Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Ostrich or Prairie Dog?

Okay..... so what's up with the title? It is simply a left handed way or asking a question. Are you the type of person who ignores the facts and buries their head in the sand like an Ostrich..... or are you alert to danger.... aware of what is going on in the world..... and ready to take action to protect not only yourself but others? Which are you?

If you have been paying attention you may have noticed that the world is not exactly a peaceful place these days. We have our liberal friends to thank for that. Way back when we were tinkering around with nuclear weapons on a major scale the term M.A.D. came into being. That policy really only affected the two super powers but would have had global implications. It involved hardened launch sites for the missiles of nuclear strike arm of both countries. In the event of a surprise attack by either side it meant that enough weapons would survive..... AND be launched... to completely destroy the attacking nation. Thus.... Mutually Assured Destruction became a way of life for decades.

At the same time there was another idea of Liberal making called M.A.E.D. which you have likely not heard of before. It stands for Mutually Assured Economic Destruction and it linked the economies of the world together through a world bank and the International Monetary Fund. This was intended to ensure that the economies of the world remained healthy through mutual linkage. The downside is that should one member economy suffer a catastrophic collapse then that would start a domino effect and drag the rest of the linked economies down with it. As with all things Liberal the intentions were noble but they consistently fail to think things through and the law of unintended consequences always bites them in the ass in the long run.

A couple of years ago in Europe the effects of socialist rule began to demonstrate the poor thinking that always is leftist rule. They try to please everyone at the expense of "the wealthy". As the lyrics of the old song go "Tax the rich.... feed the poor..... till there are.... rich no more." The song, however, fails to take that to the next logical step. That is, of course, now whom do you tax? Where does the money for their grand schemes come from now?

This takes us to Greece. There socialism granted a relatively short work week, extended vacations, unions everywhere offering high wages and loads of benefits, nationalized health care and every other liberal promise of utopia. Like a Ponzi scheme, however, there comes a point beyond which there is not enough money coming in to cover the promised outlay. Government expenses eventually grew beyond the national GDP and the first domino teetered and then fell.

Spain, France, Italy and Ireland experienced similar financial woes and the EU frantically scrounged around for enough Euros to bail everyone out. The government of Greece announced "austerity cuts" to attempt to bring their budget under control. The unions took to the streets in demonstrations and riots to protest having to give up anything. Human nature is that once you *have* something you should be able to keep it forever. No one was willing to give up any of *their* perks to help the government become solvent..... so they took to the streets to riot and burn and destroy their own country. Pretty damn stupid if you ask me.

The old Liberal trick of playing the "rich VS poor" card had worked so very well in the past. Stir up the masses in protest and action against the evil rich. Loot and rob and pillage.... burn and destroy to make things even. In the process the non-thinking masses dance to the puppet masters string pulling and blindly do their bidding...... all the while knocking out the underpinnings of the economy that they need to support themselves. The puppet master doesn't care about the masses and never has. They are just stupid tools used to achieve an end. That end is either power and control or money.

Meanwhile on this side of the big pond the masses are spoon fed a diet of only the weakest information about the problems in Europe. If you'll recall it wasn't all that long ago that we were being told on a daily basis that we had to emulate the European socialist model. They were *so* much more advanced than us in everything! They had shorter work weeks, longer vacations, better health care and smarter laws. They were everything we should be! However now that the failures of that highly touted system are glaringly obvious the same media is highly reluctant to show us all that truth. The mainstream media still hasn't figured out the most basic fact. The truth is neither right nor left...... Liberal or Conservative. It is simply the truth. There is no need to spin it or twist it or shape it. Simply reporting it is enough. They have not yet come to that realization..... or they fear the truth because it exposes all the fabrications which came before.

For those of us who have been paying attention (this excludes all on the left) certain facts have been obvious for years. We have been nudged toward that European model slowly but surly by the leftists in power here. We have been caught up in a spending spree that was largely pointless except that it was a way of buying votes of certain special interest groups. That was done in an attempt to keep a certain ruling elite in power. That same elite has been so focused on gathering and holding onto power that they have flushed everything else down the toilet. It's no longer a case of doing what's best for America...... it's doing whatever it takes to amass and hold onto power!

