Thursday, December 26, 2013

Credit where credit is due. Hail Obama!

Okay..... so you're thinking the ol' squid has come up short a marble or two..... Au Contraire mon ami! I simply wish to give Mr Obama credit for his many achievements.... the majority of which go unrecognized by the main stream media. (for some unknown *POLITICAL BIAS* reason) Anyway since they have somehow managed to either overlook or just plain down play a LOT of Mr. Obama's accomplishments..... permit me (as if you really have a choice) to list just some of them so as to jog your memory. Also to help remind you why it's demonstrating that you may be "dumber than a mud fence" if you vote liberal democrat. So strap in...... the ride through history is about to begin..... in no specific time line order..... so it will be bumpy!

The Semi-Complete List of Barack Obama’s Scandals, Misdeeds,   Crimes and Blunders. (It's a work in progress since we can't seem to get rid of him.)

(Investment Watchblog) - $6 trillion in new national debt under Obama…after he promised to decrease the deficit.

• Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted bill which exponentially increases the federal government’s control over our personal lives…which neither Obama nor a single Democrat even read before passing, and which will likely bankrupt the nation.

• In both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the Obama campaign purposely disabled the credit card verification system for its Web site donations, allowing anyone from any foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of identity; in both elections it was demonstrated that people overseas and people with obviously false identities were able to donate to Obama campaign, in direct violation of several laws. To this day it is not known what percentage of Obama’s campaign funds are illegally obtained, since there is no documentation.

• Billions of taxpayer dollars gambled on “green” companies like Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust and many others — all of which went bankrupt.

• An intentional refusal to enforce federal immigration laws.

• Unemployment at or above 8% for almost his entire term in office (which was actually documented to be 43% now.)

• Operation Fast & Furious — a government-sponsored illegal gun-running scheme designed to purposely go awry so as to induce public outcry for gun control.

• Spent 20 years listening to a racist anti-American pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), whom Obama described as a mentor. On March 18, 2008, Obama gave a speech in which he said “I could no more disown Jeremiah Wright than I could disown my own grandmother” and “[Wright’s church, Trinity United] embodies the black community in its entirety.” Now Obama tries to pretend that Jeremiah Wright doesn’t exist, and that his extremist anti-white philosophy didn’t influence Obama’s worldview.

• Increased the percentage of Americans dependent on food stamps to unprecedented levels (now over 48% of the nation’s population).

• Militarily intervened in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act — technically an impeachable offense.

• Before he entered politics, Obama worked as a lawyer suing banks in landmark cases, forcing them to give home loans to unqualified minority borrowers — a practice now understood as one of the primary initial causes of the eventual housing bubble and market collapse.

• Handed out over 1,200 waivers to politically connected donors exempting them from the onerous requirements of Obamacare.

• Greatly expanding the number of unaccountable “czars,” which essentially amounts to unilaterally adding new federal departments with no congressional oversight — leading to a true “bureaucracy” in the original sense (rule by unelected bureaucrats).

• Using taxpayer dollars to bail out the private pension funds of autoworkers’ unions at GM & Chrysler.

• Illegally ending the welfare-to-work requirements passed by Congress.

• Doling out $800 billion in stimulus cash for “shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t exist — the money just evaporated with no measurable economic benefit.

• Alienating and isolating Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East.

• Apologizing to Islamists and terrorists for offending them.

• Under Obama’s watch, for the first time in history America’s credit rating was downgraded, due to his poor economic policies.

• Stopped American oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing other nations with worse environmental records to drill instead — thereby managing to both weaken our economy and damage the environment simultaneously.

• Proposed in 2008 to intentionally bankrupt the coal industry — and now lies to voters and workers in coal-producing regions about his true intent.

• Pretends to be concerned about skyrocketing energy prices, when in fact he vowed to increase them on purpose (so as to make alternative energy schemes more competitive).

• In a primary debate against Hillary Clinton in 2008, Obama said he would never force people to buy health insurance, since those without it couldn’t afford to buy it. Less than two years later, he rammed through Obamacare, which does indeed force people to buy health insurance.

• During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly promised that if he was elected “No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase.” This promise was broken over and over again once he was elected.

• In 2008 Obama vowed if elected to increase security along the U.S.-Mexican border — and then in 2010 stopped construction of a “virtual fence” on the border and re-routed money earmarked for border security to other projects.

• Cash for Clunkers, which doled out taxpayer money to anyone who wanted to replace their old cars, but which mostly only ended up subsidizing the purchase of foreign-made cars by people who could have afforded them on their own anyway; meanwhile, the traded-in cars were all destroyed, creating a shortage and thereby increasing the cost of used cars, hurting the pocketbooks of poor people.

• Violated the U.S. Constitution by authorizing assassinations and drone strikes to kill American citizens abroad — without due process.

• Was caught on a “hot mike” promising the President of Russia that he would cave in to their demands for a weaker missile shield — after he was re-elected and no longer had to keep up the pretense that he sought to defend America.

• Appointed Van Jones, a former avowed communist who supported a “9/11 Truth” petition, to be “Green Jobs Czar.”

• Appointed Anita Dunn, who said Chairman Mao was her “favorite philosopher,” to be White House Communications Director.

• Appointed John Holdren, who previously entertained the notion of forced mass sterilization to stop overpopulation, to be Science Czar.

• Appointed Steven Chu, who openly advocated an artificial increase in gasoline prices to $10/gallon (and similar increases in other energy prices) to be Secretary of Energy.

• Appointed Kevin Jennings, who led a group that promoted X-rated “sex-positive” textbooks for 13-year-olds, instructed teenagers at a conference how to perform “fisting” (anal penetration by fists), who refused to report instances of statutory rape, and who expressed admiration for a member of NAMBLA, to be America’s “Safe School’s Czar.”

• When states voted to enforce the federal immigration laws which the federal government refused to enforced, Obama sued to stop them.

• Blocked continued construction of the Keystone Pipeline, thereby intentionally reducing energy resources for the US and forcing Canada to sell more of its oil to China.

• Repeatedly changed his position on gay marriage over the years, depending on what was politically expedient at the moment and which intended audience he was addressing.

• Before he was president, Obama staunchly opposed raising the national debt limit — but once elected, he insisted that it be raised.

• When giving a 2009 speech in France that he must have assumed Americans would never hear, he described the United States as “arrogant” and “dismissive” (while also criticizing Europe elsewhere in the speech).

• When states tried to stop election fraud with voter ID laws, Obama sued to prevent them from doing so.

• Instructed Attorney General Eric Holder to stonewall any investigation into the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers.

• Promised in 2008 that once elected he would officially recognize the Armenian Genocide; but to this date he has still failed to do so, caving in to threats and pressure from Muslims in Turkey.

• Vowed to end the influence of lobbyists in Washington, but under Obama’s watch their influence has only increased.

• When he was first running for President, Obama promised, “I will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.” Needless to say, he has broken that promise with almost every bill he has signed since.

