Mostly things of a political nature. NOT politically correct and never will be! I say what I think and if that runs against popular opinion that's too bad. It will make you think! (possibly painful if you're a liberal)
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Can Liberals THINK & REASON?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Are we Venezuela yet?
The challenge for you today.... your homework if you will.... is to scour the Constitution and point out exactly where in that document it says the the government not only has the right to mandate health care for all citizens but also has the authority to fine and imprison anyone who refuses to bow to their mandate.
Oh yeah... you hear me right. In bold up there is really does say fine and imprison. The so called "government option" is really a mandatory government dictate. There is actually NO option at all in their scheme. When ANY change in the health insurance plan you are paying for now occurs your are REQUIRED to move into the "public option" rather than keep your plan. (Some option, huh?) If you *refuse* to take the government insurance you will be fined 2% of your gross income. (that's 2% of all the money you made... not what's left over after taxes and bills.... okay)
You also don't have the option of not paying that fine because the health care bill also contains 13 pages of changes to the IRS... one of which gives them direct access to your bank accounts! So you can refuse to pay... and they will suck all your bank accounts dry until they have their pound of flesh.... and too freaking bad if you can't pay your rent or buy food.
If you haven't learned your lesson yet and still refuse to comply with the dictates of our "we know what is best for you" government.... your next lesson in obedience is a $250,000 fine accompanied by 5 years in Federal Prison. (Where at least you WILL get government health care like it or not)
Perhaps you'll choose to do what I do and rail against these communist policies via the Internet. Well... enjoy *that* right while we still have it. There is something called the "Net Neutrality Act" working it's way through the darker passageways of Congress. You see.. for some reason or other our lawmakers think that the Internet just isn't fair.
Hmmmm.... you can get on it anywhere from Arabia to Zimbabwe so long as there is at least a phone line handy. You can pretty much search for and do anything you like... except for in China where they control access to content for their citizens already. So except for China.... what is NOT fair about the Internet?
Basically it boils down to being a control issue. Independent companies provide access to the global network which means that the Government has no control over that access. So Net Neutrality not only transfers access control from private hands to the government but also gives them total control over everything you are permitted to do on the Internet. Go ahead... post an anti-government comment on your blog.... IF you want that knock on your door in the middle of the night.
And don't think they have forgotten about conservative talk radio either. While the "fairness doctrine" may have gone down the toilet they can still shut things down via other routes. The new "Diversity Czar" at the FCC proudly proclaims that Hugo Chavez (and his dictatorial policies) is one of his role models and heroes! He admires the way Chavez took over all the radio stations in Venezuela so HE could "control the message." Geee... there's that word again... control. There seems to be a pattern developing here.
In this case the FCC will claim that IF a radio station is broadcasting Rush Limbaugh, for example, then doing so is taking away from what should be the "local content" of the station. Subjecting listeners to a nationally syndicated program is a "disservice" to them and must be countered by someone locally with a different opinion.
Now if you are either the owner of this station or the director of programming you just got a big nightmare dropped in your lap. You signed on to carry Rush because people *listen* to him and therefore also listen to the advertisements you run during his 3 hours. That generates money for your station AND the people who pay to run those ads.
Now... who is going to pay good money to buy ad time on a local content program hosted by someone who will likely come off as an uninformed dingbat compared to Limbaugh. No one. Thus you end up with having to program 3 hours of air time that generates no money for your station. BUT... if you drop Limbaugh then you can maybe find something else to run.... like "Suzie talks Sewing" or perhaps something even more exciting like "Carl's Crappie fishing tips."
Check your history books.... one's not rewritten and revised by leftists.... and you'll discover there is nothing new about the government trying to control radio. They passed a "fairness doctrine" in the 60's and radio sucked stagnant pond water as a result. There was music and then talk about raising hogs and making quilts.... it sucked. Then Ronald Reagan ordered that law rescinded and we've had truly free and fair radio since then.
There is also the "Cap and Trade" bill to worry about. That will basically double all your energy costs... yes... including all your utility bills for your home and the gasoline you put into your car. The higher energy costs... ostensibly mandated to lower our carbon emissions..... will mean that companies will have to figure out how to cover their increased operating costs. Fastest way to have more money available.... fire people. So prices go up, production goes down and unemployment goes up. Yeah... I can see how that's going to be good for America!
Understand that all of these policies are designed to do something else that's not on most peoples radar screens yet. And it's like that frog who is placed into a pot of cold water and then the fire is set to low..... and by the time the frog figures out that there is a problem.... he's dead! Likewise by the time the public figures out what these communists are doing to our nation it will be too late to reverse course.
Dirty little secret time. ALL of their programs and new laws are designed to increase uncertainty, unemployment and fear. Why? So the people will eventually demand the government step in and "solve the problem." (While forgetting or not being fully aware of the fact that it was *government* which created the problem!) The plan is to make more and more people totally dependent upon the government for their existence.