That political strategy may well end up spelling the beginning of the end for America. Why? Because while we were so busy playing that game in Washington D.C. there was another strategy being played out somewhere else. There the main focus was also on power..... but national power rather than political. The plan there was to do those things necessary to grow and prosper as a nation. Build the infrastructure that would be needed..... train a large and willing workforce looking to better themselves..... secure the natural resources that would be needed in the future to grow as a nation. Acquire the manufacturing technology necessary to compete on a global scale with anyone. That was their goal and they are advancing to the future while we begin our slide into the ash heap of history. One nation passes laws and generates regulations to cripple their access to their own oil and other natural resources while the other nation quietly scoured the planet buying up what they might need 10 to 50 years down the road. America is the nation busy holding itself back while China is forging ahead.

Here in America the mainstream media had been largely successful in breeding their viewers into a herd of ostriches. Like the media which created them they bury their heads in the sand and ignore reality any time it's not convenient for them to face it. Thus they are constantly "surprised" by events which the more informed of us saw coming well in advance. That is largely because while they have been so busy rewriting and revising "history" to suit their agenda.... we have been studying history and learning it's lessons.

What happens *every* time a government prints money without anything of value to back it? Kindly study some history and check out the Wiemar Republic...... or Germany just after WWI. Inflation so high workers were paid several times a day..... and it took a wagon full of money to buy a loaf of bread. Money was worth so little that it was cheaper to burn it than to buy fuel oil for heat. Just last month the "Fed" cranked up the printing presses and rolled out 800 BILLION dollars worth of currency..... with absolutely nothing to back it up. The left wants to print more! Our President declares a ban on oil drilling off the gulf coast. Rather than have them idle the production companies quickly lease those production platforms to other countries. As a result even if the ban is lifted tomorrow it will be years and years before we have the equipment again to resume drilling and production. This nation has not built one single oil refinery since the 1960's!!! Not one... all because of the leftists and their law suits.

Unions have driven two out of three major car companies into failure and a government bail out. Unions have also lowered the quality of education in America and are on the threshold of bankrupting several states with their pension plan demands. The cost of all these various factors is still below the national GDP but we are loosing ground fast. We have become a debtor nation and the country holding the purse strings now...... is China. If China decides to call on us to pay them what we owe then we are truly screwed. The entire GDP of the nation won't even put a dent it that debt. The old saying is that when you find yourself in a hole..... QUIT DIGGING!! Unfortunately most in Washington are politicians first and thinkers last. We're flat broke and they keep spending our grandchildren's future.

Now... to the little prairie dog. Prairie dogs live in villages. They live and work together and they take care of each other. Since they are so small they can be prey for fox, and coyote as well as hawk, falcon and owl. Knowing this they take turns standing watch over the village and sound an alarm if danger appears. During the warm months they gather more than they will need to survive because they know that leaner times are ahead. They store food in burrows for the winter.

Basically...... you can be an ostrich or a prairie dog. Stick your head in the sand and pretend that everything is just fine..... even while a lion is getting ready to eat your ass..... OR you can be more like the prairie dog. Keep your eyes wide open and watch for the dangers ahead. Gather not only what you need for today..... but put something away for the leaner times ahead. Band together with others and prepare because having a plan allows you to remain calm while others panic. Educate yourself and your children and grandchildren on the truth of this nation and it's founders. In the beginning America was a grand experiment..... the first of it's kind. Before there were always kings and emperors who ruled us as they saw fit. For the first time in history a people threw off the yoke of serfdom and elected to rule themselves rather than be ruled. The founders gave us the tools to be successful IF we would simply follow their lead.

As the constitutional convention was drawing to a close Ben Franklin was approached on the street by a woman who asked..... "Mr. Franklin..... what have you given us?" He replied... "A Republic madame..... if you can keep it." Those words are as true today as they were then. This grand experiment is ours to keep..... or to loose..... the choice is ours.

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