• Aided and abetted the “Arab Spring” which deposed existing secular governments across North Africa, leading to a regional power vacuum which was filled by Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other hardline Islamists.

• Refused to provide assistance or support the the earlier secular Iranian democracy uprising, allowing them to be crushed by the Islamic fundamentalist Iranian regime.

• In his first months in office, Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia, the president of China, the Emperor of Japan, and President of Mexico, among others.

• Ordered NASA to make one of its top priorities not space exploration or scientific research but “Muslim outreach.”

• Used Obamacare as a pretext to greatly increase the size and power of the IRS (which was given 16,000 new agents and additional mandates to penalize taxpayers for noncompliance).

• Used the IRS to harass conservative businesses. He later used the IRS to delay approval of tax exempt status for TEA Party and other conservative groups which hindered their efforts and most likely helped get Obama re-elected through diminished opposition.

• In the GM bailout, he illegally shortchanged investors who according to bankruptcy laws were first in line to be recompensed; instead, he gave their share to the unions.

• Shut down oil drilling in the US, but then turned around and lent $2 billion to Brazil to support their government-controlled oil-drilling effort — and then promised the US would become one of Brazil’s biggest oil customers.

• Sued Boeing in an effort to control where businesses could locate, kowtow to the unions, and block the creation of 1,000 jobs in South Carolina, a right-to-work (i.e. no forced unionization) state.

• Adopted a longstanding Socialist political slogan, “Forward!”, as his 2012 campaign motto.

• Sent insulting form letters to the families of dead SEAL's.

• Neither disavowed nor distanced himself from anti-Romney campaign ads which threatened or implied violence against Republicans.

• Shortly after the recent eruption of anti-American violence in North Africa, Obama went to Las Vegas to do his debate preparation in a hotel…with a romanticized North Africa theme.

• Said in an interview that the Muslim call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.”

• Union boss and far-left activist Andy Stern has visited Obama in the White House at least 53 times, at last count — greater access than any other private citizen.

• Hosted at the White House many Islamist members of groups associated with Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

• Sponsored performances by and attended fundraisers with radical rappers like Michael Franti and Common, both of whose lyrics have in some cases been anti-police, anti-white, and anti-America.

• Hired Timothy Geithner, who is documented as cheating on his own personal taxes, to be Secretary of the Treasury.

• Told Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher that it was good to “spread the wealth around.” (You will, however, notice that Obama is very stingy with HIS wealth and doesn't even bother to help his own family).

• Told small business owners nationwide in a 2012 speech that “you didn’t build that” — implying that they should not claim credit for their own success, since taxpayers (i.e. themselves and other business owners) had funded the national infrastructure.

• Insulted the British people by rudely returning to them a bust of Churchill which previously had been a ceremonial gift on display at the White House; when later confronted on this inexplicable action, he lied about it.

• Canceled plans to complete a missile defense shield in Poland, a move which was highly praised by Russia — the very nation whose missile threat would have been neutralized if the shield had been completed.

• By loudly publicizing (for personal political gain) the identity of exact SEAL teams who had killed Osama bin Laden, Obama made them a target for reprisals by Islamist's; a short time later 22 SEALS were shot down and killed in Afghanistan, their worst loss of life ever. (as a side note the Afghan military team going in with those SEALS was mysteriously removed from the aircraft just prior to departure..... none of them were killed as a result)

• Established an extra-Constitutional top secret “kill list” of people (including Americans) Obama claims the right to kill on sight, and then bragged about it publicly.

• Set up a special email account, “,” to which Americans were supposed to inform the government of anyone they heard spreading “disinformation” about Obama’s health care overhaul. (This was the first of three different “spy on your friends and neighbors” programs.)

• “Attack Watch” was Obama’s second Big Brother attempt, a Web site on which you would report “attacks” on Obama’s proposals and ideology; it was quickly shut down due to outrage and mockery.

• Finally, Obama set up the “Truth Team” program which encouraged citizens to report to the government any friends or relatives they hear repeating “lies” about Obama. The Truth Team site still exists.

• Twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in early November, so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election — even though federal law (the “WARN Act”) requires such notices.

• After the attacks on American interests in North Africa on September 11, 2012, Obama gave a speech to the U.N. and declared “The future must not belong to those who slander The Prophet of Islam” — transferring the blame from the attackers onto the makers of a film trailer that supposedly “offended” the Islamist's.

• Repeatedly snubbed and got into public tiffs with Benjamin Netanyahu, who as the leader of Israel is supposed to be Obama’s closest colleague in international affairs.

• On May 19, 2011, Obama told Israel they must return to the 1967 borders as a pre-condition for continuing talks with the Palestinians — even though the status of the borders was the main issue the talks were supposed to address.

• Encouraged politically biased hiring practices in the Justice Department.

• Soon after taking office, Obama rescinded the “Mexico City Policy,” which previously had banned NGOs which are supported by American taxpayer funds from using those funds to perform abortions in foreign countries.

• Attempted to force returning veterans to pay huge increases for their health coverage…as a way to generate more funding for his Obamacare provisions.

• In June of 2011, he anointed his own underage daughters as “senior staff members” so that their vacation to Africa would be paid for with taxpayer money.

• Interviews with high school classmates revealed that Obama was a heavy and frequent user of marijuana in his teenage years (not to mention his self-admitted cocaine use in college).

• Played over 100 rounds of golf during his first three years in office, meaning that he was on the links close to 10% of the days he has been president.

• Voted to allow post-birth abortions (i.e. facilitating the deaths of babies who survive late-term abortions) not just once but three times in a row as an Illinois state senator.

• The pastor whom Obama selected to give the national benediction at his 2009 inauguration recently declared that “all white people are going to Hell.”

• Sided with Hugo Chavez and the Castro regime regarding the Honduran Constitutional Crisis of 2009, the first time ever that the U.S. formed a political alliance with socialist governments in Latin America.

• Obama Administration OK'ed the nomination of Chas Freeman to chair the National Intelligence Council (which coordinates intelligence reports from all government agencies), despite the fact that he was openly hostile to Israel and strongly favored Arabist goals. (He later withdrew under pressure.)

• Chinese pianist Lang Lang played an offensively anti-American song at a 2011 White House dinner where Obama hosted Chinese president Hu Jintao, to the delight and amazement of the communist Chinese visitors, while Obama just sat there and smiled (the song’s Chinese lyrics describe Americans as “warmongering jackals”).

• There was a great deal of (still unverified) suspicion that the company LightSquared received favorable treatment from the Obama administration for approval of its broadband technology which interfered with the GPS system; an Air Force general claimed he was pressured by the Obama administration to downplay his criticism of LightSquared’s technology in sworn testimony.

• Obama’s Department of Energy awarded $529 million to Fisker Automotive to build their Karma hybrid electric cars — even though they are manufactured in Finland, cost over $100,000 each, and tend to explode.

