Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the future, Commrade

I have not been as regular in posting as I'd like.... which it probably for the best. With all the national destruction going on in Washington.... spearheaded by alleged Americans..... it's tough enough just to maintain my sanity.

Proud Americans have shed blood for this country for over two centuries to help keep it the "Shining beacon on the hill" in a world of tyrants and dictators. Now tyrants and petty little dictators in Washington are pissing all over my country and it's constitution.

After all, what other name can you give to people who refuse to listen to the over 70% of the nation who demanded they keep their damn hands OFF the health care system.... and rammed the legislation through anyway?

How evil is this piece of crap? It's even worse than you can imagine. It is blatant in its range and scope towards the destruction of the insurance industry, healthcare industry and the middle class of this nation. Let's take those one at a time shall we?

If you were watching the news today Queen Nancy Pelosi threatened the entire insurance industry. She threatened "congressional action" against ANY insurance company who dared to raise their rates. Oh? Really? Which begs the question.... why would the insurance industry need to raise their rates? How about BECAUSE of the infamous health care reform bill!

Let's see... they will now be *required* to cover all pre-existing conditions. That couldn't possibly increase costs, could it? And did you know who sets the distribution percentage of premium revenue? Do you know even what that is?

The federal government dictates that insurance companies must disburse 65% of all premium income to payment of claims. The remaining 35% is what covers all their expenses from rent to salaries. Guess what? The bill just passed *increases* the disbursement percentage to 85%!!

That means that all the operating expenses have to be paid with 20% less money. Just to get back to the status quo insurance companies would have to raise rates by 300%. That's NOT profit, folks. That's just keeping the bills paid. But Queen Nancy says they can't DO that. The point? Simply to put them out of business so the government is your ONLY option.

And how about the Medical side of things.... they don't escape either. The federal government already has a mountain of regulations piled upon their backs..... here comes that last straw. Medicare is being cut back by 800 billion.

Drug companies? In the bill is wording which reduces their profits by 90 billion dollars. So much for all that costly R & D work and hoops they have to jump through to bring something to market.

Wage scales for doctors..... so now some pencil necked geek in Washington DC will dictate what a doctor in Seattle Washington can earn. Shouldn't that be a factor of what that doctor has learned.... how he does his job... and how well his patients think of him? I mean.... if you know a lot of stuff and you do an outstanding job... and those who come to you for service are happy and willing to pay X amount..... shouldn't that indicate what you can charge? Not any more I guess.

Which brings us to the very backbone of this nation.... the middle class. Folks.... this freaking monstrosity contains over 156 NEW taxes. Think of that for a moment. It also provides for the hiring of 16,500 new IRS field agents to make SURE those taxes are collected too!

More insidious yet is the fact that now you have to PROVE to the IRS that you have health insurance! Yeah.... you heard me right. Not only that but it have to be the right *kind* of health insurance too.

And if you're a bad little citizen and don't comply the agent can fine you up to $2500 right on the spot! Refuse to pay? No problem, Comrade! The bill also gives the IRS direct access to ALL of your bank accounts.... they can just TAKE their pound of flesh.

The wealthy are under assault too with massive tax increases also. Obama has stated that his intention is to wipe out and reverse everything positive Reagan did for America. Reagan ushered in the greatest era of prosperity this nation has ever known! Which I guess means that Obama intends to usher in the greatest era of poverty and depression this nation has ever known. Tough to draw any other conclusion, isn't it?

Something that really bothers me is the democrats in Washington gloating that they "won" with the passage of the bill. Well.... if they "won" then someone had to have lost.... correct? Who lost was the 70% of the American people who demanded that government keep their damn hands OFF healthcare.

Some members of the democrat party in Washington are now whining that they are getting death threats. Much like what they have been (or not been) telling us about the wonderfulness of this bill..... I suspect again that they still are lying.... only now to make us feel sorry for them.

And Charlie Dingle (senior democrat) in a radio interview with Paul W Smith said in part.... "It takes time to put together the legislation necessary to control the people." And after all... wasn't that the true intent of this bill from the instant the pen touched paper?

For most of my life I've been looking forward to the time when I would be able to take a deep breath and retire in reasonable comfort in my beloved America. I've worked my butt off..... paid the mandatory taxes..... served in uniform..... left more than a few drops of blood around the world while serving..... and I should be able to finally just enjoy the later years of my life.

And my lovely wife (who I don't mention in this blog but devote another to entirely) has cancer and will be needing various health care services in the years to come. She has also made the mistake of living into her late 50's.... which means to some dick headed petty government bureaucrat reviewing her files... that she's lived long enough and isn't entitled to the care necessary to maintain her quality of life. In Obama's words.... "Maybe she should just take a pain pill."

While I'm still dreaming of retiring to the high desert....... and would love nothing more than to spend that time becoming even better friends with my lovely wife...... Costa Rica is starting to look pretty damn good for retirement. I think the sun has set on America.

Dasvidania, Comrades.