19% since 2001. There are fewer abortions in America than at any point during the last three decades, and the number of children born to unwed teenage mothers has been falling for a dozen years in a row. This is all great news, folks! News that should make any American proud...... but not if you're a Democrat. No.... once again they all sat in stone cold silence.
If we just make the obvious inference.... that must mean that Democrats all stand for higher crime rates, more killing of the innocent unborn, more unwed teenage girls being pregnant.... and of course more people on welfare. They are the ones who bitch moan and complain about the military volunteers who die in defense of this wonderful concept known as freedom. They claim that is unfair and wrong. YET..... they do NOT complain and bitch over the thousands and thousands of lives ended before they ever had a chance through abortion. Lives never lived, greatness never realized, love never known. They did not knowingly volunteer for some mission that might put them in harms way as our troops do. So we have the right to kill the unborn and that's okay. And volunteering to defend this country and freedom is wrong. How screwed up can these people possibly be?
Finally we have the plea by the President to make the tax cuts permanent. What he is saying is basically.... Let's keep the economy strong and chugging along.... and let's let the people who bust their asses to earn the money keep more of it so they can buy the things they need, not have to go into debt with credit, and invest in the US economy through savings and the stock market. As you might suspect, when it comes to the issue of taxes, the Democrat party does not believe there is such a thing as too much tax. Like good socialists and communists every where they believe that all money is the property of the government and they will decide who gets how much, when, and what we can spend it on. So they did exactly what President Bush knew they would do..... they sat on their hands once again. They showed the American People that they are the party of higher and never ending taxes as the solution to all problems. They demonstrated their contempt for the President of the United States and everyone who is proud of this country and proud to call themselves American. They demonstarted that they are not the other party.... they are the OPPOSITION party and that is all they have to offer. Opposition to everything that might make America a greater country, a stronger country and a safer country.
The "Democrat Response" to the State of the Union Address was equally as predictable as the behavior of those democrats at the real address. "America is in horrible shape...... it's the 1930's all over again under George Bush. Soup lines in every town.... nobody can find work anywhere, taxes are not nearly high enough........ Yet don't dispair..... because we Democrats know that there is a better way. Ever notice that they never tell anyone excatly what that better way is? I guess we are to assume that it's simply putting THEM in control of everything and abandoning everything we stand for. I think we all got to see what happens with Democrats in complete control when Katrina hit the gulf coast. To look at the news coverage the world was left to believe that ONLY New Orleans and ONLY Louisiana was hit by that storm. Not the case at all. All the other states affected had competent leadership who stepped up to the plate and took care of business rather than pissing and moaning that no one else was doing anything for them. Mayor Nagin bitching about transportation while 40,000 busses under HIS direct control gradually go under water. Everyone up the entire state leadership pointing fingers and placing blame rather than accept responsibility and take action. That is the Democrat way. Oh... the govenor who gave that response...... within 72 hours of being elected he'd proposed 4 BILLION dollars in additional taxes on the people of his state. I'm sure they are all quite proud and more than eager to empty their wallets into the government coffers. After all.... what do they need their money for anyway?
To the Democrat party..... who, for obvious reasons, I'm just going to rename the American Communist-Socialist Opposition Party or ACSOP for short, had better get used to being out of power in Washington D.C. and everywhere else. What they demonstrated so clearly the other night was that they are not for America or it's people. They want us defeated on the battlefield. If we can't be defeated then they want us to tuck tail and run like cowards. (That one REALLY pisses me off) They want us taxed more and more because taxes equal power in Washington. It's how they buy votes and stay in office. The ACSOP wants us more vulnerable to terrorist attack by limiting our ability to monitor known or suspected terrorists. The ACSOP wants us to "be nice" and "play fair" with a radical group of fanatics who have sworn to wipe America and Israel off the face of the earth. They want to give terrorists RIGHTS! Hell... I want to give terrorists a right too. If you screw with us you have the absolute right to die.... PERIOD! Seems fair to me. Act like genuine human beings and get along with others.... live in peace..... or get blow away. Doesn't matter to me which they choose. I prefer make nice but if they want to play rough then we have to have the guts to amp things up and let them know that they have made a really poor decision. And we have to keep doing that over and over again until the message finally sinks in. Saddly.... they are probably just like democrats.... think they are the smartest people in the room.... so they will never learn.