• When Inspector General Gerald Walpin discovered during a 2009 investigation that one of Obama’s political allies (the mayor of Sacramento) was misusing government funds for personal gain, Obama unceremoniously fired Walpin — even though rooting out fraud was the job description of the Inspector General.

• More than once Obama made so-called “recess appointments” when the Senate was not actually in recess, which directly violates Constitutional rules about how appointments must be made; in each case it was his way of getting his political allies into certain key positions without them being vetted or approved by the Senate, as required.

• After Nidal Malik Hasan massacred 13 people at Fort Hood while shouting “Allahu Akbar” so as to become a martyr for Islam, the Obama administration refused to classify his action as “terrorism” and instead deemed it merely “workplace violence.”

• Despite the fact that the Falkland Islands have been part of Great Britain since 1833 and that Great Britain is supposed to be our strongest ally, Obama essentially sided with Argentina in its new claim on the Falklands, not only by adopting the Argentine position that their status is open to negotiation, but even by (attempting to) refer to the islands by their Spanish name (Malvina).

• Convened the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (a.k.a. the Simpson-Bowles commission) in order to address a major economic crisis…and then summarily dismissed and ignored their recommendations.

• Criticized the Supreme Court’s legal reasoning (about the Citizen’s United decision) during a State of the Union address, which many considered a dangerous precedent as it appeared to place political pressure on the court, violating the Constitution’s separation of powers; but his bullying seems to have later paid off, when the Supreme Court apparently altered its Obamacare decision so as to not ruffle any political feathers.

• On April 27, 2009, Obama’s staff (possibly at his direction) ordered Air Force One to make an unnecessary very low flight over part of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, which many residents mistakenly assumed must be a second 9/11 attack in progress; turned out that it was just a stunt to get a photo op of Obama’s plane next to the Statue of Liberty.

• Obama somehow managed to insert mentions of himself into the official biographies of earlier presidents on the White House Web site — even presidents from the 19th century. After public outcry, the narcissistic Obama mentions were quietly removed without comment.

• Intentionally misquotes the Declaration of Independence in speeches, often leaving out the words “by their Creator” in the famous passage “…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” which Obama instead has recited as “…are endowed with certain unalienable rights.”

• In June of 2009, Obama’s Solicitor General (and now Supreme Court Justice) Elena Kagan filed a legal brief to prevent the families of 9/11 victims from appealing their lawsuits against the Saudi royal family for financing the 9/11 attacks.

• The 2009 National Christmas Tree in the White House was decorated with ornaments depicting Chairman Mao, a drag queen, and a picture of Mount Rushmore that included Obama’s own head next to George Washington’s.

• Compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception, even though such requirements violate their rights of religious freedom and conscience.

• It was revealed only after Obama became president that during the 1990s he was a leading member of the “New Party,” a socialist-aligned far-left radical group in Chicago.

• Lied about his close associations with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; pretended the two barely knew each other, when multiple sources document they were friends and close colleagues for years.

• When Obama was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, he at first flubbed the oath of office, so he had to re-take it behind closed doors for his inauguration to be valid. He did so, but during this second, true inauguration in private, he purposely failed to place his hand on a Bible, as is traditional — the first president ever to not swear the oath of office on the Bible.

• Obama’s own author bio in his literary agent’s catalog and on their Web site stated for 17 consecutive years that he was born in Kenya; this claim remained intact despite other portions of the bio being altered and updated repeatedly. It was only in 2007 after he decided to run for the presidency that the “born in Kenya” claim was taken down. The original info must necessarily have come from Obama himself; some theorize he likely falsely claimed foreign birth in order to gain admission or scholarships in college, and never bothered to fix his lie.

• After winning the 2008 election but before being sworn in, Obama bombastically concocted the official-seeming “Office of the President-Elect” as if it was some kind of real government department; in fact, it was just a self-congratulatory title he made up to look important before he actually became president.

• Obama administration came up with the bizarre euphemism “man-caused disasters” to describe acts of terrorism — because he wants to downplay terrorism as a significant political issue.

• For three years in a row his official budget proposals to Congress received exactly zero votes — not even a single vote from Democrats.

• Relied on an Islamic fundamentalist militia group called “The Martyrs of the February the 17th Revolution Brigade” to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi — and they not only failed to prevent the attack but perhaps even joined in on it.

• During the debate over Obamacare in 2009, Obama bluntly stated that doctors like to perform amputations rather than practice preventive medicine for no other reason than that they make a greater profit from amputations. The American College of Surgeons demanded an apology, which never arrived.

• Since 2008 the Los Angeles Times has been in possession of a videotape showing Obama honoring and praising anti-Western anti-Israel academic Edward Said, but they have steadfastly refused to release it to this day, for no discernible reason other than their belief it would damage Obama’s reputation.

• When the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe recently held a conference on human rights, Obama sent an American representative — Salam al-Marayati, a Truther who blamed Israel for the 9/11 attacks and who also praises Hezbollah and Hamas. To the nations of Europe, al-Marayati spoke for all Americans on the topic of human rights.

• Obama’s Department of Homeland Security specifically warned that Americans who are “dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration” are potential terrorists, as are libertarian-minded voters who “favor of state or local authority” over centralized power. These “right-wing extremists” (who hold political beliefs shared by a majority of Americans) are deemed a greater threat to the nation than actual revolutionaries or jihadists.

• While campaigning in 2008 Obama declared that it was “unpatriotic” that Bush had increased the national debt at a rate of half a trillion dollars per year; but under Obama the rate of national debt increase has accelerated to almost three times the Bush rate ($6 trillion in new debt in under four years) — yet Obama has never apologized nor declared himself unpatriotic.

• For decades, every president has attended a “daily intelligence briefing” which updates him on critical world events each morning. Obama has skipped 60% of his daily intelligence briefings, including the ones leading up to the attack in Benghazi.

So who says Mr. Obama hasn't really done anything since taking office?? By golly he's been an amazingly busy man...... managing to fit all that destruction in while still playing well over 100 rounds of golf by this time! So.... at tip of the hat to Mr. O........ American can only hope and pray that there's not another one like him one earth. Really...... we couldn't take that much destruction again.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why ObamaCare won't work (And what will)

The fiasco that is ObamaCare is proving, once again, that top down government control never works. Why they keep trying to make it work indicates that those at the top haven't got a clue about America, markets, free enterprise or anything else tangible. Rather, they reside in an alternate reality which shares more in common with a faculty lounge on a college campus than with the real world. They fantasize about "Utopia" but the only Utopia I know of is a small town in south Texas. (and it's conservative)

Reality sits at the far end of a very long table from where the leftists are seated. At their end is the make believe and the fantasy. They are armed with hopes and dreams about what might be possible if only everyone would just give up and do everything their way. There in lies the problem.  Their way will ONLY work when everyone else surrenders all their freedoms, rights and choices to the handful in charge. Even then it will eventually fail because citizens are not produced cookie cutter fashion with identical wants, needs and desires. I know it's a shock to the left..... but we're all different. 