We're already to the point at which nearly 47% of the people in this country literally pay no federal taxes. If they can just make a few million more people unemployed.... they can get that number over 50%. Once you pass that magic 50% point we're going to be a socialist / communist country from that point onward. People who are not paying taxes (remember... they get a refund of what they do pay) are NOT going to vote out of office the people they perceive as "taking care of them."
They get public housing.... food stamps... WIC.... Medicaid... and perhaps even some menial government job. Their mindset becomes.... "Don't rock the boat" and they settle into a life of mediocrity. Rather than being free to strive for better for themselves and their families they become enslaved by government handouts. Rather than thriving capitalism we suffer under the stagnation of socialism and central planning.
You might be old enough to remember how well that central planning thing worked for the old Soviet Union. Oh yeah.... that system failed and collapsed. (sigh) Good thing OUR communists and socialists running the nation now are *much* smarter than that bunch and bright enough to make that failed system work this time. Although *why* they think that, in light of the fact that neither form of government has ever lead to the prosperity America has enjoyed under capitalism, is a mystery to me.
Bottom line tonight.... is that you can either get ready to bend over and grab the ankles..... take that government shafting with a smile.... OR you can nut up and rail against all of their plans to remake our beloved country into some sort of leftist wasteland. I know my elected representatives are probably damn tired of hearing from me lately. But I *do* also write them to give them a pat on the back when they take the right stand too.
If you don't have YOUR elected representatives e-mail address saved in your computers address book.... you need to get it there and start speaking your mind and making your view point known. Remember.... the way our government is constituted.... THEY work for US... not the other way around. Make sure your representative understands that fact. It's only YOUR government IF you make the effort to participate. DO IT!
Y'all have a good evening.
Monday, October 19, 2009
No surprise to me!
Hell... every liberal knows US citizens are dumber than a mud fence. How could such a collection of rubes be expected to absorb facts and make decisions? Clearly, in their lofty opinion, what we need is what main stream media gives us. Pre-digested government talking points and clear instruction on what we should think and feel about the subject. Oddly enough these very same liberals think it fair to fine us and punish us when we *don't* understand the 17,000 page Federal Tax Code! Am I the only one to see a disconnect here?
Ive been telling you for years now that liberalism is communism lite. Are you coming around yet? If the steps of controlling the masses the communist manifesto teaches aren't enough for you then grab a copy of Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals" and give that a read. Identify the enemy, isolate them, ridicule them, marginalize them, ignore them. Right now the White House has checked off all those steps in order... except the last one.
And, of course, they are right to want to ignore FOX news. After all... if you were that bunch... would *you* want to face REAL reporters asking unscripted tough questions? Hell no! Much safer to go on ABC, CBS, NBC MSNBC, CNN, PBS or any of the other left wing media outlets and pretend to answer the questions that you sent to them before hand. This makes you look good and ensures that your message gets out.... and ONLY your message. Liberal government is like a Mobius strip..... it presents only one side. We living in the real world, however, know that there are two sides to every issue.
Now the leftists have managed to take over 99% of the media. Good for them. Want an easy job? Become a "reporter" for any left wing media outlet. Simply take a look at the New York Times.... that tells you what the hot topics are for the daily news cycle. Then pick an issue.... refer to the Times article to give you efforts credibility.... and then use your own words to tell us what they said in their article. Presto! You're a highly paid, well respected member of the media.
But what about that last 1%? Well... they are reviled by the elite in the media. They don't get their talking points from the White House and don't check with the NYT before reporting on a story. They ask the questions you and I would ask... the old "who, what, why, when, where and how" that *used* to be the mainstay of journalism. (prior to the liberal takeover) Facts matter more than talking points and if the facts lead down a path no one else it following... so be it. The fact that the White House can't deal with a point of view that differs from theirs is very telling. Why do they FEAR the truth?
I report.... YOU decide......
Ready for MORE government in your life? Try reading up on the "Internet Neutrality Act" they will be debating next!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Deaf on the Left
Otherwise I've been astounded by the speed at which the left has our nation heading toward socialism. The American people ARE speaking out and they are attempting to make their voices heard. The problem seems to be that those on the left have all gone stone cold deaf.
I find it amazing that the liberals can dispatch a TV crew on a two hour one way drive to cover 3 people protesting Glenn Beck getting the keys to his home town in Washington state. Yet that very same media somehow managed to miss the million plus folks who turned out in Washington DC. FOX news didn't seem to have that same problem though.... so the word did get out that the people of this country DO NOT like all these "changes" the left wants to make.
Even democrats were at the protest! They say they did want change but Obama is going way beyond what they thought they were voting for. OH... another minor point about this protest gathering. After the inauguration of Obama it took well over a week to clean up the massive mess the liberals left in their wake. After the 9/12 protest march you couldn't even tell it had happened. No trash.... no mess..... and not one single arrest or incident of any type.
I think that serves to illustrate the fundamental difference between those on the left and those of us on the right. Their side lacks respect for anything. They openly hate anyone who disagrees with them. They lack respect for our country and our laws. They refuse to engage in any type of rational discussion on the issues. They run out of intellectual ammunition quickly and resort to either repeating liberal talking points or disintegrate directly into name calling.