What the entire Democrat party (and for that matter the media) fails to understand is that George W. Bush is not the hayseed hick from Texas that they have always made him out to be. President Bush likely looses more brain cells during the course of a year than the entire Democrat party can muster combined! They have all fallen victims to their old play book option of "Tell a lie and tell it often enough and it will become the truth." They have lied about who George Bush is for so long they are believing it themselves. If you go back and watch the State of the Union address again it is the perfect example of someone getting a specific group of people to do exactly what he wants them to do on queue. It was George Bush saying to the American People..... "I'm going to show you all tonight what a bunch of misguided, pompus, childish assholes the Democrat party is...... and they are so damn arrogant that they will never even know they are leaving the ground every time I say jump." He was able to do that with such ease because the Democrat party is so damn predictable. Trust me.... if you're a sniper.... you prey for people like these. It makes your job so much easier because you don't have to antisipate the unexpected. They will always react the same way.... no surprises. President Bush, knowing that, blasted them right out of the water and not one of them ever saw it coming. They are the walking dead.
Let's be honest. If you're tasked to give an address to the entire nation and you know in advance that 50% of the people attending don't like you or your ideas.... you have a huge advantage right there. The Democrat party has yet to miss an opportunity to put a stick in George Bush's eye every single time they have a chance and they are too bias to ever change. SO! Knowing in advance how the other side is going to react to specific elements of your address lets you play puppet master and make them jump..... or not.... depending upon which strings you pull. Of course since all the Democrats think they are the smartest people in the room they make easy targets for such manipulation. "George Bush is too stupid to outsmart us!" As always they "misunderestimated" their opponent.
So what, besides the eventual ruin of Social Security, do the Democrats stand for? One thing they don't stand for is victory in Iraq and success in the war on terror. Right out of the box the President proclaimed that he was confident in the plan for victory, confident in the Iraqi people, confident in the skill and spirit of the American Military. He finished by saying we are in this fight to win and we are winning! The Democrat response was to sit in silence while the rest of the room cheered. One could almost hear the President thinking.... "Sit! Good dogs!" as he glanced to their side of the chambers. He knew how they would react to positive comments and they didn't let him down. The Democrat party has invested itself in the defeat of America at any cost and he knew that. Getting them to show their hand (or sit on them) was so easy.
Okay, so what else does the Democrat party stand (sit) for? Well they didn't seem to be excited when the President told the country how it would be decided to bring out troops home. He learned from the bungling of the Viet Nam war that you can't have boots on the ground and micromanagement going on back in Washington D.C. I got a chance to play in that game and it's not a whole hell of a lot of fun to have your unarmored fiberglass boat getting shot full of holes while all you can do is radio back to HQ to find out if it's okay to return fire! Okay to return fire? Give me a king size break! We usually put a couple rounds through the Collins rig then dumped everything we had into the jungle while lighting off the diesels and unassing the area! You damn Senators want to micromanage you'd damn sure better be doing it from right beside me or you can bet I'm not going to pay a hell of a lot of attention..... other things are on my mind.... like keeping my ass in one piece. But I digress... The President said it would be the Generals in the field making those decisions, NOT polititions in Washington. If it weren't for the rest of the chamber going nuts you could have heard a pin drop on the plush carpet. The Democrats were stone cold silent.
The next point blank shot through the heads of the Democrat party came when the President urged the reinstatement of the Patriot Act. Rather than deprive law enforcement people of the tools they need to keep terrorists out of this country or apprehend them if they are already here breaking the law..... the President wants them to have use of the same tools other branches of governement already use against drug dealers and organized crime. Once again America thought that was a great idea while the Democrat party sat on their hands in silence.... just as "W" knew they would before he ever entered the chambers. The Democrat party is much more interested in granting constitutional protection to terrorists than it is in seeing them brought to justice. They passed the "terrorist bill of rights" to make sure that these poor people who only want to see America wiped off the face of the earth are not mistreated. How nobel. How *ucking ignorant! But that is who the Democrat party have become.... the party fully invested in the defeat of America.
Now by this time one would think that even a Democrat, poor stupid beasts that they are, would have caught a clue and figured out that the President was jerking their strings and they were dancing like puppets. But alas.... we give them too much credit for sane rational thought. No, they continued to believe that they were the smartest people in the room..... and prove themselves wrong every time.