And that very quickly beings me to why ObamaCare will not work...... and never had a chance. It is a one size fits all scheme that treats all people exactly the same. It was foisted upon the American people via a massive lie. "If you like your plan...... you can keep it. If you like your doctor you can keep him." Those leading the charge for ObamaCare KNEW that was a lie long before they started giving the speeches and pushing the lie. Why??? Votes! 

Votes = Power and control in Washington DC. This administration has given tangible form to the old saw..... "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  Liberals KNOW that the people who tend to vote for them share a few traits in common.  No. 1   They are typically not all that well informed about either the issues of the day or reality in general. They watch the big three networks..... they digest sound bites like pizza and beer... and almost never question what they hear.   No. 2   They all tend to believe that America is evil..... it's founding was unjust..... the deck is stacked against them and that the "rich" are taking all their money.  (they are right about that last part but it's the rich liberals in Washington DC doing the taking..... not who they think)  No. 3   In order for everything to be more "fair" the "rich" should be forced to give up their money in order to pay for the things that these people want. Remember the 30 year old co-ed who wanted us to pay for her birth control???

SO! ObamaCare LIES convince a group which rarely, if ever, pays attention.... that their lives will be better if they just elect liberals who will take money from the evil rich and give it to them in the form of FREE health care. Guess what? It worked! Tough to beat Santa Claus in an election. After all.... one party is telling you that they will give you everything you need and take care of you from cradle to grave ........ while the other party is extolling the virtues of hard work, rugged individualism and creating a better life for yourself..... rather than being dependent upon government. 

Now the reality has hit...... and the LIE is being revealed for all to see. ObamaCare mandated that insurance companies include very specific items in their base coverage. Things like birth control, "reproductive services" which is a nebulous way of saying abortion on demand, abortifacient drugs (morning after pills), condoms, mental health counseling and a host of other items. Think of it like buying a car...... what happens to the base price if all the options are included.... rather than optional? Price goes UP because all those "options" cost money to provide. Same with health insurance. 

So the truth about what happened is that.... Yes.... you can keep your plan if you like it....... so long as it wasn't changed by the insurance provider. But guess what..... ObamaCare mandated that your coverage be changed! Thus.... NO! You can't keep it if you like it. That was a LIE to get you to vote Liberal. And enough people bought into the lie to get them elected..... TWICE! Then the weasels who wrote the law tried to escape blame by telling the people..... "Look.... we didn't change your plan.... those evil insurance companies did that..... don't blame us!"  And again they are correct..... they didn't change the plans. They simply gave the insurance companies no option by mandating what they could offer. (Ever notice how when liberal schemes collapse it's never their fault?)

The new reality is that your old insurance plan is illegal to offer to you anymore...... that you HAVE to take what is offered....... that your premiums are going through the roof...... your deductibles will be about equal to your annual income..... cost of medications makes them unaffordable...... and unless government said they could....  your doctor is likely not part of your system. Remember the democrats wagging their fingers at the camera and saying..... "elections have consequences!" (?)  Are they driving home that point to you yet??? This is what happens when you elect people who want to control you...... they do!

The ObamaCare web site is just another example of their inability to do anything right.... and particularly something that should have been left to the private sector.  One would think that with three YEARS and 850 Million Dollars........ the site would at the very least be somewhat stable. Nope! For all that money it was unable to handle a traffic load of 20,000 "customers" an hour! ebay handles that many a minute...... with no problems.... and didn't cost you a dime to build. (The wonders of the private sector when left alone by government.)

Okay..... so WHY does your insurance now cost so much? Why has your deductible gone out of sight? Why do your medications cost 3 or 4 times more than they used to? Very simple...... YOU, the consumer, have been eliminated from the equation. Health care is no longer between you and your doctor. Now health care is between your health care provider and the government. All you are now is a pesky expense to be managed so as to minimize the cost to the government. To do that.... YOU pay more! You pay with your wallet. You pay with "standardized" care. You pay with loss of choice. You may even pay with your life..... if it's not "cost effective" for government to provide care. 

Did you know that in countries like England...... which has government run health care..... the people who can afford it would take "health holiday's" (holiday is their term for vacation) to countries like the United States to have medical procedures done? Rather than deal with all the red tape and uncaring service in their country they would go elsewhere because they could get what they needed for a reasonable cost and in a timely manner. The left always points to Europe as the example we should follow..... so I guess now it's our turn to plan to go somewhere else for our healthcare. 

So what's the answer since it's clearly NOT ObamaCare? Think about it! The intrusion of government into the entire health care system has caused this nightmare...... so the obvious solution is the removal of government from healthcare. Look at it this way...... health care and hotels/motels have both been around since the Greeks ruled the world. And while the cost of both has gone up...... anyone with $50 (sometimes less) can get a nice clean motel room with shower, color TV, DVD player, coffee maker, iron and ironing board, blow dryer, microwave and mini-refrigerator plus king sized bed. 

Why is that? Because the lodging industry is consumer driven. No one in government mandated that a motel provide all those things. Motels do it to compete with other motels for your business and your dollars. They offer what YOU, the consumer, say you want if you are going to do business with them.... and they do it at a price that is competitive enough to earn your business. And while some people are happy with the $50 a night room...... others with deeper pockets might be equally happy to spend $3500 a night.  (Michelle Obama on vacation spending your money, for example) What if the health care business was allowed to operate the exact same way??

Once licensed, an insurance company should be able to sell its product anywhere there is a market for it...... just like Wal-Mart or Sears. And, like those retailers, the cost of their product is free to float according to the market being served. In other words..... the cost of insurance is consumer driven. Likewise insurance companies should be able to offer customers the products they want to buy without being forced to take things which they don't. A woman might want a policy which covers prenatal and other pregnancy care while guys obviously don't need that coverage. Need it or not, under ObamaCare people have to pay for coverage for things which they will never use.

Why is there a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas....... and another of California..... and another for Nebraska? Why not simply Blue Cross Blue Shield? Short answer..... Government interference. Blue Cross of Texas is forbidden by law from selling it's product in any bordering state! All insurance companies live under heavy hand of government..... hell.... everyone does! But there is no such thing as Sears of Texas...... or Wal-Mart of Nebraska....... it's just Sears or Wal-Mart..... period. Insurance coverage is no different than the products other retailers offer with the singular exception that you can't put a box around it or gift wrap it. It's a product offered for sale to customers. 

The difference is that you are making a "bet" with the insurance provider that you WILL need their product..... and they are "betting" that you won't. Sometimes they win the bet..... most of the time in fact. But sometimes they don't and have to pay what they promised. How they pay for your medical expenses is from that pool of money for all the times they won the bet and didn't have to pay out. Health insurance is for the average person of typical means. 

There is also self-insurance. That is for those who have the means to pay as they go. Take Barack Obama, for example. He's worth over 10 Million dollars. If he gets sick he can go to any hospital in the world and just write them a check to pay for the services provided. His net worth and ability to pay IS his insurance. Nothing wrong with that at all. There wasn't, until ObamaCare, any law that said you had to have insurance. Now there is so even Bill Gates HAS to sign up for a product he, and his family, obviously don't need and will probably never use. They will fly somewhere else where they don't have to mess with the system.