Those of us on the right are grounded in the principles which our founding fathers believed in. We believe in the fundamental ability of free men to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. We believe in Government that is constitutionally limited and performs only those functions granted by the constitution. We believe in the basic goodness of our fellow man and their natural tendency to do the right thing. We have respect for the constitution and this great country. In short we are the polar opposite of those on the left.
Since Obama was elected those on the left have demonstrated repeatedly that they have NO respect for this country, the Constitution or the American people. No matter what "We the people" have to say they dismiss us and do what ever they want. It is clear that an overwhelming majority of American people DO NOT want their health care system messed with.
Yet the left refuses to listen and seems intent upon passing a health care "reform" bill no matter what we tell them. And as usual they quickly run out of intellectual ammunition and even the speaker of the house resorts to calling American citizens "Nazis" who bring "swastika" to protest meetings. That is the level of "respect" the left has for *anyone* who dares disagree with them. They will not discuss. They will not debate. They will not listen. Miss Pelosi has, in fact, killed every single republican attempt to debate health care and banned them from all meetings on the subject. That's how "bi-partisan" works when the left is in charge.
The more the left ignores the American people.... and the more they try to ram their warped political agenda down our throats... the more the resistance grows. The march on 9/12 was peanuts compared to what is coming. This is a center-right nation.... NOT a left leaning on as the left thinks. We WILL NOT be making the trip to socialism no matter what they do. If nothing else the left has clearly demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with power. They cannot be trusted with the defense of this nation.... and they cannot be trusted to chart our future path. The sooner they are removed from office the better.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
545 People
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we still have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we still have inflation and high taxes?
You and I don't propose a Federal budget. The President does.
You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.
You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.
You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.
You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 Congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court Justices, 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, individually, and criminally responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a Federally chartered, but private, central bank. I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a Senator, a Congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.
Yet those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con-job regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the Speaker of the House? She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence, irresponsibility and border-line treason! I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the Federal Government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.
If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.
If the Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ .
If Congress does not receive social security but is on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.
There are NO insoluble government problems.
Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.
Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.
They, and they alone, have the power.
They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.
We should vote ALL of them out of office at the next election and clean up their mess!
What you do with this article now that you have read it is up to you, though you appear to have several choices.
1. You can send this to everyone in your address book, and hope they do something about it.
2. You can agree to vote against EVERYONE that is currently in office, knowing that the process will take several years.
3. You can decide to run for office yourself and agree to do the job properly.
4. Lastly, you can sit back and do nothing, or re-elect the current bunch.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dirty tricks... and real hope
This was gleaned from the web site of none other than Nancy Pelosi! This just might actually mean that there IS a God after all. Why my obvious joy over a new law covering something which was already a crime? Because NOW the Republicans might actually be able to file Federal charges against the Democrats in the House and, possibly, the Senate when they are “locked out” on votes or tricked into not being present.
Want an example? On June 16th 2009 at 6:30 pm Congressional Democrat leaders informed their colleagues [that] there would be no further votes that day. Being the trusting souls Republicans generally are… our side packed up and headed home for the night.
Two hours later house leadership calls for everyone to return to the house floor for “emergency votes” on a series of amendments to an appropriations bill. As you might expect almost no Republican House member made it to the vote. If fact most didn’t even find out until well after the fact.
Two of these “emergency votes” dealt with giving OUR tax money to ACORN, a group which is under investigation for voter fraud in 16 different states, and the third vote was on an amendment asking for an investigation into Ms. Pelosi for her claims that the CIA “lied” to her in briefings.
I’m a regular sort of guy but, it seems to me, that the party in power (Democrats) were afraid to have an open and honest debate on these amendments. This lead to their ploy of misleading the opposition about further votes which effectively prevented them from performing their constitutional obligations as Representatives. In short… WE were disenfranchised in this process because OUR elected representatives were deliberately deceived by the Democrats.
Now in reading this bill it is clearly aimed at “regular” voters and “Federal” elections. However, could the Republicans not make the case that voter intimidation and deceptive practices are a crime no matter when or where they occur so long as it is the business of the people which is being conducted and that business requires a vote to be cast?
Politics being what they are I realize that this would be a double edged sword. In order to minimize all that nasty “debating” over fine points of legislation majority parties have routinely blocked minority input. This is particularly true when the minority has no hope of mustering enough votes for blocking action later. As the old saying goes…. There are two things you don’t want to see being made… Sausage and Legislation. Both can be messy processes.
None the less those folks in the House and Senate are our Representatives. Either side preventing the other from full participation in the legislative process does a disservice to the American Electorate. They, in essence, disenfranchise the electorate and prevent our voice from being heard.
On other fronts it seems that, for now, cap and trade is going nowhere. Democrats, however, being masters of incrementalism, will simply chop the larger legislation into more “bite size” pieces and sneak it into other legislation which must pass to keep some critical item funded.