This next part is SO important in showing who the Democrats are and what they stand for that I'm going to quote the President exactly. "The terrorist surveillance program has helped prevent terrorist attacks. It remains essential to the security of America. If there are people inside our country talking with Al Qaeda, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again." [emphasis mine]
Now one should be able to reasonably assume that if there is anything both parties could agree upon it would be ensuring that the United States is never attacked again like on 9/11. But just as he knew they would do the Democrat party sat on their hands. I guess they are in favor of more attacks on American Soil and more innocent life lost to terrorist lunitics. What other conclusion can one draw?
The President informs the American people that violent crimes are at their lowest point since the 1970's. Thanks to reforms welfare cases have dropped by nearly half over the past decade. Drug use among youth is down 19% since 2001. There are fewer abortions in America than at any point during the last three decades, and the number of children born to unwed teenage mothers has been falling for a dozen years in a row. This is all great news, folks! News that should make any American proud...... but not if you're a Democrat. No.... once again they all sat in stone cold silence.
If we just make the obvious inference.... that must mean that Democrats all stand for higher crime rates, more killing of the innocent unborn, more unwed teenage girls being pregnant.... and of course more people on welfare. They are the ones who bitch moan and complain about the military volunteers who die in defense of this wonderful concept known as freedom. They claim that is unfair and wrong. YET..... they do NOT complain and bitch over the thousands and thousands of lives ended before they ever had a chance through abortion. Lives never lived, greatness never realized, love never known. They did not knowingly volunteer for some mission that might put them in harms way as our troops do. So we have the right to kill the unborn and that's okay. And volunteering to defend this country and freedom is wrong. How screwed up can these people possibly be?
Finally we have the plea by the President to make the tax cuts permanent. What he is saying is basically.... Let's keep the economy strong and chugging along.... and let's let the people who bust their asses to earn the money keep more of it so they can buy the things they need, not have to go into debt with credit, and invest in the US economy through savings and the stock market. As you might suspect, when it comes to the issue of taxes, the Democrat party does not believe there is such a thing as too much tax. Like good socialists and communists every where they believe that all money is the property of the government and they will decide who gets how much, when, and what we can spend it on. So they did exactly what President Bush knew they would do..... they sat on their hands once again. They showed the American People that they are the party of higher and never ending taxes as the solution to all problems. They demonstrated their contempt for the President of the United States and everyone who is proud of this country and proud to call themselves American. They demonstarted that they are not the other party.... they are the OPPOSITION party and that is all they have to offer. Opposition to everything that might make America a greater country, a stronger country and a safer country.
The "Democrat Response" to the State of the Union Address was equally as predictable as the behavior of those democrats at the real address. "America is in horrible shape...... it's the 1930's all over again under George Bush. Soup lines in every town.... nobody can find work anywhere, taxes are not nearly high enough........ Yet don't dispair..... because we Democrats know that there is a better way. Ever notice that they never tell anyone excatly what that better way is? I guess we are to assume that it's simply putting THEM in control of everything and abandoning everything we stand for. I think we all got to see what happens with Democrats in complete control when Katrina hit the gulf coast. To look at the news coverage the world was left to believe that ONLY New Orleans and ONLY Louisiana was hit by that storm. Not the case at all. All the other states affected had competent leadership who stepped up to the plate and took care of business rather than pissing and moaning that no one else was doing anything for them. Mayor Nagin bitching about transportation while 40,000 busses under HIS direct control gradually go under water. Everyone up the entire state leadership pointing fingers and placing blame rather than accept responsibility and take action. That is the Democrat way. Oh... the govenor who gave that response...... within 72 hours of being elected he'd proposed 4 BILLION dollars in additional taxes on the people of his state. I'm sure they are all quite proud and more than eager to empty their wallets into the government coffers. After all.... what do they need their money for anyway?