Think about this one simple fact. When this debacle got started the left said we HAD to have ObamaCare because there were 30 million people in America who were either uninsured or under-insured. Now that number is over 100 million and climbing as insurance companies comply with the new law and cancel policies which do not meet the mandates of ObamaCare. The law has almost destroyed the insurance industry..... it's reeking havoc with the medical profession..... and sending the cost of drugs into the stratosphere. And let's not forget the expenditure of 850 MILLION of OUR dollars on a web site that still doesn't work! (translation.... it has done nothing good!) What would it have cost to simply buy insurance for those 30 million? Much less..... but then the government would loose their control over you. Can't have that. 

The other really bad thing about ObamaCare is that it WILL (unless repealed or de-funded) morph into a true single payer system. (with that single payer being government) Once that is in place we are all 100% screwed.  Why? I've explained that before..... but to recap..... once the government is paying for your health care.... THEY get to totally control you. That's because they can then claim that anything you do has the potential to negatively affect your health..... and since they are paying for your care......THEY can dictate what you can and can't do...... what you can and can't eat..... that you must run two miles a day...... eat broccoli..... not engage in a risky behavior like skiing or skateboarding..... and anything else THEY think you should or shouldn't do. Is that the kind of life YOU want to live? 

A better question..... it that the America you want to leave to your children?  Remember the words of the liberals..... Elections have consequences. Don't vote for people who think you are too stupid to be in control of your own life. You can choose to be informed and aware..... or you can be a liberal. The first takes effort.... the second is gutless........ one hard.... one simple. Your choice.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aftermath (also After Math)

Well the predictable republican cave took a awhile but finally happened. Being civil is admirable but being spineless is deplorable. As a student of psychology I do understand the behavior. Human beings, by nature, seek acceptance by others. Its part of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and basically occupies the first four foundational levels of the needs pyramid to various degrees.

Washington D.C. is as deep blue as it gets. Liberals get on their knees and pray to D.C. like Muslims pray towards Mecca...... the centers of their separate religions. Thus when a republican or conservative (yes.... there is a difference) is sent into Washington they hit culture shock immediately. They are immersed in liberalism 24/7 with no escape. As far as the left and the media (same thing) are concerned there is no America outside of the I-495 beltway. All news is inside the beltway. Everything important is inside the beltway.

Since liberalism is the center of everything..... IF you want to be accepted...... if you want to be a part of the social life....... if you want to get along...... you will gradually begin to change your attitude and positions in order to not be excluded or denigrated for not "reaching across the isle." It's a slow process... like the frog in the pot of warming water. Before they realize it they have been turned to the dark side.

Which brings us to Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, among others. These two guys are taking the most flack from the inside the beltway gang because of their stand against the funding of ObamaCare. So what are those two guys doing that makes them the focus of such animus?

Both are guilty of doing exactly what they said they would do when they campaigned for office in their respective states. (Texas & Utah) They said they would do their best to represent the interests of the people who sent them to Washington..... and that's exactly what they are doing!

The vast majority of Americans did not want ObamaCare and still don't. I'm sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that as sticker shock hits those who weren't engaged and were okay with the bill that they will suddenly oppose it too. You have to be 100% anti-American and 100% pro-destruction of the nation to support it! (That or not have a sufficient number of functional brain cells and are completely unable to form a cogent thought on your own)

Everything that Obama told the nation on coast to coast TV has proven to be lies. NO! You cannot keep your insurance if YOU like it. NO! You cannot keep your doctor if YOU like him. (or her) NO!! Your insurance rates will NOT go down by $2400 a year. Hell.... in a lot of cases you can't even keep your full time job!

As the program continues to roll out the horror stories are mounting up...... so much so that soon it will be obvious to even the most ignorant that the bill IS the nightmare the majority of Americans said it was all along. We told that to Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and they voiced our concerns to the other representatives in the nations capitol.

For that they were excoriated. For doing their jobs they are hated by everyone inside the beltway. Liberals hate them because they refuse to support the liberal agenda. Republicans hate them because they make them look bad by comparison. Both side call them crazy and stupid..... obstructionists... wacko-birds.... etc. BUT! Both stood strong and set an example to be followed by others.

How did all this mess come about anyway? Why all the bickering and fighting over these CR's? (continuing resolutions) It's because the party in power, democrats, have failed since 2008 to submit a budget to the House as required by the Constitution. Here is the item of interest.

USC 31 §1105 declares that “(o)n or after the first Monday in January but not later than the first Monday in February of each year, the President shall submit a budget of the United States Government for the following fiscal year.” After that it is up to the Congress to pass budget legislation and the president to sign it into law.

The president has failed to obey the Constitution since taking office........ and for a purely political reason too! (Yeah.... I know.... you're shocked by that too.) IF he submits a proper budget then he is obligated to clearly spell out exactly what his intentions are and thus exposes his agenda for all to see.

Without a budget then the House has no choice but to continue the last submitted budget (which was from George Bush) through the continuing resolution (CR) process. In practical terms the CR's end up being a budgetary Frankenstein. They are a conglomeration of individual funding requests mashed up and typically passed without comment in order to keep things running smoothly.

This CR was different though..... because if ObamaCare was going to be implemented it required funding. Here is the catch. The House is under NO requirement to allocate funding for every item contained either in a formal budget or in a CR.

It's like being a kid and going to your mother and saying..... "Mom! I need a quarter for an ice cream bar and $8997 for a motorcycle!" Mom opens her purse and hands you a quarter and shuts the purse. You can ASK..... but the one controlling the purse has the final say. THAT is the role of the House of Representatives as defined by the Constitution in as simple an example as I can make. (See the 14th Amendment)

Knowing that, and not liking it one little bit, the head democrat in the White House and the head democrat in the Senate decided that they would REFUSE to accept any CR from the house that did not give them 100% of what they demanded. (This is known as negotiating by liberals. They get everything they want and the other side caves.)

Thus.... when the deadline for passage came and went 25% of government was shut down. (and as a side point..... was anyone other than me curious about the fact that every single one of the agencies which went along with that farce already had ON HAND all the neatly printed closure signage??)

The reasons for the closures can be found in Obama's bible... Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Alinsky taught that once you have a crisis.... either natural or artificial..... do all you can to make it as painful as possible for as many people as possible. Then constantly place the blame for the crisis on the people you wish to either eliminate or marginalize. Even if you created the crisis the public will begin to focus their rage on the people you are consistently blaming.

What did both Obama and Reid (as well as RINO republicans) do daily during the entire CR run-up and shutdown process? They all pointed fingers of blame at Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and anyone else who was trying to stand up for the American people. And the 5th column media gladly echoed every word multiple times a day until..... as Alinsky predicted..... almost everyone was blaming the wrong people for the shutdown.

