Monday, October 19, 2009

No surprise to me!

Even though I've not posted in a while those who have read past articles should have seen the latest White House attack coming a mile away. Yep... the White House is going after the media. Seems that that old pesky "freedom of the press" part of the Bill of Rights (See 1st amendment) is becoming a problem for a certain very liberal President and his band of cronies.

Now if you happen to be one of the vast majority of media outlets you have absolutely nothing to fear from this latest unhinged attack cycle. Nope! Just keep taking dictation and dutifully parroting everything you're told by the White House and you're home free.... favored even! BUT! If you commit the unforgivable SIN of actually reporting both sides of an issue.... WELL! THAT kind of irresponsible journalism just will not be tolerated. Not by THIS White House!

In a previous time Napoleon Bonaparte said: "I fear the newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets." Why would that be? Because honestly researched well documented unbiased reporting CAN do a lot of damage IF you have something to hide. Does Obama have anything to hide?

Hell.... you tell me! I haven't seen his birth certificate, kindergarten records, elementary school records, high school records, college transcripts, college essays or any of a number of other important documents. Why? Well he's got a small army of high paid lawyers running around the country and the world making *sure* that facts about his past STAY buried. And now that he's President.... he's got the DOJ to sic on anyone who files a freedom of information petition to get such information.

So who has the pleasure of being in the White House cross hairs? FOX News, of course! Do you realize the evil they are doing? They have the unmitigated gall to actually give us BOTH sides of an issue and let US make up our own minds about what we should think about that. Oh the HORROR!

Hell... every liberal knows US citizens are dumber than a mud fence. How could such a collection of rubes be expected to absorb facts and make decisions? Clearly, in their lofty opinion, what we need is what main stream media gives us. Pre-digested government talking points and clear instruction on what we should think and feel about the subject. Oddly enough these very same liberals think it fair to fine us and punish us when we *don't* understand the 17,000 page Federal Tax Code! Am I the only one to see a disconnect here?

Ive been telling you for years now that liberalism is communism lite. Are you coming around yet? If the steps of controlling the masses the communist manifesto teaches aren't enough for you then grab a copy of Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals" and give that a read. Identify the enemy, isolate them, ridicule them, marginalize them, ignore them. Right now the White House has checked off all those steps in order... except the last one.

And, of course, they are right to want to ignore FOX news. After all... if you were that bunch... would *you* want to face REAL reporters asking unscripted tough questions? Hell no! Much safer to go on ABC, CBS, NBC MSNBC, CNN, PBS or any of the other left wing media outlets and pretend to answer the questions that you sent to them before hand. This makes you look good and ensures that your message gets out.... and ONLY your message. Liberal government is like a Mobius strip..... it presents only one side. We living in the real world, however, know that there are two sides to every issue.

Now the leftists have managed to take over 99% of the media. Good for them. Want an easy job? Become a "reporter" for any left wing media outlet. Simply take a look at the New York Times.... that tells you what the hot topics are for the daily news cycle. Then pick an issue.... refer to the Times article to give you efforts credibility.... and then use your own words to tell us what they said in their article. Presto! You're a highly paid, well respected member of the media.

But what about that last 1%? Well... they are reviled by the elite in the media. They don't get their talking points from the White House and don't check with the NYT before reporting on a story. They ask the questions you and I would ask... the old "who, what, why, when, where and how" that *used* to be the mainstay of journalism. (prior to the liberal takeover) Facts matter more than talking points and if the facts lead down a path no one else it following... so be it. The fact that the White House can't deal with a point of view that differs from theirs is very telling. Why do they FEAR the truth?

I report.... YOU decide......

Ready for MORE government in your life? Try reading up on the "Internet Neutrality Act" they will be debating next!

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