To the Democrat party..... who, for obvious reasons, I'm just going to rename the American Communist-Socialist Opposition Party or ACSOP for short, had better get used to being out of power in Washington D.C. and everywhere else. What they demonstrated so clearly the other night was that they are not for America or it's people. They want us defeated on the battlefield. If we can't be defeated then they want us to tuck tail and run like cowards. (That one REALLY pisses me off) They want us taxed more and more because taxes equal power in Washington. It's how they buy votes and stay in office. The ACSOP wants us more vulnerable to terrorist attack by limiting our ability to monitor known or suspected terrorists. The ACSOP wants us to "be nice" and "play fair" with a radical group of fanatics who have sworn to wipe America and Israel off the face of the earth. They want to give terrorists RIGHTS! Hell... I want to give terrorists a right too. If you screw with us you have the absolute right to die.... PERIOD! Seems fair to me. Act like genuine human beings and get along with others.... live in peace..... or get blow away. Doesn't matter to me which they choose. I prefer make nice but if they want to play rough then we have to have the guts to amp things up and let them know that they have made a really poor decision. And we have to keep doing that over and over again until the message finally sinks in. Saddly.... they are probably just like democrats.... think they are the smartest people in the room.... so they will never learn.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
More Radical Left Wing Forgetfullness
I'm still trying to understand exactly what there is about the Left Wing dingbats that makes them think we can't remember anything that happened before Geroge W. Bush was elected President. (Yes... that's E-lected not selected you freaking idiots! Get over it!) In their twisted little minds absolutely nothing happened in America prior to President Bush being elected. All one need do is listen to the Liberal members of the Senate, (most loudly) House, and the Old Stream media to understand what I'm saying.
The biggest burr under my saddle this week is all the bald face lying being directed at "we the people" by the above named groups. The attempt is, of course, to "get the evil Bush railroaded out of office so the true owners of Washington power can return to their rightful place." Latest on their list of things to lie about is the telephone intercept program designed to monitor calls incoming to the United States from known Al-Qaida terrorists overseas. This has been called "illegal monitoring", illegal searches", "trampling on our rights" and of course, "A president who thinks he is above the law going around the courts." Naturally there is about as much truth to these claims as there is brain power behind them.
Of course NOTHING ever happened prior to President Bush coming to Washington. There were no Presidents before him, the country has never faced any dangers before his election. Everything was all pink and rosy and everyone happy..... until the EVIL Bush came to town, stole the election and ruined everything. OH Really???? Sad to say, Libs, that there is indeed history prior to President Bush and if one just takes a little look at it we can all see exactly WHY Liberals choose to ignore it so conviently.
The Democrats and the press are both throwing the NSA "eavesdropping" program in our collective faces day in and day out. The purpose is to make us think that this has never EVER happened before in the history of the world! Dirty little secret time!!! Good old William Jefferson Clinton (Remember him Democrats?) had not one.... but TWO of the most intrusive domestic spying programs in history going on during his term in office!! The Attorney General (Janet Reno) and Deputy Attorney General (Jamie Gorelic) BOTH stood before the American People and TOLD us that the President of the United States not only had the RIGHT to do such things but the inherient OBLIGATION to conduct such operations!!! And just in case no one remembers... the main reason the government exists is to protect and defend the constitution and the American people.
Two words you need to go look up on the internet with your favorite search engine. Echelon is the first one and Carnivore is the second. Okay.... I'll save you a little effort.... Here is what can easily be found about Echelon: "Echelon is perhaps the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world. Several credible reports suggest that this global electronic communications surveillance system presents an extreame threat to the privacy of people all over the world. According to these reports ECHELON attempts to capture staggering volumes of satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic traffic including traffic to and from North America. This vast quantity of voice and data communications are then processed through sophisticated filtering technologies. This massive surveillance system apparently operates with little oversight. Moreover, the agency that purportedly run ECHELON have provided few details as to the legal guidelines for the project. Because of this there is no way of knowing if ECHELON is being used to illegally spy on private citizens."
For the record... and to jog Liberal Democrat brains... what few there are to be found.... Echelon was started at the directive of William Jefferson Clinton. What does that mean? Basically... if you used a voice communications device any time during the last half of the Clinton Presidency... your conversation is on file somewhere.... period. I don't recall any "concerned Democrats" screaming and hollaring about oversteping presidential authority, acting illegally, being above the law or spying on American citizens..... do you? Clinton can do it but Bush can't? Both hold the same office and have the same authority BUT for democrats there are different standards depending upon who is in office at the time. Okay... that sounds fair. (Yeah... right!)