As for the math..... as usual things just do not add up. (once again..... I'm shocked!) ObamaCare had one goal and ONLY one goal..... to help speed American down the road to full blown socialism. The Patient Protection part?  ......  A steaming pile of male bovine solid emissions. Patients are required to turn over all manner of personal and private information which is to be entered into a massive government data base.  John McCaffee, who makes security software, says the government system is so secure they might as well publish the data in the NY Times.

Those data can be legally accessed by any government agency which feels it has a need and used for any purpose they choose.... up to and including your prosecution in court. Also the "navigators" who enter this data do not have to pass any sort of background check and can even be felons. Yep.... that sure makes ME feel like I'm being protected!  I really want a felon to have access to things like my SSAN and credit card information. Am I the only one who can see an opportunity for massive fraud coming?

Then there is the Affordable Care Act part. How's THAT working out so far? Under the employer mandate we have already seen millions of workers dumped from their previously employer provided health insurance into the government pool. (which seems to be most toxic) The average increase in cost to these workers is just shy of 400%. Deductibles are also increasing.... some by over 300%. This is NOT what Obama promised.

Combine that with companies scaling back from traditional 40 hour work weeks to 29.5 hours and the workers are really taking it in the shorts! More money going out.... less money coming in...... what money they have being devalued by the FED printing presses running non-stop.... and it's a nightmare. See the following:

The Weimar Republic - devalued currency
Weimar Republic - History

Top all that off with a $570 million dollar web site for people to sign up on that is so poorly coded that it might have well been a 5th grade computer science class project. (Although the 5th graders probably would have had a workable site for far less money) The administration had three years to get it right.... and blew it badly. Yet.... the left still expects ObamaCare to solve ALL of America's health care problems WHILE cutting spending too! That qualifies as a clinical case of acute self-delusion.

And.... the icing on the budgetary cake this week..... a 1 TRILLION dollar increase in the debt ceiling. (Okay.... around $800 Billion but close enough) Here's the analogy...... You have a credit card and you have blown right through your card limit because you just can't stop spending money! You're addicted to spending because it makes you feel powerful and important. Rather than come to terms with the fact that you're spending way more than you earn and cut back so as to reduce your growing debt problem..... you DEMAND that the credit card company raise your card limit so you can spend more! Does that really make sense??

And please.... do not try to give me that "We'll default for the 1st time in history!" BS either. The 14th amendment stipulates that the legally incurred National debt be serviced....... have at least the interest paid each and every month.  To service the national debt requires around $20 billion dollars a month. (and you think YOU have credit card problems!) Revenue flowing into the treasury runs in the range of $230 billion a month. The ONLY way American could possibly default on a debt payment would be if the President..... in CLEAR violation of the intent of the 14th Amendment..... ordered the treasury to not make the service payment. That would be another in a LONG list of reasons to at least impeach or at most remove the president from office.

SO! What the media is now happily saying is that Obama WON!!! Yippie!!  But did he really??? A recent survey indicates that more people than ever consider themselves to be conservatives. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee proved that people with a spine representing the WILL of the electorate CAN make a difference in Washington.

More people are seeing Obama for what he really is.... a childish and petty little man with no concern whatsoever for the people of America. More people than ever are seeing the democrats as a mean and vindictive bunch who will stop and nothing to get their way. More people than ever are discovering that they were sold a load of BS about how wonderful ObamaCare was supposed to be. More people than ever are starting to wake up to the fact that America has got a serious spending problem that puts them, their children and their grandchildren in jeopardy.

It's kinda like the Emperor of Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor when he said.... "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant." News flash to the left..... YEP! We're awake alright..... and we're righteously pissed too!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Quality Health Care........... Government is the problem......

The following is my reply to a person named Paul who commented on the ObamaCare system. I think as you read this you will figure out his take on things:

Dear Paul, This is not meant to be critical of you personally but to simply point out an error in your thinking and provide an alternative thought process. Here is the part I wish to concentrate upon:

" If we can afford wars, and afford to give mega corporations large
amounts of money, and afford 2billion bullets, and afford 2400 armored
vehicles, and etc etc, We can afford to give quality healthcare to our
citizens that are being bankrupted over skyrocketing costs. I have
argued with many liberals that agree that this is not the best program,
but there is no alternative."

What has happened to your thinking is the same thing that is wrong with the majority of Americans these days. You have all been gradually conditioned into accepting the premiss that government is the solution to all problems. This is the position that big government types want you to believe but it's NOT what the Constitution said the roll of government is.

The roll of the federal government was deliberately specified to be minimal in it's affect on the people by being limited to national defense and managing our relationship with other countries via treaties and such. Then the Constitution stated that all power not given to the federal government was reserved for the people and the several states. No mention of a department of health, education, interior, agriculture or anything else. Those are all more modern creations and served only to increase the power of government over the people and the states which runs counter to the Constitution.

There was and is an "alternative', Paul. It's call the free market system and it works each and every time it's tried without the heavy hand of government attempting to "regulate" everything. Why does it work? Competition for your dollars and mine.

We have Hospitals A, B and C all operating in the same city. For the sake of the Illustration we'll stipulate that all are the same size, offer the same services and have exactly the same number of people on staff.

Word on the street says that Hospital A has a staff that is pretty rude to the customers (if a place offers a service in exchange for money then the person paying for the service is a customer..... NOT a patient) There are long waiting periods for services and customers are often ignored while the staff talks among themselves.

Hospital B has had many complaints about the quality of their services. Operations take a long time to get except in extreme emergencies. Surgical incisions are sutured too tightly resulting in large ugly scars. Several mal-practice law suits have been filed against the hospital. 

Hospital C gets glowing reviews from it's customers. The staff is friendly, highly professional and communicates well with their customers. Services are provided in a timely, efficient manner with no complaints. Additionally they manage to do everything at a cost which is slightly below the other two facilities.

In the above scenario which facility is likely to get the most business and why? Which facility would YOU go to and why?

That is the free market system at work. The facility offering the best combination of customer service and satisfaction for the best price will earn the most customers and thus... the most income. The others will either have to improve their customer service and become competitive or they will eventually go out of business. (or be bought up by Hospital C so that facility can expand its already popular services to more people in more locations)

Competition for customers and their dollars drives businesses to become better at what they do and challenges them to do it more efficiently than the other guy. Together those two things drive innovation and that makes everyone better in the long run.  The bad apples will weed themselves out as the people won't do business with them.

If you check back through history the intrusion of government, via regulations, was what initiated the rise in cost of medical care and the gradual decline in effectiveness of service. The more government intruded into the business of health the worst and more expensive it became...... until the government pointed it's boney finger at the industry and told them they had to have even MORE government intervention. If some government intrusion made it bad how is more government going to make it better? It's not.  