Thus instead of the monster simply appearing on the scene “Frankenstein” will eventually be brought to life as all it’s separate bit’s and pieces are sewn together. In the end this will turn out opposite of the movies. The monster the left will create will destroy the village and all it’s people through insanely punitive taxation.
Meanwhile, we the people can never take our eyes off those in Washington. HINT: If the House and Senate are in session YOU are loosing rights and freedoms! Think not? What are laws and regulations but limits on either your rights or your freedoms or both? Even now the left is working on yet another way to destroy our way of life.
They are working on legislation which will mandate that ANY house sold in the United States MUST meet current California energy standards. HUH? States Rights anyone? Like everything else the left does.... It “sounds” like a good idea on the surface. With the left you must always look deeper.
If you are the owner of a fairly typical home and nearing retirement… your house was probably built in the late 50’s or 60’s somewhere. It’s served you will over the years but now you and the wife are ready to enjoy your golden years together. You’d like to sell the home… invest some of the money and perhaps get a little motor home and tour the country. SORRY!
No…. if this turkey passes you’re be forbidden from selling your home as it is. No… you’ll have to first bring the entire structure up to whatever the current California building code standards are. This is inclusive of all structural, electrical, material and energy efficiency standards.
There hasn’t been an earthquake where you live since the Triassic…. BUT you are REQUIRED to make sure your home is built to California earthquake standards. You have to make sure that it is equipped with the most current and most energy efficient appliances. (Which all must also meet California standards)
Does the wall and ceiling insulation meet California standards? How about the shingles? Those have to resist those pesky California wild fires you know…. Even though you happen to live in Minnesota.
Bottom line…. If you own a home now…. You’re stuck with it forever…. OR you’re rich enough to jump through all the government hoops to bring it up to California code.
And if you DO have money…. That’s not going to last long either because “someone” is going to have to pay for this 9 TRILLION dollars in debt the Democrat Party wants to strap us with.
In case you might have forgot….. President Obama and his Party have managed to spend in 6 months more money than have ALL the presidents who preceded him.
I don’t know about you but MY wallet can’t shell out the extra $4000 in taxes that obligates *every* American to pay. Between my wife and I what that means is that one of us will be working for the government full time without pay.
Unless the Democrats pull something else sneaky… there IS another election coming…. We CAN give control of the country back to the people who make it work…. And not just the blue splinter on either coast. Get busy NOW…. Or risk the fall of America.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The destruction continues...
Obama quickly rammed through his wonderful "stimulus" program. If memory serves me that gem had a tab of 780 billion. Seems to me that's just a bit more than 250 billion MORE in debt that what he inherited. How, exactly, is that additional 250 Billion Bush's fault? He also inherited an unemployment figure of 4.8% Since his "Stimulus" program passed the unemployment rate has more than doubled to just shy of 10%! How's that Hope and Change working out for ya?
Without having the constitutional authority to do so Obama has taken over 2/3 of the US auto industry. Only Ford managed to escape his power grab. How? By having the sense to NOT to ask the Federal Government for any bailout money. As both GM and Chrysler discovered... Federal money ALWAYS comes with strings attached. In the case of the Obama administration those strings are more like ropes.
George Bush could have never gotten away with the same thing. Between the media and the liberal controlled house and senate we'd have never heard the end of the screaming and "outrage." However with Obama.... the spin is that government control is the ONLY way to "save" the auto industry. Amazing what a difference "party" makes isn't it? Government running the auto industry is like taking flying lessons from one of the 911 hijackers. Oh... wait... they didn't do too well at that landing thing did they? Minor point.
So now that the administration as wrecked the auto industry, totally screwed up the banking industry and mismanaged the housing market... what is next in their gun sights to destroy? Your HEALTH!!! Yep! Now Obama thinks that the ONLY thing that will help the health care industry is a government takeover. CLUE!!! the health care industry is in the shape it's in now BECAUSE of government interference... NOT due to the lack of it. As a matter of fact it can all be laid at the feet of one Ted Kennedy.... without whom we'd not have HMO's and all their bureaucratic red tape and bull shit.
As with everything else... once government gets it's massive foot in the door you simply cannot get rid of them. Knowing that fact alone will give you a HUGE clue as to why the left is in SUCH a hurry to get all this government stuff passed into law. IF they can get their foot in the door then we're all stuck with government interference forever. And total government control is what the Obama administration is all about.
Obama has already appointed more Czar's than Russia had in it's entire history! Obama just appointed his 27th "Czar" this week. These people are accountable to NO ONE other than Obama himself. They do not have to undergo any congressional approval process or scrutiny as do cabinet members.
These Czars have the power and the authority of the office of the President yet answer to no one but Obama. Even if they were so inclined... even congress has no control over these people. Believe it or not... there is even an "executive compensation" czar who gets to dictate what the heads of companies get paid. Anyone who thinks Socialism isn't coming fast needs medication to end their delusions.