Now then..... Carnivore. What was missing with Echelon? Come on... that's not a tough question... think about it for a minute. Every source of electronic communication is being monitored, filtered, searched and investigated. Okay as far as it went but to get around it all you had to do was send a simple e-mail message over the internet. That's a pretty big hole to have in your spying program don't you think? Good old Bill thought it was so a little program called "Etherpeek" started. By 1997 (Before George W. Bush if you'll note) the second generation program called "Omnivore" was on line sniffing through e-mails. Omnivore was designed to search through e-mail traffic through specific ISP's for certain names, addresses and keywords. Which ISP's? They aren't telling. By the end of the Clinton era (1999) Carnivore had evolved into the "Dragonware Suite" which certainly sounds much nicer. The suite consisted of three parts. Carnivore was still the main application for capturing information. "Packeteer" is the second part. Not much is known about this application but it is presumed that it was able to reassemble the data packets into cohesive messages or web pages. The third part of the suite was "Coolminer." Again this is Top Secret stuff so almost nothing is know about exactly how this application works but it is thought to be responsible for extrapolating and analizing the raw data gathered so the data can be matched and contrasted with data known about "the bad guys."
SO! ALL electronic communication globally being monitored at the directive of the President AND all e-mail communications within the United States being monitored at the directive of the President. The main stream media is almost completely silent and collectively the Democratic party doesn't have any concerns or voice a single complaint. Amazing! President Bush authorizes the intercept of phone calls inbound to the United States from known Al-Qaida terrorists and HE is suddenly the biggest threat to the security of the American People in the history of the universe. How damn sick and twisted can the Democrats possibly get? Compared to what President Clinton ordered the Bush program doesn't amount to a gnat on and elephants ass. It is specifically targeted at known terroritst.... not the entire world and every American who sends an e-mail like Clinton's programs. Yet President Bush is the threat? Sorry... it just doesn't float, Libs.
Just today I get to hear a sound bite of Hillery Rodham (Mrs. Bill) Clinton bitching and moaning to anyone who will listen (only everyone in the loyal democratic press) that President Bush has overstepped his authority and is acting illegally in his "domestic spying" program. Of all the people to bitch after what her husband did.... positively amazing. What pisses me off the most is that the folks in the Republican party just sit there and let these brainless blowhards go on and on and on without ever calling their butts on the carpet and setting the record straight. Just a few words to them..... you guys are the majority.... you guys are in charge..... you guys have history and the facts. ACT like you're in charge and use the facts to destroy these useless little piss-ants who keep making stuff up and overlooking history when it doesn't suit them.
Trampling on American citizen's civil rights and "overstepping" Presidential authority? Bush? I think I'd go ask some of the tens of thousands of American citizens who were taken from their homes, lost their jobs, businesses and bank accounts. People who were spirited away in the night and forced to live in near prison camp conditions. People who could not protest their treatment for fear of being shot! The Presidnet? Democrat Harry Truman..... and his victims were of Japaneese heritage but American citizens.... most by birth! Yeah.... you Democrats can claim George W. Bush is trampling on the rights of the American people.... but the only examples you can point to of actually doing it are Democrats. You'd love for us to forgot those facts as you try to do..... but we won't.
The biggest burr under my saddle this week is all the bald face lying being directed at "we the people" by the above named groups. The attempt is, of course, to "get the evil Bush railroaded out of office so the true owners of Washington power can return to their rightful place." Latest on their list of things to lie about is the telephone intercept program designed to monitor calls incoming to the United States from known Al-Qaida terrorists overseas. This has been called "illegal monitoring", illegal searches", "trampling on our rights" and of course, "A president who thinks he is above the law going around the courts." Naturally there is about as much truth to these claims as there is brain power behind them.
Of course NOTHING ever happened prior to President Bush coming to Washington. There were no Presidents before him, the country has never faced any dangers before his election. Everything was all pink and rosy and everyone happy..... until the EVIL Bush came to town, stole the election and ruined everything. OH Really???? Sad to say, Libs, that there is indeed history prior to President Bush and if one just takes a little look at it we can all see exactly WHY Liberals choose to ignore it so conviently.
The Democrats and the press are both throwing the NSA "eavesdropping" program in our collective faces day in and day out. The purpose is to make us think that this has never EVER happened before in the history of the world! Dirty little secret time!!! Good old William Jefferson Clinton (Remember him Democrats?) had not one.... but TWO of the most intrusive domestic spying programs in history going on during his term in office!! The Attorney General (Janet Reno) and Deputy Attorney General (Jamie Gorelic) BOTH stood before the American People and TOLD us that the President of the United States not only had the RIGHT to do such things but the inherient OBLIGATION to conduct such operations!!! And just in case no one remembers... the main reason the government exists is to protect and defend the constitution and the American people.