The cost of health care continued to grow because hospitals had to employ more and more people who were NOT medical professionals and who provided NO medical services or support. Now all hospitals have to have entire wings employing dozens and dozens of people devoted to NOTHING but "government compliance,." Tens of thousands of pages of rules and regulations mandated by government...... and a government that is ready and willing to sue a hospital out of business for failure to comply with any one of those rules and regulations. As Ronald Reagan said so very well all those years ago..... "Government isn't the solution.... government is the problem!"

Now then.... fast forward to today. One party is throwing a temper tantrum that would make my 6 years old grandchildren embarrassed..... and is shutting down all sorts of things for the purpose of inflicting as much pain and inconvenience as possible on the general population. They have gone as far as hiring additional people to erect barriers around PUBLIC MONUMENTS which stand on an open air mall so as to keep THE PEOPLE away from THE PEOPLES monuments and sacred places! That is so far beyond childish that it has ceased to be funny.

And here is the point....... if we have a government that will go so far as to try to close an OCEAN....... keep the greatest generation from visiting THEIR war memorial....... throw elderly people out of their homes..... and all the other stupid childish stuff they are doing........ would they not also shut down hospitals if THEY were in complete control of them??? Is there a lower limit to how infantile they would act to get their way even when that is clearly against the will of the people?? 

As with almost everything else.... the less government intrusion there is in our lives and our businesses.... the better things are for all of us.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Problems on the Right

The problem on the right is threefold. Number one. We are constantly being wrongfully maligned by the fifth column liberal media. The DNC might as well just put the majority of the media under its wing because they are a wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party
Number two. There is NO leadership in the republican party. Right now one of the most junior Senators, Ted Cruz, is demonstrating more leadership THAN the leadership! Without cohesive leadership the people don't get the representation we voted for..... our voices fall on deaf ears.

And Number three. Republicans and democrats have two different visions for America..... one Constitutional and one socialist at best and dictatorial communist at worst. Yet.... when liberals propose legislation to take us farther down their road to destruction all the right does is offer up their version which 1) indicates passive agreement and 2) does nothing to advance what should be THEIR agenda. How about WE advance OUR ideas for a change? What is wrong with looking at liberal legislation and saying: "NO!" That is what opposition parties do! They oppose. The left never misses a chance to say NO to us, do they?

Consider today's headlines. The Republicans have offered multiple funding resolutions keeping 100% of government operational but not providing one cent for ObamaCare. The left from the president all the way down the line as screamed NO! Yet WE caused the shut down? We are to blame? By what twisted logic does that happen?

The president said he won't negotiate. Harry Reid said HE won't negotiate..... yet we're supposed to???? With whom? If we give them 99% of what they want haven't we given enough? In their minds.... no. WE must surrender our principles. Our congressmen must shirk their responsibilities to represent the people who elected them. We must cave to the will of the liberals..... not just this time... but EVERY time. NO!

The majority of republicans in Washington wrongly assume (after their indoctrination briefing) that they are there to forge alliances, be nice, not make waves and pass lots of legislation. WRONG! They are there to REPRESENT US! Heck.... the majority of them are even CALLED representatives and they still can't figure out why they are supposed to be there and what they are supposed to be doing!

There needs to be a movement to repeal the 17th amendment and return the appointment of Senators to the states as the Constitution set forth originally. Our bicameral form of governance was established for very specific reasons. The House was created as the body which represents the population at large. That is where the voice of the people is heard. The Senate was established to represent the rights of the States in legislative matters which affect them. (and the majority do)

For example.... ObamaCare. The MAJORITY of the states are refusing to establish the "Exchanges" that ObamaCare mandates. Why? Because the operational costs were unconstitutionally thrust upon the states without their consent! States don't have a FED..... States can't fire up the presses and create money from thin air like the federal government can. States have to operate within a budget. (Something Obama has either never submitted or failed to submit by the Constitutionally mandated time since assuming office)

Thus one of the first designs of ObamaCare is to bankrupt the states. Question. IF Senators were appointed by the states as their representatives in Congress.... do you honestly think that the law would have seen the light of day? How many states would honestly instruct THEIR REPRESENTATIVE to vote in favor of a piece of legislation that would, by design, bankrupt the state? NONE! Why do we have a 17th amendment? Totally Progressive idea. Sold as giving the people a bigger voice in government. How's that working out? 62% of America was against ObamaCare before it was signed into law. Dang sure doesn't look like our voices are being heard at all, does it?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to destroy a nation - Part Two

Part One was posted some time ago and a variety of things came up which derailed my thinking. Since the weather is a bit nasty outside today let me take this opportunity to get back on this important subject. We'll begin with a piece of critical information our current president came into contact with while at Columbia University. Bear in mind he was already a student of Saul Alinski and his "Rules for Radicals" book. Bear in mind that his supposed father and his mother were both communist sympathizers. That being said let's consider the following: 

"Cloward and Piven taught that America could be destroyed only from within. Only by overwhelming the system with debt, welfare and entitlements could capitalism and the American economy be destroyed. So the plan was to make a majority of Americans dependent on welfare, food stamps, disability, unemployment and entitlements of all kinds. Then, under the weight of the debt, the system would implode and the economy collapse, bankrupting business owners (i.e., conservative donors). Americans would be brought to their knees, begging for big government to save them. Voilà! You’d have a new system: a system based on fairness, equality and social justice. It’s called socialism."

The obvious question at this point would be: "Is or isn't the sitting president following the Cloward and Piven plan?"  The evidence seems to indicate that he is following it to the letter! Consider the following:

" Federal welfare spending has grown by 32 percent over the past four years, fattened by President Obama’s stimulus spending and swelled by a growing number of Americans whose recession-depleted incomes now qualify them for public assistance, according to numbers released Thursday. Federal spending on more than 80 low-income assistance programs reached $746 billion in 2011, and state spending on those programs brought the total to $1.03 trillion, according to figures from the Congressional Research Service and the Senate Budget Committee.
That makes welfare the single biggest chunk of federal spending — topping Social Security and basic defense spending.

Now if you can read that and fail to see a connection indicating this president appears to be steering the ship of state straight at the reef of destruction..... and at full speed.... then you might be a candidate for an optometrist visit. Under Obama, 660,000 Americans dropped off the job rolls… just last month. Ninety million working-age, able-bodied Americans are no longer in the workforce. Almost 50 million Americans are on food stamps (20 percent of all eligible adults). Fourteen million are on disability. Cloward and Piven said that swelling the welfare and entitlement rolls had to be done to bring down America. Is there ANY doubt this president is not accomplishing that task?

That pair further stated that it would be necessary to "overwhelm the system with debt" to hasten the collapse of America. Obama promised to cut the national debt IN HALF by the end of his first term. Enough people bought the smoke and mirrors to get this person elected...... in spite of the fact that the democrat party failed to certify that he was even eligible to run for office! Be that as it may..... has this president kept his promise? No way in hell. Let's take a look, shall we?

