Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Democrat Political Destruction

Since taking control of the House and Senate the Neo-Dems have been on the war path non stop. They promised they would do everything possible to disrupt the administration of President Bush. They promised investigations and never ending votes on the war. We've had both in spades!
The Neo-Dems have maintained since "W" took office that he is presiding over the "most secretive" administration in history. When one considers that it took the Clinton's three years to "find" the Rose Law Firm billing records.... which were in the private quarters all the time.... one has to wonder if they were paying attention back then. To date the White House has turned over nearly 500,000 pages of documents to satisfy the gluttony of the Neo-Dem witch hunters. To put that into perspective.... The Rose Law Firm material fit neatly into one standard cardboard moving box. 500,000 pages is a pile twice the height of the White house!
Why has so much material been turned over to the House and Senate? How about because they have OVER 300 separate "investigations" under way right now. Over 300! There aren't even 300 people working at the White House. The House seems to think it has "oversight" authority over the Executive branch too. Odd considering they are not vested with confirmation powers. This crap of issuing subpoena's to the Presidents personal staff then pretending "shock and outrage" when they fail to comply is pure theatrical showmanship. Then to follow that up with "Contempt of Congress" warrants? The height of ego and partisan political game playing. Has this moron, Conyers, ever even heard of the separation of powers clause? Congress (or the Senate for that matter) cannot cause any member of the executive staff to appear before it to testify about anything! Likewise the Executive Branch cannot order members of either House or Senate staff to testify to it. I'd wager that IF the White House issued an order for Conyers Staffers to appear and give testimony (and bring all the congressman's files) THEN Mr. Conyers would scream loud and long about the separation of powers! (Wanna bet?) One of the people under subpoena is Harriet Meyers, the President's former personal counsel. If nothing else has Mr. Conyers ever heard of attorney - client privilege? (Hint.... that is something the Neo-Dems claim that the detainees at "Gitmo" have a "right" to.)
All of this is being done knowing full well that the sycophantic media will lap it up like dogs and splash it all over every broadcast and front page it on every liberal rag out there. The Neo-Dems can depend upon the media to carry their water every time. Anything the two can do to make the Bush Administration look as bad as possible. All one has to do is look at the record breaking economy and stock market. Do you realize that since the stock market was created until the end of the Clinton administration it moved from 0 to just over 7000. So from basically 1791 until 1992...... one over 200 years..... the market gained 7000 points. Under the administration of President Bush the stock market has hit 14,000 twice! That is nothing short of amazing! Yet the main scream media downplays the gains and only gives them minimal coverage. But let the market take a profit taking dip of a couple hundred points and that gets played like the end of civilization! Here is the media template just so everyone can figure this out for themselves. Republican in office = everything bad. Democrat in office = everything wonderful. Actual actions or performance do not matter a whit. ALL that matters in how the news is reported is the political affiliation of the President.
As you've no doubt noticed the Neo-Dems have been making quite the stink about the war on terror and particularly the front in Iraq. This is the "vote after vote after vote" strategy they hoped to use to keep the Republicans voting over and over again in support of the effort while the Neo-Dems kept voting for our defeat. (Stupid strategy but none the less they thought it was a good idea) So far, under this plan, they have called for and received several hundred votes on various aspects of the war effort. Except for a few weak willed and weaker minded R.I.N.O.'s the votes have been straight down party lines. Joe Lieberman (Independent) being the one sane person from the Dem side of the fence.
In spite of all their efforts to gain defeat in Iraq support for the war is actually growing! ABC ran a poll to show how little support there was and the results shocked them! Support was on the rise! Not believing the results of their own poll they ran it again. The results not only confirmed the first poll but were slightly higher. ABC quit while they were ahead. Prior to running any sort of story on this bit of created news they dispatched a team to Iraq to check first hand. Moral of the troops high and positive! Support of the leadership on the ground at record levels. Belief in the mission.... off the charts. And the average Iraqi citizen had a positive outlook and hope for peace and prosperity in the future. As a matter of fact the Sunni and the Shia sects are joining both the local militia's and local police to help rid the country of the Al Quaida terrorists! They are tired of having them, their friends and families being potential targets for these insane radicals. For the media it's a case of "good news, good news everywhere yet nothing to report." The media cannot report any good news while a Republican is President. It violates their unholy alliance with the Neo-Dems. Then again.... Democrats... Media.... two sides of the same coin.
In the so called Presidential race the Neo-Dems are throwing stones at the Republicans again. (nothing new for them) This time they are calling them cowards for declining appearing on another of those insane "YouTube debates." I call that being intelligent not being a coward. And please correct me if I'm wrong...... but isn't it the Democrats who are afraid to appear on the FOX network? Didn't they just flat refuse to be questioned by anyone from FOX? Cowards anyone?

Monday, July 02, 2007

Save the Moon! (And more!)

Yep! Back again to thrill and delight (and really piss off some of) you. My able assistant, Rampage Kitty, is napping at my elbow ready to spring into action if needed. Hopefully I'll be able to manage this without her help at the keyboard..... we'll see.

Scooter Libby gets a commute of his sentence from President Bush. Good start, Sir! Now then, how about a complete pardon and having the court records sealed? That was a Soviet style "Trial" and not worthy of even the term trial. The left was looking for someone to hang (Republican) and didn't quit trying until they had someone (Republican). Richard Armatage admitted HE leaked Plame but, being a loyal Liberal, was given a total pass. Nice start Mr. President.... Now... finish the job.

