Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lots of Topics

My goodness.... where to begin? Taxes? Got yours done yet? Dang sure better have and if not dang sure better have your extension filed. Keep in mind the Big O' has added 6500 new IRS agents to make sure that we peons haven't got two nickles to rub together. Meanwhile the people who are actually IN government are not only not paying their taxes..... but being given a pass by congress! Just don't try it at home..... there are different rules for the ruling class. 

Boston bombing. Did anyone else notice the knee jerk reaction speed with which "the far right" and "conservatives" got blamed by the media? Yep! All the radical left wing talking heads quickly blamed the sane ones in the nation without one shred of evidence. 

Riddle me this...... if WE are the crazy ones..... is it not correct to assume that a gun show ought to be THE most DANGEROUS place on the entire planet? 

Think about it..... the place is packed with evil conservatives.... "bitter clingers who cling to their religion and guns" when things get scary out. Second they are filled floor to ceiling with every gun (and we ALL know how dangerous THOSE things are) you can possibly imagine..... and enough ammo to wage a small revolution in some third world country. 

In spite of all that condensed evil concentrated in one place..... where are all the horror stories of the mass killings at gun shows? Fact is there are more deaths involving 86 year old female skateboarders each year than in all the gun shows ever held!! Could it be that the radical left wing media is lying to you about how dangerous we and our guns are??? Doesn't take a degree in Rocket Science to figure that one out.... does it?

Global warming is back in the news again in two ways. The first is the complete lack of evidence that it's even happening and the second is John Kerry (who served in Vietnam by the way) telling our good friends the Chi-Coms that America is the root cause of it and by golly we're going to bankrupt and ruin our nation to fix it! (Which saves the Chi-Coms a LOT of trouble because now they can just sit back and wait for us to implode due to Liberal stupidity and then move in and take over

On the first point there are some honest scientists (yes... they do exist) who have re-examined the previous data and found them seriously flawed. In putting together a more honest collection of data they could find no evidence at all of the alleged warming trend. This infuriated the head-up-ass bunch which quickly claimed that global warming WAS real..... it's just that all the heat is somehow being trapped deep in the ocean where it still has the potential to someday heat up the planet!  The same group also believes that pigs DO have the potential to's just that for now birds are the only ones with wings. (and you'll recall that not all birds are capable of flight)

In doing my own research on warming though I do have to admit that I have indeed noticed a definite upwards trend in the temperatures lately. Granted there are occasional dips when the temperatures cool somewhat.... but overall my observations do seem to indicate a warming trend. OH! Wait..... That's summer coming like it does every year...... never mind. 

I also noticed that the Big O',  while screaming that the "rich" have to pay their fair share, only paid 18% himself in taxes. Oh come on now Berry! You're worth well over 10 million dollars, son. 18% is the best you can do? Brother, please! I think it's time to start including Government perks as income for tax purposes. Free house..... staff...... big planes and crews..... all those free golf trips... gotta be worth a LOT of money!  TAX the sucker! (Nothing personal, Berry..... just trying to be fair is all. You DO believe in playing fair..... right? Spread the wealth around and all that?) 

Virgin Galactic got one step closer to actual private manned space flight last week with a "cold flow" test of the space crafts main engine. At altitude the pilot "fired" the main engine but it was only filled with half of the two part fuel mixture.... so no ignition took place. It did, however, confirm that all the necessary components functioned as designed while in flight. Full power tests coming soon. Once certified the first paying customers get to rocket to space aboard a private space craft. 2001.... A Space Odyssey..... here we come! 

In other news the State Controlled Media failed to properly mention.... the Big O' is busy selling F-16's to the Muslim Brotherhood! He calls it Egypt but since Egypt is controlled by the terrorists it's all the same thing. I've been racking my brain and for the life of me I just can't think of a single thing that a bunch of Muslim terrorists...... located right next door to the Jewish State of Israel...... could possibly do that would be wrong with a bunch of F-16's....... can you? Yeah... I thought not.

Meanwhile.... back on gun control....that stellar figure of towering intellect..... Shelia Jackson Lee...... made the statement that we are NOT to blame the gangbangers...... when it's the guns that are the cause of the violence. NO! Really.... she said that! Then again this is the same woman..... chair of the Science Committee.... who asked if the Mars rovers were scheduled to make a trip to where the astronauts planted the flag. Yes people of California..... this woman represents YOU! Makes you proud I'm sure. I don't think we even have to ask if she's smarter than a 5th grader..... do we? 

And as a parting thought..... the BIG O' gets elected (somehow) and since then the suicide rate in America has gone through the roof! More soldiers are killing themselves than are being killed by the enemy in war!! Anyone else care to wager that the State Controlled Media will absolutely never try for linkage between those two items while someone with a "D" after their name occupies the White House?  And speaking of the occupant..... a person who works (or did before spilling the beans) at the vital records department in Hawaii said that it's common knowledge there that NO RECORD exists which shows B.H.O. ever being born in that state. Of course you saw the media covering that one wall to wall.... right? Yeah.... me neither. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this great post.Its very helpful for me.

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