Folks... it's no more complicated than this: The left is in TOTAL control of government right now and they are going to use that power to remake America as they think it ought to be. We the people be dammed! The Constitution be damned! The rule of law be damned! Those things are no more than inconveniences for the statists who crave limitless power and control.
We've all seen what happens when the left gets it's way. They march out with lots of "good intentions" but little or no actual thought about the ultimate results of their schemes. As with the recent housing problem.... who could fault the left for wanting to see that everyone had a house. Seems fair... right?
So they pass a LAW that mandates banks make housing loans to people who clearly do not qualify for them. Even if you DIDN'T HAVE A JOB you could still get a home loan!! What folly!
Yet... when the predictable happens as a direct result of this law.... and the people who couldn't afford the loan default.... congress is held blameless. Oh, no. It's NOT their fault... why... they had good intentions! No... it's all the fault of those evil bankers who had NO CHOICE but to make the bad loans or face federal prosecution. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd get a total pass for causing the housing collapse. Amazing! You're going to see much more of that sort of thing in the future as still more of their misguided and myopic schemes go south.
Meanwhile.... this coming 4th of July... take a moment to reflect deeply upon the greatness that was the United States of America. If the statists get their way for the rest of Obama's term.... your children will have no idea how great the country they inherit once was.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Please... Destroy my country!
Dear President Obama et. al.
Please destroy my country. Freedom, Liberty, Justice and the Rule of Law are all outdated concepts and obviously have no place in the "progressive" world of today.
Please destroy my country. The Founding Fathers were nothing more than greedy white people who only came here from England to subjugate the native people, exploit the natural resources and pollute the environment.
Please destroy my country. All those brave men and women who gave their lives for this great experiment called The United States of America meant nothing and were given in vain.
Please destroy my country. The nation that has done more than any other in the entire history of the world to promote world peace, equality and freedom has obviously been wrong in advancing these causes. Clearly we were never fit to lead the world and deserve to be cut down to size.
Please destroy my country. The nation who has lead the world in technological advances, put men on the moon and is the Mecca for the best in health care has accomplished all this for the wrong reasons and should be punished.
Please destroy my country. Those of us known derisively as "conservatives" have been wrong in asserting that life is sacred. We now realize that the unborn citizens of this formerly great nation have NO inherent right to be born. In fact it's now clear to us that they may be killed without guilt or consequence at any stage of their pointless existence just as long as it's convenient for us.
Please destroy my country. The individual right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer applies as those "rights" do not fit into the greater needs and goals of the collective.
Please destroy my country. What were the Founding Fathers thinking? Government was supposed to be a servant OF the people and not their master? What do common people know about what's best for them? Clearly we've been deceived and need much more government control in our lives... not less.
Please destroy my country. Make us less dependent on foreign energy by NOT allowing us to drill for and produce our own oil... by demonizing our greatest resource, coal, and by taxing carbon dioxide as a "pollutant" even though all living creatures exhale this gas.
Please destroy my country. Free markets and free enterprise... concepts which made American the greatest and most powerful nation in the history of the world... were obviously wrong. That which has failed everywhere it's been tried, socialism, is clearly the path we must now take. How could we have not realized this sooner?
Please destroy my country. When rogue nations are trying to build nuclear weapons and construct missiles to bring them to our shores.... condone the weapons and de-fund our missile defense shield. Don't make anyone "mad" at us.
Please destroy my country. For far too long we have been able to work towards our own self interests... to earn and save money... to acquire that which makes our lives and the lives of those we care about comfortable and worth while. This has clearly been selfish. We should have been laboring for the benefit of those who lack the drive and ambition to better themselves and improve their lives on their own.
Please destroy my country. Though founded and grounded in free men freely practicing religion on their own.... free of government prohibition or mandate... America clearly has no need for these beliefs today. What god do Americans need beyond Government? What need is there of morals and morality when government and statists will gladly tell us how to live our lives?
Please destroy my country. My grandfather fought in World War I. My father arrived at Pearl Harbor while it was still smoking and fought in the Pacific in World War II. I fought in the Vietnam War and served in many countries including Germany until medically retired. Both my sons-in-law served in Iraq with a total of 6 tours between them. One son-in-law still serves in the US Air Force today. Clearly we were all wrong to have thought that silly notions like freedom and liberty were worth risking our lives over. We obviously have no need for such things and have no right to try to bestow those blessings upon any other people of the world. All anyone needs is government.
Clearly the Founding Fathers had it all wrong as you and your statist allies are happily pointing out to us all now. We had no need for the Declaration of Independence because you are showing us that we must ALL be dependent upon Government for everything. Nation states are pointless. We need One World Government to best serve the collective needs of the world population.
The Constitution of the United States is an old out dated document which has no real value today. It was written by a bunch of greedy Europeans who made it too limiting on government and too difficult to change as times changed. Clearly all the statists in Washington DC today know FAR better than the founders so they should be able to ignore the Constitution if it better serves their needs to do so.