"Less than two months into President Obama's second term, new numbers show the national debt increased by more than $6 trillion since he took office.It's the largest increase to date under any U.S. president. During the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush, the debt only rose by $4.9 trillion. Without fanfare, the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department quietly posted its daily debt report showing the total public debt of the U.S. government topped $16.687 trillion. (To be exact: $16,687,289,180,215.37) On January 20, 2009, the day Mr. Obama took office, the debt stood at $10.626 trillion. The latest posting reflects an increase of over $6 trillion.
The dubious fiscal milestone came on same day as Mr. Obama and congressional leaders met to discuss the $85 billion in automatic indiscriminate spending cuts that start to take effect today."

(The above from CBS news.... believe it or not) 

So! Let's review, shall we? "Only by overwhelming the system with debt, welfare and entitlements could capitalism and the American economy be destroyed." National debt up by over 6 TRILLION dollars since Obama was anointed. I'd have to say he rates a solid check mark for accomplishing part one of that plan. The Federal government's own internal numbers show the rocketing increase in welfare, food stamps, disability and other entitlement programs. I'd have to give the president another check mark for accomplishing that part of the plan too. 

By the way..... how many of you are aware that our government advertises the food stamp (SNAP) program in the country of Mexico? Shocked? Don't be. They are not "Illegal Aliens" to the left.... they are undocumented future democrat voters. Rational? The more people you have clamoring for "free stuff" from the federal government the faster the national collapse..... which is the end game goal. While  it seems cruel to "use" the citizens of another nation this way.... tempting them to come to America to help your party destroy the nation..... remember this simple fact: They can return to their home in Mexico when America collapses! To which country can YOU escape?

Mr. Obama can stand before the American people, lie and distort the truth all day and every day. That seems to be the ONLY thing he ever does! He can tell you he's an American and we are wrong to question his patriotism. He can tell you that he is tirelessly working to help the American people. He can tell you that all that he is doing is just trying to make it safer and more fair in America. 

Yes... he can and does say all those things. His RECORD and what he has actually accomplished tell a starkly different story though. You just have to decide which to believe. The lies.... or the truth. One will set you free.... the other will imprison you. Your choice..... choose wisely. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lots of Topics

My goodness.... where to begin? Taxes? Got yours done yet? Dang sure better have and if not dang sure better have your extension filed. Keep in mind the Big O' has added 6500 new IRS agents to make sure that we peons haven't got two nickles to rub together. Meanwhile the people who are actually IN government are not only not paying their taxes..... but being given a pass by congress! Just don't try it at home..... there are different rules for the ruling class. 

Boston bombing. Did anyone else notice the knee jerk reaction speed with which "the far right" and "conservatives" got blamed by the media? Yep! All the radical left wing talking heads quickly blamed the sane ones in the nation without one shred of evidence. 

Riddle me this...... if WE are the crazy ones..... is it not correct to assume that a gun show ought to be THE most DANGEROUS place on the entire planet? 

Think about it..... the place is packed with evil conservatives.... "bitter clingers who cling to their religion and guns" when things get scary out. Second they are filled floor to ceiling with every gun (and we ALL know how dangerous THOSE things are) you can possibly imagine..... and enough ammo to wage a small revolution in some third world country. 

In spite of all that condensed evil concentrated in one place..... where are all the horror stories of the mass killings at gun shows? Fact is there are more deaths involving 86 year old female skateboarders each year than in all the gun shows ever held!! Could it be that the radical left wing media is lying to you about how dangerous we and our guns are??? Doesn't take a degree in Rocket Science to figure that one out.... does it?

Global warming is back in the news again in two ways. The first is the complete lack of evidence that it's even happening and the second is John Kerry (who served in Vietnam by the way) telling our good friends the Chi-Coms that America is the root cause of it and by golly we're going to bankrupt and ruin our nation to fix it! (Which saves the Chi-Coms a LOT of trouble because now they can just sit back and wait for us to implode due to Liberal stupidity and then move in and take over

On the first point there are some honest scientists (yes... they do exist) who have re-examined the previous data and found them seriously flawed. In putting together a more honest collection of data they could find no evidence at all of the alleged warming trend. This infuriated the head-up-ass bunch which quickly claimed that global warming WAS real..... it's just that all the heat is somehow being trapped deep in the ocean where it still has the potential to someday heat up the planet!  The same group also believes that pigs DO have the potential to's just that for now birds are the only ones with wings. (and you'll recall that not all birds are capable of flight)

In doing my own research on warming though I do have to admit that I have indeed noticed a definite upwards trend in the temperatures lately. Granted there are occasional dips when the temperatures cool somewhat.... but overall my observations do seem to indicate a warming trend. OH! Wait..... That's summer coming like it does every year...... never mind. 

I also noticed that the Big O',  while screaming that the "rich" have to pay their fair share, only paid 18% himself in taxes. Oh come on now Berry! You're worth well over 10 million dollars, son. 18% is the best you can do? Brother, please! I think it's time to start including Government perks as income for tax purposes. Free house..... staff...... big planes and crews..... all those free golf trips... gotta be worth a LOT of money!  TAX the sucker! (Nothing personal, Berry..... just trying to be fair is all. You DO believe in playing fair..... right? Spread the wealth around and all that?) 

Virgin Galactic got one step closer to actual private manned space flight last week with a "cold flow" test of the space crafts main engine. At altitude the pilot "fired" the main engine but it was only filled with half of the two part fuel mixture.... so no ignition took place. It did, however, confirm that all the necessary components functioned as designed while in flight. Full power tests coming soon. Once certified the first paying customers get to rocket to space aboard a private space craft. 2001.... A Space Odyssey..... here we come! 

In other news the State Controlled Media failed to properly mention.... the Big O' is busy selling F-16's to the Muslim Brotherhood! He calls it Egypt but since Egypt is controlled by the terrorists it's all the same thing. I've been racking my brain and for the life of me I just can't think of a single thing that a bunch of Muslim terrorists...... located right next door to the Jewish State of Israel...... could possibly do that would be wrong with a bunch of F-16's....... can you? Yeah... I thought not.

Meanwhile.... back on gun control....that stellar figure of towering intellect..... Shelia Jackson Lee...... made the statement that we are NOT to blame the gangbangers...... when it's the guns that are the cause of the violence. NO! Really.... she said that! Then again this is the same woman..... chair of the Science Committee.... who asked if the Mars rovers were scheduled to make a trip to where the astronauts planted the flag. Yes people of California..... this woman represents YOU! Makes you proud I'm sure. I don't think we even have to ask if she's smarter than a 5th grader..... do we? 

And as a parting thought..... the BIG O' gets elected (somehow) and since then the suicide rate in America has gone through the roof! More soldiers are killing themselves than are being killed by the enemy in war!! Anyone else care to wager that the State Controlled Media will absolutely never try for linkage between those two items while someone with a "D" after their name occupies the White House?  And speaking of the occupant..... a person who works (or did before spilling the beans) at the vital records department in Hawaii said that it's common knowledge there that NO RECORD exists which shows B.H.O. ever being born in that state. Of course you saw the media covering that one wall to wall.... right? Yeah.... me neither.