Two words you need to go look up on the internet with your favorite search engine. Echelon is the first one and Carnivore is the second. Okay.... I'll save you a little effort.... Here is what can easily be found about Echelon: "Echelon is perhaps the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world. Several credible reports suggest that this global electronic communications surveillance system presents an extreame threat to the privacy of people all over the world. According to these reports ECHELON attempts to capture staggering volumes of satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic traffic including traffic to and from North America. This vast quantity of voice and data communications are then processed through sophisticated filtering technologies. This massive surveillance system apparently operates with little oversight. Moreover, the agency that purportedly run ECHELON have provided few details as to the legal guidelines for the project. Because of this there is no way of knowing if ECHELON is being used to illegally spy on private citizens."
For the record... and to jog Liberal Democrat brains... what few there are to be found.... Echelon was started at the directive of William Jefferson Clinton. What does that mean? Basically... if you used a voice communications device any time during the last half of the Clinton Presidency... your conversation is on file somewhere.... period. I don't recall any "concerned Democrats" screaming and hollaring about oversteping presidential authority, acting illegally, being above the law or spying on American citizens..... do you? Clinton can do it but Bush can't? Both hold the same office and have the same authority BUT for democrats there are different standards depending upon who is in office at the time. Okay... that sounds fair. (Yeah... right!)
Now then..... Carnivore. What was missing with Echelon? Come on... that's not a tough question... think about it for a minute. Every source of electronic communication is being monitored, filtered, searched and investigated. Okay as far as it went but to get around it all you had to do was send a simple e-mail message over the internet. That's a pretty big hole to have in your spying program don't you think? Good old Bill thought it was so a little program called "Etherpeek" started. By 1997 (Before George W. Bush if you'll note) the second generation program called "Omnivore" was on line sniffing through e-mails. Omnivore was designed to search through e-mail traffic through specific ISP's for certain names, addresses and keywords. Which ISP's? They aren't telling. By the end of the Clinton era (1999) Carnivore had evolved into the "Dragonware Suite" which certainly sounds much nicer. The suite consisted of three parts. Carnivore was still the main application for capturing information. "Packeteer" is the second part. Not much is known about this application but it is presumed that it was able to reassemble the data packets into cohesive messages or web pages. The third part of the suite was "Coolminer." Again this is Top Secret stuff so almost nothing is know about exactly how this application works but it is thought to be responsible for extrapolating and analizing the raw data gathered so the data can be matched and contrasted with data known about "the bad guys."
SO! ALL electronic communication globally being monitored at the directive of the President AND all e-mail communications within the United States being monitored at the directive of the President. The main stream media is almost completely silent and collectively the Democratic party doesn't have any concerns or voice a single complaint. Amazing! President Bush authorizes the intercept of phone calls inbound to the United States from known Al-Qaida terrorists and HE is suddenly the biggest threat to the security of the American People in the history of the universe. How damn sick and twisted can the Democrats possibly get? Compared to what President Clinton ordered the Bush program doesn't amount to a gnat on and elephants ass. It is specifically targeted at known terroritst.... not the entire world and every American who sends an e-mail like Clinton's programs. Yet President Bush is the threat? Sorry... it just doesn't float, Libs.
Just today I get to hear a sound bite of Hillery Rodham (Mrs. Bill) Clinton bitching and moaning to anyone who will listen (only everyone in the loyal democratic press) that President Bush has overstepped his authority and is acting illegally in his "domestic spying" program. Of all the people to bitch after what her husband did.... positively amazing. What pisses me off the most is that the folks in the Republican party just sit there and let these brainless blowhards go on and on and on without ever calling their butts on the carpet and setting the record straight. Just a few words to them..... you guys are the majority.... you guys are in charge..... you guys have history and the facts. ACT like you're in charge and use the facts to destroy these useless little piss-ants who keep making stuff up and overlooking history when it doesn't suit them.
Trampling on American citizen's civil rights and "overstepping" Presidential authority? Bush? I think I'd go ask some of the tens of thousands of American citizens who were taken from their homes, lost their jobs, businesses and bank accounts. People who were spirited away in the night and forced to live in near prison camp conditions. People who could not protest their treatment for fear of being shot! The Presidnet? Democrat Harry Truman..... and his victims were of Japaneese heritage but American citizens.... most by birth! Yeah.... you Democrats can claim George W. Bush is trampling on the rights of the American people.... but the only examples you can point to of actually doing it are Democrats. You'd love for us to forgot those facts as you try to do..... but we won't.
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