Congress is out on recess. YIPPIE!!! They need to STAY out! Every time they meet we loose a bit more of our freedom and liberty. The 4th of July is a great and timely example. When I was growing up we could actually celebrate this unique holiday! All up and down the block fireworks were going off and people were having fun. Sure there were some stupid people! Yep! Every year someone would get their fingers damaged because they held a firecracker rather than laying it on the ground. And every year there was at least one small grass fire. The first taught a lesson and the second did too! The grass fires were always small because people were responsible and had garden hoses out and ready just in case. (Personal responsibility) It's a wonderful concept.... the Left should try it sometime.

Now days it's illegal to even have fireworks in some cities. The loudest thing on our block is usually the "Basser's" breaking the law with their loud car speaker systems. Out in the small town I used to live in (Forney Texas) we got busted by the Police for letting the kids set off smoke bombs and "snakes". Yes..... I DID have a garden hose out and ready just in case. Everywhere, people who think THEY know what is best for everyone else (Liberals) take away our freedoms and rights to make themselves feel better. The basic statement is "You are far too dumb and stupid to be able to celebrate the 4th without hurting yourself..... so we'll celebrate FOR you and you can just sit there and watch like good little citizens." Give me the good old days.

Al Gore is gearing up for his 07/07/07 "Concert for a climate in crisis". Ever notice how, with Liberals, everything is a crisis? (Well.... except for the stuff that really is a crisis... that they ignore) The idea is to have a concert on every continent at the same time. (Wonder who is playing Antarctica?) Now then..... this is suppose to help the planet somehow.... I just haven't figured out how as of yet. Carbon Dioxide is supposed to be the big villain here. I'm willing to bet none of these bands are walking to these sites. Probably taking private jets. That's going to generate a lot of CO2. Then they have to run generators to power everything. Oops! More of that nasty evil CO2. Then I suspect they want crowds to show up and watch them. Yeah... people breath and when they exhale..... evil CO2 is released. How do the crowds get to the concerts? Yep.... more CO2 in the atmosphere. Seems like in one day Al Gore is doing more to generate a "greenhouse gas" than he is to limit its production. Oh... wait.... I forgot. Liberals can buy "Carbon Offsets" (From none other than Al Gore) and feel good about themselves! So they can pollute like a smoldering landfill and it's OKAY!

To all those nut bags who think they are on the cutting edge..... here is a news flash. The climate is constantly changing! It's never been stable and it never will be. We live on a dynamic planet where the only thing that is constant IS change. Get freaking OVER it! The climate is going to do what the climate is going to do and the best WE can do is hang on and go along for the ride. Yep.... some years are going to be warmer than others. Yep.... there are going to be some observable trends towards either warming or cooling over specific time periods. That's the way it's always been..... that's the way it will continue to be. We can't even accurately predict the weather let alone affect it in any meaningful way. Weather is the local stuff that affects us.... Climate is what happens globally. We're clever little monkeys but we're not bright enough to control either the weather or the climate. This is two things. Number one it's a power grab by the left. They got the Supreme Court to declare CO2 a "Pollutant" so now they can pass laws and regulations to "control" it. (Control US) Number two. Look at those "Carbon Offsets". Who is making money off those? Follow the money, people. Meanwhile here in Texas we are having one of the coolest years on record! Here it is July and we've barely broke into the 90's and then only a couple of times. Also we're almost at our average annual rainfall level and just past the halfway point for the calendar year. Wait...... Hummmmm.... Clouds....... Rain...... cooler weather in the state........ Nah! Probably no correlation there at all......

I do have another cause for Al Gore to champion, however. Remember those lunar landings? Astronauts put out reflectors on the moon so scientists could more accurately measure the distance between the earth and the moon. WELL!!! Come to find out the moon is moving AWAY from the earth at just about the same rate your fingernails grow! (Roughly an inch a year) This has all the makings of a crisis, folks!! Think of it. Each year the moon gets a little bit farther away. It appears smaller in the night sky. It has less affect on the oceans and the tides. Eventually the earths oceans will have NO tides! All those little sea turtles and grunions that depend upon the tides for breding will die off! And what the heck will Coyotes and Wolves have to howl at if we loose the moon? Our planet will loose the force that causes it to remain in a fairly stable orbit and rotation. It could start to wobble and just go zinging out into deep space..... OR..... worse yet..... spiral into the sun! YIKES! Yes my friends.... it's time we all joined together to Save the Moon!

You know.... if we can save the planet then saving the Moon should be a piece of cake. (or green cheese) It's much smaller and has no climate to worry about. And I'm sure that if we all did our part we could easily save the Moon. Perhaps we could have Al Gore put on more concerts to raise awareness! That's always a good start. Of course we have to find some way of blaming evil Americans for creating the problem and not caring enough. BUT... that's easy! After all.... who were the ONLY humans to ever visit the moon and return? RIGHT!! Evil Americans! So! It's obviously all our fault anyway! Perhaps Mr. Gore can start another little company that sells extra gravity credits. The effect of these would be to slightly elevate the gravity, here on earth, so that the moon is attracted more.... and thus starts to slow it's departure and eventually return to it's pre-lunar landing orbit. Heck yeah!!! Extra gravity credits and a few concerts and we've got that little problem whipped! Al? What about it? I say... SAVE THE MOON!