While it's sad that everyone from the Founding Fathers to the men and women in uniform today all had it wrong... Fighting and dying for silly concepts like freedom and liberty for over two hundred years. Thank Government that Obama and his Statist buddies are in power now and more than willing to reverse those two hundred years of pointless folly.
Friday, May 22, 2009
How's that Hope & Change working out for you?
Meanwhile, under the radar, Obama has submitted the names of his "first batch" of US attorney's to be replaced. As his new attorney general stated, "Elections have consequences and we are going to move to install attorneys which reflect Obama's views." News coverage by the main stream media? As close to zip as you can get. What coverage there is eagerly proclaims the President's right to replace US attorneys at any time for any reason.... or for no reason at all. If that's true then why did they raise so much hell when President Bush replaced 9 of his own appointees? With the left there is always a double standard.
Are we enjoying the rising unemployment? Something like 5.3% when the evil Bush left office and approaching 9% now. The media relentlessly hounded "W" over the "bad economy" and the terrible unemployment problem. Unemployment has nearly doubled in only 4 months of Obama yet the media ignores the story completely.
The sad part is that the full effects of Obama's lack of business skills hasn't even kicked in yet. His takeover of 2/3's of the auto industry (another issue that would have gotten "W" crucified but "O" skates on) is going to really screw things up.
The industry is in trouble and needs to sell cars and make a profit. Obama decides the best way to make the industry profitable is to cut their advertising budgets in half and close over 3000 dealerships. Let me see if I have this right. To sell more product you tell fewer people about your product and make finding a dealer more difficult. I wonder why no one ever thought of that in the past? Oddly enough the media isn't wondering about that. In fact they lack any degree of curiosity at all. They simply repeat whatever the administration says.
I haven't been able to locate any data on the selected dealers yet but somehow I suspect that there will be discovered a political component. Why? There are independent dealers... NOT factory owned. In most cases there are highly successful dealers too... just what you'd need to move vehicles.
The average dealer employs between 40 and 70 people. They have an inventory of rolling stock which averages 3.5 million dollars. They carry an additional parts inventory approaching 1 million additional dollars. The manufacturer (Obama) refuses to buy back any of their inventory. The immediate result will be 180,000 more people out of work and 3000 families forced to file bankruptcy.
The spin-off down the road is the loss of additional jobs in the affected communities. Items like lubricants, tires, batteries, uniforms, cleaning services and local advertising dollars are all going to be lost. At the same time there will be the loss of support for various organizations in the community. Charitable contributions to hospitals, girl and boy scouts, sponsorship of youth sports teams and the like will all be gone.
Then Obama steps in to "help" us with our credit. As President Reagan stated "The nine most feared words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." How are we being "helped this time? Well! Because a lot of folks are over extended and getting behind on payments to the credit card companies.... the government says the companies can charge the folks who AREN'T behind on their payments MORE money so that money can be applied to the debt of the others.
Huh? What the hell am I missing here? Oh wait.... Obama did say while he was campaigning that his goal was to "spread the wealth around." Screwing those citizens who are working hard to do the right thing certainly doesn't seem to be fair though. Won't that ultimately put more folks behind on their payments?
Think about conservatives and liberals like this.... Conservatives try to elevate everyone so that they can achieve all they wish in their lives. It's the rising tide that raises all boats. Liberals think it's "unfair" that some people work hard and achieve more than others. In their view all results ought to be the same regardless of the effort invested. So what happens is that the tide goes out and all the boats are stuck in the same mud at the bottom of the bay. Thus everyone is "equal" and that is what they call fair.
Watching all this unfold before my eyes is something I never thought I'd see unless I was sent to some third world dictatorship. (Think Hugo Chavez and Venezuela) Obama has nationalized part of the banking industry... nationalized 2/3's of the US auto industry... declassified CIA secrets which weaken our position when dealing with terrorists and has plans to assault the 1st and 2nd amendments to further consolidate his control of "we the people."
As I understand it... government is supposed to be limited in it's scope and be a servant OF the people. How did we get from there to here?
Friday, April 17, 2009
I'm a "Radical" ---- are YOU?
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Rights & Constitution trampled again
Bill of Attainder
Definition: A legislative act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial.
The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 provides that: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law will be passed."
"The Bill of Attainder Clause was intended not as a narrow, technical (and therefore soon to be outmoded) prohibition, but rather as an implementation of the separation of powers, a general safeguard against legislative exercise of the judicial function or more simply - trial by legislature." U.S. v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 440 (1965).
"These clauses of the Constitution are not of the broad, general nature of the Due Process Clause, but refer to rather precise legal terms which had a meaning under English law at the time the Constitution was adopted. A bill of attainder was a legislative act that singled out one or more persons and imposed punishment on them, without benefit of trial. Such actions were regarded as odious by the framers of the Constitution because it was the traditional role of a court, judging an individual case, to impose punishment." William H. Rehnquist, The Supreme Court, page 166.
"Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligations of contracts, are contrary to the first principles of the social compact, and to every principle of sound legislation. ... The sober people of America are weary of the fluctuating policy which has directed the public councils. They have seen with regret and indignation that sudden changes and legislative interferences, in cases affecting personal rights, become jobs in the hands of enterprising and influential speculators, and snares to the more-industrious and less-informed part of the community." James Madison, Federalist Number 44, 1788.
Supreme Court cases construing the Bill of Attainder clause include:
- Ex Parte Garland, 4 Wallace 333 (1866).
- Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wallace 277 (1866).
- U.S. v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437 (1965).
- Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, 433 U.S.425 (1977).
- Selective Service Administration v. Minnesota PIRG, 468 U.S. 841 (1984).
As I have said in the past, elections have consequences. The American people were sold a bill of goods by the main stream media and a significant number of folks bought it hook, line and sinker. Obama said what ever he had to say to get elected and the media promoted him all the way. Hundreds of promises were made to the American people by the candidate. If you've been taking notes those "promises" are systematically being broken.
The latest to go? The promised "tax cuts for the middle class" which were going to amount to a whopping $13 a week for a married couple and $7 a week for a single person. Yes... our caring legislators simply cannot figure out any way of keeping that promise to the American people. I'd suggest they cut the pork and cancel plans to socialize the health care system... but things like that just can't be eliminated. Money for big government cannot be reduced. Money we have to live on cannot be left alone. Big government can never be expected to do with less while we are always expected to surrender our pay to government and do with less.
The good news? There isn't any right now. But... for now anyway... there is another election coming and then we have a chance to correct the problem of runaway liberalism. I still fear that these power mad liberals will figure out a way to suspend elections for reasons of "national interest" or "national security" and we'll find ourselves living under something close to marshal law until the uprising which removes them from office.
Join the TEA Party! (Taxed Enough Already) April 15th in a city near you! For more information go to:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Are we having fun yet?
- In the 1st 50 days of the new administration the democrats managed to pass spending legislation with a dollar total more than has been spent since George Washington took office.
- Queen Nancy Pelosi unilaterally repealed all of the rules which were put into place by the Republicans (when they were in power in the congress) which protected the rights of the minority party with regard to having a voice in the legislative process.
- The Vice President met with union bosses behind closed doors down in Florida two weeks ago and, basically, promised them whatever they wanted. What might that be? First of all "card check" which eliminates the secret ballot for Union Elections. Thus the Union thugs will know who didn't vote for unionization and can bully them. Second - Government employees unions (there are many) proposed that ALL of our 401k's be taken over to form a new American Retirement Fund. Note... like social security "your" 401k cannot be transferred to anyone else... it's only for you and only for retirement.
- Government officials have been installed in senior positions at all companies and banks who took any of the federal "bail out" money. This, in a sense, is the 1st step toward nationalization. (See the communist manifesto)
- After knowing about the proposed AIG bonus checks for over a year, and after Sen Chris Dodd inserted wording into legislation to permit those bonuses, suddenly Washington is "shocked" to discover the 165 million bonus plan. (Remember when the democrats told that the $727 Billion in earmarks was so small that "the American people didn't care.") Why then the upset and indignation over this chump change which, by the way, is a contractual obligation and must be paid.
Some governors are saying that they don't want any "stimulus" money which is outraging the Senate and Congress. They are planning legislation to force states to take the money! Now why would they do that? Two words... Social Programs.
You see it's not just a check to the states with no strings... Ohhhh no! There are LOTS of strings and the majority of those strings mandate that states enact various social programs with the money. Good so far, right? Social programs need offices and staffs so there are construction jobs and hiring of people... still a nice thing, right?
All we need now is to find or create a group of victims to serve! Still good.... right? Now then... two years passes and POOF! All that federal money runs out and no more is coming for all these programs. Do you honestly think when that happens they are just going to close the doors and call it quits? NOPE! What has to happen then is the cost of all those programs... which the states didn't want to start in the first place.... now transfers TO those states... and they now have to come up with the money to fund them.
What else have we seen to make us think we're having fun? How about that phony circus of berating automobile executives for arriving in Washington DC, after being ordered to do so by congress, in corporate jets. So after shaking her indigent finger at the auto exec's... Queen Pelosi jumps on HER Private 757 for a flight home. Double standard anyone?
Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.... the two people most responsible for the financial meltdown by being "in bed" (literally in Mr. Frank's case) with the folks running (ruining?) Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac. Both had the audacity to blame President Bush for the crisis! What freaking alternate reality are those two living in?
In 2008 alone the Bush administration tried 17 times to investigate and reform both federal housing agencies. All attempts were blocked by Frank and Dodd. I could list ALL of the Bush administration attempts to reform this GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprise) but it's easier if you just read them yourselves.
Wasn't that enlightening? The financial crisis is all Bush's fault, huh? Seems like the only folks trying like hell to avoid the mess were Bush's people! Democrats were blocking it at every turn and bad mouthing the President as they did. What hypocrites!
Might want to step outside and take a good look around... perhaps a few pictures too. If the democrats in power now have their way... and sooner or later they will because they never stop hating freedom and America.... the country you grew up knowing and loving is a thing of the past. Get ready to have your taxes raised at all levels to pay for the pork and nanny state government interventions. Get ready for rationed health care. Make a place at your corporate table for your local Union thug. Watch as the left rewrites the history of the last administration while glossing over or totally ignoring all the gaffs and outright blunders made by the current administration.
Also... pay close attention to the minorities.... the blacks whose numbers swelled at the polls and elected Obama knowing that he was going to save them all and give them everything the democrats have been promising for the last 60 years. Watch what happens when they figure out they have been collectively played for fools.
All this is both sad and predictable. Obama is, after all, both a liberal and a democrat. His record in the senate was the second most liberal there... even to the left of John Kerry! (who served in Vietnam by the way) That Obama would govern as an ultra liberal should be no surprise to anyone who was paying attention. And for those of you who were paying attention you'll remember that Obama said we was going to remake America.... NOT reform it or return it to it's previous glory. (which would have been the Reagan years!)
The sad part is that the election of Obama was an historical landmark in our nations history. Never mind that he refuses to this day to present proof that he's even eligible to hold the office his election is historic none the less. He could have capitalized on that fact and done great things. Instead once he took office he blew the right rudder off the ship of state and has been taking us on a big left turn every since.
This is NOT a liberal or left wing nation! Far from it. While the main stream media refuses to give it any coverage (see the communist manifesto) there are demonstrations and "tea parties" taking place from sea to shining sea. The constitution specifically gives to the people the absolute right to "throw off" any form of government which they feel has become too powerful and too oppressive. Obama may very well make history twice... once by being the first black elected president... and again by being the first president forcibly removed from office. The American people will only take so much before they take action.
Friday, February 27, 2009
{SLAP!!} Damn..... it' a nightmare but I'm AWAKE!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Message to "Republicans" in Washington D.C.
Sadly the answer had been staring you all in the face for nearly two decades. Your collective problem is that you refuse to accept the answer because the folks on the left tell you it's not the popular thing to do. Election after election you listen to the left... follow their "advice" and consistently loose elections. Do you see a pattern forming here? The answer seems to be no. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Kindly answer the following question. Which recent President won by the largest majority in the history of America? If you guessed Ronald Reagan give yourself a gold star and go to the head of the class. If you answered anything else... please find a history book... NOT written by some revisionist from the left and do some reading.
What made the Reagan era what it was? Simple. Ronald Reagan was an unabashed conservative and a true American. He made no apologies for his political position to anyone. He didn't need to. He instinctively KNEW what worked and made it his mission to sell that point of view to the doubters. Rather than adopt the failed ideology of the left... just because they said it's what should be done... he convinced the American people of his ideals and vision for the nation.
Why did this strategy work so well that it got him a landslide second term? THAT is the key point 99% of the folks who go to Washington D.C. so quickly loose sight of. The point? America was... and IS vastly conservative. How can I say that with such certainty? Have ANY of you looked closely at the county map of the last election? Take a moment and Do that... it will be enlightening I assure you. Well over 85% of the map is RED! CONSERVATIVE! Learn it, Live it, LOVE it!
Our candidate in the last (lost) election was selected for us by the media. They ran hit pieces on all the viable conservative candidates and propped up Sen. McCain. Why? Because he'd already proven that he was a left leaning person and they knew he'd be the easiest one to defeat. Sarah Palin almost ruined the media plan and damn near pulled McCain's bacon out of the fire. But even her plain spoken conservative message was no match for the media and their iron fisted control over what the masses are supposed to think. Still there was a lesson there to be learned. No matter what the media tries to ram down our throat... the conservative message DOES resonate with the average American.
That is the key that you in Washington need to learn and take to heart. Conservatism works each and *every* time it's tried. Who beats our candidates in elections? Liberals who play conservative better than Republicans. Who tells you conservatism doesn't work? Liberals. Who says that the only way to win is to be more "centrist"? Liberals. Who tells us that the era of Reagan is dead and that we need to move on? Liberals. How's that working for you? You just lost the Presidency and are the minority party in the Congress. Here is a big hint... and it's absolutely FREE! NEVER ever take any advice from the people you are trying to defeat! They have their interests at heart.... NOT yours. Ask yourself... when was the last time you heard a liberal say that the era of Truman was dead and it was time to move on?
Finally... watching you folks work in Washington is like watching cowboys trying to herd cats. Y'all look like day one of marching at boot camp while the democrats look like the graduation parade. They have an agenda and they don't care if it takes one month or one hundred years to achieve. What do you have? Reaction to their agenda. Adopting their agenda with your modifications still advances THEIR agenda! Would y'all PLEASE have a damn meeting and all get on the same page? When in doubt about what page to be on together.... ASK US.... not the media or the Liberals. (Same thing) We sent you to Washington to represent US. You can't do that by constantly trying to be liked by the left.
You can't be right if you're leaning left.